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Swarupa, a revelation of our self existing uncontrived true nature -- the unconditioned and sacred natural self.

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The great Adi Shakti Shri Mataji Nirmala Deviwho resides in the Sahasraras of all beings.

Bhakta-harda-tamo-bheda-bhanumad-bhanu-santaih (404th): She is the effulgence of the Sun who dispels the darkness of ignorance from the hearts of Her devotees. She is vidya-svarupini. By destroying the limiting power of darkness, ‘avarana-sakti’ in the minds of Her devotees She gives the vision of ‘akhanda- chinmaya- svarupa,’ the unbroken ocean of consciousness to Her devotees.Muni-manasa-hamsika (817th): In the minds of Her devotees who are immersed in Dhyana She dwells like the female swan in the Manasa-sarovara or She is the great Mantra-Svarupa ever-dwelling in the minds of Yogis.Prabha-rupa (394th): Effulgence itself, i.e., prakasa-svarupa which means Siva Himself.Ksetra-Svarupa (341st): The highest consciousness to the grossest matter and space consists of Ksetra. It is Her

form.Siva (53rd): One who bestows on the devotees true knowledge i.e. Jnanasvarupa.Sinjana-mani-manjira-mandita-Sri-padambuja (46th): Her sacred lotus-like Feet are adorned with jingling anklets that are bedecked with diamonds.In Sthula-Svarupa it is only the Mother’s Feet that are the ultimate object of worship. They represent the Samvid-Bindu of the Sri-Chakra known as Maha-Paduka — the refuge of every Sadhaka.Bhakti-vyasa (120th): Bhakti, which gives svarupa-jnana, grasps the Ultimate Reality.















"The reality which is mere consciousness that remains when ignorance is destroyed along with super-knowledge of objects, alone is the Self (atma). In that Brahma-swarupa [real form of Brahma], which is abundant Self-awareness, there is not the least ignorance. The reality which shines fully, without misery and without a body, not only when the world is known but also when the world is not known, is your real form [nija-swarupa]. The radiance of consciousness-bliss, in form of one awareness shining equally within and without, is the supreme and blissful primal reality. Its form is silence and it is declared by jnanis to be the final and unobstructable state of true knowledge [jnana]""The practice of yoga (called sadhana) through meditation (dhyana) brings the practitioner (sadhak) far more aligned and connected than what is capable via the ordinary human mental processes classified as vrttis (such as conceptional thought, philosophical speculation, the study of

semantics, memorization, ceremony, and so forth). Indeed, Patanjali says that when yoga is accomplished through the cessation of the vrttis (thoughtless awareness), then one abides in swarupa, a revelation of our self existing uncontrived true nature -- the unconditioned and sacred natural self.""Beloved child of God! Awaken to thy great heritage. Walk the way of purity, truth and goodness. Serve the world and worship God. Diligently work out thy supreme welfare. Fulfil Dharma at every step. Remember God at every moment. You do not belong to this material world. Beyond this physical and mental existence, there is a life spiritual. Therein lies your true avocation and true and loftiest function. Live in this Spirit. Know thy true Swarupa. It is Satchidananda. Thou art immortal Spirit. Thou art the deathless Soul. Thou art eternal Self. Thou art divine. Live divinely.Live in God. Wherever thou art, whatever thou doest, in whatever condition you are whether in joy or

sorrow, whether in health or illness, whether at home or in foreign land—live in God always, everywhere, in all conditions. This is wisdom. Herein is happiness. Herein lies thy true good. Do not postpone for tomorrow that which you ought to, and must, do today. "Tomorrow" is a deceptive thought that ensnares soul the unwary and binds him in the net of forgetfulness. Time is fleeting. Days, nights and years pass away. Death snatches you suddenly. This rare opportunity is lost. Beware. Remember death Cultivate virtue. Do good deeds. Live for God. Do not waste time. Be up and doing. Utilise every moment in virtuous living and spiritual Sadhana. Remember death.There is no pleasure in the perishable objects of this world. There is no true happiness and peace here. Senses deceive. Mind is the enemy. Samsara is full of defects, pain, bondage, fear and a thousand afflictions. You must transcend them all by attaining God and realising the self. This is the true aim of life. This is

life’s ultimate goal.God is bliss. God is peace. God is eternal life. To attain Him is to go beyond all sorrow, pain and suffering and enter into a state of unalloyed joy, fearlessness and freedom. This is the supreme blessed state you have come to achieve. The sure and unfailing way to this attainment is shown by the radiant lives of saints. Live in the light of their shining lives. Thus is the path unto perfection. By their lives, the saints show you the gateway to God. O man wander not any longer in this vast forest earthly existence. Tread the radiant path that leads to Divinity. Start now upon this auspicious period of a New Year. One more year has gone by. Life is shorter and time flies away. Be wise. Be resolute. Heedfully awake, alertly vigilant, sincerely aspiring and earnestly striving and praying, live wisely and move towards God, and thus make a true success of this precious life of thine."May the Adi Shakti raise our consciousness to know our true

Svarupa and grasp the Ultimate Reality within that lies hidden in the deepest core of our consciousness. This is the Holy Nectar (Amrut) of the Upanishads. Realize it and you will transcend all fears and attain immortality in this most precious of gifts from God Almighty - the life of a human being. Jai Shri Mataji!Wishing all a Happy and Joyous New Year,jagbir


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