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Dear Jagbir,


After reading your website, I would like to have a deeper

relationship with Shri Mataji but am affraid to visit the local

collective. Is it possible to only have cyber-association like we

have right now?

Is there any indication regarding the altar, Can I put pictures or

murtis of any Form of the divine as well as a picture of Shri Mataji?

Where can I get the SY mantras book?


I did the self-realization exercise but never felt any cool breeze.

Still, I am conviced and I bow down to Sri Adi Shakti Devi.

Thank you for any help!




P.S Do you personaly hold programs?


Your help is urgently needed to save ENDANGERED SPECIES. Go to:


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Dear Jagbir,


I realize I already asked you similar questions in the past through

this group. Please forgive me. Maybe the answers will the different

now? :-)



shriadishakti , tulasi3@w... wrote:

> Dear Jagbir,


> After reading your website, I would like to have a deeper

> relationship with Shri Mataji but am affraid to visit the local

> collective. Is it possible to only have cyber-association like we

> have right now?

> Is there any indication regarding the altar, Can I put pictures or

> murtis of any Form of the divine as well as a picture of Shri


> Where can I get the SY mantras book?


> I did the self-realization exercise but never felt any cool breeze.

> Still, I am conviced and I bow down to Sri Adi Shakti Devi.

> Thank you for any help!


> Mukunda


> P.S Do you personaly hold programs?


> Your help is urgently needed to save ENDANGERED SPECIES. Go to:


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shriadishakti , tulasi3@w... wrote:

> Dear Jagbir,>> After reading your website, I would like to have a deeper> relationship with Shri Mataji but am afraid to visit the local> collective. Is it possible to only have cyber-association like we> have right now?> Is there any indication regarding the altar, Can I put pictures or> murtis of any Form of the divine as well as a picture of Shri > Mataji? Where can I get the SY mantras book?>> I did the self-realization exercise but never felt any cool > breeze. Still, I am convinced and I bow down to Sri Adi Shakti > Devi.> > Thank you for any help!>> Mukunda>> P.S Do you personaly hold programs?>


Dear Maximeji,

i know you are a great soul seeking for Truth and you will find it. Before answering your questions i would like you to first read this recent email from a SY on another forum:

"i meditated regularly, sometimes with the photograph of Shree Mataji and sometimes without but today, i have no doubts in my mind while i say that Shree Mataji can awaken the Kundalini. today i reach another level in my journey. today my power, my kundalini rises as never before. Kundalini is definitely not a myth as it is awake within me, this very moment although i sense that i have not reached my maximum limit/level but still, i am experiencing a lot of energy present within me right now, as i write, and this energy is amazing. it is beyond explanation. i cant limit it to these finite words. right now, i am experiencing so much of power, so much of shakti which i cant define, which i cant convey in its true form. my whole body is filled with vibes and the energy. the Kundalini exists and Mataji can awaken it. the vibrations definitely exist. i am extremely sure about this. i am experiencing this power/shakti/energy/kundalini/vibrations right now. i dont know how

far i can go. but i will not stop here. i will continue to walk. my journey is not over yet."

Maxime, i think you already had a similar experience. Maybe you do not feel any vibrations now but what about your experience years ago narrated in a letter sent to me?:


Sahaja Yoga Centre3xxxx Ixxx Fxxxx, # 1xxxLxxxxxxx, Qc

Good Day,

My name is Maxime Lapointe and I am 15 years old. For the past three years approximately, I read all that I can find on meditation, yoga, hinduism and spirituality. One day, while 'surfing on the internet,' I had a shock: I saw the picture of Shri Mataji. It was as if all my cells vibrated and the experience was one of the strongest spiritually. I would like to know her and receive her teachings. Can you help me? If you have the desire to, you can write to me:

Maxime Lapointe5xxx Xe avenueMontreal, Qc, Hxx 2xx

I thank you and wait an answer with impatience! Thank you!

Maxime Lapointe"


i did send an envelope containing the necessary information but got no response. (Maybe you did not get my mail.) i did not contact you further as you were too young and it would have been unethical of me to mould such a young, innocent mind to join Shri Mataji. You were allowed to continue your search because at that time there was insufficient evidence to convince you that Shri Mataji is the Adi Shakti. I cannot stop emphasizing that She has been sent to raise the consciousness of humans towards God-realization, after the initial self-realization, so that they can take part in the Last Judgment and Resurrection. Sahaja Yoga is but a name given to that method of Kundalini awakening (second birth, baptism of Allah, opening of Dsam Duar etc.) that enables humans to realize that the promised Last Judgment and Resurrection is taking place. Sahaja Yoga is the Last Judgment …………….. and nothing else.

There is no guru, even by a distant second, who can lead you to the state necessary for salvation. They will all condition their followers to what they have learnt by birth and put blinders on them to that effect. They just want you to see their narrow vision and version of truth. Probably you will have to be a vegetarian and bow down to grotesque idols - all anti-God activities sanctioned and glorified by gurus even though there is not a single sentence in all scriptures to justify such practices.You may place Shri Mataji’s photo among the idols you worship. i used to do so a few years ago and adored Shri Ganesha’s murti. One day this realization came: "If you already know who I am why are you still worshipping my idol." This jolted me as my faith in idols was strong, believing it to be a sanctioned ritual of the Sanatanna Dharma. It shocked me when i found out that not a single sentence of the Vedas, Upanishads and Purannas supports this practice. Since then it has

become very difficult for me to even enter a Hindu temple. Try as i may to go on the invitation of friends but some obstacle always prevents me. Nowadays it is obvious that i must never bow my head to a block of stone.i also tried to find out about idols from my children. On Friday, February 12, 1999 at 4.05 p.m. Kash was asked if he had ever seen any murtis (idols) in the Kingdom of the Almighty Creator. He replied that no idols exist in the Spirit World. Wherever he had gone the Divine Incarnations were there is person. The only images he had seen were two photographs of Shri Shiva and Krishna kept by Shri Ganesha.Then his brother Arwinder was questioned as he had visited far more places of worship in a celestial city teeming with spirit beings — Caucasian, Oriental, Africans, Indians, and so forth. He answered that only in one did he see a grey stone figure of Shri Ganesha, and that it was outside. In other words this work of art was part of the outer temple

sculpture and not for prayer purposes. (This should convince humans that religious idols might be admired as art, never worshipped as divine.) However, no idols, icons or statues were ever seen inside any house of worship.Then what was inside and whom did the spirit beings worship? Arwinder replied that each and every worship place had, without fail, a few photographs of the Great Adi Shakti. Many a times he had seen spirit beings putting flowers, meditating and praying before these photographic images. On occasions he had also joined them.When asked about idols, icons or statues of Shri Mataji he replied that none exist. Even after being asked a number of times about this critical information the answers were the same: there are photographic images of the Adi Shakti but no idols in the Kingdom of God.













Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi






"My photograph is the photograph of Reality."

Shri Taruni DeviTaruni (358th): Ever young















Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi






"If you take a photograph of Mine, maybe My photographs might be giving vibrations, all right — though it is a photograph. But if you take a photograph of somebody else it will not work out Sahaja Yoga. The reason is somebody else has not become the Reality. It is like any other painting you have seen. Supposing we have a painting where it is raining. This rain does not nourish the flowers; it does not wet the cloth of the people who are there. It is static. So in ignorance, in ignorance, we just have the picture which is static about Reality, and that is the reason why we think we can work it out ourselves. Somebody says, "I see this picture, all right, and I’ll make the rain as the real thing." You cannot! Try it with whatever color you like. It may appear, it will appear with effort but it will not have, it will not have the capacity or nature of Reality. So human beings always

deal with unreal things, thinking they are doing something great." Shri Viviktastha DeviThe Power That Contains Everything, Paramchaitanya Puja, Germany — July 19, 1989Viviktastha (835th): ‘Vivikta’ means discriminating between the Real and the unreal. Those sages who can discriminate between these two are Her abode.

So Maxime, you have to realize that idol-worship is against the Spirit. You do not have to give it immediately just because i say so. Check out and decide for yourself at:http://www.adishakti.org/text_files/idol-worship.htmNow that you are mature enough and back again, perhaps wiser for all your experiences. You need to feel that Cool Breeze, tangible proof of the Divine backed by the holy scriptures, that you are taking part in the Last Judgment. Since you cannot feel it then you MUST go to the local Montreal collective meetings/meditation to heal yourself and get the blocked chakras flowing again. The SYs there are experts and not only will they get you Kundalini flowing again, but also explain the working of the subtle system. This expereincing the Cool Breeze is very important and vital for your spiritual journey within. Maxime, you have to do this only initially and once your Kundalini starts flowing you may meditate at home. You do not have to go

to the local collective after that if you are not comfortable, even though it is beneficial for early growth. (The mantra books are also available there). Sure you can internet correspondence to learn about the Last Judgment and Resurrection, but you should know that it is entirely your own journey without any external meddling or guidance.













Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi






"It is an individual journey towards God when you meditate. And when you reach there, then you become collective. Before that it’s an absolute individual journey within. It’s absolutely individual journey! . . . In this journey nobody is your relation, nobody is your brother, nobody is your friend. You are absolutely alone; absolutely alone. You have to move alone within yourself. Don’t hate anyone. Don’t be irresponsible. But in the meditative mood you are alone. No one exists there . . .And once you enter into that Ocean then the whole world becomes your family. The whole world is your own manifestation. All the children become your children. And you treat all people with equal understanding. The whole expansion takes place when you enter inside your Spirit, and start seeing through the eyes of the Spirit. There’s such Calm, such Peace, such Bliss within you.You don't

have to spend too much time on meditation. But whatever time you spend, whatever you gain, has to be visible outside."Shri Mataji Nirmala DeviAssume Yourself, Self-esteem, Birthday Puja, Sydney, Australia — March 21, 1983













Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi






"So one has to understand that evolutionary process is absolutely free, without any effort and you can’t pay for your evolution. It is spontaneous. Like you have this Mother Earth and you put the seed in it, then it sprouts by itself. What do you do? Nothing. It is spontaneous and that’s what exactly happens to you, that spontaneously you achieve that state of the Spirit. . . .So science cannot answer many questions and one of them is that why are we on this Earth? What is the purpose of our life? What is the goal of our life? What is our identity? This question is not asked and, if asked, they cannot answer. They cannot answer this simple question, "Why are we on this Earth?" But one has to know that we are on this Earth to become the Spirit, to enter into the Kingdom of God. This is our purpose. That’s why we are here and then to be the instruments of that Divine Power, which is

All-Pervading."Shri Mataji Nirmala DeviPhiladelphia, USA — October 15, 1993 i personally do not hold any programs. Perhaps you are under the false belief that i may be able to do better than other SYs just because of my websites. All SYs have the same powers to raise the Kundalinis and give Self-realization. Even this power is an illusion because spiritual rebirth is entirely dependant on your desire to receive the liberating grace of the Mother Kundalini. She has been with you for millennia and patiently waits for the day you seek Her. Shri Ramakrishna says that "he to whom the enjoyment of worldly happiness appears tasteless, he who takes no delight in anything of the world — money, name, creature comforts, sense pleasure — becomes sincerely grief-stricken for the vision of the Mother. And to him alone the Mother comes running, leaving all Her other duties."Maxime, you have had a personal experienced of Her before but drifted away. Maybe Dr. Haridas Chaudhuri (The Essence of Spiritual Philosophy) may stop you from

getting lost again:"If we are to vindicate the truth of spiritual values, we must discover them in a universal form, rising above sectarianism and dogmatism. . . .In 1947 in New Delhi, representatives of the different world religions were participating in a conference. During a recess some of the delegates were drinking water at a fountain. They were all thirsty, and they drank the same water. But speaking different languages as they did, they expressed themselves in different ways. They referred to the same substance by using different words. Gandhi said that therein lies the essence of the universal outlook. When the people become religious-minded or spiritually-oriented, they feel the thirst of the soul. They are on the lookout for a fountain to satisfy their thirst.These spiritually thirsty people in different countries and in different ages were perhaps mysteriously guided by God to discover that fountain. But speaking different languages as they

did, born in the varied historical circumstances, growing up in different cultural systems, they expressed themselves in different ways. In consequence, we have different theological systems in different countries. . . . But underlying all these divergent theological notions there is one ultimate reality which is capable of satisfying our spiritual thirst. . . .The philosophical implication is that the ultimate criterion of truth is experience. We hear a lot of things and they may sound good. But until and unless we experience something, we refuse to be convinced completely. We may give brilliant discourses on God, on the Absolute, on the higher self. They may be intellectually stimulating, but our mind may be filled with skepticism and assailed with doubts. In the absence of any personal experience or realization, this is just high-sounding talk."

Yes Maxime, in the absence of any personal experience or realization from the gurus that you have met, all is just high-sounding talk. As Shri Mataji has declared: "The Kingdom of God that we were promised is at hand. This is not a phrase out of a sermon or a lecture, but it is the actualisation of the experience of the highest Truth which is Absolute, now manifesting itself in ordinary people at this present moment." Sahaja Yoga is a personal experience like no other. Have you met any guru who gave you such a unique spiritual experience that vibrated all your cells? Why did the Adi Shakti seek you instead of you seeking Her? Why did She give you this extremely rare experience when you saw Her the first time? Last, but not the least, were you Her devotee in your previous lives? DEFINITELY!Jai Shri Mataji,jagbir www.adishakti.org | www.al-qiyamah.org | contact us

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shriadishakti , jagbir singh

<adishakti_org> wrote:


> Yes Maxime, in the absence of any personal experience or

> realization from the gurus that you have met, all is just high-

> sounding talk. As Shri Mataji has declared: " The Kingdom of God

> that we were promised is at hand. This is not a phrase out of a

> sermon or a lecture, but it is the actualisation of the experience

> of the highest Truth which is Absolute, now manifesting itself in

> ordinary people at this present moment. "




" Metaphysical teachings tell us that there is far more to us than

our everyday ego consciousness. They reveal that we are spiritual

beings having a human experience. We have created these bodies in

order to experience the physical realm. Then we descended into them,

and promptly forgotten the fullness of who we really are.


Many spiritual traditions pursue the search for Enlightenment. Yet,

it is actually not so much a matter of becoming enlightened. It is

more a matter of simply throwing off the thick crust of ignorance

that we have allowed to grow over us. We need to see who we really

are. As the Indian Master, Sri Ramana Maharshi said,


" There is no greater mystery than this, that being the Reality

ourselves, we seek to gain Reality. "


The body is a vehicle, equipped with five senses, designed to

experience the physical realm. Similarly, the ego consciousness is

also an instrument; created to help you deal with the input that

your senses give you. It develops as a result of sensory input

throughout your life, and it helps us to make sense of our everyday

experiences. All the rules that society and family instil into you

helps to produce this personality consciousness. From this, the ego

gradually develops the concepts of " I " , " Me " , and " Mine " .


However, this causes a fragmentation. Esoteric spirituality teaches

that you are actually part of an undivided spiritual consciousness.

You are not meant to regard yourself as separate. Rather, you are

supposed to be in full control of this body and brain; living with a

full consciousness of why you are here and what your life purpose

actually is.


That is why the search for the Higher Self is so important. In

awakening to your full heritage, you become all you are capable of.

Rather than life being fragmentary and tinged with much sadness,

your happiness is complete. It can remain so despite all life's

turmoil. As a fully integrated person, you have full access to the

enormous power of your mind. You become capable of tremendous feats

spiritual, mental and physical feats. "


Asoka Selvarajah, Ph.D

The 7 Golden Secrets To Knowing Your Higher Self

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