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HHSM: The Divine ... would never want His creation be destroyed at the hands of humans.

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Doom warnings sound more loudly








By Alex KirbyOur environment correspondent considers why warnings about the state of the planet are becoming more insistent






The strains are showing For the doom merchants amongst us, 2004 showed its fearsome teeth in a cracking start before it was even 10 days old.

On 7 January a report in the journal Nature said climate change could speed a million land-based species towards extinction within the next 50 years. The next day the Worldwatch Institute declared modern lifestyles were bad for us and unsustainable for the planet. The UK Government's chief scientist now says climate change is a far worse danger than international terrorism. A triple onslaught like that defies anyone to head into the new year feeling even slightly positive about the human condition. Yet life goes on, and most of us worry more about paying the Christmas bills than about a world bereft of a quarter of its animals and plants. Devout sceptics We believe the scientists: we simply do not connect their findings to our lives, our families, ourselves even.






Many species' prospects are dim Some of us just refuse to react, blaming the messengers for their message and accusing the scientists of scaremongering. But (at the risk of tempting fate) my inbox has been blessedly much freer recently of flat-earthers and foam-flecked contrarians. Most of us are convinced by the message - yet still we go on as if we had not a care in the world. But whether because of climate change or not, we are already losing species so fast that biologists talk of the Earth undergoing its sixth great extinction since the Big Bang. We are losing species we do not know exist, which could be vital to our survival. A few years ago .....continue: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/3384067.stm

"In the primordial mysteries, the Feminine — whose nature we have attempted to discern in the symbols and functions of its elementary and transformative character — assumes a creative role and so becomes the determining factor in early human culture. Whereas the instinctual mysteries revolve around the central elements of the life of woman — birth, menstruation, conception, pregnancy, sexuality, climacteric, and death — the primordial mysteries project a psychic symbolism upon the real world and so transform it.The mysteries of the feminine may be divided into mysteries of preservation, formation, nourishment, and transformation. . . At all stages of the primordial mysteries it is the central symbol of their realization. . . . The woman is the natural nourishing principle and hence mistress of everything that implies nourishment. . . . Thus the transformative character o the Feminine rises from the natural to the spiritual plane. The culture-bringing

primordial mysteries cultimate in a spiritual reality that completes the mystery character of the Feminine."Erich Neumann, The Great Mother“If the final goal of terrestrial evolution were only to awaken man to the supreme Reality and to release him from ignorance and bondage, so that the liberated soul could find elsewhere a higher state of being or merge into this supreme Reality, the task would be accomplished with the advent of the spiritual man. But there is also in us an aspiration for the mastery of Nature and her transformation, for a greater perfection in the Earthly existence itself.If it is the sole intention of Nature in the evolution of the spiritual man to awaken him to the supreme Reality and release him from herself, or from the

Ignorance in which she as the Power of the Eternal has masked herself, by a departure into a higher status of being elsewhere, if this step in the evolution is a close and an exit, then in the essence her work has been already accomplished and there is nothing more to be done. The ways have been built, the capacity to follow them has been developed, the goal or last height of the creation is manifest; all that is left is for each soul to reach individually the right stage and turn of its development, enter into the spiritual ways and pass by its own chosen path out of this inferior existence. But we have supposed that there is a farther intention, — not only a revelation of the Spirit, but a radical and integral transformation of Nature. There is a will in her to effectuate a true manifestation of the embodied life of the Spirit, to complete what she has begun by a passage from the Ignorance to the Knowledge, to throw off her mask and to reveal herself as the luminous

Consciousness-Force carrying in her the eternal Existence and its universal Delight of being. It then becomes obvious that there is something not yet accomplished, there becomes clear to view the much that has still to be done . . . there is a height still to be reached, a wideness still to be covered by the eye of vision, the wing of the will, the self-affirmation of the spirit in the material universe. What the evolutionary Power has done is to make a few individuals aware of their souls, conscious of their selves, aware of the eternal being that they are, to put them into communion with the Divinity or the reality which is concealed by her appearances: a certain change of nature prepares, accompanies or follows upon this illumination, but it is not the complete and radical change which established a secure and settled new principle, a new creation, a permanent new order of being in the field of terrestrial Nature. The spiritual man has evolved, but not the supramental being who

shall thenceforward be the leader of that Nature.”Sri Aurobindo, The Future Evolution of Man“The Three Grades of Yoga . . The most elementary group is devoted entirely to physical exercises in concentration because these appeal more readily to those — always more numerous — whose intellects are uncultivated. . . .The second or intermediate group of yoga practices rises beyond the gross body to the higher level of educating the feelings in devotion and training the thoughts in

concentration. It includes various mystical exercises in meditation whose ultimate aim is the attainment of emotional and mental peace; it may also embrace the inculcation of constant yearning for the presence of God. . . . With the profits in self-preparation gained from the business of these earlier methods he climbs to the third step, the yoga of philosophical discernment.This is the highest group of the yoga family; it is finally supermystical but initially purely intellectual and rational. It is the hidden doctrine. . . . In this third stage the student strives, along with concentrated and disciplined feeling and thought, to sharpen his reason and apply that sharpened intelligence to a guided philosophical consideration of the meaning and nature of the whole world and of all life. Hitherto he has been preoccupied entirely with himself, with his own little ego; now he expands the entire horizon of his outlook and makes the world-problem his own problem. He must train

himself thoroughly to impress these new ideas upon every atom of his being. He must think deeply and think hard about these subtle truths until thought becomes established as insight. When these efforts finally and successfully mature, he practices the ultramysticic contemplation exercises and seeks by the sheer power of his now-illumined intelligence to fathom the final mystery of all — the relation between the grand ultimate reality of the world and himself. He has reached the climax of an adventure where his whole mind and body must now travel and strive and toil in unison. This peak-path is the yoga of the uncontradictable. It first proves its own ultimate tenet of the secret identity of man with the universal reality, and then shows him how to realize this amid practical life.Higher than this his mind cannot go; and his remaining years will be engaged in unremittingly establishing the truth of his own consciousness in living with it every moment and every day. . . He

has then finished with the formalities of religion, with the visions of meditation, with the reasonings of philosophy.”Paul Brunton, Ph. D., The Hidden Teaching Beyond Yoga














Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi assuming the features of Shri Hanuman






"This is the first time the Puja of the Adi Shakti is being done. All the Shaktis arise from the Adi Shakti. And also the Shaktis of Mahakali, Mahalakshmi, Mahasaraswati. All these Shaktis get absorbed back in Her. Only the Adi Shakti can do this work because She has supremacy over all the Chakras. She is the One who controls the various permutations and combinations of the Chakras ..Till mankind does not get Self-Realization till then he cannot go straight for very long. After Lord Jesus Christ the ordinary people started following the religion started by Paul and then everything started going wrong. In this way in every religion things went wrong because religion became difficult and inaccessible. In Modern Times people spoke very wrongs things about Kundalini.Now the question arose how mankind should be told that there is God, there is Truth, and it is in the form of

the Spirit. So it was necessary for the Adi Shakti to incarnate because only She could do this work. She had to come amongst mankind and take the birth of a human being, by which She could understand what are the problems and faults in human beings . . .This new Job was such that all the Deities, the saints, the Incarnations and all great people had to come. They had to come into the bodily form of the Adi Shakti who had to incarnate. And that is why this Incarnation has come, that the whole world can rise, can evolve. The Divine which has made this Universe, this world, would never want His creation be destroyed at the hands of humans. And that is why this Work is so tremendous."Shri Loka-yatra-vidhayini DeviCalcutta, India — April 4, 1990(Loka-yatra-vidhayini [664th]: One who determines the life cycle of the universe. Modern science describes various states of the Universe as De Sitter’s universe and Einstein’s universe.)



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