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[shriadishakti] Public Program in Kuwait

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Dear Sriramji,Above are two photographs taken by Horacio Albertolli of Switzerland showing the Kundalini, an aspect of the feminine Holy Spirit which gives spiritual rebirth, flowing from the Mooladhara Chakra out through the Brahmarandhra (Sahasrara Chakra) of three Sahaja Yogis on June 20, 1999 during the Shri Adi Shakti Puja at Canajoharie, New York, USA. This flowing of the Kundalini through the Brahmarandhra (Tenth Gate) after self-realizationis the reason Muslims are feeling the Cool Breeze. In the Qur'an there are verses that confirm that the Winds of Resurrection will be felt:

It is Allah who sends forth the Winds so that they raise up the Clouds,And We drive them to a Land that is dead, And revive the earth therewith after its death: Even so (will be) the Resurrection! surah 35:9 Fatir (The Originator of Creation)http://www.adishakti.org/al-qiyamah/winds_of_qiyamah_(fatir).htm

That Day shall We set a seal on their mouths. But their hands will speak to Us, And their feet will bear witness to all that they did.

surah 36: 63-65 Ya Sinhttp://www.adishakti.org/al-qiyamah/your_hands_will_speak_(fussilat).htm

I do call to witness [5809] the Resurrection DayAnd I do call to witness the self-reproaching Spirit. [5810]


surah 75:1-2 Al Qiyamah (The Resurrection)http://www.adishakti.org/al-qiyamah.htm


A common ground must be found for Muslims to confirm the central message of the Quran by presenting them with irrefutable evidence which they can cross-examine and, most important of all, not able to refute. Shri Mataji has done just that and completed Her mission to promulgate, recite and explain the verses in the Qur'an related to Al-Qiyamah (The Resurrection). Now it is the responsibility of SYs to announce Al-Qiyamahto Muslims and non-Muslims alike. If women in hijab can feel the Winds of Qiyamah above their heads it is because the Qur'an talks about the Baptism of Allah:The Baptism of Allah;And who can baptise better than Allah?And it is He whom we worship.

surah 2:138 Al Baqarah (The Heifer)http://www.adishakti.org/self-realization/winds_of_al-qiyamah.htm

The Muslims cannot go against their own Qur'an. There is nothing anyonecan do to stop the Adi Shakti from accomplishing Her mission to announceand commence the Last Judgment and Resurrection.Jai Shri Mataji,jagbir













Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi






"When Kundalini awakening and Self-Realization has occurred, a flow of energy in the form of cool vibrations starts flowing from the hands. This is what is signified in the above passage. Here Prophet Muhammad is talking of the coming Time — Time of Resurrection — which is in fact the present Age of Aquarius or Kundalini Awakening."Shri Gambira Devi

(Gambhira [854th]: Bottomless depth. She is visualised as a bottomless lake in scriptures. ‘Para-bhattarika . . . . . . .maha-hrado jagadvyapi desa-kaladyagocarah. The Ultimate Mother is to be visualized as a great and deep lake of Consciousness uncomprehended by space and time. [siva Sutra 1-23.])















Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi






“The Kundalini, the residual Divine Power, resides in the triangular bone in the base of the spine. It is the germinating Power of the seed of your being. This seed sprouts through Sahaja Yoga. I am like the Gardener who pours some water on the seeds, which He had planted in His garden. At first, only a few flowers come up, but at the Time of the Blossoming the phenomenon of en masse Self-Realization is manifested. This Divine Love that I pour is your own right for this is the culminating point of the human evolution which has been promised in the scriptures."


Shri Mata Devi

(Mata [1 st]: ‘Sacred Mother’—She is a Mother who not only gives every good thing that a loving mother gives to her child but also the Highest Knowledge, the Brahma Vidya to Her devotees.)














Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi






“All religions have promised Inner Silence when you reach the state of Self-Realization, the inner miracle of the subtle awareness and not gross jugglery. The Gita says that you become the witness of the Play of Divine. Many modern thinkers are also talking about the new awareness. We hear of many prophecies made by ancient and modern writers about the evolution of a new race of super human beings of unique awareness. These are no more empty words. Through the discovery of Sahaja Yoga it is possible to achieve the transformation of the human consciousness to higher planes promised by the various


Sri Janma-mrtyu-jara-tapta-jana-visranti-dayani Devi


(Janma-mrtyu-jara-tapta-jana-visranti-dayani (851st): To those devotees who are consumed by the evils of life, death, and old age, She is the harbinger of peace and solace by endowing them with true knowledge of their selves.)















Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi






“So when the Kundalini ascends through the central path — you see the subject is so great that even if I give thousand lectures I cannot cover it, so the thing is I’ll try to cover every point little bit here and there — when the Kundalini ascends, I told you the Cool Breeze starts coming out of your head. So what happens to you? For the first time you feel the Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost!"

Shri Nirisvara DeviUSA — September 16, 1983














Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi






"So today the master within us — within us — is the Spirit. But before Realization, we are not the master because the master has not come in our conscious mind. It is not expressing in our conscious mind, in the sense that we are not empowered. By it’s Powers the Spirit exists; it has its own Powers, but we haven’t felt those Powers within us. Once we feel the Powers of the Spirit we are empowered by our own Powers which are there. The Powers are within us. These are our own Powers. We don’t have to borrow from anyone, ask from anyone. They are within ourselves. The Spirit is within us. Only thing, that Spirit has to give Light in our, in our consciousness. It has to come in our consciousness. In simple medical terminology we can say the Spirit must manifest itself in our central nervous system, in our central nervous system, so that we should

know what we are doing."

Shri Svastha DeviProblems of the Subconscious, U.K. — May 13, 1982







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Public Program in KuwaitTuesday, December 09, 2003












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The Sahaja yogis of Kuwait received an invitation to attend an evening of music and dance with the chance to talk about sahaja yoga, what an opportunity!! The organisers gave us a 10 minute slot on the programme. We were surprised to see that it was being held at such a large venue packed to capacity, approximately 350 people in attendance! As is often the case at such events, things were running late and our slot was cut back to 5 minutes, not brilliant but we surrendered the situation to Shri Mataji.

In the end all got their realisation. It was such a moving sight to see muslim women at the front dressed in their hijab smiling as they were feeling the cool breeze at the top of their heads. It was the 1st opportunity that the local muslim women of Kuwait had the chance to get their realisation.

During the remaining performances we noticed members of the audience continuing to put their hands over their heads checking if they could still feel the cool breeze. We thank Shri Mataji for giving us such a great opportunity to give realisation to the people in kuwait and we pray for many more to come.

Jai Shri Mataji!!!Errol ( Kuwait )








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