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Fwd: [shriadishakti] Knowing Mataji Nirmala Devi as the goddess of truth

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shriadishakti , " Manoj " <map5166@r...> wrote:


shriadishakti , " Manoj " <map5166@r...> wrote:


> Dear Jeevitha Chelli,




> Regards,

> A Sahaja Yogi

> ------------------------------

> Note: Forwarded message attached


> -- Orignal Message --


> " jeevitha_chelli " <jeevitha_chelli>

> shriadishakti

> [shriadishakti] Knowing Mataji Nirmala Devi as the

goddess of truth



Dear Manojji,


You have set an example for others to follow. i feel really good

that SYs did not react but just witnessed one of the most offensive

attacks on Shri Mataji from one of cult Simon's followers.


Since the end of last year a few deep and dedicated SY finally

confronted, after years of passive inaction, this tiny cult whose

leader, Simon Monfort Dicon, claimed himself to be an incarnation of

Shri Rama as well as Saint Joseph. After a long leela we finally

managed to expose these individuals and dealt a devastating blow

from which they will never recover. (That is why this J V character,

now hiding behind a false ID, is so infuriatingly frustrated and

angry at being exposed.)


Shri Mataji has warned Sahaja Yogis that some individuals are

demonic in nature and enjoy inflicting evil upon others.


She has warned that many of these types of individuals have

incarnated with the sole purpose of diverting seekers of

enlightenment away from the truth, away from Sahaja Yoga.


The worst of these individuals on the internet is Simon Dicon

Montford, the self-styled Guru-buster and egomaniac who was once in

Sahaja Yoga before being thrown out in disgrace.


He believed he was Saint Joseph and Lord Vishnu (Almighty God the

Preserver), and justified his sadistic abuse of others by it, but

now claims that Sahaja Yogis are the abusive ones.


On all his fabricated and distorted anti-Sahaja Yoga Web Pages he

claims that Sahaja Yoga is completely false.


But on all of these websites he never shows his face and hides

behind the mask of denying that almost all the anti-Sahaja Yoga

websites are his doing.


He also continues to deny the horrifying truth about him despite all

the witnesses who can testify to it.


He has forgotten that many Sahaja Yogis knew him well and are

completely familiar with his style and visage.


In the early 1980s Simon was not satisfied with being just an

ordinary Sahaja Yogi. He had to be something far more.


After gathering his Sahaja Yogi friends together he told them that

he was a reincarnation of Saint Joseph of Arimathea, reputably Shri

Jesus Uncle who provided the burial sheet that enclosed Jesus's

bloody corpse.


He started boasting that he was the first guardian of the Holy

Grail, the Holy Cup that had contained the blood of Jesus

consecrated at the Last Supper or dripping from his crucified body.

He then proceeded to build a powerful Sect within Sahaja Yoga to

fulfill his perceived destiny on Earth to destroy evil in the name

of God Almighty.


Simon planned to destroy Sahaja Yogis that he didn't like, or anyone

that went against him. Simon demonised his rivals in Sahaja Yoga,

usually leaders or other senior Sahaja Yogis, and many other Sahaja

Yogis were afraid of him and his unpleasant Sect.


When a young conscientious Sahaja Yogi tried to warn others about

him Simon viciously smashed a door into his face causing injury.


When a young father in Sahaja Yoga tried to warn others about the

dangers of the path that Simin's group were on, Simon told the young

father to go and hang himself.


Simon had previously demonized this young father and his children,

who were only innocent toddlers, and wanted the young family thrown

out onto the street where they would be homeless.


In what he later dismissed as The Madness, Simon became so crazy

that his Saint Joseph incarnation mutated into something far more

powerful and All Mighty.


Simon started to believe that he was a reincarnation of Lord Rama,

an incarnation of Lord Vishnu (Almighty God) of the famous Ramayana.


Now he could achieve anything. No-one could stop him now.


Simon thought he could exorcise the demons of those who doubted him,

and in a cruel ceremony he sat on top of a poor young Austrian

woman, holding her down while her husband beat her, because Simon

said she was possessed with demons.


The husband was ashamed afterwards, but Simon had no remorse.


As Lord Rama he could do anything now.


He was summoned by Shri Mataji to face the allegations of his terror

and horror.


As he walked to Her he begin to shake like a possessed person

because not only was he probably possessed to claim such Supreme

Divinity, but was also shaking with fear that very serious charges

were about to be laid against him.


He was told to quit Sahaja Yoga, more for his own safety and that of

the collective.


Simon was so full of hatred and desire for revenge because Shri

Mataji had dismissed him from the collective that he decided to

dedicate the rest of his life to attempting to ruin Sahaja Yoga.








So we SYs should not bother about these few Antichrist elements who

play a vital role in the Last Judgment. The Bible and Qur'an warn

the believers that there will be opposition not only to God

Almighty's message of the Last Judgment, but also to the Holy Spirit

sent to deliver it.


And whosoever shall speak a word against the Son of man,

It shall be forgiven him:

But unto him that blasphemeth against the Holy Ghost, it shall not

be forgiven.


Luke 12:10



Verily I say unto you, all sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of


And blasphemies wherewith soever they shall blaspheme:

But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost, hath never

forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation.


Mark 3:28-29



Wherefore I say unto you, all manner of sin and blasphemy, shall be

forgiven unto men:

But the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto


And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man,

It shall be forgiven him:



Matthew 12:31-32




The www.mormons.org is of the opinion that " the gravest of all sins

is blasphemy against the Holy Ghost. One may speak even against

Jesus Christ in ignorance and, upon repentance, be forgiven, but

knowingly to sin against the Holy Ghost by denying its influence

after having received it is unpardonable (Matt. 12:31-32; Jacob

7:19; Alma 39:6), and the consequences are inescapable. Such denial

dooms the perpetrator to the hell of the second spiritual death

(TPJS, p. 361). This extreme judgment comes because the person sins

knowingly against the light, thereby severing himself from the

redeeming grace of Christ. "


According to Caitlín Matthews, Sophia: Goddess of Wisdom " every

religion has its projected `end-time.' For Jews, it is the

tikkun; for Gnostics, the apocatastasis; for Zoroastrians, the

Fravarti; for Christians, it is the Parousia. Time was, time is,

time shall be no more. The millennial spirit is running strongly at

this time, only ten years before the new millennium which is

alternatively viewed as the New Age of Aquarius or else as



The return of the Holy Spirit as the Risen Christ has been long

expected in Christian eschatology. However, whether the presence

winging its way across our skies is to be that of doves or of

missile-headed jets has been doubtful. As we approach the end of the

second millennium after Christ, aficionados of both peace and

destruction seem to reign supreme. As ever at such times, the mere

threat of the last days has sent the faithful to the Book of the

Apocalypse and everyone else to the consultation of divinatory

means, including the perhaps aptly named Nostradamus, whose

prophecies expire at 1999. Sophia, so familiarly imaged by the dove

of peace, might seem ill at ease in this millennial scenario, yet

she draws upon her aspect of Black Goddess to deliver warnings and

to bring the kenosis of war and conflict to those with no peace in

their hearts. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is the Adi Shakti, the Holy Spirit, the Ruh

of Allah to deliver the message of the Last Judgment and

Resurrection. She is the Comforter promised by Lord Jesus - " But the

comforter, which is the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my

name, She shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your

remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you " . (John 14:26)


There will always be humans who will blaspheme Her. If this is not

the case then these words of Jesus make no sense - " But whosoever

speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him,

neither in this world, neither in the world to come. " (Mark 3:29)


Lord Jesus was talking about the future when He will send the

Comforter, the Holy Spirit. The present age is the future spoken

2000 years ago. That is why humans like Jeevitha Chelli are able to

blaspheme the Holy Spirit .................... and we must allow

the prophetic words of the Savior to come true!



Jai Shri Mataji!




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