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Hey, Jag.This is something you mentioned in that email ofyours." The body is a container with seventy-two chambers,and one opening — The Tenth Gate.He alone is a true Yogi on this earth, who asks forthe primal world of the nine regions. Such a Yogiobtains the nine treasures. He lifts his soul up frombelow, to the skies of the Tenth Gate.Sri Guru Granth Sahib (Aasaa, p. 477.) "Now, see this is also what you have sent me."I wish to reiterate that the Dsam Duar (TenthDoor) of the Sikh Guru Granth Sahib is theBrahmarandhra and not the Ekadash Rudra SYs have beenled to believe. The Brahmarandra at the top of theskull is the Tenth Gate. The other Nine Gates in thehuman body are the two eyes, two ears, two nostrilopenings, mouth, and the two organs of excretion andprocreation. (total: nine.) When the Kundalini risesfrom the Mooldhara it pierces out of the

Sahasrara orBrahmarandra (Tenth Gate)."Don't they contradict each other?Now, I am getting confused, mate.

Dear Rajan,The Gurus are talking about in esoteric terms of the inner human body - seventy-two chambers, Tenth Gate, nine regions. There is no indication, judging from the majority of references, that the nine regions and treasures are related to the Tenth Gate. You should note that "nine regions" and "nine gates" are two different specifications and are not related to each other in any way except being esoteric. So neither is there contradiction nor confusion. The Tenth Gate is the only opening that remains hidden for the vast majority of humanity, until opened by the Primordial Inner Guru:The Divine Mother placed the soul to the cave of the body, and blew the breath of life, into the musical instrument of the body.She blew the breath of life into the musical instrument of the body, and revealed the nine doors; But kept the Tenth Door hidden.Through the Primordial Inner Guru's Gate, some are

blessed with priceless Knowledge, and the Tenth Door is revealed to them.Sri Guru Granth Sahib (Saad, p. 922.)The Dsam Dwar is not the Sahasrara proper but its initial opening during Self-realization commences enlightenment and God-realization. Only when the Dsam Dwar is open is it possible to feel the Cool Breeze above the head. Why is this so? It is because the Kundalini rises from the Mooladhara and flows through the Dsam Dwar (Brahmarandhra) in the form of Cool Breeze.

Kundalini rising from Mooladhara and opening the spiritual Tenth Gate (Brahmarandhra). The other nine gates are physical in nature. The Guru Granth implores that humans seek this Tenth Gate, without which it is not possible to attain liberation.


Rajan, some SYs may believe that the Dsam Dwar is the Agnya Chakra by assuming "Ekadash Rudra = (Ek + Das) Dwar = Christ + Ten Forces of Destruction (or the Ten Satgurus of the Bhavsagara which act as the Ekadash Rudra here)." The Ten Satgurus are Moses, Mohammed, Confucius, Zarathustra, Guru Nanak, Abraham, Socrates, Lao Tse, Sai Nath of Shirdi Janakai wish to point out that most of them - Moses, Confucius, Zarathustra, Abraham, Socrates, Lao Tse, Sai Nath of Shirdi, Raja Janaka - are never mentioned in the Guru Granth Sahib, and remained unknown to Sikhs till the 20th century. i do not see how they can be in any way be connected to the Dsam Dwar (Tenth Gate). Even Shri Mataji has never mentioned

anything about Ekadasha Rudra being Dsam Dwar. According to Her "Dsam Duar means Brahmarandhara or opening of anterior fontanel area on Kundalini awakening." She definitely does not mean that "Ekadash Rudra = (Ek + Das) Dwar = Christ + Ten Forces of Destruction (or the Ten Satgurus of the Bhavsagara which act as the Ekadash Rudra here)"jagbir













Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi






"Guru Nanak Dev has made lot of references to Kundalini awakening in the Sacred Book, Sri Guru Granth Sahib. Kundalini has been referred to as Surati and Dsam Duar means Brahmarandhara or opening of anterior fontanel area on Kundalini awakening." Shri Niraka DeviNiraka (137th): She is formless, i.e, undifferentiated consciousness


PS: i believe that there is some confusion between the Narrow Gate of the Bible and the Tenth Gate of the Guru Granth Sahib. The Narrow Gate is the Agnya Chakra that leads to the Sahasrara (Kingdom of God). It is a very difficult to cross the Agnya and enter the Sahasrara.The Tenth Gate is the Brahmarandhra opening after Kundalini awakening and the Cool Breeze blowing above the fontanel area provides tangible proof of genuine Self-realization. The Bible refers to this as being born of the Spirit and the Koran as the Baptism of Allah. It is very easy to open the Tenth Gate (Brahmarandhra) and receive Self-realization.The Narrow Gate and the Tenth Gate are thus two different subjects with dissimilar esoteric meanings.





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shriadishakti , Nitinchandra Suley

<ncrsuley> wrote:


> hi, Jai shree Mataji


> we r r doing medi but recently we r having baloon formation near

left ear, also facing dizziness is cos of this baloon forming near

ear,how to do balancing while sitting on chair? hope u will respond

and help us


> Jai Shree Mataji


> Suley



Dear yogi

Its unclear exactly what you mean by 'balloon formation' (and I'm not

a doctor), but a swelling near the ear coupled with dizziness sounds

like it could be serious for your physical health.

You should see a doctor - and soon.


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shriadishakti , jagbir singh

<adishakti_org> wrote:


> PS: i believe that there is some confusion between the Narrow Gate

> of the Bible and the Tenth Gate of the Guru Granth Sahib.


> The Narrow Gate is the Agnya Chakra that leads to the Sahasrara

> (Kingdom of God). It is a very difficult to cross the Agnya and

> enter the Sahasrara.


> The Tenth Gate is the Brahmarandhra opening after Kundalini

> awakening and the Cool Breeze blowing above the fontanel area

> provides tangible proof of genuine Self-realization. The Bible

> refers to this as being born of the Spirit and the Koran as the

> Baptism of Allah. It is very easy to open the Tenth Gate

> (Brahmarandhra) and receive Self-realization.


> The Narrow Gate and the Tenth Gate are thus two different subjects

> with dissimilar esoteric meanings.





" The average person in religious matters takes many things for

granted. He finds religious groups practicing something and he

decides what the majority does must be right and acceptable to God.

The Bible says the majority of people are going to be eternally

lost. Jesus says in Matthew 7:l3-14, " Enter by the narrow gate; for

wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and

there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and

difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find

it. " So we don't want to depend on the majority to determine what

is right for us and follow them. If we do we will also end up being

lost in the eternal fires of Hell.


Many people never stop to ask, is it scriptural and is this what God

wants? They believe that just any kind of worship they give will be

acceptable to God. The main reason for all the religious division

that we see in the world today is man will not accept God's word

as final authority. Man is going to do it his own way. "


Worshipping God In Truth, www.bible.ca

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