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Difference between physical fireworks without and spiritual kundalini fire within

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> > Thus i confirm 100% that the photographs are genuine and show > the Kundalini flowing out of the Brahmarandhra of three SYs.> > Jai Shri Mataji,> > jagbir>














To further prove my point i have managed to find the type of fireworks (with dog in background) that is probably similar to the ones thought to be in the two photos above. Note that there are two visible differences between photos, i.e. smoke and sparks.Where there is smoke there is fire, and fire(works) will always produce smoke. As can be seen there is a lot of smoke coming out from fireworks but is completely absent in the miracle photos as the sparks, missing from the fireworks, are that of the Kundalini.According to Shri Mataji "When your Sahasrara Chakra opens and the Kundalini reaches the top of your head, a type of spark becomes ready and as soon as the air of the fontanel expands in the Brahmarandhra, the grace of the Spirit enflames the latent fire and your Nadis illuminate themselves." Every scripture mentions this Kundalini Fire that is absolutely required

for spiritual rebirth, God-realization and "advancing the human race towards higher consciousness." i leave it to the readers to confirm for themselves why i regard the Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi as the Adi Kundalini, the source of genuine Kundalini awakening and self-realization above and beyond anything known to humans:1. Shri Muladharaika-nilaya (99th): She dwells in muladhara-chakra as Kundalini mahim-muladhare. — Saundarya Lahari.-9.2. Shri Kundalini (110th): She is coiled like a serpent. She is stated to assume 31/2 coils — The form in which Sri-Lalita resides in each individual in the potential state.3. Shri Sudhasarabhi-varsini (106th) She rains the quintessence of nectar. The devotee feels incomparable bliss in this state. Here culminates the kundalini-sadhana.4. Shri Kulamrtaika-rasika (90th): She relishes the nectar of Kula. In the internal discipline of Kaula-Marga, Sri-Lalita who resides in

Muladhara-Chakra as Kundalini is roused by Pranayama, and taken to Sahasrara-Chakra in the head where the devotee feels great bliss which spreads all over the body and mind. That bliss is the Amrta mentioned here. Kalyanananda Bharati divides this name into two names — Kula and Amrtaika-Rasika. Kula means chaste lady — Amrtaika-rasika means one who enjoys Advaita-Sthiti. Kula means the triad — Mata (measurer), Manam, (measure) and Meyam (measured).Jai Shri Mataji,jagbir





"It should be pointed out from the very beginning that the Scripture distinguished between two kinds of baptism: the water baptism made by John for repentance and the baptism with the Holy Spirit and fire made by Jesus which is the real baptism. Jesus received His Power through the baptism with the Holy Spirit. Immediately after His baptism He started working miracles. . . . the fire symbolises the Kundalini energy that is the expression of the Holy Spirit."Dan Costian, Bible Enlightened



And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them.And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterances.Acts 2:3-4

I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance:But he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear:He shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire.Matthew 3:11

John answered, saying unto them all, I indeed baptize you with water;But one mightier than I cometh, the latchet of whose shoes I am not worth to unloose:He shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire.Luke 3:16






You may perform exercises of inner purification, and fire up the furnace of the Kundalini,Inhaling and exhaling and holding the breath.Without the True Guru, you will not understand; Deluded by doubt, you shall drown and die.Sri Guru Granth Sahib (Prabhaatee, First Mehl, p. 1343.)






The disciple leads the prana until Mooladhara.The air thus inspired awakens the lower Fire which was asleep, meditating on Pranava that is nothing else than Brahman,And concentrating his thought, he rises the breath until to the lower Fire, until the navel and beyond, within the subtle body.On the top of the body, over the head there is the lotus with thousand petals, shining like the heavenly Light.It's that which gives the liberation. Its secret name is Kailash, the mountain where Shiva abides.The one who knows this secret place is delivered from samsara.

Amritananda Upanishad




"Kundalini "Snake" or "serpent power" in Sanskrit, this term originally referred to a type of meditation practiced in Hindu TANTRA. Recently, kundalini has become a label for a variety of experiences that involve sensations of energy moving vertically in the body. . . Along the pathway of the kundalini's ascent are located the CHAKRAS, psychic structures that correspond to aspects of human personality. Various schools enumerate various numbers and kinds of chakras. As the snake of power rises, it stimulates each chakra. The aim of the tantric practitioner is to prevent the kundalini from falling below the level of the heart chakra; the lower chakras represent self-centered appetites, whereas the higher ones embody spiritual aspirations. Experiences associated with the kundalini in tantric Hinduism are diverse. Classical texts state that Shakti's energy climbs the central channel in one of the five ways: creeping

like an ant scaling a tree trunk; like a fish swimming in an ocean; like a monkey that leaps from the spinal base to the head in a single bound; in the manner of a bird, hopping from branch to branch; or undulating, like a snake. Metaphors used to describe the sensation of kundalini frequently combine liquid and luminous qualities, in phrases such as "flowing light" or "liquid fire.""

Leonard George, Ph.D., Alternative Realities, Facts on File, Inc. 1995 p. 149.



"Unto kundalini fire across chakras six and in two-petalled center (ajna) ended; the sacred fire engulfed worlds seven entire, from top to bottom unintermittent. Those who witnessed it have indeed gained all riches great. -Tirumantiram 1040"

Hinduism Today, April 1994




Deep within the body-village is the fortress.The dwelling of the True Lord is within the city of the Tenth Gate.This place is permanent and forever immaculate.She Herself created it. Within the fortress are balconies and bazaars.She Herself takes care of His merchandise.The hard and heavy doors of the Tenth Gate are closed and locked.Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, they are thrown open.Within the fortress is the cave, the home of the self.She established the nine gates of this house, by His Command and His Will.In the Tenth Gate, the Primal Lord, the unknowable and infinite dwells; the unseen Lord reveals Herself.Within the body of air, water and fire, the One Lord dwells.

Sri Guru Granth Sahib (Maru, First Mehl, Dakhanee, p. 1034.)



Note: There are nine Gates (openings) in human body — two ears, two eyes, two nostrils, mouth, organ of procreation and excretion. The Tenth Gate is the Brahmarandhra, the fontanel bone area, from where issues forth the Cool Breeze which confirms the connection between the individual soul with the Universal Soul. Once the Kundalini flows through the Sushumna Nadi and reaches the Sahasrara, Self-realization, "second birth." or "birth by the Spirit’ takes place. Immediately one feels vibrations flowing out as Cool Breeze, referred to as wind by Shri Jesus and the Wind of Qiyamah in the Qur’an.



"The modern fancy of ‘kundalini awakening’ has probably arisen through these freakish experiences of ‘integration.’ Patanjali does not mention kundalini but speaks of the energy of nature flowing abundantly through a yogi. (IV. 2). Kundalini is a neologism. This energy of nature (prakrti shakti) was originally known as agni or fire. Later yogis called this fire kundalini (the coiled one) as its conduit in the body is coiled 3½ times at the base of the spine."

BKS Iyengar, Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, HarperCollins Publishers, 1996, p. 173.






"The Shekhinah (=dwelling, resting; from shakan = to dwell) first appeared in early rabbinic literature, referring to the divine presence among the people in Israel. It occurs for the first time in Targum Onkelos, an Aramaic translation-paraphrase of the Hebrew Bible (1st-4th century CE.) Here, "God" is replaced by "Shekhinah" or "God's Shekhinah." For instance, Numbers 5:3 which says: "in the midst whereof I dwell" became: "in the midst whereof My Shekhinah dwells." Some sources of the Babylon Talmud (B.T.) wrote about the intention of God to dwell in the universe since the first day of creation; but that became possible only after the construction of the Tabernacle where His Shekhinah came to rest, as well as on Mount Sinai or, later, in the Jewish Temple.

Thus, Shekhinah appears as the manifestation of God, which it is possible to know as men. That could be characterised through some peculiarities which perfectly agree with those we have mentioned in the present work.

First of all, the Shekhinah fits well with the Spirit of God. Like it, She (it is obviously a female noun) bestowed the divine grace upon the Prophets. The Talmud claims that Shekhinah is All Pervading like God Himself (B.T. Sanhedrin 39a.) Nevertheless, She was frequently associated with specific places and persons (B.T. Shabbat 92a) especially with the Prophets: Moses (B.T. Sotah 11a, 12b; Sanhedrin 11a; Yev, 62a; Shabbat 87a) and other outstanding personalities to whom She granted the gift of prophecy (B.T. Yoma' 9b; Sanhedrin 11a; 15b.) She is said to rest only upon the righteous and depart from the unworthy ones (B.T. Sotah 3b; Yoma' 22b; Pesahim 117 a; Sanhedrin 103b.) She also grants protection (B.T. Yev 48; shabbat 31a.) As in the case of the Holy Ghost, the Shekhinah descends only when the believers are gathered. Thus, when a quorum of ten men (Minyan) are assembled in prayer (B.T. Berakhot 6a.)

Its form of manifestation reminds us of the Holy Spirit: fire ("fire that eats fire": B.T. Yoma 21b), light, more radiant than the sun, shining upon the righteous in heaven (B.T. Sanhedrin 39a; Hul. 60 a; B.B. 10a), or even the vibrations of the sound (B.T. Hag. 15b; also Lamentations Rabbah.) In the Targum, as in the Talmud, Midrash and many medieval mystical texts, Shekhinah was equated with Kavod (=glory of God), heir to the biblical "cloud of glory" that dwelt in the sanctuary as a visible manifestation of God (Numbers 9-10.)

In the Talmud She is clearly associated with Ruah ha-Qodesh (=Holy Spirit) (Joshua Abelson, The Immanence of God in Rabbinical Literature, London 1912.) The demiurge character of Shekhinah is also connected with the 13th century kabbalistic text of Zohar. The creation is described as occurring through a series of Sefirot (=emanations) that emerge from the Hidden God, who is Ein Sof (=endless, infinite.) Thus, the Shekhinah is identified with the feminine Malkhut (=kingdom.)"

Dan Costian, Bible Enlightened, Computex Graphics, 1995 p. 331.






"I am a Gnostic. It was in my childhood, when the comforting orthodoxies of tradition seemed to fail a world suffering the Second World War’s shattering blows, that the first glimpse of Gnosticism came to me, with its disclosure of long-forgotten truths. So overwhelmingly deep was its ancient hold upon my mind that I became a relentless gatherer of information about every aspect of this ancient tradition and eventually resolved to dedicate my life to its revival and dissemination. . . .

Viscerally, instinctively, intuitively, I feel life in this world of matter, space, and time to be a failed and flawed work, vitiated and corrupted in its most fundamental structures. Mainstream Christianity has given recognition to this insight with its doctrine of the fall. Gautama, the Buddha, expressed it well when he said that Earthly life is suffering, from which only a radical awakening of the spirit can liberate us and transport us to Nirvana. While others may debate such insights, I know them to be true.

But these radically negative recognitions regarding all creation — from the distant stars to the deteriorating cells of the body — are accompanied by an equally radical certainty that is an organic part of the Gnostic vision: the conviction that within me dwells a mysterious thing that does not participate in the curse and the emptiness of this world. Within me, and indeed in all human souls, there dwells a secret fire, a spark, a ray of light emanating from the true, the ultimate Deity — that distant, yet mysteriously ever-present Stranger, who in a paradoxical way is also our only true friend in our condition of exile.

What then is the future? Or, more properly, what is my future? What is the future of any and all who wake up to the recognition that they are exiles from worlds of boundless light and love and power, living in a dark place of suffering? Our task and thus our future is to regain our lost homeland by renouncing the snares of the powers that rule this world, to rediscover our unity with the transcendental realm of existence, to find again the kingdom of that original, ancient, and alien Light, the scattered and lost sparks of which we are."

Stephan A. Hoeller, A Gnostic View of the Future






"Dating from the first century A.D. kundalini is another yogic philosophy that is user friendly to the evolutionary theory of advancing the human race towards higher consciousness. A bit farther out of the spectrum, it evokes a non-physical sort of energy called prana, which can activate the physical power centers in the body called chakras (wheels) — invisible ganglia that radiate throughout the body. The practioner visualizes the kundalini as a "fiery serpent" coiled at the base of the spine. Normally dormant, when activated through stepwise meditation this creature within us all, though rarely harnessed, releases his awesome powers as his force passes upward along the invisible channel, the sushumna, or Rod of Brahma, that parallels the spinal column. . . . The goal of the whole process is to attain the Resplendent Void. In this highest state of bliss acquired through the

activation of the fire serpent, all your normal processes of thought are suspended, your ego vanishes and all things become one. This is the ultimate union — the absorption of the self into the infinite, the ultimate transcendent, blissful state of being. In all these Eastern meditative philosophies that have become so popular in the New Age, one is not just a body or mind but something quite separate, something greater — a part of the universal consciousness, devout practitioners say. The ultimate goal of yoga is to liberate your spirit from all material existence and join it with the absolute."

Anthony Aveni, Behind the Crystal Ball, Random House, 1996 p. 270.






Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth,The parable of His Light is as if there were a niche,And within it a Lamp: The Lamp enclosed in Glass;The glass as it were a brilliant star; Lit from a blessed Tree,An Olive, neither of the East nor of the West,Whose oil is well-nigh luminous, though fire scarce touched it;Light upon Light!Allah doth set forth parables for men: and Allah doth know all things.

surah 24:35 Al Nur (The Light)






The Tenth Gate of my crown chakra is the distilling fire,And the channels of the Ida and Pingala are the funnels, to pour in and empty out the golden vat.Into that vat, there trickles a gentle stream of the most sublime and pure essence of all distilled essences.Something wonderful has happened — the breath has become the cup.In all the three worlds, such a Yogi is unique. What king can compare to him?This spiritual wisdom of God, the Supreme Soul has illuminated my being. Says Kabeer,I am attuned to His Love. All the rest of the world is deluded by doubt,While my mind is intoxicated with the Sublime Essence of the Lord.

Sri Guru Granth Sahib (Siree Raag, verse 1, p. 92.)

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