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‘Signs and Wonders’ of Christ and of Antichrist

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`Signs and Wonders' of Christ and of Antichrist


Baptismal Regeneration is a lying wonder. Sacramental grace is a

lying wonder. The Absolution of the Confessional is a lying wonder.

Transubstantiation, the mass, is the biggest wonder and greatest lie

of all, and extreme unction is the last and fatal lie.

Dr. Ian R. K. Paisley


The coming of Christ was signalised by mighty signs and wonders. The

glory of miracles punctuated His life on earth. The ancient prophets

had performed some miracles but in none of them was seen the full

manifested glory of the Son of God. As light is in the stars so were

miracles in the prophet's lives but as light is in the Sun so

were miracles in the life of our Lord.


To but touch the hem of His garment or hear His words, `I

will,' meant instant and perfect healing. Every sickness was

cured, every malady healed and every leprosy cleansed. Death itself

lay prostrate at His feet, and when commanded yielded up its prey.

Such were the signs and wonders which heralded the advent and

attested the Messiahship of Jesus of Nazareth.


The Antichrist we are told by Daniel, Paul and John, would seek to

announce his advent and attest his claims with signs and lying



`And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down

from heaven on the earth in the sight of men. And deceiveth them that

dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power

to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the

earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the

wound by a sword, and did live.' Rev. 13:13,14


(The second beast, the false prophet, is the ecclesiastical

organisation of the Antichrist, the spokesman of the first beast.

Such are the priests of Rome.)


Scarce is there a miracle which Christ performed which the Church of

Rome does not claim to have wrought. Her saints she would have us

know are prodigies in the art of miracles. She claims to have the

same unbounded power over both the visible and the invisible world

which Christ has and that she imitates Him in all things. It is

evident on the most casual of inspections that her imitation

certainly does not follow Christ either in the Meekness of His Spirit

or the Purity of His doctrine or the Holiness of His Life.


Apart from outward miracles, Antichrist professes to work those

changes in the human heart which only God Almighty can work. In his

baptism he claims to work the miracle of regeneration and by

ordination bridges over twenty centuries and joins his priests to

Peter. Five words, spoken by his priests at the altar, change the

bread and wine, he claims, into the actual whole Christ, body, blood,

nerves, sinews and all. Two words uttered in the confessional effect,

he claims, the pardon of the `penitent.' These are the lying

wonders and miracles of which Paul warned us, and today we see the

most influential clergy of apostate Protestantism crying and rushing

to Rome that they too might have this power.


The miracles of the true Christ were done in the light and stood the

test of the most critical of scrutinies. The so-called miracles of

the Antichrist are seen to be `lying wonders.' Not one of

them can stand the test. Some of the most notable which were in

Rome's shop window for centuries were shown to be cheats at the

Reformation, while some of them are so childish that they insult the

understanding of ordinary sensible men and women.


Lying wonders they indeed are.


Baptismal Regeneration is a lying wonder. Sacramental grace is a

lying wonder. The Absolution of the Confessional is a lying wonder.

Transubstantiation, the mass, is the biggest wonder and greatest lie

of all, and extreme unction is the last and fatal lie.


There is no truth whatsoever behind any of these things yet millions

upon millions of deluded souls have taken leave of this world, fully

confiding in these lies for salvation. The Pope by whose authority

these lying wonders are performed, is indeed the Antichrist,

prophetically identified by signs and lying wonders.




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