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Rebirth: Surah 71:13-14 Nuh (Noah)


" What is the matter with you, that ye place not your hope for

kindness and long-suffering in Allah —

Seeing that it is He that created you in diverse stages?


surah 71:13-14 (Nuh)

(Abdullah Yusuf Ali, The Holy Qur'an, Amana Corporation, 1989.)



This surah reinforces verse 23:12-15 (Al Mu'minun.) If Allah says

that He produced humans in diverse stages then they cannot grasp the

enormity of this diverseness. The Holy Scriptures proclaim that each

individual spirit have to pass through 6,400,000 stages of diverse

life forms before the stage of a human being is reached. That is the

diversity that the Qur'an talks about, not what their interpreters

think it is. These are the evolutionary rebirths that Allah is

talking about, not what Islamic mullahs conjecture.


We all existed from the very beginning of creation. You and me were

there the very instant the universe burst into existence in a nano-

second from within the Primordial Atom of Divine Desire. Everything

that we see and do not see, everything that we know and do not know

existed since that Primordial Beginning.


Since then we have all taken a long, torturous path, ever evolving

into higher life forms in HIS infinitely complex, interlinked,

interdependent Circle of Life. We are not a single life that the

Creator just molded out of clay and sent to Earth. It was far easier

for Allah to just simply say that He created humans out of clay

(earth elements) than explain even the faintest hint of evolution to

unsophisticated, uneducated desert dwellers hundreds of 600 AD.

The evolutionary pattern now emerging is that the Homo erectus are

now Homo sapiens and have to evolve into Homo spiritus. It is only

in the last 30,000 years or so that humans have become conscious of

God. During the last 10,000 years Primordial Messengers of Allah

began descending on Earth, one after another in different parts and

times, to illumine the human race of the existence of their Creator.

After thousands of years we now have the religious education and

spiritual maturity to realize The Almighty Creator within our own

beings and communicate with Him. Humans have now reached a critical

point in their long evolutionary trek and today, after experiencing

all the life-forms of God Almighty, are ready for the next and final

stage — becoming the spirit! (This awareness that we were, at one

point of our evolution, all that we see around us — from the

minute plankton to the mighty blue whale, from the tiny ant to the

magnificent elephant, from the primitive primate to the modern Homo

sapiens — humbles our arrogant ego and halts our senseless

destruction of Nature to satisfy wanton needs. Evolution is much

more than a Darwinian science. It is the faintest Reality of being

born in a conscious Cosmic Womb called Mother Earth.)


In the next millennium we will begin to metamorphose ourselves into

the spirit. This evolutionary process is within us, its triggering

point located at the Mooladhara Chakra. Every human is endowned with

absolutely equal means of self-metamorphosis, without any threat of

excommunication or fear of apostasy from any religious regime.HM All

seekers of the Spirit are free to abandon the Idols of organized

sects and commune directly with Allah. This is the Age of the Homo

Spiritus, the promised Resurrection.





" Karma literally means 'action' . . . the system of rewards and

punishments attached to various actions. Thus it refers to a system

of cause and effect that may span several lifetimes. That is, human

beings get rewarded or punished according to the merits and demerits

of their behavior. The theory of karma also implies continuing

rebirths (samsara.) Liberation from them (moksa), according to the

Upanishads, comes from a supreme, experiential, transforming wisdom.

When one gets this transforming knowledge, one is never reborn and

never dies; one attains immortality. The word for 'immortal' in

Sanskrit is a-mrta ('without death)'. Rebirth or reincarnation and

its connection with karma — notions that are central to the later

Hindu tradition — are articulated clearly in the Upanishads. So

also is the ultimate goal, liberation from the cycle of birth and

death. The quest for a unifying truth is a distinctive feature of

the Upanisads, and recurs in Hindu philosophical traditions of later

centuries. In the Mundaka Upanisad (1.1.3), the one who seeks the

truth phrases his question, 'What is it that being known, all else

becomes known?'


Unifying truth comes with enlightenment, which may be related to but

quite distinct from book learning. The Brihadaranyaka Upanisad of

the Yajur Veda has some lines reflecting the quest for wisdom that

characterizes the Upanisads:


Lead me from the unreal to reality. Lead me from darkness to light.

Lead me from death to immortality. Om, let there be peace, peace,



The Upanisads distinguish 'lower' knowledge, or that which can be

conceptualized and articulated, from the 'higher' knowledge of true

wisdom. Significantly enough, in later centuries the 'higher' wisdom

is divorced from Vedic or any book learning or conceptual knowledge.

One is freed from the birth-and-death cycle by an enlightenment



This higher wisdom comes from experientially knowing the

relationship between the human soul (Atman) and the Supreme Being

(Brahman.) Brahman pervades and yet transcends the universe as well

as human thought. Ultimately, Brahman cannot be described . . . To

know Brahman is to enter a new state of consciousness; to know

Brahman is to reach the Supreme. "


Professor Vasudha Narayanan, World Religions: The Hindu Tradition,

Oxford University Press Canada, 1996 p. 31-2.





" Steps in Evolution


Life originated more than 3.4 billion years ago, when the Earth's

environment was much different than that of today. Especially

important was the lack of significant amounts of free oxygen in the

atmosphere. Experiments have shown that rather complicated organic

molecules, including amino acids, can arise spontaneously under

conditions that are believed to simulate the Earth's primitive

environment. Concentration of such molecules evidently led to the

synthesis of active chemical groupings of molecules, such as

proteins, and eventually to interactions among chemical compounds. A

rudimentary genetic system eventually arose and was elaborated by

natural selection into the complicated mechanisms of inheritance

known today. The earliest organisms must have fed on nonliving

organic compounds, but chemical and solar energy sources were soon

tapped. Photosynthesis freed organisms from their dependence on

organic compounds and also released oxygen so the atmosphere and

oceans gradually became more hospitable to advanced life forms . . .

In order for complex animal communities to develop, plants must

first become established to support herbivore populations, which in

turn may support predators and scavengers. Land plants appeared

about 400 million years ago, spreading from lowland swamps as

expanding greenbelts. Arthropods (some evolving into insects) and

other invertebrate groups followed them onto land, and finally land

vertebrates (amphibians at first) rose from freshwater fish nearly

360 million years ago. In general, the subsequent radiations of land

vertebrates made them increasingly independent of water and

increasingly active. Dinosaurs and mammals shared the terrestrial

environment for 135 million years; dinosaurs may well have been more

active, and certainly were larger, than their mammalian

contemporaries, which were small and possibly nocturnal. The

mammals, however, survived a wave of extinction that eliminated

dinosaurs about 65 million years ago, and subsequently diversified

into many of the habitats and modes of life that formerly had been



Humans belong to an order of mammals, the primates, which existed

before the dinosaurs became extinct. Early primates seem to have

been tree dwelling and may have resembled squirrels in their habits.

Many of the primate attributes — the short face, overlapping

visual fields, grasping hands, large brains, and perhaps even

alertness and curiosity — must have been acquired as arboreal

adaptations. Descent from tree habitats to forest floors and

eventually to more open country, however, was associated with the

development of many of the unique features of the human primate,

including erect posture and reduced canine teeth, which suggest new

habits of feeding. A shift to cooperative hunting and gathering,

with concomitant requirements for a high level of intelligence and

social organization, accompanied the rise of the modern human

species within the last 2 million years or so . . . "


Microsoft Encarta 96 Encyclopedia. Microsoft Corporation, 1993-1995.)

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