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Jai Shri Mataji,

It will be the pleasure of me if anybody can advise me regarding the difficulties anybidy has to suffer in his lifetime especially after relisation to pass in the exam by paramchaitanya.

Well what i am goign to ask you all relates to materialism but everybody as per knowledge has to go through this state and the advice will be certainly help others to improve and make their decisions very correct even in this material world.But for this i have to tell everything about me so that u can guess the situation.

Borned in the simple middle class family , I began my journy to life.Got highschool scholarship ,ranked among the candidates in the merit lists of HSC candidates and seek admission to the very first engineering college of India.But i was totaly unaware regarding future and many times have the feeling which every seeker has before relisation and began to drunk and smoke .Durign the graduation i was never failed , idont know why but never got 1st classAfter Be i got relisation and decided then to be as an IAS officer and prepared for that in the 3 years .Due to lack of guidence i got the information regarding how to prepare .But now the timme is just ahead of me to prove in this world but suddenly my famile members told me to earn now .Leave that risk .What should i do now .And one imp thing is that they r very very against SY cos my mom's has

a close link with our beloved mother's relative who give her false information about her .WEll i then decided to do the job but not able to survice in this market due to lack of experience.So its up to you all anybody to give a simple advice and suggestion to me .


I have just briefed this story as i can.



Jai shri mataji.


















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