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Please correct this, it is very very important.

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Dear readers, A recent email sent by a concerned SY reads:---------------------

"In Sikhism, the Dsam Dwar stands for the Ekadash Rudra, or the Agnya Chakra. It is only when the Dsam Dwar opens that the Kundalini enters the Sahasrara, and enlightenment is obtained. Ekadash Rudra = (Ek + Das) Dwar = Christ + Ten Forces of Destruction (or the Ten Satgurus of the Bhavsagara which act as the Ekadash Rudra here).Please correct this, it is very very important."

---------------------i then request for the source i was told that it was at the www.sahajayoga.org site. Since many SYs must have read it then public clarification is needed:---------------------

"It used to be there on the website: www.sahajayoga.org till the time it was modified and given a new look, some time ago. But, now it is lying on a CD in my home, in the neighbouring town. Will bring it when i get the time.Apart from that, we all know about the Ekadash Rudra. And that the ten gurus of the Bhavsagar are located at the Agnya Chakra. The Kundalini can only reach the Sahasrara (which is the Kingdom of God) after crossing the Agnya. When it does, it is a poetical equivalent to saying that "Ten Doors have opened-------------------i wish to reiterate that the Dsam Duar (Tenth Door) of the Sikh Guru Granth Sahib is the Brahmarandhra and not the Ekadash Rudra SYs have been led to believe. The Brahmarandra at the top of the skull is the Tenth Gate. The other Nine Gates in the human body are the two eyes, two ears, two nostril openings, mouth, and the two organs of excretion and procreation. (total: nine.) When the Kundalini rises

from the Mooldhara it pierces out of the Sahasrara or Brahmarandra (Tenth Gate).













Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi






"Guru Nanak Dev has made lot of references to Kundalini awakening in the Sacred Book, Sri Guru Granth Sahib. Kundalini has been referred to as Surati and Dsam Duar means Brahmarandhara or opening of anterior fontanel area on Kundalini awakening."

Shri Niraka DeviNiraka (137th): She is formless, i.e, undifferentiated consciousness





The energy channels of the Ida, Pingala and Shushmana: These three dwell in one place.This is the true place of confluence of the three sacred rivers: This is where my mind takes its cleansing bath.O Saints, the Immaculate Lord dwells there; How rare are those who go to the Guru, and understand this.The all-pervading immaculate Lord is there. What is the insignia of the Divine Lord’s dwelling?The unstruck sound current of the Shabad vibrates there. There is no moon or sun, no air or water there.The Gurmukh becomes aware, and knows the Teachings. Spiritual wisdom wells up, and evil-mindedness departs;The nucleus of the mind sky is drenched with Ambrosial Nectar.One who knows the secret of this device meets the Supreme Divine Guru.The Tenth Gate is the home of the inaccessible, infinite Supreme Lord.Above the store is a niche, and within this niche is the commodity.One who remains awake, never sleeps. The three qualities and the three worlds

vanish in the state of Samadhi.He takes the Beej Mantra, the Seed Mantra, and keeps it in his heart.Turning his mind away from the world, he focuses on the cosmic void of the absolute Lord.He remains awake, and he does not lie. He keeps the five sensory organs under his control.He cherishes in his consciousness the Guru’s Teachings. He dedicates his mind and body to the Lord’s Love.He considers his hands to be the leaves and branches of the tree. He does not lose his life in the gamble.He plugs up the source of the river of evil tendencies. Turning away from the west, he makes the sun rise in the east.He bears the unbearable, and the drops trickle down within; Then, he speaks with the Lord of the world.The four-sided lamp illuminates the Tenth Gate. The Primal Lord is at the center of the countless leaves.She Herself abides there with all Her powers. She weaves the jewels into the pearl of the mind.The lotus is at

the forehead, and the jewels surround it.Within it is the Immaculate Lord, the Master of the three worlds.

Sri Guru Granth Sahib (Raamkalee, The Word of Baynee Jee, p. 974.)



The five senses stand as guards at the gate, but now can they be trusted?When you are Collectively Conscious, you shall be enlightened and illuminated.Seeing the nine openings of the body, the soul is led astray; Unable to obtain that matchless thing.The nine openings of the body are being ravaged, says Kabeer; Rise up to the Tenth Gate, and discover the Truth.Gauri, O mother, I do not know any other, except Her.My breath resides in Her, whose praises are sung by Shiva, Sanak and others.My heart is lit up by spiritual wisdom; On meeting the True Inner Guru, the light of Divine knowledge has entered my mind,And my attention is fixed up in the tenth gate.The affliction of corruption, fear and bondage have run away; My mind has come to know peace in its own true home.Imbued with a balanced single-mindedness, I know and obey God;My mind rests in the state of thoughtless awareness. My mind is fragrant with the scent of

sandalwood;I have renounced the ego, selfishness and pride.God dwells within that humble being, who sings and meditates on his Lord and Master.He is blessed with great good fortune; The Divine Mother abides in his mind.Good karma shines from his forehead. I have broken the bonds of Maya;The intuitive peace and poise of Shiva has dawned within me, and I am merged in oneness with the One.

Sri Guru Granth Sahib (Gauree, p. 339.)



The outgoing, wandering soul, upon meeting the Inner Guru, opens the Tenth Gate.There the Ambrosial Nectar is food, and Celestial Music the sound; The world is held spell-bound,By the wonder of the Ultimate Reality.The many strains of the unstruck melody vibrate there, as one merges in Truth.Thus says Nanak: by meeting the True Inner Guru, the wandering soul becomes steady,And comes to dwell in the home within its own self.

Sri Guru Granth Sahib (Aasaa, Third Mehl, p. 441.)



The body is a container with seventy-two chambers, and one opening — The Tenth Gate.He alone is a true Yogi on this earth, who asks for the primal world of the nine regions.Such a Yogi obtains the nine treasures. He lifts his soul up from below, to the skies of the Tenth Gate.

Sri Guru Granth Sahib (Aasaa, p. 477.)



He alone is liberated, who conquers his mind; Maya does not delude him again.He dwells in the Tenth Gate, the Divine Sanctuary; And obtains the understanding of the three worlds.O Nanak, through the Primordial Inner Guru, one becomes the Guru; Behold His Wondrous Will. Sri Guru Granth Sahib (Gujri, Third Mehl, p. 490.)



The Divine Mother placed the soul to the cave of the body, and blew the breath of life, into the musical instrument of the body.She blew the breath of life into the musical instrument of the body, and revealed the nine doors; But kept the Tenth Door hidden.Through the Primordial Inner Guru's Gate, some are blessed with priceless Knowledge, and the Tenth Door is revealed to them.

Sri Guru Granth Sahib (Saad, p. 922.)



The Inner Guru dwells in the sky of mind, the Tenth Gate;Singing Her Glorious Praises, one dwells in intuitive poise and peace.He does not go to come, or come to go. By Her Grace, he remains lovingly focused on the Divine Mother.The Lord of the mind-sky is inaccessible, independent and beyond birth.The highest Samaadhi is to be in Collective Consciousness, always focused on Her.Remembering the Lord's Name, one is not subject to reincarnation.The Primordial Inner Guru's Teachings are most Excellent; All other ways lack the Name of the Great Spiritual Mother.Wandering to countless doorsteps and homes, I have grown weary. My incarnations are countless, without limit.I have had so many mothers, fathers, sons and daughters. I have had so many gurus and disciples.Through a false guru, liberation is not found. . . .Searching the ten directions, I found Her within my own home. I have met Her; the Inner Guru has led me to meet Herself.

Sri Guru Granth Sahib (Sidhha Goshth, p. 932.)



The breath blows across Tenth Gate’s sky and vibrates.O Nanak, the mortal then intuitively meets the eternal, unchanging Universal Mother.The absolute Divine Mother is deep within; The absolute Divine Mother is outside us as well.The absolute Divine Mother totally fills the three worlds.One who knows the Divine Mother in the fourth state is not subject to virtue or vice.One who knows the mystery of God the Absolute, pervading each and every heart, knows the Primal Being,The Immaculate Divine Primordial Mother.That humble being who is saturated with the Immaculate Om, O Nanak, is himself the Primal Lord, the Architect of Destiny."Everyone speaks of the Absolute Being, the unmanifest void. How can one find this absolute void?Who are they, who are attuned to this absolute void?" They are like the Divine Mother, from whom they originated.They are not born, they do not die; they do not come and go. O Nanak, the Gurmukhs instruct their

minds.By practicing control over the nine gates, one attains perfect control over the Tenth Gate.There, the Lord’s Paramchaitanya vibrates and resounds. Behold the ever-present Divine Mother, and merge with Her.Sri Guru Granth Sahib (Sidhha Goshth, p. 944.)



There is but One God.By the True Inner Guru’s grace, is He attained.O my Lord, hearing Thy beauteous Name, my soul is mightily pleased.The Lord God’s Name is an immortalising sweet ambrosia, which one drinks the Inner Guru’s instructions.As the fire is locked in the wood, but it is made manifest, by the mortal who knows the way of rubbing the wood.So is the light of the Lord’s Name within all, but its essence is found through the Inner Guru’s teachings.There are nine doors, but their taste is bland and stale.The Essence of Ambrosial Nectar trickles down through the Tenth Door.Please take pity on me — be kind and compassionate, O my Beloved,That I may drink in the Virtuous Essence of the Lord, through the Word of the Inner Guru's Shabad.The body-village is the most subtle and noble village in which merchandise of the Lord's Virtuous Essence is traded.The most precious, priceless gems and jewels are obtained by serving the True Inner

Guru.Unfathomable and Inscrutable is the Lord who is the brimful Ocean of Truth, Consciousness and Bliss.

Sri Guru Granth Sahib (Fourth Mehl, p. 1323.)













Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi






"These brief reviews illustrate that the theme of Kundalini awakening referred to variously as rebirth, Resurrection, baptism, union with the Divine, Tao, is common throughout mankind's history in all the religions of the world. In fact, this is the essence of all the religions, though because of time and place constraints, it was kept a hidden science in the past."Shri Sarvajna DeviSarvajna (196th): Omniscient

The Baptism of Allah for Muslims is the same ‘second birth’ for Christians; the same ‘dwija or twice born’ for Hindus; the same ‘opening of the Dsam Duar’ for Sikhs; the same Self-Realization, Satori, gnosticism, and fana of advanced spiritual seekers. They seemingly different paths are all one and the same, with no difference whatsoever as far as the pursuit of the Spirit is concerned. It is just that the human race has been divided and fragmented by the religious regimes, too brainwashed and conditioned to confirm the same Truth in other Holy Books.jagbir

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