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When kundalini is established in sahasrara chakra, that is called yoga, not hatha yoga.

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> "Manoj" <map5166 > Sun Dec 7, 2003 7:31 am> Anahata Chakra>







> > Dear Shri Jagbir Singhji,> > In http://www.adishakti.org/subtle_system/anahat_chakra.htm , the > following has been written in case of Anahata Chakra :-> GROSS PHYSICAL ASPECT> > Using the body as an instrument of athletic display fatigues the Heart > centre. Excessive athletic competition simply develops into an ego-> oriented thing, with no real gain at the end of it. In a similar way modern > Hatha yoga is a form of athleticism which has no correlation with the > Spirit, and this too can harm the centre. Unfortunately today Hatha yoga > is mistaken for spirituality and people spend hours doing all kinds of > asanas (positions). By standing on our heads (or wearing white/saffron > robes or being vegetarian or whatever) we are not going to know the > Almighty Creator.> Dear Manojji,According to www.ashtangayoga.net in order to "purify the mind, it is necessary for the body as a whole to undergo a process of absolute purification. Hatha yoga is known as the science of purification. When you clear the body of impurities, the nadis function and the energy blocks are released. Then the energies move like wave frequencies throughout the channels within the physical structure, and they go right up to the brain. The main objective of hatha yoga is to create an absolute balance of the interacting activities and processes of the physical body, mind and energy. When this balance iscreated, the impulses generated give a call of awakening to the central force (sushumna nadi) which is responsible for the evolution of human consciousness. If hatha yoga is notused for this purpose, its true objective is lost. In order to make the subject clear, it was termed as hatha, i.e. ha and tha yoga, a combination of two

bija mantras. It has been explained in hatha yoga that tha represents prana, the vital life force, and ha represents mind, the mental energy. So hatha yoga means the union of the pranic and mental forces. When union between the pranic and mental forces takes place, then a great event occurs in man. This is the awakening of higher consciousness. Prana shakti, the life force, and manas shakti, the mental force, are the two fundamental creators. Every object in the universe, right from the smallest atoms to the largest stars, is composed of these two shaktis or energies. When they interact with each other, when the interplay of these two shaktis takes place, then creation begins to unfold. All matter in this creation is alive. This is the first point. It is also conscious. This is the second point. Therefore, everything has potential consciousness and everything is alive. In yoga, life and consciousness are known as prakriti and purusha; in

tantra they are known as Shakti and Shiva. In hatha yoga they are called ida and pingala; in taoism, yin and yang, and in physics, matter and energy. They have their own names in different times, in different philosophies. This physical body as it is seen, is the gross perception. If you look at thisbody with psychic eyes, or with the eyes of specialized and sophisticated equipment, perhaps you would understand that it has its own subtle counterpart also. Hatha yoga is the union of prana and mind with the Self. In the spine are three major nadis known as ida, pingala and sushumna. Nadi means flow, like the flow of electricity within a cable. One wire carries the negative force and another carries the positive force of electricity. So in hatha yoga, ida nadi represents the negative force, the flow of consciousness, pingala represents the positive force, the flow of vital energy and sushumna nadi represents the neutral force, the flow of

spiritual energy. The union, the connection between these three flows, occurs in ajna chakra (the eyebrow center). The union between ida, pingala, and sushumna is hatha yoga. When this union takes place there is an instant awakening in mooladhara chakra at the base of the spine. This is the seat of primal energy or kundalini shakti. The awakening of kundalini is the subject matter of hatha yoga. Through the practices that are taught in hatha yoga, union is brought about. As a result of that union, the awakening of kundalini takes place. When awakening occurs, then kundalini ascends to higher realms of consciousness, and finally it is established in sahasrara chakra at the crown of the head. When kundalini is established in sahasrara chakra, that is called yoga, not hatha yoga. This is the difference between yoga and hatha yoga. Yoga means union of Shiva (consciousness) and Shakti (energy). Shakti is kundalini energy; Shiva is the

supreme consciousness seated in sahasrara chakra. When awakening takes place in mooladhara at the base of the spine, then kundalini starts ascending. She ascends through sushumna, not through ida and pingala. Sushumna is the highway for kundalini. It passes through various chakras, sometimes all of a sudden and sometimes very slowly. When it unites with ida and pingala in ajna chakra, that is called hatha yoga. Then, after this first union, it forges ahead to sahasrara chakra. There it unites with the supreme consciousness, Shiva. Thatis called yoga, which means ultimate union. Therefore, the ultimate object of hatha yoga is to experience yoga." The Sahaja Yoga of the Great Adi Shakti Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi begins with instant Kundalini awakening which ascends through various chakras, forges ahead to sahasrara chakra and flows out of the

Brahmarandhra. In today's time-constrained lifestyles this eliminates years of rigorous disciplines like physical postures called asanas, breathing exercises called pranayama, and meditation.


Above are two photographs taken by Horacio Albertolli of Switzerland showing the Kundalini, an aspect of the feminine Holy Spirit which gives spiritual rebirth, flowing from the Mooladhara Chakra out through the Brahmarandhra (Sahasrara Chakra) of three Sahaja Yogis on June 20, 1999 during the Shri Adi Shakti Puja at Canajoharie, New York, USA. Thus when "kundalini is established in sahasrara chakra, that is called yoga, not hatha yoga. This is the difference between yoga and hatha yoga." Sahaja Yoga isthe Maha Yoga that guarantees instant kundalini awakening. This is the difference between Sahaja Yoga and all other yogas taught on


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