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The Koran refers as kafir (deviant) anyone who doesn't believe in the possibility of rebirth

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To all devotees of His Ruh Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi,This week-old article by Sultan Shahin, Asia Times Online, Dec 25, 2003 must also be deeply and thoroughly comprehended by those who wish to spread Shri Mataji's message of Al-Qiyamah (The Resurrection).Again i wish to emphasize that the Divine Plan of the Koran forhumanity is pre-ordained to overcome all obstacles. As the firstwave of His messengers of the Resurrection, we will prevailagainst all odds. So stand up and declare this Truth!jagbirNote: i have extracted part of surah 3-4 from www.al-qiyamah.orgwhich confirms Shri Mataji's rebuke to Muslims and Christians about rebirth of all souls to face the Resurrection.-----------



What about those who knew next to nothing about Islam, like the two million Cambodians (above) who lost their lives during Pol Pot's reign of terror?


How about those cremated, a ritual widely practiced for millennia by Hindus, Buddhists and Sikhs. "Beliefs differ among Christian groups; some, such as Protestants, have no objections, while others, particularly Roman Catholics, generally frown on the practice because they see it conflicting with their belief in the resurrection of the body." 2


What about all those born before the advent of Prophet Muhammad, and those after, who never were Muslims and make up roughly 90% of the total humans born on Earth since creation? Does the Day of Judgment apply to these non-Muslims?





They swear their strongest oaths by Allah, That Allah will not raise up those who die:Nay, but it is a promise (binding) on Him in truth: But most among mankind realise it not.(They must be raised up), In order that He may manifest to them,The truth of that wherein they differ, And that the rejecters of Truth, may realise that they had indeed (surrendered to) Falsehood.For to anything which We have willed, We but say the word, "Be", and it is.




surah 16:38-40 Al Nahl (The Bees)A. Yusuf Ali, The Holy Qur'an, 1989.


What Truth about the Resurrection must Allah manifest to those who, after having died over the centuries, are 'raised up' (brought back to live by rebirth) during the Resurrection?(There are seven compelling rebirth surahs from the Quran which will be explained in detail under Evolution By Rebirth in future. The titles of these surahs may be viewed at TOC under Chapter 14.)Why does Allah insist that humans beings "must be raise up, in order that He may manifest to them the truth of that wherein they differ" during the Resurrection, if the terror and mayhem of the dreaded Doomsday is at its height?


Why does Allah insist that the rejecters of Al-Qiyamah "must be raise up, in order that . . . the rejecters of Truth, may realise that they had indeed (surrendered to) Falsehood", if all around mountains are crashing and skies rent asunder? What is the point of this absolutely futile exercise? Why do Islamic scholars indulge in such satanic lies and delude the Believers away from the Straight Path?













Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is His Ruh sent to collect, promulgate, recite, explain and announce the Resurrection (Al Qiyamah) to all humankind, as promised in the Qur'an.


“There are lots of myths in the Bible and one of them is that at the Time of Resurrection your bodies will come out of the graves. This is not only for Christians, but also for the Muslims and Jews. Think of this — What remains in the grave after many years? Only a few bones. And if these bones came out how can you give them Realization? Think of it. It is a big myth. Not possible logically.In Nal Damyanti Akhyan they have clearly given that when the Kalyug will come, all these seekers who are seeking in the hills and mountains will be born again, and they will be given their Self-Realization!

Their Kundalinis will be awakened and that is logical, because that is what we are doing today."

Shri Mataji Nirmala DeviIndia — December 25, 1993














Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is His Ruh sent to collect, promulgate, recite, explain and announce the Resurrection (Al Qiyamah) to all humankind, as promised in the Qur'an.


“It is very hard to believe that we can become the Spirit. This is one of the big myths of Modern Times and many a times when I speak about becoming the Spirit people say that, "How can you say like that? "How can it be that easy?"But it is a living process of our evolution and if it is done by the Power of a living God, then it has to be very simple, has to be very easy . . .Today that Time has come. That Time has come. The Time of Judgment has come and at this Time we have to see that we’ll be judging ourselves; but not by some sort of an authority, but by something which is within us which we

call as the Kundalini, is placed in the triangular bone called as sacrum. Just see, Greeks knew about it. That’s why they call the bone as sacrum. But what is this bone in the biblical understanding — it is the reflection of the Holy Ghost (Ruh of Allah)."Shri Mataji Nirmala




"Reincarnation in IslamThe Hindu belief in reincarnation is well known. But it is not known that the Koran refers as kafir (deviant) anyone who doesn't believe in the possibility of rebirth. Not many in India have perhaps come across the verses of the great mystic, Hazrat Jalal-ud-Deen Rumi, describing the process of evolution through reincarnation - from mineral and plant to animal and man and then to angelhood and beyond. Take the verses from the world famous Masnawi by Hazrat:I died as mineral and became a plant,I died as plant and rose to animal,I died as animal and I was man.Why should I fear?When was I less by dying?Yet once more I shall die as man,To soar with angels blest;But even from angelhood I must pass on ...Another great mystic, Mansur al-Hallaj, famous for his formulation, Anal Haq (I am the truth: Aham Brahmo Asmi) wrote:Like the

herbageI have sprung up many a timeOn the banks of flowing rivers.For a hundred thousand yearsI have lived and workedIn every sort of body.The Koran itself seems quite clear: "And you were dead, and He brought you back to life. And He shall cause you to die, and shall bring you back to life, and in the end shall gather you unto Himself." (2:28). The words "you were dead" can only mean that they had lived before becoming dead. And the words "in the end shall gather you unto Himself" could very well mean the attainment of moksha (release) rather than an eternal life in heaven or hell. Those who disagree, however, contend that "dead" is very commonly used for non-living things. "It does not necessarily mean that you were alive before being a non-living thing or dead." (S Abdullah Tariq in Islamic Voice, February 2002)Responding to my published view that the concept of reincarnation may be a part of Islamic teaching as well, Tariq also quotes the

following verses in support of his contention that reincarnation is not an aspect of Islamic teaching: "Every living being shall taste death, then unto us you will be returned." (29:57)"Until when death comes to a wrongdoer, he will say: 'Lord let me go back, that I may do good works in the world I have left behind'. Never! It is only a word which he will speak. Behind them, there shall stand a barrier till the day of resurrection." (23:99-100)"And spend of that with which we have provided you before death befalls any of you and he says: 'Reprieve me my Lord a while that I may give in charity and be among righteous'. But Allah reprieves no soul when its term expires and Allah has knowledge of all your actions." (63:10-11)"They [the unbelievers] will say: "Our Lord! Twice you have caused us death and twice you have given us life. We now confess our sins. Is there any way out [now]'?" (40:11)But Tariq and other critics seem to be confusing reincarnation with transmigration of

souls, which are not necessarily the same concepts. He goes on: "The theory of transmigration of souls popularly known as avagaman or punarjanam is non-existent even in the Hindu scriptures proclaimed as the word of God by them. Following are the declarations of two well-renowned scholars of Hindu philosophy. The rishis [seers] of the Vedic era were not aware of punarjanam (Rahul Sankrityayan, Darshan Digdarshan, Kitab Mahal Allahabad, 1992, page 388."In the ancient Indian literature, Chandogya [author of an Upanishad] was the first to talk of punarjanam ie besides parloka [the world hereafter] a being takes birth in this loka [this world] also according to deeds. (ibid P.403) There are dozens of Koran-like descriptions of heaven in Vedas, but at no place do the Vedas talk of humans taking rebirth in inferior moulds according to deeds. Much later, the philosophers of the Upanishads presented the idea of transmigration of souls."Thus the debate goes on. One thing,

however, is certain: most of the greatest saints Islam has produced believed in reincarnation and it does constitute a part of many Muslims' belief system. This is primarily caused by a reluctance on the part of many Muslims to believe that God will merely reward or punish human beings on the basis of a lifetime in which they may not have received the guidance necessary to improve their conduct. That God will just be reconciled to their being sent to an eternal life in heaven or hell withouttheir being given another chance to improve themselves becomes a proposition difficult to believe."http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Front_Page/EL25Aa02.html


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