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HHSM: You know that I reside in the Sahasrara ... that is why I could break it open also.”

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Dear members,These photographs taken by Horacio Albertolli of Switzerland show the Kundalini, an aspect of the feminine Holy Spirit which gives spiritual rebirth, flowing from the Mooladhara Chakra out through the Brahmarandhra (Sahasrara Chakra) of three Sahaja Yogis on June 20, 1999 during the Shri Adi Shakti Puja at Canajoharie, New York, USA.Perhaps if someone had taken photographs of Shri Mataji opening the Sahasrara Chakra after deep meditation on May 5, 1970, they would have been far more spectacular.jagbir



"As soon as the Sahasrara was opened the whole atmosphere was filled with tremendous Chaitanya. And there was tremendous Light in the sky. And the whole thing came on the Earth — as if a torrential rain or a waterfall — with such tremendous force, as if I was unaware and got stupefied. The happening was so tremendous and so unexpected that I was stunned and totally silent at the grandeur. I saw the Primordial Kundalini rising like a big furnace, and the furnace was very silent but a burning appearance it had, as if you heat up metal, and it had many colors. In the same way, the Kundalini showed up as a furnace, like a tunnel, as you see these plants you have here for coal burning that create electricity. And it stretched like a telescope and came out one after another, Shoo! Shoo! Shoo! Just like that.

And the Deities came and sat on their seats, golden seats, and then they lifted the whole of the head like a big dome and opened it, and then this Torrential Rain complete drenched Me. I started seeing all that and got lost in the Joy. It was like an artist seeing his own creation, and I felt the Joy of great fulfillment.

After coming out of this beautiful experience I looked around and saw human beings so blind and I became absolutely silent, and desired that I should get the cups to fill the Nectar . . .”

Shri Niskala DeviOpening Of The Primordial Sahasrara Sahasrara Puja, Paris, France — May 5, 1982

(Niskala [140th]: Indivisible — Complete)




“Today we are celebrating the opening of the Sahasrara. On this day I must say it was a Great Happening that took place on all the humanity. It was such an achievement, which I never realized before. Now I can see that without Self-Realization it would have been impossible to talk to people. Then this happened! I thought that how I will talk to people about it because no one would understand Me and it would be a big mistake on My part to say something about Sahasrara because even about Sahasrara nowhere in the scriptures something was described. It was absolutely an ambiguous description I would say where people could not even have thought there is a Realm beyond Sahasrara, and

one has to enter that Realm where is the Reality. That time what I saw around Me was darkness and unless and until there are many Lights, people will never realize that how important it is to have Light.” Shri Niskama DeviYou Dissolve Into The Divine Power Adi Shakti Puja, Cabella, Italy — June 9, 1996






“Today is a great day for us, for all the Sahaja Yogis that on this day . . . the Sahasrara was opened out. It was just a miracle I should say because I didn’t think that I am at a point where it could be done. So I wanted to wait but some things happened that made Me think that it had to be opened. It was in such a situation that I felt if I delayed it anymore now it may help these false gurus to spread their nonsense all over.”

Shri Brahmani DeviTo Achieve Complete Freedom, Sahasrara Puja Cabella, Italy — May 7, 1995






“So it was a turmoil . . . and at this turmoil state only Adi Shakti had to come to establish the Dharma . . . When I was born I was shocked at the way people were. At that time I don’t think I met many seekers . . . First I thought I’ve come a little early . . . but then I saw these horrible false gurus also throwing their charms on people and trying to control them. That made Me really, really think that now I’d better stop worrying as to what sort of people there are — let’s start! And that’s how the first Brahmarandhra Chedan took place in India. It was 5th May, 1970 . . . in the morning time.”

Shri Nirvikara DeviIncarnation Of God’s Divine LoveAdi Shakti Puja, Cabella, Italy — June 6, 1993











“When the Kundalini enters the Agnya Chakra, She enlightens it. Then Christ within you is enlightened or awakened. He sucks both these balloons of ego and the super-ego and the whole Agnya Chakra opens. There is simultaneous opening of the Sahasrara. I saw the Sahasrara of the Virata open. It was like tongues of flames. Just like when you dissect the human brain, its cross-section looks like petals of flame. In the center of it, it looks like a yellow hole. The opening of the Sahasrara is sudden. With a bang it opens."

Sri Nirupaplava Devi






“I know all beyond the Vaikuntha but I have not revealed it so far. It will be slowly revealed by Me because people have not been prepared yet to become capable of absorbing it."

Shri Sukhprada DeviShiva Puja, Bombay, India — February 26, 1987

(Sukhaprada [192nd]: Confers happiness or bliss or Moksa which is Nirvana-Sukha, the Bliss of Liberation.)














“You know that I reside in the Sahasrara. I incarnated on the Lotus of 1000 Petals; that is why I could break it open also.” Shri Svatmananda-Lavibhuta Brahmadyananda-Santatih DeviJump Into The Ocean Of Love Sahasrara Puja Sorento, Italy — May 6, 1989

(Svatmananda-Lavibhuta Brahmadyananda-Santatih [365th]: All the bliss enjoyed by the beings from Brahma downwards put together is but a drop in the ocean of Bliss enjoyed by Herself. )























Divine Feminine:



Spirit Of God (Christianity)



Spirit of God (Islam)



Spirit of God (Judaism)



Spirit Of God (Buddhism)



Spirit Of God (Hinduism)











"While kundalini can be compared to the Holy Spirit within Christian mysticism, the New Testament offers no explicit model of psychophysical transformation in the manner of the yogic traditions. Thus, while for someone actually experiencing the Holy Spirit, the correlation with kundalini may make perfect sense and be extremely useful, to someone without a Christian outlook there are few conceptual reference points to understand their experiences and the process of transformation it brings.Thus, particularly in the climate of secular and scientific Western culture, it may help to distinguish between

public and personal models of kundalini awakening.This is not to say there is anything wrong with theistic belief systems, nor that they fail to explain the kundalini experience, but rather that for a wider public living outside that particular world view or belief system it may not provide a language or conceptual framework with which they can easily sympathise either emotionally or intellectually.Personal models of kundalini awakening often centre on theistic belief systems, and, as said above, there is clearly nothing wrong with this, for Christianity, Sufism and Kabbala, for instance, all offer profound frameworks within which to view kundalini."




What Is Kundalini Power?, www.create.org










"If we only knew it, God’s most cherished secrets are hidden inside the human skull – ecstasy, eternal love, grace and mystery. This doesn’t seem possible at first glance. If you take a scalpel to the brain, you will cut into soft gray tissue that doesn’t respond to the touch. There are lakes of slow-running water in this quivering terrain and open caves where light never penetrates. You wouldn’t suspect that a soul is hiding here somewhere, that spirit can find its home in an organ almost as liquid as red blood cells and as mushy as an

unripe banana."




Deepak Chopra, How To Know God, Harmony Books, New York, p. 13, 2000










"Now, where does such a man derive his power and knowledge, except from himself?How simple and self-contained his true manhood! How unfathomable the depth of his mind!How infinitely grand and vast the moral height of his nature!Who can understand such a nature,Except he who is gifted with the most perfect intelligence,And endowed with the highest divine qualities of character,And who has reached in his moral development the level of the gods?"





Doctrine of the Mean 31-32 (Confuciansm)











“Before I began to do research as a doctoral student and then specialize in working with people who had experienced kundalini awakenings, I never imagined the extraordinary range of multidimensional experiences I would encounter, or that this work, which I thought was very individual and personal, would lead me into reframing the nature of world events.I now do therapy and consult with people who have had powerful light and visionary experiences, who remember past lives as clearly as most of us remember breakfast, who channel light beings who are trying to raise the consciousness on the planet, who have traversed other-dimensional worlds, who have encounters with extraterrestrials or

other-dimensional teachers, who demonstrate uncanny psychic awareness, and who are undergoing major energetic and emotional transformations accompanied by expanded consciousness. These life-changing phenomena are occurring across all cultures and ideologies, judging from letters I receive from all over the world. The people having these experiences are often successful, healthy, and highly educated people thrown into a paradigm beyond their belief system, who find themselves struggling with the twofold task of functioning in society and honoring an expanded awareness of intuitive consciousness.Today I believe that like a dry creek bed filling slowly with melted mountain snow, the battered human spirit is receiving a regenerative flow of spiritual consciousness to help us set a new directive for our collective work as a species. This is happening across the planet, as thousands of individuals are drawn to look inward for deeper experiences, and then find themselves faced with

the need to integrate transformative changes and radical new paradigms regarding the nature of human consciousness and existence. Many of us witnessed similar shifts as a result of drug experimentation in the sixties. . . .Kundalini is the creative energy and consciousness said by the ancient Indians to be coiled at the base of the spine. It is the residual of the energy/consciousness blueprint that distributes prana through the body and causes life to animate the fetus, When it is awakened there is a definite physical sensation that may be experienced in three intensities — with the slow spiral movement of a snake winding upward through the body, as a steady stream of energy, or with a sudden explosive power like a geyser erupting. This energy may trigger energy, heat, pain, emotional changes, physical problems, visionary experiences, psychic openings, expanded creativity, and many other events. In a full awakening it is the beginning of a lifetime of change in the

physical, emotional, and spiritual condition that has the potential to lead to liberation. Some yogic masters state that kundalini awakening changes the cellular structure and the brain. Sri Aurobindo and Pandit Gopi Krishna felt its awakening could lead to a greater evolution of the human species.Many psychics and teachers claim that the planet may also be having a kundalini awakening. Our species may be in the throes of a transformation so profound that our present consciousness cannot fathom it.”

Bonnie Greenwell

(Bonnie Greenwell, Ph.D., is a transpersonal psychotherapist specializing in spiritual emergency issues. She teaches at the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology, writes and lectures extensively on kundalini experiences, and is the author of Energies of Transformation: A Guide to the Kundalini Process. She is a founding member and co-coordinator of the Kundalini Research Network.)





Bonnie Greenwell, Chaos and Transition: Patterns for a Stronger Species
















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