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HHSM: They are Antichrist, ... Even Pope is like that. So in Satya Yuga they'll be all be exposed.

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"The Pope is not only the representative of Jesus Christ, he is Jesus Christ himself, hidden under the veil of flesh." Catholic National, July 1895.--------------Catholic Christianity begun with the satanic alliance between the barbaric, concubine-sired Constantine and Pope Sylvester (Bishop of Rome.) Constantine had by then already murdered Crispus (his son by his first wife) in 326, drowned his second wife in the bath, killed his eleven-year-old nephew, and then his brother-in-law. Both benefited enormously from this unholy alliance between Altar and Throne, the power of the Pulpit aligning with the terror of the Sword, a formidable foe that crushed all opposition.--------------The Prince of Carnal Life His Holiness (Sanctitas) Benedict XII throbbed for the sister of the great scholar, Petrarch, who rejected his offer of a cardinal's hat. This lusty pope still managed to bed this pretty

lass by bribing her brother, Gerardo. "Petrarch described — anonymously, since he did not want to be burned — the papal court as 'the shame of mankind, a sink of vice, a sewer where is gathered all the filth of the world. There God is held in contempt, money alone is worshipped and the laws of God and men are trampled under foot. Everything there breathes a lie: the air, the earth, the houses and above all the bedrooms.'"--------------------His Holiness Benedict IX was eleven years old in October 1032 when he became pope in the footsteps of his father Pope John XIX. His exploits with women brought an early puberty and by the time he was fourteen he had surpassed the exploits of all predecessors. St Peter Damain has this to say: "That wretch, from the beginning of his pontificate to the end of his life, feasted on immorality." Another observer was more precise: "A demon from hell in the guise of a priest has occupied the Chair of Peter."

----------------His Holiness Pope Martin IV (1281-85) "embroiled the papacy in a disastrous twenty-year-long war over Sicily; at one point, he excommunicated the whole island en masse."----------------John II (535-36) was the first pope to change his given election name to that of Mercury, a pagan god.----------------Victor I (189-99) was African in origin and is known for a treatise he wrote — dice throwing.----------------Pope Boniface VI condemned as heretic the belief "in the power of man's innate will to seek God." He was later "denounced at a Roman council held by Pope John IX in 898."----------------John XII kept a stable of two thousand horses "which he fed on almonds and figs steeped in wine."----------------Calixtus III (1455-58) "was famous for his nepotism, naming two nephews cardinal, one of whom dragged the papacy into the gutter when he later came to

throne himself as Alexander VI."----------------Paul III (1534-49) made his favorite bastard, Pierluigi, duke of Parma and Piacenza. He also approved the Jesuits and introduced the Index of Forbidden Books.----------------Benedict IX was "pope three times, from 1032 to 1044, from April to May 1045, and from 1047 to 1048." Reason for this ungodly reign: He sold the papal seat for vast sums and then reclaimed it twice. He then handed the papacy "to his godfather, Giovanni Graziano, a Roman priest, who offered Benedict a pension."----------------Sixtus IV (1471-84) was "extravagant almost to the point of bankruptcy. . . . He placed grossly immoral, generally lecherous, and inevitably incompetent relatives in high Church positions, bringing dishonour to his memory and decadence to the papacy."----------------His Holiness John XII blinded his spiritual director and "castrated a cardinal, causing his

death."----------------Alexander XII (1691-1700) showered "favors on his family, mainly in the form of court appointments."----------------Innocent X excommunicated anyone "caught using tobacco in St. Peter’s," a threat that lasted for decades.----------------It was forbidden to own a Bible on pain of death. For centuries the Roman Catholic Church tortured people who wanted to read the Bible in their native language.----------------Sanctitas Alexander VI, alias Rodrigo Borgia, tasted blood at the age of twelve when he murdered another boy by repeatedly plunging a dagger into his belly.----------------Pope.John XIII (ruled 965-72), was the "son of a bishop and a descendant of the licentious Theodora. For his greed and nepotism he was driven from the city by the Romans, and when the Emperor restored him he wreaked his vengeance with a savagery which shocked all Italy. The body of the

Prefect (Mayor), who had died meantime, was dug up and torn to pieces. His successor was suspended by his hair for a time, then led naked on an ass through the city." Catholics count him one of the "good Popes of the period, as he is not charged with rape and adultery."----------------In November 1302 Boniface VIII issued the Bull Unam Sanctum ("Our Holy"), the most widely known of all papal documents, which claimed that human beings are the object of "papal plenitude of power, submission to which is said to be necessary for salvation." He also interned the infirm Pope Celestine V in the castle of Fumone until death and brought "trumped-up charges against a southern French bishop, Bernard Saisset of Pamiers." ----------------His Holiness Alexander VI had two peculiarly bad habits. The first was that "he thought nothing of stealing a man's wife, raping her and tossing her into the Tiber." The second was commissioning cardinals ("Chief

of Father") for a handsome fee. This was standard papal practise and we cannot censure enterprise. However, he had a peculiar habit of calling them over for sumptuous meals and poisoning them with arsenic — just to increase turnover. Now that is ungentlemanly.----------------Stephen VIII had his ears and nose cut off and never had any further public contact, for obvious reasons.----------------Leo X (1513-21) became cardinal at the age of thirteen. As a pope he "peddled cardinalities, created new offices sold to the highest bidders, and took the proceeds of the sale of indulgences to pay for his lavish excesses . . ." He is remembered for his appropriate observation: "Let us enjoy the papacy since God has given it to us."----------------Pope John XXIII did not believe in the immortality of the soul, the resurrection of the dead and, probably, even the Almighty Creator. But then we have to be cautious and not pass harsh

judgment, without looking at his psychological profile. After all, he was "a former pirate, pope-poisoner (poor Filargi), mass-murderer, mass-fornicator (with preference for nuns), adulterer on a scale unknown outside fables, simoniac par excellence, blackmailer, pimp, master of dirty tricks." He could always plead innocence by reason of satanic possession.----------------Pope Boniface VIII had a colourful history of sexual adventures. "The pope was bisexual, and certainly catholic in his sexual tastes, having kept a married woman and her daughter as his bedfellows, as well as attempting to seduce a number of handsome young men, apparently with a good measure of success. He was quoted as saying that the sex act was ‘no more a sin than to rub your hands together.’ " ----------------Pope Paul IV, who hated Jews, drew up the Bull Cum nimis absurdum "stressed that the Christ-killers, the Jews, were by nature slaves and should be treated as such."

They were enclosed to a particular area called "ghetto," after the Venetian Foundry.The good news of the Bull: Jews were not slaughtered wholesale. Bad news: Jews to sell their property to Christians at absurdly low prices; barred from commercial activity; had their books burnt; forced to wear yellow hats in public; speak only Italian or Latin; never to employ Christians; never to be addressed as "signor" or "sir," even by beggars; only one synagogue per city; only one entrance per ghetto; all Jews to be locked at night.This anti-semitism tradition was carried on by Innocent III and the Fourth Council of the Lateran in 1215. "A succession of popes reinforced the ancient prejudices against Jews, treating them as lepers unworthy of the protection of the law. Pius VII was followed by Leo XII, Pius VIII, Gregory XVI, Pius IX — all good pupils of Paul IV." Leo XII (1823-9) even forbade vaccination against smallpox during an

epidemic.----------------During Pope Clement XIV’s (1769-74) pontificate "there were four thousand murders in the city."----------------Our Holy Father Pope Innocent VIII issued a Bull in December 1484 that considered the "outpourings of insane old women under torture were accepted as part of the Christian faith." This set off the greatest genocide in human history. Hundreds of thousands of women were burnt for prolonging the winter, delaying harvest, causing stillborn births in both human and animals, loss of sexual appetite, and so forth.----------------Pope Marcellinus (296-304) was executed for offering sacrifices to idols and his headless body lay rotting in the street for twenty-six days before being buried.----------------Emperor Constans went to Rome to patch things up with Pope Vitalian (657-72.) He was knifed in his bath on the way back.----------------In 823 AD Rome,

Theodorus the primicerius and Leo the nomenclator, were murdered in the papal palace. Pope Paschal defended the murderers and anathematized the victims, pronouncing their deaths to be acts of justice.----------------Pope Calixtus (199-217) was tossed to his death through a window by a drunken mob.----------------His Holiness Pope Sixtus XIII (1585-90) declared with infuriated vigour: "While I live, every criminal must die!"----------------The Most Blessed Father Pope Benedict XII loved inflicting pain and turned his palace into a vast torture chamber "with irregular walls off which the screams and shrieks of prisoners bounced back and forth into silence." Clement VI "pillaged Cesena in 1377, where 4,000 anti-papal rebels were massacred." Pope Stephen IV (768-72) tore out the eyes of an antipope and was incredibly cruel. He is today venerated as a saint in parts of Sicily. Popes maimed and were maimed, killed and

were killed. Their lives bore no resemblance to the gospels.----------------In the early thirteen century the Church showed how it dealt with those who would not surrender to papal dogma during the so-called Albigensian Crusade, which devastated much of France in the process of theological cleansing. At first, it had attempted to reconvert the Albigenes through peaceful means. But when this failed Pope Innocent III ordered an armed Crusade which, within twenty years, wiped out hundreds of thousands of people and left only a few surviving bands of Albigenses hiding out in isolated areas. The Inquisition Office was still hunting these unfortunate people till as late as the fourteenth century. Simon de Montfort’s massacre of the inhabitants of Beziers during this unholy Crusade demonstrated the cruelty which accused heretics received from the Roman Church as a matter of course. It was on this occasion, when asked how his soldiers could tell a heretic from a

Christian, that de Montfort gave his infamous reply: "Slay them all. God knows his own." ----------------Pope Alexander was poisoned by his successor Our Most Holy Father John XXIII.----------------Pope Sergius III disposed and imprisoned Pope Christopher (who had earlier deposed pope Leo V in 903), subsequently having him strangled to death.----------------Pope Boniface VI was involved in the death of Pope Forsus, and in turn was murdered by his successor Stephen VI. Pope Boniface VII "ordered the murder of his predecessor, Benedict VI." He then imprisoned and presumably murdered former pope, John XIV. He in turn was murdered by a "vengeful Roman mob."----------------Boniface VII imprisoned pope Benedict VI in June 974 before strangling him "by order of Crescentius."----------------Gregory I "paid fulsome compliments to the most vicious and brutal rulers of the time — Queen

Brunichildis of Gaul (Epp., I, 74) and the Emperor Phocas (XIII, 31, 38, and 39) — when they promised to help the Church, and shockingly rejoiced in the murders of good men who opposed the Papacy." ----------------Vatican life was never dull or wholly evangelical. There were authoritative tales of drunkenness and sexual orgies, some of which were truly inspired by Bezulbub. For example, another Prince of Carnal Life Alexander VI, "was reputed to have had incestuous relations with his daughter, the gorgeous Lucrezzia. If so, and it is not certain, it was a record even for a Renaissance pope to have had sex with three generations of women: his daughter, her mother and her grandmother."----------------His Holiness Pope John XII (955-63) "was a true debauchee (referred to by some sources as an ‘incestuous satanist’), partially as a result of his pampered upbringing. John was allegedly fatally stricken (possibly apoplexy) in the midst of an

adulterous act; he lingered eight days before expiring."----------------Beatissimus Pater Pope Julius II was tall, handsome, and naturally, a great womanizer. Thus it was no surprise that "on Good Friday 1508 his Master of Ceremonies reported that his Holiness could not allow his foot to be kissed, 'quia totus erat ex morbo gallico ulcerous', 'it was completely riddled with syphilis'." This was a disease very common among priests, a peculiar clerical hazard. Prostitutes gladly welcomed the clergy with open arms (and legs) since priests always paid higher prices for their sexual services. St Bridget made this remark to Pope Gregory: "The clergy are less priests of God than pimps of the devil." ----------------Giovanni de' Medici was an abbot at seven, cardinal at thirteen (the youngest ever) and pope at 37. Our Most Holy Lord Pope Leo X was peculiarly pious and had neither mistresses nor bastards. However, he was a latent homosexual,

highly addicted to "those pleasures which cannot, with decency, be mentioned."----------------Benedict IX (1032-44) gets a lot of votes for being the worst pope. "A depraved lecher infinitely more concerned with carnal pleasures than with the business of running the papacy . . . Like Nero, he achieved the extraordinary: Both managed to shock their contemporaries."----------------Our Most Holy Lord Pope John XII "copulated with a long list of ladies, including his father's old flame and his own niece," and ran a harem in the Lateran Palace.----------------Pius II acknowledged that Rome was "the only city in the world to be run by bastards" and successive popes made sure history recorded the era as the Golden Age of Bastards. The Most Blessed Father Borgia had ten illegitimate children from pretty Vanozza. Pope Julius II had three while still a cardinal.----------------Alexander VI's "eye for pretty woman

was said to be infallible, even in old age." From Giula Farnese, a ravishing 15 year-old beauty married to Orsino Orsini, he sired a daughter, Laura. "That is why Giulia became known throughout Italy as 'the Pope's Whore' and 'the Bride of Christ'." By offering the pleasures of youth to his Holiness she secured a red hat for her brother, the future Paul III, who was thus nicknamed "The Petticoat Cardinal." At the age of fifty-eight Alexander VI took another fresh mistress.--------------The False Prophet Pope Alexander VI (1492-1503) was another Borgia. Our Holy Father was "a debauchee whose spiritual concerns were almost entirely overshadowed by matters of flesh, gold, and aggrandizement." He made his son Cesare a cardinal at the age of eighteen — even though he was not a priest.On October 31, 1501 one of the most blasphemous acts in Vatican history took place in the heart of Christendom. "Cesare invited his favourite sister Lucrezia and the pope, the only

other male present, to a festival called 'The Joust of the Whores.' Fifty of Rome's finest danced in increasingly scanty attire before finally disporting themselves naked around the pope's table . . .In a frenzied finale, the whores fell on their knees, scrambling in the rugs for chestnuts which the Borgias threw to them like hogs." There were reliable rumors, perhaps for good reason, that His Holiness Pope Alexander VI "preferred an orgy to a high mass." --------------Pope Leo X was a lavish spender and required a prodigious sum of money. The sin tax levied on thousands of registered prostitutes wasn’t enough. He increased income by boosting the sale of indulgences, especially cardinal hats. He struck gold in one brainstorming session — rescuing suffering souls in purgatory hell. For a fee, of course. Does the name Johann Tetzel ring a bell?---------------His Holiness John XII gambled away pilgrims' offerings during the day and paid

for the sexual services of high-class ladies during the night by disposing the golden chalices from St Peter's.When this Vicar of Satan finally died the treasury, which was empty when he took over, was overflowing. The hoard shocked even the affluent Florentine bankers. They counted 25 million gold florins, and there was an equivalent amount in gems and precious objects. Never had anyone seen so much. "The real heresy of John XXII, Christ's vicar and successor of St Peter, was that he burned the poorest of Christ's poor and died the richest man in the world." -----------------Pope Gregory XII's first papal act, at the age of ninety, "was to pawn his tiara for six thousand florins to pay his gambling debts."----------------Pope Boniface VII just fled with the Church treasury to Constantinople, and never came back.----------------Gregory is one of the good Popes" who, though less in number, are offered as an offset

to the "bad Popes," and it is material to understand that, like his saintly colleagues, he did not use his power and virtue to promote civilization. He was a Benedictine monk of ascetic life and infinite credulity (see his Magna Moralia and Dialogues), yet a shrewd business man. He expected the speedy end of the world, which was not conducive to efforts to reform the appalling social order - the entire civilized world was then at the lowest level it had touched since the beginning of history - and the large landholders whom he persuaded of this left their estates and slaves (then almost the only form of wealth) to the Papacy. It became the richest owner of land (from 1,400 to 1,800 square miles) and slaves in Europe, and is estimated to have reached an income of about £400,000 a year (or five times that sum in modern values). He maintained in full the institution of slavery, which St. Augustine had found just, and the few cases in which Catholic writers quote him rejoicing over the

manumission of slaves (not his own) are cases of men who had inherited money and promised to leave it to the Church."----------------Adrian VI singled out John XXII as a apostate of peculiar proportions. On August 7, 1316, in Lyons, the new pontiff named himself John XXII and "this fragile little monster was to last for eighteen tempestuous years more." A financial genius, he theorized that what a pope can give a pope can sell. And he marketed everything a creative Frenchman could think of. Forgiveness for every crime, no matter how heinous, had a price. Catholics could pay their way out of murder, incest, sodomy and a long list of offenses. The more Catholics transgressed, the richer his Holiness became. ----------------Pope Stephen II personally interrogated his predecessor, Pope Formosus (891-6) by dressing him in full pontifical and placing him on the throne in the Lateran. Some say he was completely mad. Perhaps they were right, taking

into consideration that Pope Formosus had died nine months ago, and his cadaver was on trial.----------------Justinian called the Fifth General Council, which concluded that his Holiness was a heretic and excommunicated. The gravity of this controversy does not lie in what was debated centuries ago. It lies in the fact that a Council believed itself to be above the pope, able to excommunicate and depose him for heresy. During the Middle Ages, these famous case histories proved to all theologians that a Council was superior to a pope. It was not until much later that forgeries altered this settled conviction.----------------Beatissimus Pater (Most Blessed Father), Urban VI "one of the most spiteful and vile-tempered of pontiffs" had three passions — drink, religion and revenge. The combination of three proved lethal to his foes, who met agonizing deaths in his torture chambers. Pope Alexander V also had three passions — food, servants and

money. He was excessive in two and astounding in the other, namely servants. He kept more than four hundred of them — all female.----------------John Gratian, Archpriest of St John and godfather, advised Pope Benedict IX, that he was entitled to pursue his beautiful cousin and even took the trouble to find a suitable successor — himself.----------------His Holiness Sylvester was no saint. After divorcing his first wife he sired six children by the second. When she became jaded he dumped her and married a third from whom he had two daughters. In between he had another daughter by a concubine. "Childless by his fourth wife, when she died he kept four concubines — twelve was his life-long tally — and had at least one child by each." It was indeed an ungodly union. Rome, already steeped in a history of gluttony, lust and barbarism, was indeed a warm womb for the Prince of Darkness. The Beast repeatedly mounted the insatiable, wanton

Vatican Whore and impregnated deep inside her the seed of Evil!----------------Women "were warned not to enter St John Lateran if they prized their honour." Our Blessed Father John XII was always on the prowl.----------------Sanctissimus dominus noster (Our Most Holy Lord) John XII became pope at sixteen. He invented sins "not known since the beginning of the world, including sleeping with his mother." He "even toasted the Devil." ----------------"No False Prophet ever went to God in a more embarrassing position." John XII was twenty-four when an enraged husband caught him humping his wife "and gave him the last rites with one hammer blow on the back of his head." His Holiness Pope Benedict VII also died under similar circumstances.----------------Clement VII, elected in 1342, had a knack for making his cronies happy, especially his cardinals, so that "they could afford the handsomest little boys — if

they were so inclined — or the most beautiful ladies-in-waiting."----------------The Most Blessed Father Benedict Gaetani was crowned Pope Boniface VIII in 1294 and was one of the most cruelest, bloodthirsty, sadistic, extravagant, corrupt, greedy, and licentious Vicar of Christ. Only the Devil could have blessed him with such a diabolical character and power. His papal tales of satanic madness are too numerous to quote here. May the quote below testifying to his Dracula-like remains be sufficient to jolt religious prisoners to their senses:"When, at the completion of the new St Peter's in 1605, his tomb had to be moved, it cracked open. To everyone's consternation, the pontiff's body, after three centuries, was incorrupt. Only his nose and lips had been slightly nibbled away."----------------Another satanic sibling who loved pomp, flesh, and torture far more than anything else succeeded the pet pupil of Satan, Our Most Holy Lord Pope

Boniface. The Devil must have been in ecstasy just watching his offspring excel in inflicting the most painful death on Christian victims, and erotic pleasure on wanton women.----------------"Catholic belief and dogma is that if a man is validly elected by the authorized electors, the cardinals, then God automatically confers the plenitude of power directly on the pope-elect." In 1046 Pope Clement II accompanied the German king Henry III to Italy where they found "three rival popes claiming the papacy" — Sylvester III, Benedict IX, and Gregory VI. Benedict's supporters poisoned His Holiness and "Benedict then appeared in Rome and installed himself as pope." Jean Carrier, one of Benedict's cardinal "elected Bernard Garnier as Benedict XIV, who was thus an antipope countering an already reigning antipope." Celestine II was "elected in December 1124 but resigned a few days later and is not counted in the official list of popes." Damascus II died of malaria after 23

days but made the papal list. Catholic dogma consoles that God automatically confers the plenitude of power directly on duly elected popes — no matter how cruel, licentious, young, or idiotic."On the chair of St Peter sat not men but monsters in the shape of men. 'Vainglorious Messalinas filled with fleshy lusts and cunning in all forms of wickedness governed Rome and prostituted the Chair of St Peter for their minions and paramours.' . . . If this was not the victory of the Prince of Darkness, what was?"Peter de Rosa, Vicars of Christ: The Dark Side of the Papacy














Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi






"Today, we are going to celebrate the birth of Christ. At a very crucial time we are doing that because there are some Antichrists who have become in charge of the Christian religion and are talking against the birth of Christ. They have no authority. They are not realized souls. They have no idea of the Divine, nothing. ... So because they are Antichrist, now they have become in charge of Christianity. Even Pope is like that. So in Satya Yuga they'll be all be exposed — have to be exposed."Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

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