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Radio interview with Shri Mataji, Vienna, 05.09.1984

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Radio interview, Vienna, 05.09.1984.


INTERVIEWER: You as a lady are the teacher, not only the teacher but

the founder of a Yoga-theory. Is this in common in India, that also

women do it. I read that you say, that all comes from Mother Nature

and therefore are there many women that were teachers in the case you

are, or are you in this sense of course a unique person?.


SHRI MATAJI: It`s a rather embarrassing question, isn`t it? I think a

Mother can do a better job than anybody else, in this respect you

have to have lot of patience with people, isn't it. Say if it was

Christ, he is very nice, he got cruzified and finished the job. He

was so disgusted and Shri Krishna would take his Sudahrshan and kill

people. But if you have to really emancipate people, if you have to

really see that they get what they have, you have to have the real

patience of a Mother.


INTERVIEWER: So can you give me some not private details of your

family live. I read as well in your bio, that your daughters are

married, and then you started to do what you are doing now. So did

you influence them as they were kids? When did you start to create

your theory, your Yoga?.


SHRI MATAJI: No, I was quite aware of it from my very childhood.. I

took my birth in a Protestant Christian religion, my father, my

mother were enlightened people, specially my father was a very

enlightened person and actually he told me what sort of work I`ll

have to do, because of the problems I`d have with human beings. He

told me how human beings are, their problems, and what

permutationsand combinations they have. And then as the custiom is in

India I had to marry also and I married a very nice man, then I had

children. I thought, that unless and until I reach a certain age, I

should not start talking about it, because at a young age people may

not take it seriously. . Apart from that I had another problem that I

found that human beings have certain permutations and combinations of

barriers and if I have to do an en-mass realisation of people, I`ll

have to overcome all those barriers at a shot, it means in one

lecture I should be able to give realisation to thousands of people

and to work it out.. I started studying human beings, tried to see

through the subtle mind how I could raise their Kundalini, how I

could give them realisation, what are their problems. It took some

time for me to settle that. It simultaneously it worked out with the

marriages of my daughters and they settled down. . So when in 1970,

5th of May, I saw the way things are happening and all that and I

thought it is the right time to open that last part of it, which I

had, the seventh chakra, and that then I did it, and that is the

point, then I really mastered this en-masse realisation, because so

far it was a realisation of one person or two persons. And my father

told me that you are born really to give this en-mass realisation to

people.. So you don`t start talking about it or otherwise you`ll

create another Bible or Gita, what`s the use. You better work on the

system, that you understand human beings properly, and you start en-

mass realisation, because if somebody is born on the 10th story, and

somebody is born just on the first floor, you see, he cannot

understand that person and he attacks that person. So the best is,

that you raise them higher than from where they are so that they know

at least that there is something beyond and the knowledge of Sahaja

Yoga is not to-days, so I would not call it a founder it is in

tradition of spirituality, it started long time back, the realisation

was given thousands of years back in India, but it was given to one

or two persons. Even Christ at his time has done a very great work of

resurrection and in that he has said, that you have to be born

again. . It is not just a certificate, or a self opinion that we are

born again or an artificial baptism. It is a real happening, is a

living happening within ourselves, which has to take place, about

which of course Indians know, because traditionally we are brought up

that way. So we know that this happens. The knowledge of the roots is

more in India than here, where it is more the knowledge of the tree

we can say. Once this happening takes place you achieve that new

dimension which we call as collective consciousness, by which we

become collectively conscious. You can feel another persons centres

and you can feel your own centres. If you know how to correct them

and how you correct the centres of another person, mentally you can

cure them, physically you can cure them, emotionally you can cure

them and also they become the citizens of God's domain.


INTERVIEWER: So back to your daughters. Do they both also practice



SHRI MATAJI: No, they do not, because I never force them. I said, let

them take their own time. In a way this is good because if my familiy

gets involved, people might think, that it`s a family enterprise.

They are very good girls, very religious, I should say, very

balanced, very astute. My husband is also another very great man. But

they are not doing Sahaja Yoga. I have kept them out, keep out of it

but my grand -children are all born realised, four of them are, and

they are great Sahaja Yogis.. So these people are out for the time

being, because it's not proper to have them there. Also from another

point of view, that when I'm dealing with my children, you see, they

might think, they are the daughters of Mataji. So she adores them,

try to give them money, and do this, and it will be quite disturbing.

So I don`t want that. I just said that now they will come in any case

to Sahaja Yoga, I know, but this is not the time. Let people first of

all establish themselves properly, because, you see, it gets diverted

the whole attention.


INTERVIEWER: Who do you consider to be the right person for Yoga. Is

there a group of people that`s easier to be caught by Yoga or is it

for everybody, or is it a question of the personal education of the



SHRI MATAJI: No, education is not at all required. The simpler you

are, the better it is. Sometimes education can be a barrier, because

you see you miss the point,as I would say, if you are to

overeducated, but if you have that intelligence, that innocent

intelligence, which is so sharp, it sees the point very easily. But a

person who is over intelligent, can be ego-oriented, you see, and a

person who could be say a very much conditioned and is ritualistic

who has faith, blind faith in things is also difficult. . So you have

to have a very simple person who is an open minded person. Scientific

in outlook, I should say would be better but most of the people I

meet are such kind are mostly in the villages in India or say places

where not so much of so called artificiality sophistication is there,

they are normal human beings, and they live down to earth.


INTERVIEWER: Youth in Western Europe, in America is looking for a

destination or for a destiny or not for a destiny, but they are

seeking for the beyond. Doesn't this also mean that Western

philosophy doesn`t offer a proper way for the beyond for the way

there as more as get in some case included in Eastern pholosophy, if

we say in general Yoga is Eastern pholosophy. Do you see that it that

the high industrialized western world has a lack of ways to offer to

the mental human being?.


SHRI MATAJI: That's what I was telling the other gentleman also, you

see, the Western civilization is like the tree outside, and the

Eastern understanding of the Spirit is like your roots. So there is a

continuity, I mean I cannot separate one from another, you need the

tree and the tree needs the roots also. Roots must have the tree, you

cannot do without it so, both things are complementary to each other.

But when there is an imbalance, like a tree grows too much beyond,

and it does not reach its source and then there could be a

destruction. That's what exactly has happened in the West, that you

have overdeveloped yourself, and that overdevelopement has led you to

a problem. Because you exhausted the Mother Earth, exhausted your

energies, exhausted your brains, everything is at an exhausted point.

So now it's better to get to the roots. So when you get to the roots

you find, you have not reached the source. Where is the source?

Source lies within yourself the human being himself and that source

is to be found out. And that source is the Spirit, which all the

great saints, all the great incarnations, in their own traditional

way, has one after another have expressed and told. But everybody has

misunderstood and made a mess out of it. We have organized God, we

haveorganized Christ, we have organized Mohammed Sahab, we have

organized everyone, but they are living things, you cannot organize



INTERVIEWER: But if I'm a top manager of Ford, of IBM, am I really

the person to do Yoga, doesn't this mean, if someone part of this

highly industrialised Western world, that the Eastern philosophy is

offered me any time. Isn't there an either or? .


SHRI MATAJI: No, you become really dynamic because you become a

witness of the whole play, you see this play, you become dynamic,

there is no pressure, no tension, you understand everything in all

dimensions. Apart from that you develop a balance, you know how far

to go. I mean, you don't overdevelop something. You develop a proper

perspective, a balanced developement and that is what is necessary.

We have lost the balance.


INTERVIEWER: Don't you know many people who want more of yoga than

yoga can give. So doesn't yoga also have in Western Europe a point

that it doesn't give to the individual that so, people think, well I

can reach so many things by yoga and don't realise, that they can

just find themselves.


SHRI MATAJI: You see, Yoga is a big misnoma in the West people don't

know what yoga is. If you read Patanjali, it is said that you have to

get to your self-realisation and then how to grow in your self-

realisation. Once you start growing in your self-realisation, you

develop such a personality that you see the whole world as one. You

reach your wholesomeness. And when you reach your wholesomeness the

complete balance and the curative sense comes in. For instance, if

there is a problem in my left finger, I try to rub it and I soothe

myself, whom am I helping, whom am I supporting, what is a developing

country, what is a developed country? You need something from the

developing and you have to have the developed. So the whole thing is,

that we have not got the wholesomeness. We are not integrated so far.

It's only possible when you reach that point, which is within us,

which is collectively conscious, and that is the Spirit. Once you

reach that point, you get collective consciousness, and when you

become collective, you understand the wholesomeness of yourself. . So

what people are seeking here in yoga, is really something that is

brought from there by people who don't understand. Yoga means union

with the Divine, it means union with the Divine. When you become one

with the Divine, the Divine starts flowing through you and you become

part and parcel of the whole. You become. It's not question of just

taking a certificate. It's not running on the street or standing on

your heads, it's not Yoga that you have to understand that, if there

is a problem, a physical problem, what exercise particularly you have

to do. But that, too, is only possible, when you get your

realisation. . Before realisation you don't know where you are sick.

People don't know, they go mad, but they don't know that they are

getting mad. So the craziness that you find or the imbalances you

find is lost, because we have just turned our faces to that thing,

called the Spirit. Because we could not reach there with our mental

projection. So what we have to do, is to just take to this new

dimensional approach by which you become that thing that you have to

become, for which you have come on this earth, and that, if you get

it, you are there. . You have so many dimensions. I mean now for me,

you know, I am a wife of a person who has to shake hands sometimes

with 600 people on one side and I have to deal with people on that

level, and that sort of people I am also doing this and I have

decorated my house. I mean, I can do 1000 and one thing and still I

am very relaxed person. So what you have to achieve is everything

what we talk of, we talk of democracy, we talk of communism, both are

artificial to my mind, because unless and until you have something,

how are you a capatilist? We are nothing. What do we have? We have

nothing, but plastics. What do we have? You see, that you have

something like I would say, I am a great capitalist because I have

all the power and I am the greatest communist, because I must

distribute. So, in the essence, I am the real capitalist and the real

communist. So all your ideas are really the glimpses of that great

truth. I am the greatest communist, I'm the greatest capitalist. All

your ideas about economics. Economics is so sensible, that it says in

general want is not satiable in particular they are. So that means

the want, that means this matter is not going to give you

satisfaction. So where is the satisfaction? It is in the Spirit.

Everything aims at that point. One should see that point.




SHRI MATAJI: May God bless you.

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