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off topic: Rebirth: Surah 56:60-61 Al Waqi'ah (The Inevitable)

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Rebirth: Surah 56:60-61 Al Waqi'ah (The Inevitable)


We have decreed Death to be your common lot, 5250

And We are not to be frustrated from changing your forms,

And creating you (again) in (forms) that ye know not.


surah 56:60-61 Al Waqi'ah (The Inevitable)

(Abdullah Yusuf Ali, The Holy Qur'an, Amana Corporation, 1989.)


Allah has prescribed physical death to be a normal fact of

existence. Since the spirit of humans is eternal, material death in

no way effects it. The individual spirit remains in its pure state,

in the endless cycle of death, rebirth, and death again of each and

every gross body it occupies. Allah can never ever be prevented

from " changing your forms; " your present human form. You may

be born again blind, retarded, sickly, rich, poor, evil, mad, dumb,

intelligent, ugly, or idiotic. Allah can never ever be obstructed

from " creating you again " ; giving you birth again. You may be

born a Jew, Japanese, Hindu, aborigine, Muslim, black, prostitute,

or king, Allah can never ever be averted from transforming you

again " in forms that ye know not. " You may be created again

as an insect, ape, tree, chicken, or dog.


Only if humans are changed into other forms does death become a

common lot. Only if humans are changed into other forms does rebirth

become a common lot. Only if death becomes a common lot does rebirth

become a common lot. Only if humans are changed into other forms

does death and rebirth become a common lot. It is common sense.

But this common sense of repeated death has been deliberately and

deceitfully misinterpreted. These learned Islamic scholars knew that

by interpreting common lot as repeated death would be to also

acknowledge repeated rebirth. Then they would have to acknowledge to

the reincarnation doctrines of the eastern religions and expose

their indoctrinated prisoners to a fundamental Truth of Allah's

other Messengers. It was easier to resort to falsehood than expose

their conditioned captives to this timeless Reality, no matter how

illogical the theory of a single life looked against the background

of an evolving universe in the splendor of endless regeneration.

With the craft and cunning of a deceiving mind they twisted His

Truth with this interpretation;


Islamic interpretation # 5250


" Just as Allah has created this life that we see, so He has

decreed that Death should be the common lot of all of us. Surely, if

He can thus give life and death, as we see it, why should we refuse

to believe that He can give us other forms when this life is over?

The Future Life, though indicated by what we know now, is to be on a

wholly different plane. "


Abdullah Yusuf Ali, The Holy Qur'an, Amana Corporation, 1989.



Abdullah Yusuf Ali and his scholars agree that Allah can give us

other forms in future lives. What are these forms? They just

don't know (or want to know)! Abdullah Yusuf Ali and his forty

scholars — the Defrauders (Al-Mutaffin) — apply their version

of " other forms when this life is over " to the Future Life.

What is their version? Nobody knows! And one billion naive humans

also do not know, preferring to keep their heads in the sand and

remain blissfully ignorant.


But there is a collective cause for this mass learning disability.

The majority of Muslims are non-Arabic and do not understand the

Qur'an. It doesn't matter to fools if blind theologians or

ignorant scholars lead them. After all, ignorance is bliss.



" God, the Almighty, the Knower, the Cognizant knows that the

majority of the Muslims in the world will not be reading, speaking

or understanding Arabic. 90% of the Muslims in this world ( about

900 millions) cannot read, understand or speak Arabic. "


Dr. Rashad Khalifa, Ph.d

Masjid Tucson, United Submitters International,

PO Box 43476, Tucson, AZ, USA.



" Translations of the Qur'an in other languages are not called the

Qur'an. They are called ma'al or explanations of the Qur'an. If they

have been prepared by devout Muslims who are experts and who have

good intentions towards the subject, they can be read in order to

understand the meaning of the Qur'an. There is nothing wrong in

this. They cannot be read as the Qur'an itself. It is not reward-

deserving to read them as the Qur'an. It is a sin, instead. Muslims

should read the Qur'an as Allahu ta'ala revealed it. It is reward-

deserving also to read it without understanding the meaning.

Certainly it is all the more reward — deserving and better to

read it and to understand the meaning.


The Arabic spoken in Egypt, Iraq, Hijaz and Morocco is not the same

in each of these countries. In which of these dialects of Arabic

will the Qur'an be explained? For understanding the Qur'an, it is

necessary to know Quraish Arabic, not today's Arabic. "


ihlas (Waqf Ikhlas, Istanbul, 1995.)

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