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Proclamations are only ego...

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!!!!!!!!!!!!Jai Shri Mataji !!!!!!!!!!

Dear Jagbir,


I was considering a personal note only but changed my mind.

I am neither timid nor shy about God.


There is an axiom regarding war. That in conquering ones enemy you

become them....why i have warned yogi's who fight with others. This

is not Sahaj, it is not moving in an ascending fashion, quite the

opposite. Unless of course you conquer them with Love. My advice is

dont be in the toilet when it flushes....the attachment may pull you

in...I do not read the toilet forums any longer, yogis and yoginis

waging battles there are on your own, be forewarned.


My comment this morning is on your proclamation of yogi's working

over distance , that it can not be done..no one alive...blah blah..

Well I can only speak for myself and i do not believe it is limited

to only me, it is more than possible it is a fact. It has been done

on icq chat to pakistan from US..no problem. Check your vibrations

if you dont want to believe..


What is the point of trying to tell people they are limited? Why

send a boy (Kash) to do a mans job? The limitation here is only in

the mind, and the heart. If you see distance, then i guess it exists

for you. When you have penetrated the Unconscious fully, you will

find only the thinnest membrane separating one from the other in the

Collective Unconscious. Time and place have little to do with it.


If you dont reach for what is beyond your grasp, you will never

achieve it. Proclaiming what is beyond your understanding in such a

way as to limit others potential growth, is not Sahaj.



As Always,

Love from Ishmael ibn Abraham


p.s I heard some angels say they will blow trumpets the day you give

up your bookishness......

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shriadishakti , " Ishmael Abraham "

<ishmael35a> wrote:

> !!!!!!!!!!!!Jai Shri Mataji !!!!!!!!!!

> Dear Jagbir,


> I was considering a personal note only but changed my mind.

> I am neither timid nor shy about God.


> There is an axiom regarding war. That in conquering ones enemy

> you become them....why i have warned yogi's who fight with others.

> is is not Sahaj, it is not moving in an ascending fashion, quite

> the opposite. Unless of course you conquer them with Love. My

> advice is dont be in the toilet when it flushes....the attachment

> may pull you in...I do not read the toilet forums any longer,

> yogis and yoginis waging battles there are on your own, be

> forewarned.


> My comment this morning is on your proclamation of yogi's working

> over distance , that it can not be done..no one alive...blah blah..

> Well I can only speak for myself and i do not believe it is

> limited to only me, it is more than possible it is a fact. It has

> been done on icq chat to pakistan from US..no problem. Check your

> vibrations if you dont want to believe..


> What is the point of trying to tell people they are limited? Why

> send a boy (Kash) to do a mans job? The limitation here is only in

> the mind, and the heart. If you see distance, then i guess it

> exists for you. When you have penetrated the Unconscious fully,

> you will find only the thinnest membrane separating one from the

> other in the Collective Unconscious. Time and place have little to

> do with it.


> If you dont reach for what is beyond your grasp, you will never

> achieve it. Proclaiming what is beyond your understanding in such

a way as to limit others potential growth, is not Sahaj.


> Regards,

> As Always,

> Love from Ishmael ibn Abraham


> p.s I heard some angels say they will blow trumpets the day you

give up your bookishness......



Dear Ishmael,


Before i start replying can you frist tell me who empowers millions

of Reiki practitioners to channel energy and heal over vast

distances? (i have extracted just one of the countless claims being

made for your reference.)


i also want to know why the Adi Shakti has given them such powers,

if that is what i can arrogantly conclude by inference of their

transcontinental powers similar to what you claim is possible?









Instruction Online: Reiki Styles

Use this form to join this online class. In this Kundalini Reiki

course you will receive a series of three attunements to open and

strengthen the energy channels of your body, enabling the healing

waves of Reiki energy to flow through you and cleanse your body from

energy blockages. At the same time, your Kundalini (the powerful

creative force in the human body, which lies dormant in most people

at the base of their spine) will be awakened safely and your Reiki

channeling abilities greatly improved. Kundalini Reiki is not only a

powerful tool for energetic healing: this combination of Kundalini

and Reiki energy will also work in synergy to promote your spiritual

healing and spiritual evolution towards enlightenment. There are no

pre-requisites for studying Kundalini Reiki. During the course you

will learn how to give a hands-on treatment to another person, send

long-distance healing, and several methods for self-healing. Other

uses of Kundalini Reiki such as healing karmic bonds, situations,

personal qualities and character traits will be covered in depth.


Reiki, meaning `universal life energy', is a form of energy


which is now increasingly recognized for its ability to heal on all

levels (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual) and promote total

holistic well-being. As with other Reiki styles, Kundalini Reiki

energizes and heals the body, reduces stress and works in

conjunction with other healthcare and medical treatments. Certain

styles have specific objectives and Kundalini Reiki is an excellent

choice for working on any issues with the lower chakras, grounding

problems, or emotions and feelings such as shyness, daydreaming, or

sexual issues. Kundalini Reiki is also very helpful for anyone who

currently has, or has had problems in the past with wrong Kundalini

awakening, or other problems with the Kundalini energy. Following

your Master level attunement you will receive full instructions on

teaching and attuning others to the Kundalini Reiki system.



Instructor Pamela Jordan


Course Description


In this Kundalini Reiki course you will receive a series of three

attunements to open and strengthen the energy channels of your body,

enabling the healing waves of Reiki energy to flow through you and

cleanse your body from energy blockages. At the same time, your

Kundalini (the powerful creative force in the human body, which lies

dormant in most people at the base of their spine) will be awakened

safely and your Reiki channeling abilities greatly improved.


Kundalini Reiki is not only a powerful tool for energetic healing:

this combination of Kundalini and Reiki energy will also work in

synergy to promote your spiritual healing and spiritual evolution

towards enlightenment.


There are no pre-requisites for studying Kundalini Reiki. During the

course you will learn how to give a hands-on treatment to another

person, send long-distance healing, and several methods for self-

healing. Other uses of Kundalini Reiki such as healing karmic bonds,

situations, personal qualities and character traits will be covered

in depth.


Kundalini Reiki is very much a `hands-on' course, which does


require intensive academic study or the use of complex procedures.

The lesson material is supplemented by interesting links to other

websites and there are enjoyable assignments and quizzes to be

completed. The emphasis throughout is on gaining a practical skill,

which you can use for healing both your own self and other people.


Reiki, meaning `universal life energy', is a form of energy


which is now increasingly recognized for its ability to heal on all

levels (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual) and promote total

holistic well-being. As with other Reiki styles, Kundalini Reiki

energizes and heals the body, reduces stress and works in

conjunction with other healthcare and medical treatments. Certain

styles have specific objectives and Kundalini Reiki is an excellent

choice for working on any issues with the lower chakras, grounding

problems, or emotions and feelings such as shyness, daydreaming, or

sexual issues. Kundalini Reiki is also very helpful for anyone who

currently has, or has had problems in the past with wrong Kundalini

awakening, or other problems with the Kundalini energy. Following

your Master level attunement you will receive full instructions on

teaching and attuning others to the Kundalini Reiki system.



On completion of the course you will also receive 2 manuals in .pdf

format for use with your own students.





Kundalini Reiki Master provides the necessary knowledge and

techniques to help heal yourself and others, as well as assisting

your spiritual growth and development. The course includes 3 levels:

First Degree, Second Degree and Third Degree/Master level. On

completion you will be qualified to teach and attune others.

The course promises seven outcomes: 1. You will be attuned to 3

levels of Kundalini Reiki (including the Master level). 2. You will

learn how to do hands-on healing, distance healing and self-healing

using Kundalini Reiki. 3. You will learn additional healing

techniques specific to Kundalini Reiki. 4. You will perform a

special meditation to increase the power of the flame in

your 'Kundalini Fire'. 5. You will experience a safe and

instantaneous Kundalini awakening. 6. You will learn how to teach

and attune others to Kundalini Reiki. 7. You will learn how to use

the additional Reiki energies to which you are automatically attuned

during the Master level attunement.





Course Cost



Basic Course:


With Certificate Option:




Course Lessons

1. Introduction to Kundalini Reiki - A brief introduction to Reiki,

along with a more detailed look at Kundalini Reiki and its history.

Full instructions on requesting and receiving attunements are


2. Kundalini Reiki First Degree (part 1) - You will learn how to

give a hands-on treatment to another person, send long-distance

healing, and several methods for self-healing.

3. Kundalini Reiki First Degree (part 2) - In this lesson we will

explore some of Kundalini Reiki's other uses including space

clearing, healing karmic bonds, and healing situations, personal

qualities and character traits.

4. Kundalini Reiki Second Degree - You will practice a meditation,

which will increase the power of the flame in your `Kundalini


Kundalini awakening issues and additional uses of Kundalini Reiki

are also discussed.

5. Kundalini Reiki Third Degree / Master Level - In this final

lesson you will learn how to teach and attune others. Instructions

are also given on using the 7 additional Reiki energies for treating

yourself and others.

Request More Information

About this Course


Have a question? Contact us for more information regarding this



Your Name:


Your Email:








Optional Certificates Awarded

Certificate of Attendance

Certificate of Class Participation

Certificate of Appreciation

Certificate of Merit

Certificate of Outstanding Achievement

Certificate of Academic Excellence




Certificates awarded by the instructor will vary and are based upon

student merit. Any awards you earn are considered unofficial (or

temporary) unless you decide to make the award " official " . To make

an award official, there is a $20.00 processing fee that covers the

customization, printing, and shipping of a hard copy of the

certificate. In addition, official awards include a serial number

that verifies the authenticity of the award you earned for a

lifetime (great for employers to verify your achievement).

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Dear Jagbir,


In no way did i mean to imply any others than Sahaja Yogis who have

this potential....

I find these people just as horrid as you do..I have met a few..and

one choose to steal $3000 dollars of equipment from me...




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Dear Jagbir,


I can say, i had no idea this was impossible..as you say.

So perhaps this is the workings of innocence...Someone asked

it was provided. There was no intent whatsoever beforehand.


A few years ago i was invited to lectured at a community college

about SY, here i met the rieki..it is a painful memory because they

see lights and think they are achieving something. Their lives i

found are full of calamity, and pain. They blame it on the reiki

clearing, saying it is working things out. You know they use runes

of some sort, that no one knows the meaning of the symbols, and they

all think they are taping the power of Shri Jesus. It is a sad

example of blind leading blind.


I could not read the course instruction on this rieki, i became

nauseous,i cant bear that.





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shriadishakti , " Ishmael Abraham "

<ishmael35a> wrote:

> Dear Jagbir,


> I can say, i had no idea this was impossible..as you say.

> So perhaps this is the workings of innocence...Someone asked

> it was provided. There was no intent whatsoever beforehand.


> A few years ago i was invited to lectured at a community college

> about SY, here i met the rieki..it is a painful memory because

> they see lights and think they are achieving something. Their

> lives i found are full of calamity, and pain. They blame it on the

> reiki clearing, saying it is working things out. You know they use

> runes of some sort, that no one knows the meaning of the symbols,

> and they all think they are taping the power of Shri Jesus. It is

> a sad example of blind leading blind.


> I could not read the course instruction on this rieki, i became

> nauseous,i cant bear that.



> Peace,

> Ishmael



Dear Ishmael,


Maybe you have misunderstood what i really meant. Let me make it

more clear with a hypothetical situation.


Say one Raul Atget from Ulan Bator and Sekou Nkrumah from Timbuktu

desire Kundalini awakening. Raul is guided step by step in detail by

SY Ismael Khan from Pakistan via ICQ how to get his kundalini

awakened i.e. place a photograph of Shri Mataji, say Shri Ganesha's

mantra etc. After a few false starts Raul finally gets it right and

exclaims, " I feel the Cool Breeze! I feel the Cool Breeze! "


At the same time Jagbill Kumar phones Sekou Nkrumah and instructs

him to sit down and meditate while he experiments with an innovative

way to raise his Kundalini all the way from Montreal, Canada.

Jagbill faces Timbuktu and concentrates with all his mental powers

and keeps on chanting, " Rise kundalini rise! Rise kundalini rise! "


He checks back but Sekou Nkrumah feels nothing. Jagbill tells him to

meditate again and this time raises his voice, " Rise Kundalini! With

the power invested in me I command you to rise! "


He checks back and again Sekou Nkrumah replies that nothing has



Jagbill keeps on repeating and unknown to him the whole 'scared

ceremony' became a joke. Unknown to him Sekou Nkrumah had a long

call (i mean to the loo), felt hungry and nibbled on a yam, chased

and swatted a fly that kept tormenting his left nostril, and

successfully bargained a bunch of bananas from his neighbor in

exchange for five eggs.






PS: i think Jagbill realized that his innovation was a miserable

failure. SYs may try and see if they can succeed where he failed.

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Dear Jagbir,


You are a funny guy..you make me laugh my eyes water..




> PS: i think Jagbill realized that his innovation was a miserable

> failure. SYs may try and see if they can succeed where he failed.

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