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Anahata Chakra - Please do not react!

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shriadishakti , " Manoj " <map5166@r...> wrote:


> Dear Shri Jagbir Singhji,


> In http://www.adishakti.org/subtle_system/anahat_chakra.htm , the

following has been written in case of Anahata Chakra :-




> Using the body as an instrument of athletic display fatigues the

Heart centre. Excessive athletic competition simply develops into an

ego-oriented thing, with no real gain at the end of it. In a similar

way modern Hatha yoga is a form of athleticism which has no

correlation with the Spirit, and this too can harm the centre.

Unfortunately today Hatha yoga is mistaken for spirituality and

people spend hours doing all kinds of asanas (positions). By

standing on our heads (or wearing white/saffron robes or being

vegetarian or whatever) we are not going to know the Almighty



> Kindly clarify the following :-


> 1) Should a Sahaja Yogi completely avoid exercising since this

can affect one's anahata chakra? If yes, then can a person

undertake basic exercises like jogging, running, walking for health,

suryanamaskar and uthak-baithak? Will this also affect a Sahaja

Yogi in any manner?

> 2) Can a Sahaja Yogi eat non-vegetarian food or should he

completely be a vegetarian and avoid even onion and garlic, since

the body is after all a temple wherein various deities reside and

eating non-veg is like dumping dead living creatures (God's

creations) into your sacred system and polluting it.


> Kindly clarify.


> Regards,

> Manoj Pisharoti



Dear Manojji,


i found this Hatha Yoga topic on the internet (www.abhidhyan.org):


" In our times, when we speak about yoga, we usually mean physical

yoga exercises or asanas. But this is only a small part of tantra

yoga—practical, scientific teaching, the aim of which is

spiritual growth. The word yoga, as well as the word religion, means

the union of the human soul with the Universal Soul, i.e., the union

of human being with God. Although yoga is a product of Indian

civilization and has influenced all religions of that land, it is a

practical spiritual science that does not belong to any particular

region or religion. It brings positive results independent of your

belief in its efficacy. We can confidently state that yoga is the

technology of ecstasy.


Although the aim of yoga is spiritual perfection, it encourages a

balanced, all-around development of human potential. We should use

all the resources given to us for effective spiritual growth.

Therefore, yoga contains in itself specific teachings that lead to

bodily health and emotional well-being; it assuredly leads to

intellectual, creative, intuitive and spiritual unfoldment. The yogi

is a practical person. Therefore he does not consider his body an

obstacle or a burden, a jail for his soul, which can be, even should

be, neglected or rejected. Just the opposite, for a yogi the body is

a temple of the Spirit, a temple which should be scrupulously

maintained because, sooner or later, it will host the long-awaited

Guest. So, as you might already suspect, this time we shall talk

about one of the most important aspects of the spiritual path—

physical yoga.


Hatha yoga is mostly yoga that prepares the body for the spiritual

path via physical and breathing exercises, and asceticism. Hatha

yoga is the most superficial component of yoga, the one that is

preoccupied merely with the means to the means. It prepares and

conditions the body so that the mind can practice meditation more or

less without obstacles. Hatha yoga, as a main rather than an

accessory practice, is quite a tiresome and roundabout way to

enlightenment. Most yogis in India do not pay too much attention to

it, and frequently completely ignore it. They think, why perfect the

body if it is already working well?


The main component of hatha yoga, which has a special application to

the spiritual path, and which we will discuss in more detail, is

yoga postures, or, in Sanskrit, asanas. The word asana means

comfortable, stable pose. Asanas are exercises of a special kind.

The form that they have taken is the result of a thousand years of

experience: trial and error, experiments, and scrupulous

observation. The yogis have discovered that certain positions of the

body can give human beings qualities that they do not have or that

are in deficit. Asanas are usually named in honor of their inventors

(Matsyendra), certain bodily structures (a triangle), tools (a

plow), birds (a peacock), or animals (a lion, e.g.) and reflect

physical or psychological effects that these asanas have on a

person. For instance, a snake pose makes the spine flexible; a frog

pose helps the body to conserve energy and use much less food and

water (like during hibernation); an action pose develops emotional

and physical energy.


Yoga postures should not be confused with mere exercise,

calisthenics, which help strengthen and develop muscles. Asanas are

special positions of the body that strengthen, purify and balance

the endocrine, nervous and circulatory systems. While asanas are

rarely prescribed to treat illnesses, they surely have healing

properties and definitely prevent diseases. Many healers use asanas

and other hatha yoga methods to effectively treat chronic illnesses

and emotional disorders. If you practice asanas regularly, your body

will gradually achieve greater endurance, your spine will become

more flexible, your body will come to its natural weight and rid

itself of toxins, you will breathe more easily, you will gain

energy, your circulation will improve, your blood pressure will

normalize, you will have an easier time coping with stress, and you

will have more pleasant thoughts and fewer negative emotions. And

considering all this, your overall mood will improve—in other

words, you will gain vibrant physical and emotional health.


The main application of asanas is the resolution of problems that

appear on the path of meditation. Most of us, especially when we

begin meditation practice, become surprised to what extent the mind

is restless, unstable and full of various thoughts and desires.

Emotions of anger, fear, hate and their derivatives torture us,

while emotions of enchantment, infatuation and attachment (so-called

love) and their derivatives delight us. Both kinds of emotions do

not allow us to enter deep meditative states. Such mental

disturbance happens due to the effect of mental modifications

(vritti), which are trying to find external expression through the

sensory organs and the nervous system (indriya), and therefore

creating emotional confusion. Since vrittis are derivatives of

endocrine glands, if you can regulate their (hormonal) secretions

through asanas and other special yogic techniques, you will be able

to regulate and control the emotions and the mind. Asanas squeeze

and stretch glands, and thus invigorate and balance their

secretions. As a result, endocrine defects are cured, and emotional

and mental difficulties caused by these defects gradually disappear,

without much effort and frustration on your part. Gradually the mind

becomes calm and focused, i.e., ready for deep meditation.


Sooner or later an advanced sadhaka (spiritual aspirant or

meditator) will experience an awakening of his or her usually

dormant spiritual power (kundalini). This is the result of many

years of conscientious meditation practice, and calls for major

changes in the body and mind. The body needs to become stronger and

more enduring, while at the same time capable of being more

sensitive, aware and open, so that it will be able to tolerate both

powerful and subtle currents of spiritual energy which are produced

or released by meditation. Regular practice of certain asanas and

other hatha yoga techniques helps maintain inner and outer vigor and

purity that is necessary at such an advanced stage of spiritual



Practicing physical yoga is not difficult. By definition, asanas are

bodily positions that are easy to hold comfortably. Asanas that are

correctly prescribed for your specific constitution by an

experienced (and well-trained) teacher should be easy and pleasant

to practice. Regular practice will help you control your emotions

and thus lead a more satisfying life. If you start yoga practice

early in your life, it will dramatically reduce your risk of

developing cancer, diabetes, heart disease and other serious

illnesses. The body readily responds to yoga postures. They are

simple and should take only a few minutes a day. The reward,

however, much exceeds invested efforts. "





1) Should a Sahaja Yogi completely avoid exercising since this can

affect one's anahata chakra? If yes, then can a person undertake

basic exercises like jogging, running, walking for health,

suryanamaskar and uthak-baithak? Will this also affect a Sahaja Yogi

in any manner?


There is absolutely no basis that exercise should be avoided to

protect one's anahata chakra. Please jog, run, walk, do

suryanamaskar and uthak-baithak (sit-ups) for the rest of your life.

There is nothing like a healthy body enjoying a Sahaja Yoga

lifestyle i.e. living a life of daily bliss and complete faith that

at last, after countless rebirths, we are on Earth with the Adi

Shakti to announce the Last Judgment and finally attain moksa!


Normal exercise will never affect a SY in any way whatsoever. It is

the extreme sports or activities that should be avoided. That is

why " excessive athletic competition simply develops into an ego-

oriented thing, with no real gain at the end of it. In a similar way

modern Hatha yoga is a form of athleticism which has no correlation

with the Spirit, and this too can harm the centre. Unfortunately

today Hatha yoga is mistaken for spirituality and people spend hours

doing all kinds of asanas (positions). By standing on our heads (or

wearing white/saffron robes or being vegetarian or whatever) we are

not going to know the Almighty Creator. "


2) Can a Sahaja Yogi eat non-vegetarian food or should he completely

be a vegetarian and avoid even onion and garlic, since the body is

after all a temple wherein various deities reside and eating non-veg

is like dumping dead living creatures (God's creations) into your

sacred system and polluting it.


Manoj, i have found the Sanatanna Dharma to be plagued by two

terrible lies that have greatly harmed this awesome eternal religion:


1) idol-worship

2) vegetarianism


There is not a single sentence in the entire collection of Vedas,

Puranas, Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita, Srimad Bhagavatam etc. that

supports either idol-worship or vegetarianism. NOT A SINGLE SENTENCE!

Yet more than a billion Hindus dogmatically refuse to reject these

adharmic practices.




According to the Encyclopaedia Britannica " Though there is no

mention of image-worship in the Rgveda, the Shivite traditions

represent the tampered form of the Vedic doctrines the same way as

non-violence has become the basic principle of the modern Hinduism

though the Vedas and Gita prescribe fighting for a righteous cause

and declare it the greatest honour for a true Hindu. "


Let me quote a letter i wrote (and answer) requesting idol-worship

related information, after having exhausted months of consulting

scriptures and priests regarding this repulsive practise strongly

condemned, and rightly so, by all other religions.




" Jagbir Singh <jagbir

A. Palaniswami <palani

Worship of Murtis


Thursday, February 11, 1999 9:32 AM


Dear Palaniswami,




We would be grateful if you could provide us with specific quotes

from Hindu scriptures related to the worship of murtis. This is a

controversial issue among non-Hindus, and so far we have been unable

to find Vedic scripture that support it. Perhaps you and your

associates will be able to provide us with precise texts to back

this practise. Thank you and have a blissful Shivaratri Puja.

OM! Shanti!


jagbir "





" Acharya Ceyonswami <ceyon

jagbir <jagbir


worship of murthis


Saturday, February 20, 1999 6:54 PM

Reply to: worship of murthis


" Namaste Jagbir,


Prostrations to Vighna Vinayaga,


There are a great many quotes in the various scriptures of the

different sects of Hinduism referring to the worship of murthis —

the Saiva Agamas, Vaishnava Agamas, and the Shakti agamas, as well

as the ancient Tirumantiram of Tirumular and much more. The

Karanagama, Silparatna and Kasyapa silpa deal in great length the

details of the various murthis. The Pratima Kosha, or Encyclopaedia

of Indian Iconography gives various research on the art form of

icons and how the murthis are to be designed.


However, we don't think it would be worthwhile spending the time

to type up quotes to convince Christians of anything — it

won't matter to them what our scriptures say, as they don't

consider them scripture! We need to stand strong for our Hindu faith

and practices without having to feel defensive to anyone for what we

do. Sanatana Dharma is the fountainhead of all religions and each

practices a certain part of the One Eternal Dharma. One God, One



Om Sivaya,



Ceyonswami "




There is not even a single line in the ancient scriptures of the

Sanatanna Dharma that support idol-worship.


Thus if great learned men use the best Vedic quote, " Come down to

us, Rudra, who art in the high mountains. Come and let the light of

thy face, free from fear and evil, shine upon us. Come to us with

thy love, " and translate it into worship of stone idols we can only

reel in repulsion and disgust. If this is one of the " great many

quotes in the various scriptures of the different sects of Hinduism

referring to the worship of murthis " , then we can only shudder in

silence and utter aversion.


Hindus should remember that they are led to believe that only their

brahmins are empowered to act as middlemen between themselves and

the gods through elaborate rituals and lengthy sacred sequences of

mantras. For millennia ignorant masses have been conditioned that

these temple priests are able to communicate with the mighty deities

represented by stone statues infused with their shaktis (power) in

elaborate rituals only feasible by brahmins.


So what are brahmins without their visible idols? And what are

worshippers without common sense to distinguish between manmade

rituals and scriptural Truth? And how did the followers of the

eternal Sanatana Dharma succumb to such darkness?


The pristine and flawless Vedic scriptures did not contradict at

all. It was the priestly caste that perverted them for their own

power, and maintained it with a plethora of granite gods. And a

billion Hindus remain blind to one of the greatest falsehood

perpetuated in the name of God Almighty. May they learn through Self-

Realization to worship the Eternal Essence of Brahman (God Almighty)

within their own beings than the lifeless idols without, a stain on

the Sanatana Dharma which even the Great Adi Shakti politely



" At the Nirvikalpa state, the Collective Consciousness becomes

subtler and subtler. At that stage you can understand the very deep

significance of things when the Reality starts becoming

clearer. . . . You give him a statue of a deity and ask him all

about this statue — whether it is all right or not. He might say

that it is not alright. You can feel the subtle vibrations, whether

it is in Dharma or otherwise.


Now can we say say that Ashtavinayaka's are living gods? How do you

know Jyotirlingas are living? How will you know unless you know the

integrations of all the great souls together? And how are you going

to judge them? That is why you must get Realization. "


Shri Sastramayi Shri Nirmala Devi

New Delhi, India — February 15, 1977

(Sastramayi [705th]: The content of all Sastras. Here Sastra means

the Vedas, Upanishads and the Puranas. . . Sastramayi also

means " Saraswati, " the Mother of the Vedas and Vedangas and

Upanisads and Kavyas which establish Her.)



" The ultimate act against the Spirit is to worship that which has no

Spirit — gross matter or raksasas. Shri Muhammad inveighed

against both . . . The Atma and its expression is the sole Reality

in the Universe. Identification with anything else causes the heart

to 'catch.' "


Shri Niradhara Shri Nirmala Devi

(Niradhara (132nd): Unsupported, She is the support of the Universe.

She is worshipped by keen meditation unsupported by a physical or

mental image or formulation, i.e., She is pure Consciousness,

unformulated or undifferentiated.)






Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi never told anyone not to eat onions, garlic

and ginger. She has only advised humans to refrain from eating big

animals (red meat), especially cows and pigs, because they may give

Mooladhara problems; and not too much seafood. But She rejects

vegetarianism and ritualistic fasting outright. Humans must eat a

balanced diet and not be conditioned by religious injunctions that

retard mind, body and soul.


The Adi Granth is less sympatethic with such ignorant vegetarians

(which incidently all yoga schools strictly uphold and condition

those seeking `enlightenment'):



The fools argue about flesh and meat,

but they know nothing about meditation and spiritual wisdom.

What is called meat, and what is called green vegetables? What leads

to sin?

It was the habit of the gods to kill the rhinoceros, and make a

feast of the burnt offering.

Those who renounce meat, and hold their noses when sitting near it,

devour men at night.

They practice hypocrisy, and make a show before other people,

But they do not understand anything about meditation or spiritual


O Nanak, what can be said to the blind people? They cannot answer,

or even understand what is said.

They alone are blind, who act blindly. They have no eyes in their


They are produced from the blood of their mothers and fathers, but

they do not eat fish or meat.

But when men and women meet in the night, they come together in the


In the flesh we are conceived, and in the flesh we are born; we are

vessels of flesh.

You know nothing of spiritual wisdom and meditation, even though you

call yourself clever, O religious scholar.

O master, you believe that flesh on the outside is bad, but the

flesh of those in your own home is good.

All beings and creatures are flesh; the soul has taken up its home

in the flesh.

They eat the uneatable; they reject and abandon what they could eat.

They have a teacher who is blind. In the flesh we are conceived, and

in the flesh we are born; We are vessels of flesh.

You know nothing of spiritual wisdom and meditation, even though you

call yourself clever, O religious scholar.

Meat is allowed in the Puraanas, meat is allowed in the Bible and

the Koran.

Throughout the four ages, meat has been used. It is featured in

sacred feasts and marriage festivities;

Meat is used in them. Women, men, kings and emperors originate from



Adi Granth, First Mehl, p. 1290



Yes Manoj, it is true that " the body is after all a temple wherein

various deities reside " , and myself was of similar opinion until i

learnt a lesson. Again it is written in the third-party:



When Kash confirmed the strictly vegetarian diet of the deities in

the Sahasrara, his father made a major decision that the family be

vegetarians. Everyone naturally rejected this proposal by remaining

silent, but the father went straight ahead and imposed a meat ban.

As far as he was concerned if the deities of the Adi Shakti do not

consume meat so should the family.


However, the Great Primordial Goddess Shri Lalita Devi told Kash

during meditation that there should be no vegetarianism as it was

against normal human development. This Revelation was startling,

given the tenacity with which many Hindu and Sikh vegetarians

believe in its soul-saving-moksa-bestowing qualities. It was an

unprecedented statement that went against the deepest convictioms of

contemporary gurus and strictly prohibited in practically all



Since the Great Adi Shakti advised Kash not to be a vegetarian his

father decided to observe vegetarianism only during Pujas. He

justified this by rationalizing that since these were very

auspicious day the family should not 'sin' on these days, a practise

observed by all Hindus. The Great Jagatmata (Universal Mother) did

not say anything and he began feeling like a refined, virtuous being

again. He would still be a life-preserving-karma-enhancing

vegetarian during Her Pujas.


Then the time came to attend another of Her pujas. As the whole

family was getting ready to attend it in Val-David, Quebec, Kash's

father reminded all family members to be vegetarians on this

auspicious occasion, and gave them a small lecture to elicit strict

adherence. The Great Adi Shakti was witnessing a foolish human

rationalizing Revealed Truth and circumventing it with logical

wisdom, just as others had done for millenniums.


Before leaving the whole family meditated. Kash reached his

Sahasrara and bowed to Great Mater Sanctissima (Most Holy Mother).

Again the Great Supreme Goddess informed Kash that no one in the

family should be vegetarian. Shri Mahayogesvaresvari Shri Nirmala

Devi added that already She had decreed that his family should not

be vegetarians. So, why was there another attempt to be otherwise?


Kash then informed his father of Her remarks. He naturally felt

embarrassed by his lack of awareness. If Shri Adi Maa had to correct

this confusion about vegetarianism twice and expressly disallow such

practices even on Her Pujas, then it must be important.


But as far as vegetarianism was concerned, common sense was

definitely not common. The father continued making every Tuesday and

Wednesday as vegetarian days for those at home. Despite Shri

Jagdamba's two clear-cut instructions this vegetarian desire

persisted and he kept following the widespread practise of

vegetarianism on Tuesday among Hindus and Sikhs alike. The Great Adi

Shakti just kept quiet and did not interfere with this deep-seated

desire and avidya — even after more than two years.


It was only in early 1996 that it became increasingly apparent that

being a vegetarian on these two days was in fact a sort of ritual

without logic: he had become a carnivorous being with a vegetarian

streak, a lion with rabbit genes, or in simpler language, just a

plain hypocrite. The fact that not even Shri Krishna and Rama

forbade meat consumption began to disturb the tranquil mind.

Moreover, the teachings of Shri Jesus and Prophet Muhammad never

even had a single word on vegetarianism. Truth had to be universal

and in all scriptures. So what was he trying to prove by being a

vegetarian? There was no answer.


On May 14, 1996, the vegetarianism-on-Tuesdays-and-Wednesdays ritual

was completely given up. It was a relief to be free from a religious

conditioning having no Divine sanction. The silence of the Universal

Mother made sense after more than two years! It is anyone's guess

Manoj, how long it will take Jains, Sikhs, Hindus, Hare Krsna

disciples, satgurus, paramahamsas, swamis, acaryas, swamis, and Yoga

practitioners to give up this absolutely false and human-conjectured



Jai Shri Mataji!



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