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re: How many Gods... ?

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Jai Shri Mataji!



Many blessings to all.

In conclusion of the above

subject and to reiterate brother

Mahesh Khatriji's point about

Sahaja Yoga being just one

aspect of Our Mother and the

need of Bhakti.



Brahman is the Impersonal

Ultimate All-Present Spirit of

the Universe. Shri Sadashiva with His All-Pervading Power Shri Adi Shakti are the personal aspects of the same, but, maybe you can say, in a different system of imagination. In the middle of all of this there has to be (or not) this sort of Upholding Principle, Jehovah, the King of the Universe.


So Shri Adi Shakti, as She has also three forms other than Herself, goes on to create a personified Creator to reflect God in the first system of understanding, a Sustainer in the third and a Destroyer in the second. And this is what everything in the Creation is made of. The Proton attracts, the Neutron keeps together, the Electron stays or tears away. And a certain combination of their numbers produces the Carbon, which is Shri Ganesha. (Spirituality In The Carbon)



"The ignorant (unwise and stupid) know Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva as three individual gods, but they are all indistinguishably fused into a single mystic syllable ‘OM’. Pray rid me of my afflictions)" - Shri Shiv Aarti


I think the main reason why Shri Buddha didn't want to talk about those issues is because people who are focused inward have a better perception. Like for example if someone is Atheist, but is strongly dharmic inside and then goes to prison and ends up on the verge of death, he/she may feel presence of some light that they know is themselves and where they come from, but have no images to attach to it. This way the attention gets to remain on the Atma for the rest of their lives. You cannot worship an image, can you?


That is probably also why the Russians who have had no religion but a lot of struggles recognise Shri Mataji so easily. Just with Her presence She re-affirms to them what they have suspected the Truth must be like after all.



"And there is manifest to them of God what they had not expected to see." - Quran 39:47


Narayana = Vishnu Shankar, Mahadeva = Shiva Virata, Janardan = Ganesha Mahavishnu, Kalagni = Christ




Addressing Narada, son of Brahma,

1-34. Narayana said: "O Devarshi! The egg (born of Moola Prakriti) that was floating in the waters for a period equal to the life period of Brahma, now in the fullness of time, separated into two parts.

Within that egg there was a powerful Child, lustrous like one thousand million suns. This child could not suck mother's milk as it was forsaken by Her. So being tired of hunger, the child for a moment cried repeatedly.

The child that will become the Lord of countless Brahmandas (universes), now an orphan having neither father nor mother, began to look upwards from the waters. This boy came to be denominated afterwards by the name of Maha Virata when he became gross and grosser. As there is nothing finer than radium so there is nothing grosser than Maha Virata.

The power of this Maha Virata is one sixteenth that of Shri Krishna, the highest Self. But this boy, (born of Prakriti-Radha), is the Sole stay of this entire Universe and he is denominated by the name "Maha-Vishnu".

In his every pore countless universes are existing. So much so that even Shri Krishna could not count them. If it were possible to count the number of the dust particles, it is impossible to count the number of Universes. So there are endless Brahmas, Vishnus and Maheshvaras.

In every Brahmanda there is Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesha. Each Brahmanda extends from Patala to the Brahmaloka. The abode of Vaikutha is higher than that (i.e. it is situated outside of Brahmanda).

Again, the abode of Goloka is fifty koti yojanas (50x10x4x2 million miles) higher than Vaikutha. This Goloka Dhama is eternal and real as Shri Krishna is eternal and real.

This world composed of the seven islands is surrounded by the seven oceans. Forty-nine Upa Dvipas (smaller islands adjacent to them) exist here. Besides there are countless mountains and forests.

Higher than this Earth is the Brahmaloka with seven heavens and below this Earth are the seven Patalas. This is the abounding limit of Brahmanda.

Just above this Earth there is the Bhurloka; above that are Bhuvarloka; then Svarloka, then Janarloka, then Taparloka then Satyaloka and above that is Brahmaloka.

The splendour of Brahmaloka is like that of molten gold. But all the substances, whether outside or inside this Brahmaloka, are transient.

When this brahmanda (cosmos) dissolves, everything dissolves and is destroyed. All are temporary like bubbles of water. Only Goloka and Vaikuntha are eternal.

In every pore of this Maha Virata is existing one Brahmanda (cosmos). What to say of others; even Krishna cannot count the number of these Brahmandas. In every Brahmanda there is Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesha.

O Child Narada! In every Brahmanda the number of the gods is 3 kotis (30millions). Some of them are Dikpatis (regents of the Quarters); some are Dikpalas (Rulers of the Quarters); some are asterisms, and some are planets.

In the Bhurloka there are four Varnas (Brahmins etc.) and in the Patalas there are Nagas.

Thus the Universe exists composed of moveable and non-moveable things. This is Brahmanda Vivriti. O Narada!

Now the Virata Purusha began to look up to the skies again and again but He could not see anything within that egg except the void. Then distressed with hunger he cried out repeatedly and became merged in anxiety. Next moment getting back his consciousness, he began to think of Krishna, the Highest Person, and saw there at once the eternal light of Brahma. He saw there His form as deep blue like new rain cloud; with two hands, garment of yellow colour, sweet smile on His face, flute in His hand and He seemed very anxious to show His Grace to Devotees.

Looking at the Lord, His Father, the boy became glad and smiled. The Lord, the Bestower of boons, granted him boons appropriate for that moment.

"O Child! Let you possess knowledge like Me; let your hunger and thirst vanish; Let you be the holder of innumerable Brahmandas until the time of Pralaya (the universal dissolution). Be without any selfishness, be fearless and the bestower of boons to all. Let not old age, disease, sorrow or any other ailings afflict thee."

Thus saying He repeated thrice on his ear the six-lettered great Mantra Om Krishnaya Svaha worshipped by the Vedas with their Amgas, the Giver of desires and the destroyer of all troubles and calamities. O Brahma's Son!

Thus giving the mantra, Shri Krishna arranged for his feeding thus: "In every universe, whatever offerings will be made to Shri Krishna, one sixteenth of that will go to Narayana, the Lord of Vaikuntha and fifteen-sixteenth is to go to this boy, the Virata."

Shri Krishna did not allot any share for Himself. He always transcends all the Gunas, is always full and always satisfied with Himself. What necessity is there for any further offerings?

Whatever the people offer with devotion, the Lord of Lakshmi, the Virata eats all these.

Bhagavan Shri Krishna giving thus to the Virata the boon and the Mantra said: "O Child! Say what more you desire; I will give you that instantly." The Virata Boy, hearing thus the words of Shri Krishna, spoke: "O Thou Omnipresent! I have no desires whatsoever, save this, that as long as I live, whether for a short time or for a long time, let me have pure Bhakti towards Thy Lotus Feet."


35-41. In this world he is Jivanmukta (liberated whilst living) who is Your Bhakta; and that bewildered fool is dead while living who is devoid of any Bhakti to Thee.

What needs he to perform japam, asceticism, sacrifice, worship, holding fasts and observances, going to sacred places of pilgrimages and other virtuous acts if he be without any Bhakti to Shri Krishna?

Vain is his life who is devoid of any devotion to Shri Krishna, under Whose Grace he has obtained his life and to Whom he does not now pay homage and worship.

He is endowed with Shakti as long as Atma (Self) resides in his body; no sooner the Atma departs from his body all the Shaktis accompany him.

"O Great One! And Thou art the Universal Atman (soul) Who transcends Prakriti, Who is All Will, the Primeval Person and of the nature of the Highest Light."

Thus saying the Virata Boy remained silent.

Shri Krishna then, spoke in sweet words: "O Child! Let you remain as fresh as ever like Me. You will not have any fall even if innumerable Brahmas pass away."


42-57. "Let you divide Yourself in parts and turn into smaller Viratas in every universe.

Brahma will spring from your navel and will create the cosmos.

From the forehead of that Brahma will spring eleven Rudras for the destruction of the creation. But they will all be parts of Shiva.

Of these eleven Rudras, the Rudra named Kalagni will be the destroyer of all this Vishvas (cosmos).

Besides, from each of your subdivisions, the Vishnu will originate and that Bhagavan Vishnu will be the Preserver of this Vishva (world).

I say that under My favour you will always be full of Bhakti towards Me and no sooner you meditate on Me, you will be able to see My lovely form. There is no doubt in this: and your Mother, Who resides in My breast, will not be difficult for you to see.

Let you remain here in ease and comfort. I go now to Goloka."

Saying thus Shri Krishna, the Lord of the World disappeared.

Going to his own abode He spoke instantly to Brahma and Shankara, skilled in the works of creation and destruction: "O Child Brahma! Go quickly and be born in parts from the navels of each of the smaller Viratas that will arise from the pores of the Great Virata."

"O Child Mahadeva! Go and be born in parts from the forehead of each Brahma in every universe for the destruction of creation; (but be careful that you not forget) and perform austerities for a long time."

O Son of the Creator Brahma! Thus saying, the Lord of the universe became silent. Brahma and Shiva, the auspicious, bowing to the Lord, went to their own duties.

On the other hand, the Great Virata that lay floating in the waters of the Brahmanda sphere, created from his every pore each smaller Virata.

That youth Janardan of the form of the Great Cosmos, wearing yellow garment, bluish green in colour like the Duba grass, lay sleeping pervading everywhere.

Brahma took his birth in his navel. He then, after his birth, began to travel in that navel-lotus and in the stem of the lotus for one lakh yugas.

But he could not find out the place whence the lotus or its stem had sprung up.

O Narada! Then your father became very anxious and came back to his former place and began to meditate the Lotus Feet of Shri Krishna.

Then in meditation, with his introspective eye, he first saw the small Virata, then the endless great Virata lying on the watery bed, in whose pores the universes are existing and then he saw the God Shri Krishna in Goloka with the gopas and Gopis.

He then began to praise the Lord of Goloka when He granted boons to your father and he began to do the work of creation.

From the mind of your father, were born first Sanaka and the other brothers and then from his forehead eleven Rudras sprang.

Then from the left side of that small virata lying on the bed of waters, the four-handed Vishnu Bhagavan, the Preserver of the Universe came.

He went to Shvetadvipa, where he remained.

Then your father became engaged in creating this Universe, moveable and non-movable, composed of three worlds, heaven Earth and Patala, in the navel of that small Virata Purusha. O Narada!

Thus from the pores of that great Virata each universe has sprung and in every universe there is one small Virata, one Brahma, one Vishnu, and one Shiva and Sanaka and others.

O Best of twice born! Thus have I described the glories of Krishna, that give exceeding pleasure and Moksha. Now say what more you want to hear?

Here ends the Third chapter of the Ninth Book on the Origin of Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesha and others in the Maha Puranam Shrimad Devi Bhagavatam of 18,000 verses by Maharshi Veda Vyasa.


Cat's Eye Nebula




"And when the sky is torn apart, so it was like a red rose, like ointment. Then which of the marvels of your Lord will you deny?" - Quran 55:37




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