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[shriadishakti] Suggestion needed.

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Jai Shri Mata ji

Dear Jagbir Ji,


I strongly agree to what you are saying. I was listening to one of the

invaluable speech of Shri Mataji yesterday. What she was saying in that

speech was that we her Hands and we the Sahaja yogis are her Advertisement.

Reflection of our being, our character, the way we live, we talk should be

reflection of Sahaja Yoga. I remember another of her invaluable speech where

she mentioned about Mahatma Ghandhi, he stopped taking Salt before asking

his wife to stop taking because of some disease. Even if one Sahaja Yogi

attains the state of Mahatma Ghandhi, there could be again a revolution of

freedom the real freedom where people will know them (they will know the

tantra of Sav - that will be real savtantrata). That's all about my learning

in Sahaja Yoga. Sahaja Yoga is in simple living, we have to have that desire

than only the message of Shri Mataji can be spread.


The question is whether we have that in us or not? What do you think how

many of people on this Earth really care about the Last Judgment and

Resurrection? I think at least in India most people know that it is Kaliyuga

and Kalki will come to destroy the negativity, isn't that enough for them.

What I look at is most of Sahaja Yogi's are just struggling with catches

they have and clearing them. Sahaja Yogis I know are most of the time just

talking about the catches and how to clear them. Very few come out to give

self realization. If you were there attending the last Birthday Puja in

Delhi, you must know what that Every Body was asked to commit them self to

give self realization to 100 People. So that is the message coming from not

alone that Puja Speech but for last few years that's the message.

That's the Goal for us. People who do not have access to the internet, web

site is of no use for them. People who are not literate news paper is of no

use for them but I have found them better established in Sahaja Yoga. So we

all have to commit our self with whatever means to spread the message of

Shri Mataji and give self realization. That's how it is working out with

organizing public program at different places in Delhi.

I am a bit confuse about what our job is, what I have heard from Shri Matjis

speeches is our job is to give self realization to as many as we can give

and leave them to Shri Mataji. Follow up with them to some extent. Because

just giving self realization alone does not finish the work. The

emancipation of humanity can be only and only through Sahaja Meditation. I

remember the last year public programme in Delhi where about 50K new people

attended that but I dot not see those many at meditation center so what

happened. They just got their realization and are again lost in the same

world of negativities. To be very frank for me, Meaning of Gita, Quran,

Bible.... is nothing now. My Gita, Bible and Quran is the speeches of shri

mataji. What Sahaja Yoga is about very little theory and rest all practical.




Thanks and Best Regards


Rajeev Singh

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jagbir singh [adishakti_org]

Tuesday, March 09, 2004 8:06 PM


[shriadishakti] Re: Suggestion needed.



shriadishakti , " SINGH, RAJEEV KUMAR (RAJEEV) "

<rksingh@l...> wrote:

> Jai Shri Mataji Dear Nitin Ji, Buket ji,


> Thanks for your valuable comments. My personal feeling is that the

> main job of the Sahaja Yogis today is to become instrument of love,

> to give realization to people. We can not force people to have

> their self realization, it all depends on the desire and seeking in

> them. So the way I have been working is to tell people about what

> subtle system is, what shri Kundalini is and what self realization

> means, what we really are. Once they get self realization, it

> depends on their desire to ascend in Sahaja Yoga. What I have

> observed is a very few people really understand what self

> realization is and continue after self realization.


> I have been following up with people because my feeling is if I

> call a person who got self realization and for some reasons he is

> not continuing and my just calling or talking helps him what's

> wrong in it. If people just take me casually that's also fine. So

> even if I keep on saying that this is the time of last judgment,

> until they get their self realization, it is of no use because

> emancipation of humanity can only be achieved through Self

> realization and meditation. Once a person starts settling in it

> they will automatically come to know who Shri Mataji is really. So

> I am announcing that this is time of last judgment or resurrection

> but not just to any body. When we go to give realization we have to

> tell a little bit about Sahaja yoga, what we are going to achieve

> (that is to become spirit), and we do talk about that Sahaja Yoga

> is not new, it is there in bible, Quran or Gita. We talk about

> the last judgment that your hands will speak, we do talk about cool

> breeze. That all is there but we have to understand one thing when

> we go to new people we have to keep in mind we are not talking to

> Sahaja yogis. This is my exp. of being in Sahaja Yoga. Also we meet

> people of different intellect so need to talk to them differently

> while objective remains the same which is self realization.

> Appreciate your valuable comments on this topic.


> Jai Shri Mataji!


> Rajeev Singh





Dear Rajeevji,


Thank you so much for this observation. Yes, very few understand what

self-realization is. Even most SYs do not REALLY understand it. Have

they realized their self? What is it actually? Can someone explain to

me what SYs really mean by that? All i know is that it connects us to

our Self. After that it is just Silence. The Self is beyond the grasp

of comprehension ............. way beyond. It is just Silence, the

thoughtless state that will unravel the mysteries of the Self. So how

do you explain the Self? Nobody has been able to do since time

immemorial and nobody ever can. It is your own personal experience

which takes a long time to manifest, the true goal being the

Nirvikalpa state and beyond. (How many SYs have achieved this level?)


So the layman has no idea what we SYs are talking about because we

ourselves have only a shallow understanding. All we can tell them

is: " Just take your self-realization. " People just do it out of

curiosity and finding nothing else but a waft of cool breeze,

incredible an experience we SYs make out of it, just leave and never

return. The cool breeze is just no big deal in this modern times.


By now a few million humans must have had their Self-realization. Why

have so minuscule a number stayed if they are truly onto something

miraculous or awe-inspiring? Why this dismal numbers for so much

effort by so many over so long? The answer is simple: we SYs make so

little effort to link self-realization and the cool breeze to the

Gita, Bible and Qur'an. In the first place few SYs have that type


knowledge so relevant to sustaining the interest of new seekers.

Instead they bewilder these intelligent seekers with a frightening

list of catches and then advice healing with a smorgasbord of cures.

We have no idea or have forgotten our own initial reaction to SYs

introducing us to Sahaja Yoga.


i still shudder at my unpleasant exposure to Sahaja Yoga. It was all

about catches, left-sidededness, right-sidededness, bhoots, baddhas,

good food for bad livers, taboo drinks for cheerful swadisthan and

all that spiritual diseases i would or have succumbed to. Who in the

right frame of mind would want to stay and learn more? If this is the

SY introduction to a world full of evil entities which intelligent

seeker would really want to continue? My wife and myself were afraid

those days, even with our children guiding us. We still are and never

want anyone to go through the same experience, experiences that are

repeated all over SY collectives. Are we reverting back to

conditioning rituals to fight off the demons of the Dark Ages?


Thus with this ingrained mentality is it any surprise that SYs not

only do not link the experiences to the Gita, Bible and Koran, but

also Mahdi, Kalki, Maitreya, Last Judgment and Resurrection? After

barely a few meetings most seekers just leave in boredom and

bewilderment. There is just no opportunity to tell them anything that

will make them come back. After all, these seekers have experienced

Sahaja Yoga to be just another B- yoga. And does any SY think they

will recommend it to their fiends?


But what truly stumps me is that SYs have this wishful attitude that

the religious masses are going to accept Sahaja Yoga just to get Self-

realization. Why should any Muslim, Hindu or Christian in the right

frame of mind accept Sahaja Yoga? For three decades SYs have been

pretending that the subtle system will. It has not worked, is not

working and never will.


It is just that they have failed to truly comprehend the depth and

vastness of Shri Mataji's advent on Earth. They have reduced Her

glory to that of a divine personality bringing the knowledge of the

subtle system. We can draw a parallel to that of Jesus' disciples

telling seekers that He is a divine personality who can teach great

carpentry skills. But these very courageous disciples braved death to

proclaim that He is the Son of God who resurrected Himself, and

Christianity flourished profusely. SYs, fearing public reaction, have

fled from performing their dharma but continue to use all sorts of

excuses to justify their actions ................. even though

public programs of the subtle system have failed time and again to

bring even mediocre gains.


Yet they refuse to try the only method never attempted on a

collective scale, i.e., telling the public that it is the Last

Judgment and Resurrection. All i can say is that their refusal is

based on decades-old imaginary fears of adverse public reaction, lack

of personal conviction, ignorance of their avowed duty to uphold the

dharma under any circumstance, and misguided faith that the subtle

system is the cure-all for mass enlightenment.


Announcing the Last Judgment and Resurrection is the easiest thing to

accomplish. All SYs have to do is give seekers the links to

www.adishakti.org or www.al-qiyamah.org. They can spend weeks or

months reading in detail Shri Mataji's Message to all humanity

and then decide for themselves. Those who believe will come forward

to get their self-realization. In future we SYs will not have to ask

people to get self-realization for a better spiritual life. The

Believers themselves will request self-realization to take part in

the Last Judgment and Resurrection. Those who know of this Golden Age

will not leave Sahaja Yoga because of their faith that at last they

are going to face their Maker. This is a far more compelling reason

and reward to lead a chaste and righteous life, one that will appeal

to Christians, Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Buddhist and others.


Our job as SYs is to let humanity know that it is the Last Judgment

and Resurrection. Say for example we announce it in some newspaper or

magazine and 100,000 read it. Whether they agree or not is immaterial

because those who hear Her Message will be subject to it. THEY WILL

BE SUBJECT TO THE LAST JUDGMENT! As Shri Mataji has told before

humans will easily justify themselves by claiming they were never

told about it. No one can be subject to the consequences of the Last

Judgment and Resurrection UNTIL and UNLESS they have been informed.

The Koran is very clear about this and so is the Bible. Thus it is

imperative that we let the rest of humankind know that Sahaja Yoga is

the Last Judgment and Resurrection.


Another important point we are missing is that the deepest religious

passion of Muslims, Jews, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists and Sikhs are

addressed by the healing essence of Shri Mataji's Message. Not

only are their revered scriptures upheld but also their prophets.

Muslims thus have no objections to www.al-qiaymah.org because the

Koran is uncompromisingly upheld to declare Shri Mataji's message

of Al-Qiyamah. Likewise Jews, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists and Sikhs

are receptive of www.adishakti.org because they are exposed to the

deepest secrets of their scriptures as expounded by the messengers of

God Almighty. The Adi Shakti of the Santana Dharma triumphs. So does

the Imam Mahdi of Islam, the Comforter of Christianity, the Messiah

of Judaism, the Maitreya of Buddhism and the Aykaa Mayee of Sikhism.


Despite all the vast potential to unite and galvanize the human race

with Shri Mataji's message of the Last Judgment and Resurrection,

SYs continue to spend prodigious amount of energy and time speaking

about the subtle system to a handful of seekers in otherwise empty

halls. And we have been doing this same routine for the last three

decades and have failed miserably, especially in the last few years.

It defies all logic and common sense to continue along this path of

proven failure. That is why all the excuses we give for lack of

progress is meaningless because we have never learnt from our

mistakes, less acknowledged them in the first place. Period!









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Dear Jagbir,

>First, our responsibility is keep our chakras clean

and make whole treatments regulary and at the same

time give to people Self realization.




> i trust Shri Mataji , i believe Shri Mataji, i never

felt guilty and anxious about myself and Sahaja Yoga

cause we are leaded our mother and why we are in

anxiety if how many people come to Sahaja Yoga i never

think this cause i trust our mother ...i just try to

imply our mother's advice...

>Ý think Sahaja Yogies needn't be anxious about Sahaja

Yoga's future cause if they trust their mother it is

not necesesery...

>if we don't trust our mother anyway we are not really

Sahaja Yogies.

>Jai Shri Mataji


--- jagbir singh <adishakti_org wrote:

> shriadishakti , " jagbir singh "


> <adishakti_org> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Rajeevji,

> >

> > Thank you so much for this observation. Yes, very

> few understand

> > what self-realization is. Even most SYs do not

> REALLY understand

> > it. Have they realized their self? What is it

> actually? Can someone

> > explain to me what SYs really mean by that? All i

> know is that it

> > connects us to our Self. After that it is just

> Silence. The Self is

> > beyond the grasp of comprehension .............

> way beyond. It

> > is just Silence, the thoughtless state that will

> unravel the

> > mysteries of the Self. So how do you explain the

> Self? Nobody has

> > been able to do since time immemorial and nobody

> ever can. It is

> > your own personal experience which takes a long

> time to manifest,

> > the true goal being the Nirvikalpa state and

> beyond. (How many SYs

> > have achieved this level?)

> >



> " Where mysticism has prevailed for centuries and

> centuries,

> initiation has always been regarded as being most

> sacred. Divine

> knowledge has never been taught in words, nor will

> it ever be done

> so. The work of a mystic is not to teach with words

> but to tune those

> who are open to that which is offered, so that the

> seeker becomes an

> instrument of God. In other words, the mystic is not

> the player of

> the instrument, but rather its tuner, and when

> tuned, the instrument

> is then given into the hands of the Divine Player,

> whose playing

> becomes more and more clearly the expression of

> Divine music. On this

> path, there are no rules to follow, because every

> adept is like a

> different instrument in the Divine symphony, but

> there is one basic

> principle which applies to the manner of life of all

> concerned, and

> that is sincerity in humility. Happiness, which is

> an unfoldment of

> the inner self, comes as an expansion of

> consciousness, and one could

> consequently say that the degree of advancement on

> the path is

> indicated by the expansion of the horizon of the

> consciousness.

> Similar to a most fruitful tree, which bends the

> more that its fruit

> is abundant, in the same way the deeper the

> spiritual realization of

> the adept, he humbler he becomes. The one who is

> pretentious gives no

> fruit. The sincere initiate hardly mentions the word

> initiation, and

> feels no need to convert others to the path, nor to

> seek recognition,

> and if asked what is derived by spiritual

> attainment, will only

> answer, to become better fitted for serving

> mankind. "


> www.sufimovement.net








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