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[shriadishakti] Garlic from Indian Ocean, Ganesha sighted on Mars, Resurrection raging on Earth!

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> Dear Jagbir,

>until nowadays my big anxiety was that Sahaja Yoga

remain almost unheard 99,9 humanity but suddenly last

week i aware of something . Ý read a book that was

written about " power of desire " by writer he is not

SY and in my country it was it's 16. press.while i

read that book i was shocked cause that ideas and way

same as Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi... That writer also

interested in divine but path is different but never

mind.That makes me very happy...

>Ý aware of something that We are all same... We are

not different from each other.We are not more

important person or more less from each other...

> Names are not important SY or etc.. BUT ALWAYS PUT



>Divine always interested in whole us but time is

different for from people to people that aware of

this truth ...

>So this awareness time different from people to


unfortunately as a human we never know our time...

>God has different way to prove itself. from begining

earth life till now what is divine or not divine is

the most important question ...

>Ýf your way provide you loving everything without

any profit ,carry out dharma rules in your daily

life,forgivness everything,make people feel that

belong to divine's part even feel " i am also that

like whole creatures " , give your heart peace, teach

to you everyminute how can you help the others with

love no using any violence and make you a teacher to

teach the real love with spontoneosly in your daily

life never mind your paths name this or that...

>Ý feel that whole soul has a right to know god. if

whole souls belong to god how can be some of them

important or the others less...Just process and time

is different from people to people...

>i thank Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi and Sahaja Yoga to

provide that to feel me mentioned uper.i can't say i

am perfect and carry on whole things upper mentioned

but at least i try and it makes me happy....

>i feel that our Divine mother likes whole beautiness

and how can seperate the other childrens...

>whole beautiness come from god and whenever i see

beautines around me, i feel in my heart it is also

Sahaja Yoga ....Ýs the name so important ?

Jai Shri Mataji ....


until nowadays--- jagbir singh

<adishakti_org wrote:

> Dear readers,


> Yes, it is difficult to know the relationship

> between garlic

> arriving from the bottom of the Indian Ocean,

> Ganesha taking a short

> nap on Mars to have His portrait drawn, and humans

> taking part in

> the Resurrection on Earth.


> So let's get serious with a little enlightenment

> before humoring

> ourselves, only to end with a somber note.



> 1. I do call to witness the Resurrection Day;

> 2. And I do call to witness the self-reproaching

> Spirit.


> In order to comprehend the opening lines of surah

> Al-Qiyamah, the

> critical words " witness " and " self-reproaching

> Spirit " must be first

> understood.


> " witness 1 an attesting of a fact, statement, etc,;

> evidence;

> testimony 2 a person who saw, or can give a

> firsthand account of

> something 3 a person who testifies in court 4 a

> person called upon

> to observe a transaction, signature, etc, in order

> to testify

> concerning it if it is later held in question 5

> something

> providing or serving as evidence — vt. 1 to testify

> to 2 to

> serve as evidence of 3 to act as witness of, often,

> in proof

> thereof, signing a statement that one has done so 4

> to be present

> at, see personally.


> " reproach vt. 1 to accuse of and blame for a fault

> so as to make

> feel ashamed; rebuke; reprove 2 to bring shame and

> disgrace upon; be

> a cause of discredit to — n. 1 shame, disgrace,

> discredit, or

> blame, or source, cause, or occasion of this 2 a

> blaming or

> reproving; rebuke 3 an expression of blame or

> reproof 4 an object of

> blame, censure, scorn, etc. " Webster New World

> Dictionary

> (Webster New World Dictionary, Third College Ed.,

> Simon & Schuster,

> Inc. 1988.)


> Spirit: The word translated here as spirit, rûh,

> comes from the

> same root as râhah. It is also related to rîh, which

> means

> 'wind', mirwahah, meaning 'fan', and istirwâh which


> means 'respiration'. The term " Spirit " translates

> the Hebrew word

> ruah, which, in its primary sense, means 'breath',

> 'air', 'wind'.

> Jesus indeed uses the sensory image of the wind to

> suggest to

> Nicodemus the transcendent newness of him who is

> personally God's

> breath, the divine Spirit. " (Jn 3:5-8.) " The words

> " vibrations "

> and " cool breeze " are used to imply the same

> meaning. For those

> wishing to comprehend the awesome reality and deep

> mysticism of the

> Last Judgment and Al-Qiyamah it is vital that these

> meanings are

> imbibed and remembered at all times.


> This is but a tiny fraction of Shri Mataji's

> teachings. Shri Mataji

> has given us so much knowledge and enlightenment

> that powerful

> religious organizations are powerless to dispute Her

> message. But

> what is the point of all that when we are still

> learning that garlic

> was originally churned from the oceans, and that

> someone drew a

> caricature of Shri Ganesha on Mars for the benefit

> of SYs? .......

> ............ i mean with a really big brush but

> insultingly scant

> attention to accuracy and detail. And let us not

> forget that Ganesha

> first manifested Himself as a grotesque radish in a

> SY's backyard,

> perhaps to put faith in the hearts of the naive and

> embarrassingly

> innocent.


> i am sure some of us have begun to pay more

> attention to

> ordinary vegetables at the local market. Who knows

> who will be the

> next lucky SY. By the way, does anyone know if the

> original Ganesh

> radish was made into salad or a spicy vegetable

> dish. i really hope

> not because the Gods are going to be really angry at

> those SYs who

> ate their favorite deity.


> So is this the way we SYs are going to enlighten

> humanity about the

> Last Judgment and Al-Qiyamah? Do these events and

> sightings generate

> hyperventilating excitement and intellectual

> discussions over

> countless chai sessions and shoe-beating marathons.

> (Have we

> forgotten that anti-Adi Shakti elements have used

> such public

> announcements to tarnish and question the very

> self-realization of

> SYs.)


> Sahaja Yoga remains almost unheard to 99.99% of

> humanity (subject to

> verification of my atrocious maths). Is anyone

> surprised that we are

> hardly making any headway, despite having the full

> force of Shri

> Mataji's advent behind us? Read my lips: F...O...R

> T...H...E

> L...A...S...T T...H...R...E...E

> D...E...C...A...D...E...S!


> Let me give you a single fact that may ruin today's

> sunny Sunday

> and make Monday even more miserable for those who

> loathe their jobs:

> The Montreal collective have been unable to attract

> even a single

> seeker for the last few years. Does this by any

> chance reflect the

> state of the North American collective and is cause

> for genuine

> concern?



> jagbir








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