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These very complicated events have been described in Islam ...

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"Islam and Christianity share the same vision concerning the second coming of Christ because Christians also believe in his return. Moreover, the Muslims also accept, as do the Christians, that Christ's return will occur in Jerusalem and that this city will be the place where final eschatological events will take place. Islam in contrast to Christianity, however, sees the function of the Mahdi and Christ as being associated with each other and their coming as part of the same major eschatological events. . . .These very complicated events have been described in Islam in such a way that no man, no matter what claims he makes, can predict exactly when the Hour will arrive. In fact, there is a hadith of the Prophet which says that all those who predict the time of the coming of the Hour are liars. Nevertheless, all Muslims believe that the Hour will come, that is, there is an end to human history, that

Allah intervenes finally like lightning upon the stage of ordinary time/space consciousness, that there is the final death and resurrection of humanity and that there is an accounting for all that men have done in this world."













Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi






"In between Jesus Christ and His destroying Incarnation of Mahavishnu called as Kalki there is a time given to human beings to rectify themselves, for them to enter into the Kingdom of God, which in the Bible is called as LAST JUDGMENT." Shri Kaivalya-pada-dayini DeviKundalini And Kalki Shakti, Bombay, India — September 28, 1979Kaivalya-pada-dayini (625th): She confers on the devotees the pure, undiffentiated state of Kaivalya. Yogasutra 4, chapter 33 describes ‘Kaivalya’ as the establishment in its own nature of the power of consciousness. The devotees of Kamakala who find no distinction between the object of worship — Devata, and the individual Self attain the state of ’Kaivalya-Pada’ or the state of Brahman.












Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi






"Christ who is the embodiment of forgiveness — forgiveness of Christ is nothing but is the Power of sustenance within Him — if He explodes the whole forgiveness can come on Earth as a big disaster if we are not able to understand the value of His forgiveness. He has said very clearly that anything against me will be tolerated but a word against Holy Ghost won’t be tolerated. He has clearly said it and now you have to understand that the Holy Ghost is the Adi Shakti."Shri Mahakali DeviKundalini And Kalki Shakti, Bombay, India — Sep. 28, 1979(Mahakali (751st): The Destroyer of Death.)













Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi






""Within human beings lies the dormant power of pure desire (Kundalini) which is the projection of the Primordial Mother or Holy Ghost. All other desires are not pure because they do not give satisfaction. One of the principles of economics is that in general wants are not satiable, that human beings run from one desire to another desire. Whether one is aware or not one is seeking satisfaction or joy. One may seek joy in money, in possessions, in power or in human love but is lost in the wildness of the duality of happiness and unhappiness.In every human heart resides the Spirit (Atma) which is the projection of God Almighty (Parameshwara). The nature of the Kundalini is that it is the power of pure desire. She is an individual mother of every individual and she is the one that is dormant and waiting for a proper time to give every individual his or her second birth. She is like a tape which has a record of all the good

deeds (Punyas), all the wrong doings, all the desires and aspirations of the individual. She is like a primule in a dormant seed. Once she is awakened and is connected to the all pervading power the spiritual growth of the fourth dimension (Turiya) starts.The nature of the Spirit is that it is an universal being within every individual. As there is one God Almighty His projection on every human heart is the same, but the projection of the Spirit varies because of the different types of rejecters. When this Spirit, which is the source of joy and truth, is connected through the Kundalini the human attention becomes enlightened. Thus one knows the absolute truth on our central nervous system and becomes a joyous collective being. The spirit is projected in the heart but the seat of God Almighty is above the fontanel bone area, above the apex of the head.After this living force of Kundalini is connected to the all pervading Divine power within a human being, it starts

developing the spirituality of a person. One touches the spirituality within oneself and grows into another dimension, the fourth one. Thus a saintly and wise personality develops. This personality is the one which is unfolding itself naturally, spontaneously (Sahaja), but also, by knowing how to handle this All-pervading Power through the Knowledge of purity (Shuddha Vidya), one can evolve in a much faster way into that new dimension.Once the Spirit starts shining fully in one's attention one actually becomes enlightened in the sense that one can see for oneself that one becomes one's own guide, one becomes one's own master. Then you don't need any guide, but you are the master of yourself. In the past this process was limited to one or to very few persons but now a phenomena to allow en-masse realisation was discovered about twenty years ago.All such enlightened people follow a religion which is called as Vishwa Nirmala Dharma, meaning the innate pure religion

within us. These people have actualised the enlightenment. They have actualised the baptism because they feel the cool breeze as Kundalini pierces through the fontanel, and thus have become religious saints, yogis, yoginis and seers. They are not like ordinary people who have not entered into this new fourth dimension of awareness and established themselves. These are the people who know themselves within and know others in collective consciousness. They are the people who have achieved a state in which they know on their central nervous system that they are part and parcel of the whole. lt is not a blind faith or lip service building a net of empty words. (Shabda Jalam).This is the knowledge of the roots. All the trees of modem civilisation have grown outside. If we do not go to our roots and find out the fundamentals of our existence, these unbalanced, crazily expanded civilisations are going to be destroyed. lt is very important and imminent that the world should try to

take its attention towards finding out its roots. lt is described in every scripture in some way or other, and has been extensively described in the Indian scriptures. India is a very ancient country and it has been blessed by many seers and saints who wrote treatises about reality and guidelines of how to achieve it. Like all other real saints of the world they also suffered at the hands of people of outward religions (Dharma Martandas).The writings of these great enlightened souls are mostly in Sanskrit and were not available to the general public. Whenever translated they were not even mentioning Kundalini awakening as the only way o achieve Self realisation. lt was completely deleted when translated. It was in the twelfth century that a great incarnation of a Saint, Sri Gyaneshwara (God of Knowledge) was born. He live for only twenty three years. They were three brothers and one sister. All of them were tortured by the Dharmamartandas. Gyaneshwara took the permission of

his Guru (master), who was his eldest brother, and wrote in the regional language a book called Gyaneshwari. In the sixth chapter he clearly wrote about Kundalini but again the people in charge of religion (Dharma Martandas) said that this chapter was not allowed to be read (Nishiddha).Then came the Tantrikas who did not know anything about the Kundalini, the instrument (Yantra), also did not know anything about how it works (Tantra). They practised all black arts and indulged into immoral practices of violence and sex.When the Kundalini is awakened the ten valancies (the Ten Commandments) are awakened within. The religion becomes innate, and our whole priorities change. For the religion in Sahaja Yoga is the ultimate of every religion of any form. lt is not limited to one religion, but it has the best of all the religions. All real religions are leading to one aim, to one goal.That goal is to achieve Self knowledge through our second birth. In Sanskrit

language a bird is called as a Dwija, twice born, because first it is an egg, then it has its second birth. In the same way a person who is enlightened and has known the Brahma (All-pervading Power) is also known as Dwija.This Dharma which is innate within us is awakened, by which they know that all the religions have come out of one source of spirituality. Anybody might come from any religion to Sahaja Yoga. They all know that we belong to one religion, and that is the principle of all the religions. So there is no possibility of fundamentalism amongst Sahaja Yogis, there is no fighting or quarrelling. Everybody can see very clearly whatever religions they have followed so far, where they have deviated and what wrong they have been doing. Also, they are capable of correcting these things very easily. In India there are Sahaja Yogis who are trying to work out the superstitions and caste systems. In the same way, in so many countries people are trying to work out and

eradicate wrong types of religious practice.There are certain practices of this Divine religion which keep the religion alive and active within. These are to be understood. The modus operandi, also how the Kundalini is kept properly connected to the All-pervading Power, and why these practices are important is explained.There are also proper methods of meditation for nourishment of the personality, and how one could be in meditation all the time. Finally, you don't have to do the meditation, but you have to be in meditation the whole time.Now, all the knowledge comes to you from the Divinity, and this knowledge is absolutely pure knowledge. It cannot be challenged, it cannot be changed. It is a permanent, eternal flow of knowledge. All this can be proved and verified.There is a state of thoughtless awareness which you achieve, in which you are in contact with the present. All your thoughts are coming from your past or from your future, but you are not

in the present. When you are in the present you are silent, and in the present only spiritual growth takes place. Then inspiration comes to you as thought, Many people have been blessed by this inspiration and have created great works of art, music, dance and drama. Apart from that, these inspirations have helped many people in business, in politics and in economics. The same inspiration has created pure religion.So, one has to realise how this ascent into that peaceful area of complete security works, and to enjoy your own values, your own status as a Yogi. But a Yogi is never an egoist. He never boasts about his state. On the contrary, he is extremely humble and helps everyone to come up to that state. Such a person is always concerned about the well-being of the whole world. This concern comes as his Dharma, his religion, which is not forced upon him, but is innate within him, so that he works in that way. He cannot commit sin because he has a personality now which is

sinless, which abhors sin. In this evolutionary process now he has developed a sense of repulsion from something that is sinful or wrong. This sort of a personality will change the whole world. We have had many such great people before, but most of them were alone with nobody to support them, so they were crucified, they were given poison, they were ill-treated by the general people who were blind. But nowadays we have so many Sahaja Yogis. They may be attacked , but the day will come they will be able to show to the world what they have achieved and what the whole world has to achieve.Sahaja Yoga gives one the sensitivity of spirituality to lately know who is a real spiritual personality, and who is a fake. It also gives one the sensitivity to know what is the suffering of another person and what is lacking in oneself. One becomes one's own judge. This is the last judgement, where one is going to judge oneself, The Kundalini is going to be the judge. After this judgement,

only, human beings will be selected as the people who have achieved the state of self-realisation and those who have not.The enlightened people were called as Gnostics. This comes from the Sanskrit word Gna, which means knowledge. But knowledge does not mean what one knows through the brain, because brain or intelligence takes one to rationality, which has no wisdom behind it. Rationality can take one anywhere, can justify anything as it is not absolute. So one has to go beyond rationality, develop higher senses of Divinity by which one can understand the real problems and the actual solution of all these problems.One has to understand that this religion is the essence of all the religions. lt is the only religion that gives the real experience within oneself, which puts into one that sensitivity for spirituality which cannot be got out of any number of lectures, sermons or books. Thus a Sahaja Yoga knows and respects all the incarnations and saints."Shri Jnanagamya Shri Nirmala Devi(Jnanagamya [980th: To be reached by Knowledge alone. The Ultimate is to be attained by Knowledge alone as it is of the nature of consciousness. Anantamamrtam Param Jnane Naikena Tallabhyam — the Infinite, the Indestructible, the Ultimate can be reached only by Knowledge. [skanda-Purana])





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