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Even Muslims have BEGUN to believe this blessed age will precede the Last Day.

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shriadishakti , " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:



> There is no doubt that Allah will keep His promises. The high

> morality that will conquer perverse philosophies, distorted

> ideologies and false religious understanding is Islamic morality.

> The verses quoted above stress that the disbelievers and pagans

> cannot prevent this from happening.



" BONN — A German restaurant has been attacked as 'tasteless' for

serving sushi on naked models lying on top of tables.


Brigitte Vollmer-Schubert, ombudsman for woman's issues in the

city of Hanover, said she was appalled that the restaurant used naked

women as huge " platters " for the Japanese dish, dubbed " sushi

ala Jungfrau (virgin). "


But the restaurant owner was quoted by Bild newspaper as saying the

dish had been a huge hit and the evening-long meal, costing up to

$250 U.S. per person, was booked out for weeks in advance.


The models, usually students in their 20s, wear nothing but see-

through veils over their heads and a thin floral decoration between

their legs. They are required to lay motionless on the table in the

extra-warm room.


The sushi is spread out over their bodies. Bodyguards dressed as

samurai warriors make sure nothing gets out of hand.


" The aren't entirely naked, " wrote Bild. " Caviar is stuffed into

their belly buttons, swordfish sushi is stuck near their armpits and

between their legs is raw tuna fish sushi awaiting the hungry guests. "


" It's a great way to earn some pocket money, " a model named Kim told

the newspapaer, saying she could earn up to $500 a night. "



Reuters, October 9, 1998




" As the television panel discussion proceeded on some absurd sexual

topic or another, the male host casually reached over and, uninvited,

began massaging the breast of a female guest. On another show,

viewers could watch women standing over air vents. Whenever

anyone's skirt was blown over the waist, revealing her underwear,

the camera zoomed in for a close-up, while the ubiquitous male hosts

laughed uproariously. Switch the channel, and there were more crotch

shots, this time of mini-skirted young girls sitting revealingly on

small tricycles, much to the merriment of hooting spectators. Men, of



Such scenes are regular fare on late-night television in Japan,

filled with strange, low-IQ panel and games shows devoted entirely to



But the sex on Japanese TV is not healthy interaction between

consenting adults. Rather, it more closely resembles something akin

to a sophomoric male wet dream gone wild — such as leering looks

at women's panties, women squeezing tubes of ketchup in their

cleavages and female contestants asked to strip to their underwear

for failing to hit a target. . . .


" Dignity and civility. These words are disappearing, " said

Akiko Yamanaka, one of the few women elected to Japan's national

assembly, the Diet. " I feel a kind of shame when I see these

programs on TV. Almost all the stations do the same thing. It's

embarrassing. "

. . .


This is a country where uniformed Japanese schoolgirls find a ready

market in middle-aged males willing to shower them with yen for a bit

of their " time. " . . .


Men in Tokyo think nothing of openly flipping through pornographic

comic books while riding the subway, " Nipple candies " shaped

like female breasts are sold over the counter and vending machines

can be found dispensing panties used by teenagers. "


The Globe and Mail, February 9, 1998




> This period, in which Islamic morality will be established, will be

> in every way a time of love, self-sacrifice, generosity, honesty,

> social justice, security and personal well-being. This period has

> been called the Golden Age because of its similarity to depictions

> of Paradise, but, so far, such an age has never yet existed. This

> blessed age will precede the Last Day; and is now awaiting that

> time in which Allah has determined it will come.


> http://www.signsofthelastday.com/1_supremacyofIslam.html "





" Avatar of the Golden Age


Kalki according to tradition is the tenth avatar or incarnation of

Vishnu (Buddha was the ninth avatar of Vishnu).

The symbolic form of Kalki is on a white horse wielding a sword. The

Name Kalki literally means " The Annihilator of Ignorance. "

His Divine Mission is to close Kaliyuga, the Iron Age (one of 4 Yugas

or time zones that mark the spiritual progression of mankind not the

technical iron age), and usher in the Golden Age, a new period of

peace prosperity and harmony.


The current age Kaliyuga also called the age of darkness and

ignorance. It is the most degenerate and fallen of the ages,

characterized by a hardening of the spiritual core of mankind, an

almost total lack of sacredness, and extreme materialism, as humans

can no longer determine what is essential for living in this fallen

age and what is irrelevant. The Antaryamin, or Indweller has been put

to rest in the heart of mankind. Those of you with a New Age

background may think of this Antaryamin as the Higher Self.


An avatar is a being that comes to change the " truth " . Edison was an

avatar of science. The Beatles were avatars of music. A Celestial

Avatar has a definate Divine purpose. One can see how the Christ

changed the " truth " just in the first 2 words of the Lord's

Prayer: " Our Father " .


In the Golden Age, in a gesture of Supreme Friendship, this

Antaryamin, through an externally stimulated action awakens the

heart. Many have already been having such Profound Divine Mystical

Experience. This experience, this personal encounter with Divinity in

one form or another (Moses and the Thorn Bush is a well known example

of such experience) is the one common denominator in the lives of all

Saints, Sages, Mystics, and Prophets.


It is so important to the evolution of the consciousness of mankind,

for it is belief (ignorance and speculation) that separates, while

discovery unites. Just see for a moment the sufferings of the saints

and discoverers throughout time. How the nature of belief (ignorance)

is to destroy anything that will shed a light on it for what it truly



Kalki's Divine Mission is to close Kaliyuga, the current age of

darkness and ignorance and usher in the Golden Age, a new ten

thousand year cycle of peace, prosperity and harmony. He is to

liberate all of mankind from suffering and to bring enlightenment to

all of mankind.


This picture will be very meaningful to those of you in touch with

the dawn of the Golden Age which is a shift in consciousness as well

as an astrological occurrence. The advent of the Kalki Avatar is a

necessary component in this phenomena.


It is also interesting to note that in Siberia, there is a culture

that closely mirrors that of Tibet. There is a ceremony where a

statue of a horse is pulled through the streets. It is said that when

harmony returns to mankind, Buddha will return riding the horse.


The question is this: Will Buddha or the Christ return when harmony

has returned to mankind? If so how can will this harmony happen?

Previous interventions from the Kingdom of Heaven can be likened to

putting a lump of fine gold in a glass of water. The gold remains

gold, and the water remains water. The next incarnation, which is

called the Sampoorna (total-meaning the incarnation of God or Supreme

Consciousness on this planet) Avatar can be likened to putting a drop

of yogurt in into a glass of warm milk. Soon all of the milk will be

transformed into yogurt.


Man cannot transform himself. He can become highly reformed however,

in his practicing of concepts such as love, kindness, honesty, etc.

But true transformation is a result of Mystical Experience. You might

say that transformation is a benediction. Another look into the lives

of the saints, prophets and mystics would reveal all.


We are now in the throws of a mighty spiritual awakening,

unprecedented in the history of human kind. People from all walks of

life are walking and talking with God in a tangible form. Their

hearts have truly flowered, and for them, Heaven has met Earth. They

have entered the Golden Age which is a state of consciousness as well

as an astrological event.


Other would say that this is not possible. That the old calendars say

that the Golden Age won't " be here " for thousands of years. Currently

there is heated debate in India as some experts have claimed to have

found errors in the ancient calendars. This puts the date of the

Golden Age very close to the end of the Mayan calendar. "



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shriadishakti , " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:


> This period, in which Islamic morality will be established, will be

> in every way a time of love, self-sacrifice, generosity, honesty,

> social justice, security and personal well-being. This period has

> been called the Golden Age because of its similarity to depictions

> of Paradise, but, so far, such an age has never yet existed. This

> blessed age will precede the Last Day; and is now awaiting that

> time in which Allah has determined it will come.


> http://www.signsofthelastday.com/1_supremacyofIslam.html "



> So where are Her messengers who were supposed to declare this

> Golden Age to humanity for the last 30 years? Where are Her ganas

> who were to fearlessly announce Her Advent? Why is that even Her

> advanced age does not stir so-called realized souls to stand up and

> uphold the Dharma?


> Never in the history of humankind have so many behaved so cowardly

> in a civilized age, when the Savior stood all alone against an

> entire violent nation during the dark barbaric ages for the sake of

> Truth!


> Are we not ashamed of ourselves?!!!}






When thou hast passed from Self to being naught, gird up the loins of

thy soul and set forth on the road, when thou standest up with loins

girt thou hast placed a crown on thy soul's head. Set then the crown

of the advance on the head of thy soul; let the foot that would

retreat be the companion of the mire; though the thoughtless man

laughs at this act, yet the wise chooses no other course.


Whoso turns not his face towards God, all his knowledge and

possessions deem thou an idol. Who turns away his face from God's

presence, in truth I call not him a man; a dog is better than a

worthless man who turns away his face, for a dog finds not its prey

without a search. A dog that lives in ease, though it gets fat, is

not therefore more useful than a greyhound.


He will not take hypocrisy and deceit and lying, but looks to a man's

belief in the Unity and his sincerity. The eye that is fixed on

wisdom chooses the Truth; the pleasure-regarding eye sees not the

Truth. False is what delights the eye; the Truth enters not among

earthy thoughts. Infidelity and faith both have their origin in thy

hypocritical heart; the path is long because thy foot delays: were it

not so, the road to Him is but one step,--be a slave, and thou

becomest a king with Him. Know that the different names of the

colours are illusory, that thy sustenance is to be sought in the

river of the Absolute. Leave off thy talk, and come to the pavilion;

loose thy heavy bonds from off thyself. Perhaps thou hast not tasted

the true faith, hast not seen the face of truth and sincerity; so

that thou thoughtest the mystery was plain to be seen, and things

thou sawest plainly have been mysteries to thee. I see in thee no

rightness of belief; if there were I would be the true dawn of

religion to thee;--I would have made the path of the true faith plain

to thee hadst thou not been a fool and a madman.



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