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" Has any SY been able since 1990 to discover and explain this

priceless surah that has been attributed to Shri Mataji? "




Jai Shri Mataji!




Of course I would like to know what surah that is, and I would also

definitely make use of it to the maximum possible. Neither do I doubt

for one moment that many there are who are pure hypocrites.


But this IS the point. Try to understand this: the reason why it is

almost useless to talk of such issues with unrealised people is

simply because most believers in God are not sincere about their

faith. As Shri Mataji explains, you could be Hindu, Muslim, Christian

and yet commit sin. Not only that, they would also easily abandon

their religion at any time there is a change in the circumstances, as

indeed happened on the territory of the Soviet Union upon the October

Revolution. They would even easily jump from one nonsense to another,

but do their best to avoid facing themselves or taking up something

truly serious. The only ones, who really kept on to their faiths and

even suffered persecution because of that, were the Sufis and the



Why? Because these were the ones who `knew'. Most people, if

they are simple-minded, believe in God just for the sake of safety

and because " everybody else does " . And as for scholars, those

people only want to feel they are better than others. They are least

of all interested in finding out they are not, and they would do

their utmost to suppress any evidence to the contrary. I have seen

this clearly as I tried to create debates with religious scholars

with the help of your material -- the response was, as always,

complete silence. Some stated refusals to listen to discuss at best,

if they are honest people.


Today there has been a large resurgence of religion in the ex-Soviet

states, mostly for nationalist reasons. To have something to motivate

them ideologically, to motivate killing, for example. As Shri Mataji

has told, this happened in between Armenians and Azeris, who each

respectively recited from the Bible and the Koran and then went on

into war. Not to mention the criminal Putin and Chechnya.


The other reason is the large number of seekers among the young

people. But such people are not interested in scholarly evidence, but

in the experience itself. They might have conditionings and would

want to convince themselves about SY upon having already received SR.

In that respect, your websites are the best available tool so far.

Also for the sake of curiosity and education, they are good to read.


Also when I gave my cousin SR, which was difficult enough and was

almost against his will as he would not stretch his hand-palms

towards Shri Mataji's picture, only towards God, as he said -- I

gave him al-qiyamah.org to read. He understood what the claim was,

but this was too much for him to accept at once and process,

especially since he had spent a lot of time reading about the Qiyamat

when he was little and thought that Gogmagog was a big one-eyed

monster that would be let out on the Last Day and step on people's



So if someone is really serious about such issues and really really

sincere to the extend that they would give your evidence a fair

chance, they would have probably already received their SR on their

own in the privacy of their homes upon years of intense longing and

pure desire. I have met such people. In fact, I am one of them. I had

had my first spontaneous Kundalini Awakening four years prior to SY.

And as for SY itself, I did not come until I had decided for myself

that a sort of Sufi brotherhood is what I need and would be looking

forward to join. That is when I had a call from an old friend who had

become a Sahaji in the meanwhile. And that was also the first time I

had it explained what this strange tingling sensation on the top of

my fingertips as well as inside the body actually was.


I not only agree that we need the websites, but I would also like to

see many more of such on the web. There are some things that neither

even you nor Gregoire discuss. Shri Mataji tells us also that we

should study Her tapes and try to find out all about what She says.

The public as well needs to be educated about_many_issues -- this I

feel very strongly. But the fact remains that nothing can be more

important at this point than giving Realisation as much as it is

possible within the boundaries of the Sushumna Realm.


How would anybody believe what we have to convey them otherwise?



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