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follow up on God Realization post - Omkara, the Unstruck Melody of Sound

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shriadishakti , Mpc5995@a... wrote:

> jagbir,


> sorry it took so long, but I just wanted to say thank you for the

> thoughtful response to my post a while back :)


> Anyway, I hear ohm and it wasn't from chanting but opened up from

> taoist inner alchemy. Sometimes I " hear " other pitches but

> generally it is the same except when the bliss comes and it

> becomes a bit louder and lower. Then the waves of bliss c come.

> I was just wondering if Mother has talked about it at all as I saw

> the ohm in a sahaja diagram of the subtle system? I experienced

> this before receiveing realization from Mother and also now after.


> Jai Shri Mataji!





While checking Siddhar Swamigal in response to Manoj's post i came

across Mouna Viddhai, a state that Swamigal has attained and is

relevant to your expereince of OM:


" MOUNA VIDDHAI: (The power of Silence. A state of highest attainment

with very high potent power.) The power of silence produces

stillness. This is a motionless state of the mind and the body. The

motionless body allows the mind to concentrate. External

disturbances fail to affect the concentration. The mind slowly gets

into the state of " Mahamounam " where it becomes motionless

and even the inner thoughts do not disturb the mind. It is during

this state of motionless concentration that the divine sound of the

" Omkaram " emerges from within and merges with the " Aadhi

Andham " which is the manifestation of the Omkara in the vast open

space. Thus the person experiences " Brahmanandam " or the

eternal happiness. On attaining this stage once, a person can never

feel unhappy as he is constantly in a state of happiness. Sri

Siddhar Swamigal had mastered this viddhai. "



The Guru Granth Sahib of the Sikh's is replete with references to

the unstruck melody of sound currents or Omkaram. For example:


" I worship and adore the Perfect Guru. All my affairs have been

resolved. All desires have been fulfilled. The unstruck melody of

the sound current resounds.


O Saints, meditating on the Lord, we obtain peace. In the home of

the Saints, celestial peace is pervading; all pain and suffering is



The Word of the Perfect Guru's Bani is pleasing to the Mind of the

Supreme Lord God. Slave Nanak speaks the Unspoken, immaculate sermon

of the Lord.


The hungry man is not ashamed to eat. Just so, the humble servant of

the Lord sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord.


Why are you so lazy in your own affairs? Remembering Him in

meditation, your face shall be radiant in the Court of the Lord; you

shall find peace, forever and ever. "




" Those, unto whom the Lord, the Life of the world, has shown Mercy,

enshrine Him within their hearts, and cherish Him in their minds.


The Righteous Judge of Dharma, in the Court of the Lord, has torn up

my papers; servant Nanak's account has been settled.


In the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation, I found the Holy, by great

good fortune; my restless mind has been quieted.


The unstruck melody ever vibrates and resounds; I have taken in the

sublime essence of the Lord's Ambrosial Nectar, showering down.


O my mind, chant the Name of the Lord, the beauteous Lord.

The True Guru has drenched my mind and body with the Love of the

Lord, who has met me and lovingly embraced me.


The faithless cynics are bound and gagged in the chains of Maya;

they are actively engaged, gathering in the poisonous wealth.

They cannot spend this in harmony with the Lord, and so they must

endure the pain which the Messenger of Death inflicts upon their



The Holy Guru has dedicated His Being to the Lord's service; with

great devotion, apply the dust of His feet to your face.

In this world and the next, you shall receive the Lord's honor, and

your mind shall be imbued with the permanent color of the Lord's



O Lord, Har, Har, please unite me with the Holy; compared to these

Holy people, I am just a worm.

Servant Nanak has enshrined love for the feet of the Holy Guru;

meeting with this Holy One, my foolish, stone-like mind has

blossomed forth in lush profusion "



i have found Sikhs questioning this melody of sound which you have



" Sat Sri Akaal dear reader,


I have read many parts of the Siri Guru Granth Sahib Ji and in many

places the Guru mentions the " Sound Current of the Naad " . What is

it? and how do you obtain it? Please enlighten me.


I beleive obtaining it and listening to it in meditation (simran) is

the aim for all sikhs so as to prevent you from being reborn.


Sat Sri Akaal. "


Answer 1: If one meditates for the purpose of hearing the divine

music, then the purpose for meditating on G-d is a lost cause. The

whole purpose of meditating is to elevate ones self spiritually so

that he or she can surrender the ego more to the Hukam will of G-d.

The phenomena of hearing the divine music is a result of yielding

completely to G-d. It does not come by meditating alone. Even wicked

doers meditate. The mathematical solution is simple. Number 1, admit

you are imperfect. Number 2, surrender to G-d, ask for forgiveness,

it's free. It's His kirpa, and you can't bribe for it. He already

accepts you as you are. Number 3, behold His glory and relax and

enjoy His Amrit. The music you will hear is a symptom of this type

of mediation combined with surrender. Number 4, you perception of

reality will develop. The world will not seem to be the same - at

this point, it is you that is changing/improving.


Answer 2: Oh, listen to the kirtan of the Most High

Singing of His love, His kirtan to us

All sounds, natural and human made

Accidental sounds, intentional sounds

Even the sounds within you innermost self.

All these sounds are His shabad and kirtan

Calling us to rest in Him

To surrender to His Hukem

His calling of love and grace

The signts and sounds do testify in the end of days

Of G-d calling to us, and whether or not we respond

To His divine invitation to merge with Him

And relish the Amrit of REALITY.


Answer 3: This is for you to take it or leave it. Naad is sound.

Anhad Naad is unstruck sound. Anhad Naad is tinitis one hears in the

ear. When you meditate or your mind is not busy you can hear it.

These tinitis sounds are of ten types. For ages these have been used

as tools for getting into meditational trance. as the source of

these sounds could not be traced and these never stopped these were

refered to as anhad. This is the base of Laya Yoga. There is a

method by which these can help one meditate. But these are only

props. (agnya and vishuddi catch on this one)


Answer 4: I was driving home from kirtan today, and I was meditating

while I was driving. Instead of hearing a tune in mymind that G-d

put in, I decided to just open my mouth and sing without

anticipating what tune would come out. Another beautiful came as a

result of this, and it goes good with my shebed tune in Ung

463 " Wedi Wedi'ayi. " I also received another tune right

afterwards,that goes good with my Ek ong kar melody. I can't wait

till I burn my first Judeo Sikh CD music. (catches on this one too)



So it is certain your expereince of OM is genuine and reflects the

high state of spiritual achievement. My pranaaam to you and best

wishes for your journey within. Proceed on fearlessly and never look

back for guidance. Seek it from the Court of the Lord within your

own glorious being.



Jai Shri Mataji,




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shriadishakti , " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:


> So it is certain your expereince of OM is genuine and reflects the

> high state of spiritual achievement. My pranaaam to you and best

> wishes for your journey within. Proceed on fearlessly and never

> look back for guidance. Seek it from the Court of the Lord within

> your own glorious being.




" Man possesses the most perfect osseous structure, the least and

most insignificant covering. The whole force of organic power has

attained an inward and centripetal direction. He has the whole world

in counterpoint to him, but he contains an entire world within

himself. Now, for the first time at the apex of the living pyramid,

it is Man and Nature, but man himself is a syllepsis, a compendium

of Nature--the Microcosm! "


Coleridge, Theory of Life

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