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Chanting of Mantras

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Hello Mr. Jagbir,


Can you advise me whether incessant chanting of mantras,whenever you are not doing a mental task, leads one to self-realisation? This has been advocated by Mata Amritananda mayi as well as by Swamigal, Spiritual masters from the South?


Is it true and valid?




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shriadishakti , "Manoj" <map5166@r...> wrote:> > Hello Mr. Jagbir,> > Can you advise me whether incessant chanting of mantras,whenever > you are not doing a mental task, leads one to self-realisation? > This has been advocated by Mata Amritananda mayi as well as by > Swamigal, Spiritual masters from the South?> > Is it true and valid?> > Regards,> Manoj>Dear Manoj,i can tell you with 100% certainty that incessant chanting of mantras when you are doing no mental task will NOT lead to self-realization. If you ask 100 swamis, pandits and matas regarding self-realization you will get contradictory, confusing and false statements from each of them.i am telling you that the Mother Kundalini must rise from your Mooldhara and pierce your Sahasrara to awaken you from the deep

slumber of this material life. It cannot be triggered by million mantra milestones. If that had been the case humanity would have been enlightened ages ago and there would have been no need for incarnations to take birth on Earth.A few years ago a friend of mine took great pride in introducing a highly learned priest from India who had been invited by the Montreal Hindu temple to give a discourse on religion. We had a picnic by the lake and there was ample time to unwind. Then the issue of religion came up since it was the main purpose of the rendezvous. After a while i asked him if he could explain to me about the Sahasrara. There was a blank look in his face and, clearly embarrassed, enquired if it was a Sanskrit word! That surprised me since Sanskrit was his forte. i replied that it was and my friend joined in to explain but to no avail. The scholarly pandit replied that he knew a bit about chakras but had no idea what the Sahasrara was all about. Then i

asked him about self-realization. Another blank. After that i ceased asking any further questions on spiritual matters.Manoj, such knowledge is quite well known among the esoteric traditions of all religions - yogis, sufis, gnostics - but nothing compares to the teachings of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi regarding these deep, subtle, esoteric knowledge. Mata Amritananda or Swamigal may be spiritual masters but how can they compare themselves to the Adi Shakti who is entrenched in the Bible, Koran, Vedas, Puranas and Guru Granth Sahib? What evidence do they provide of the holy scriptures backing them up?Take for example this article in The Hindustan Times, February 9, 1998:"LUCKNOW (Feb 9) — Interpretation of the Quran in the light of Sahaja Yoga was the topic of the first international conference of the Islamic Study Group in the city here on Sunday. Various Muslim scholars from around the globe dwelt on the divine powers of Nirmala Devi, who has rediscovered the

magic of ‘sahaj yoga.’ The members discussed the benefits of this form and how Muslims could benefit from it.Speaking on occasion, Mr. Husain Top, a renowned sufi saint from Turkey, said the seven heavens mentioned by the prophet were in fact seven ‘chakras’ of consciousness.“The Almighty is pleased after one attains a higher state of consciousness through self-purification and meditation,” he said.“God sees through man and he hears through man,” the sufi saint said. Mr. Top said in the final stage of consciousness man is enveloped by the will of God and in this state he attains union with the Almighty and finds peace.Mr. Jamal from Algeria revealed that ‘Qayamet’ or Doomsday as is generally understood, is not destruction but resurrection attaining enlightenment.He explained that the real meaning of the greater ‘jehad’ or holy war was the ‘conquest of the self.’ Mr. Javed Khan, president of the Indian Taekwondo Association and the All-India

Kickboxing Federation, said the ‘meraj’ or ascent can be attained through self-realization, which happens spontaneously in Sahaja Yoga.The Quran and the Hadith speak specifically about ‘meraj,’ he said. Dr. Amjad Ali from Australia spoke on the same topic and explained the matter in detail. He related every aspect of his theory to the electromagnetic field of the energy present within every individual, which he termed as ‘chakras.’ Explaining the position of the ‘kundalini,’ which he said was the breath of god in the human body, Mr. Amjad Ali said the ‘kundalini’ ascends from the base of the spine to the top of the head, which when aroused leads to self-realization.Dr. Zafar Rashid from the United Kingdom talked about incarnations. He said the holy ghost was in fact the primordial feminine power called ‘Adi Shakti.’ “It is through this ‘shakti’ that we can attain salvation,” he said. Mr. Majeed Golpour from Iran said, resurrection is also the time for advent of the 12th

Imam or the Ma’adhi’ (which Javed said was in fact ‘Adi Shakti’.) Mr. Golpour said from the various signals he received from time to time, it has become clear that ‘adi shakti’ or the ‘imam ma’ahdi’ had come to Earth in the form of Nirmala Devi." (The Hindustan Times, February 9, 1998)So Manoj let's not try to compare and compromise the teachings of Mata Amritananda or Swamigal with that of the Adi Shakti. i know you will always meet people who want to legitimize the teachings of their favorite gurus before joining Sahaja Yoga but humanity has entered the Age of the Last Judgment and Resurrection. These gurus, pandits, priests, mullahs, sheikhs, monks, gianis etc know next to nothing about what the Adi Shakti has declared to humanity. It is for this fundamental reason we cannot back down even if it means losing seekers. Dharma demands that you stand steadfast ................... even if it means standing all alone!Jai Shri













Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi






"However, about twenty years ago marking the very first stirring of a new Satya Yuga — the transitional age called Krita Yuga — started manifesting itself. Krita Yuga is a unique period of spiritual ascent, as the All-Pervading Divine Power, called the Paramchaitanya in Sanskrit, has become active at the level of ordinary human existence. It is predicted that this Divine activity will bring about the long awaited Satya Yuga, the era of growth and spiritual ascent. All the signs show that it is the Era of Truth which is now advancing and we can see very clearly. For example, how quite ordinary people are becoming aware of Absolute Truth and REALITY through Sahaja Yoga. Sahaja Yoga is the spontaneous union of the individual consciousness with the All-Pervading Divine Power through the awakening of the residual Power of Kundalini, which lies dormant within all human beings in the triangular

bone at the base of the spine, called the sacrum — the sacred bone.Krita Yuga has another characteristic by which when this Yuga is manifested, the falsehood of all outside religions, all people in power who are unpatriotic and dishonest will be automatically exposed. All false prophets and cult leaders will be exposed and all organizations that perpetrate falsehood and hatred in the name of God will be exposed because in Krita Yuga, the Truth is spontaneously brought out. All corrupt entrepreneurs and false teachers will also be exposed.A second characteristic of Krita Yuga is that whenever there is a falling away from Dharma, the inner Divine laws of Righteousness which are innate and which regulate both human existence, the whole world structure as well as manifestation of the Cosmos, will arise as a result with a corresponding, compensatory effect. This is called the Law of Polarity or in Sanskrit karma-phalam (the fruits of action) which means in practical

terms, that whatever you have done, you will get the fruits of those actions. “As you sow, so shall ye reap.” So in this Yuga, all persons will get their karma phalam. If they have led their lives in accordance with the universal and eternal laws of being, they will enjoy an existence which is harmonious and fulfilling. But, on the other hand, whatever wrongs they have done, that is, whenever they have fallen out of the central path of Dharma, either individually or collectively, they will have to pay for that in this life time.In Krita Yuga, there may be much to suffer. This is very unfortunate, but it is simply the effect of our own actions which we have to face. Of course suffering can be avoided, if people achieve their ascent what in Yoga we call the state of spirit or Union with the Divine Power. In Krita Yuga, this manifestation of exposure and punishment, through the law of polarity will take place as long as we do not accept the path of spirituality, which is the

only true and satisfying path for human beings. The suffering that befalls people, both collectively and individually, will be nothing but their own karma phalam, the result of their own choices.However, despite this aspect, Krita Yuga is also a very blissful era for those who are genuinely earnest seekers of Truth. In Krita Yuga, there are unique opportunities for self-transformation and, with their ascent, these seekers will achieve a very high state of spirituality. But in this age of Krita Yuga, such is the Power of Divine Compassion and Love that those who have made mistakes and are consequently suffering, are also redeemed of their sufferings by the activity of this All-Pervading Divine Love. Further more, it is said in the Puranas that the residual Power, the Kundalini, will be awakened and will grant Self-Realization to the seekers. This Power will also grant them physical, emotional and spiritual bliss, and all the problems which come from our inner being — energy

centres of the subtle system — will be solved through the spontaneous cleansing and harmonizing activity of the Kundalini. In this way, all individual human problems, as well as those collective or social problems that have been created by human beings will be solved. But is it said that this state is meant only for people who, through their ascent, have achieved the state of Selfhood. These are ancient prophesies which can now be seen vividly. . . .Of course, this is also the age of science and technology in which human beings progressed beyond the stage of blind faith. And in this great happening of the LAST JUDGMENT and the RESURRECTION TIME, one need not, and should not, believe blindfolded in whatever is said about ascent or salvation, but should treat it like a hypothesis, and observe the facts with an open mind like a scientist. Of course, if a hypothesis is proved, then any honest, scientifically minded modern person has to accept it. The pure Knowledge of the

Divine, manifesting itself directly through Self-Realization, will progressively lead to the creation of a new race for the new Age. This Knowledge is not then for very few privileged individuals, as it was in the past, but for the benevolence of the whole world. In this way, the last breakthrough of our evolution will be achieved en masse. The entire human race can be renewed and transformed. Dharma, righteousness, will once again be universally respected, and human beings will live in Peace, harmoniously with themselves, with Nature, and with each other. . . .In My opinion every Westerner has, as a matter of urgency, to understand the vital role he has to play in this great Age of Transformation and of the LAST JUDGMENT.The Western mind has to realize the enormous responsibility which has been placed upon the West, and the Western people need urgently to find out how to achieve the balance not in terms of money, but in the vision of their responsibility. This is

very much required for the ascent of the whole humanity, otherwise on whom will the blame of destroying the innate human culture by the dynamism of modernism lie — the advanced or underdeveloped?In these Modern Times, in the evolutionary process, we have reached the state of human awareness. This human awareness can work through its thinking, rationality or conditioning. Many modern poets have described them as the calls of Freedom of the Self. But what if one can rise to a higher dimension of awareness? Why not open our hearts and minds to the unique discovery that has been revealed for this vital ascent? The Kingdom of God that we were promised is at hand. This is not a phrase out of a sermon or a lecture, but it is the actualisation of the experience of the highest Truth which is Absolute, now manifesting itself in ordinary people at this present moment."



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