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There is nothing to look outside, Everything is inside.”

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"Icha. There is a beautiful saying in the Shiva tradition that God created the world out of “His sweet will,” which was gifted into Shakti’s hands. The Sanskrit word for will is icha, which also means “desire” or “intention.” Will is the next level to emerge from bliss, because when you are full of joy, anything you intend or desire must be aligned with the divine. At this level there is no question of wrong desires or willful behavior that can harm yourself or anyone else. God can be compared to someone looking in a mirror that surrounds her on all sides, so that everywhere she gazes she sees her own reflection. There is nothing outside this to see, therefore anything God creates is just a modified form of Her own bliss. Icha is like the bow that shoots life outward, giving it a loving purpose and direction.Gyana. Knowledge about God is of two kinds, direct and indirect. Indirectly we can read scriptures, listen to

sermons, consult authorities, and from these sources build a reasonable case that God exists. But such a God transmits no love to earth. Therefore nothing substitutes for gyana, which is direct knowledge of the divine. Instead of having thoughts about God, you share God’s own thoughts. Her thoughts can only be about Herself. This isn’t cosmic self-centeredness, however. It confirms the fact that spiritual knowledge is essential; truth; trust; devotion, and love are inside our thoughts. Gyana is the mind in communion with spirit.Kriya. The last Shakti is the most visible. When God acted She brought the material world into existence. Although both words mean “action,” kriya is not the same as karma. Karma is action born of cause and effect; it is action that reinforces separation. Kriya is action inspired by spirit; it abolishes separation and brings communion. In India a holy person who has entered a trance would be exhibiting a kriya; the inspired words from his mouth, his

hand gestures, facial expressions, even breathing would also be kriyas. Vedic scriptures contain thousands of descriptions detailing exactly which inward state is signified by which kriya (the smile of the Buddha and his uplifted thumb and forefinger touching are just two examples.) But in a broader sense the change of behavior exhibited by someone who has realized God, turning from violence to peace, from conflict to serenity, from egoism to altruism, is taking place in the realm of kriya. This is the last cascade of the divine into creation. The stillness of pure awareness cascade into bliss, bliss into will, will into knowledge, and finally knowledge into action. The fivefold nature of Shakti has revealed itself completely."Deepak Chopra, The Path of Love, Random House,1977, p. 241-42.)













Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi






"There is nothing to look outside, Everything is inside.”Shri Pratyag-Rupa Devi Pratyag-Rupa (781st): Looking inside away from sense and sense organs: Introversion or ‘Antarmukhatva’.

















Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi






"When you are resurrected and you have become Realized souls, one has to understand that now your movement is inward . . . towards your roots and not outside.”Shri Mahaisvarya Devi Mahaisvarya (220th): Having greatest Dominion or Kingdom.















Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi






"The Sushumna is the central channel for our evolution. It is through this channel that we become Collectively Conscious and all the disparate factors of our being are integrated in one Whole. It makes the connection between our conscious mind and the auto of the autonomous system, the Spirit, which is a reflection of God. Sushumna is the way of Dharma, the straight and narrow path by which we pass through the Gate of the Agnya Chakra to enter into the Kingdom of God in the Sahasrara.”Shri Nijajna-rupa-Nigama DeviNijajna-rupa-Nigama (287th): The Vedas are Her command. The meaning of the previous name is clarified here.















Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi






"I am here to do the Job of God Almighty. And when you are My children, all right, His Grace will work it out. He will look after you. He will make you grow . . . Today that’s the big time that I declare that it is the Universal Religion, the Nirmala Religion, which is formed out of My teachings of Love . . . You are out for a very big work of Virata. How much you know about the Divine, nobody has known so far! . . .

My Life, My Mission, My Existence, My Everything is for the purpose of emancipation of humanity . . . Please remember you are born of very brave Mother. Please try to rise. Be proud that you are doing such tremendous task. Have that feeling of great valor. Then only, then only can we achieve results."

Shri Pasa-hasta DeviThe Slavery Of Selfishness, Bordi, India — February 6, 1985Pasa-hasta (810th): Having in Her left upper hand ‘Pasa’, the symbol of Affection towards Her devotees.







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