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Ending my 9 year wait at Belapur Hospital - Part 2

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It is not for no reason that they say that doctors make the worse

patients.I purposely went to cyber cafés every other day to expose

myself to the normal world which I am living in and would go back to.

I skipped a treatment though not completely intentionally.I started

cutting down my " treatment homework " to be done myself during the

last 2-3 days of my stay from the 2-3 hrs in morning and evenings to

the routine which would fit my working life.Still the vibes kept

improving and although retrospectively I feel that there was no need

to cut down on my homework but at that time it gave me the confidence

that the day I walk out of the hospital , I would be able to take

care of my subtle system and improve it with the grace of Adishakti.

Adishakti confirmed it by giving me the best feeling of cool breeze

on the last day during the collective morning meditation and I sat

there for almost 30 minutes after all had left from the room

experiencing wonderful vibrations.



By the second week of my stay there I had begun to understand and

feel what SM says and means when She says that Love can overcome all

obstacles and is the best emotion to overcome all problems of the


Mother has said it so many many times and I thought I knew what She

meant but only during my second week in Belapur did I feel what

Mother meant .It suffices to say that difference between thinking we

know something and feeling it was " zameen asman ka fark " which means

that the difference is almost incomparable.You have to experience it

in order to be able to fathom it



I met an senior(in age) SY who had settled overseas in the 90's and

had just taken up SY about 2 years ago.He had a habit of having his

regular glass or two of liquor daily in the evenings and if he did

not he would feel " uneasy " .He had been diagnosed to have IHD

(Ischaemic Heart Disease) by a physician and was due for angioplasty

since he still had chest pains despite being on medication.After a

couple of weeks of meditating after being given his self-realization

he realized one fine day that he had not drank liquor for the last

few days and he was not even aware of it.(in fact there are many

stories of people stopping smoking and drinking liquor spontaneously

and effortlessly after coming to SY).

Later the chest pains also stopped and then last August he just

decided that SM is his healer( the doctor of all doctors , the

teacher of all teachers etc) and he stopped all medication for his

heart.He has been well since then but his cardiologist was and still

is dumbfounded. He felt so well that he felt he could travel from

the West to India and then travel across India visiting his buddies –

he knew his Doctor was and will always be with him in his Sahasrara.


An Indian SY who had tinnitus which is normally incurable by Western

medicine and who had tried treatment by the ENT doctors in Mumbai

without any success was successfully cured within a few days.



I came back in December and had a whole load of work waiting for me

which could not be cleared since it needed my approval as the

departmental head. There were some budgetary deadlines as well as

clinical work to be attended to and to top it I sprained my shoulder

which impeded my work.

During this time I would sometimes miss my " treatment " but I would

still feel really good vibes not only while meditaing but doing other

work like driving and just to be sure I was not mentally projecting

the feeling I would not switch off my aircon(outside temperature

being 35degrees Celsius) and would be sweating but my hands feeling

the cool breeze.

IMO it is the desire and faith that is the most important and the

various treatments like footsoaking,mantras etc although important

they come a distant second when compared to the desire and faith in

SM and SY.

I have not been able to do footsoaking daily(although the desire to

so daily is always there) and still feel good breeze.I have missed

collectivity due to circumstances but vibes still good and on

numerous occasions breeze is better at home when compared to

collectivity.I will not and am not drawing any conclusions but just

thinking aloud so that we SYogi/nis do not get too rigid and become

too " ritualistic " .




1)the closest SY friend who is a doctor by profession and who

together with his wife had introduced a number of people to SY and

gave lots of encouragement to me left SY somewhere in 97/98.It came

as big surprise to the collective. He gave a few reasonable

(reasonable to unbiased and new person) reasons to leave SY.He is

still a friend but it is their loss that they left SY for the wrong

reasons – bad experience with fellow yogis.


2)Syogi/nis who feel the vibrations and have gone to GP, take active

part in spread of SY and in all SY activities etc leaving.


3)My receiving some nasty letters from fellow Syogi/nis when I

spearheaded a handful of Syogis opposing a plan by part of the

collective to go ahead with purchasing a piece of land which in our

opinion(geologist ,architect and an engineer) was really bad

buy.Finally the deal was aborted .


4)Coming across a highly ranked(by google search engine)negative

forum on the net and soon after websites spreading hearsay and false

facts about Mother and SY .Staying on the forum for more than a year

with a few SY brothers and sisters and denying the anti-Sys a free

hand in spreading falsehood and finally it's closure by Zenyogi's

action – this period was difficult at times.I must say it was a

choice I made myself to stay till the demise of the forum.


People leave SY for various reasons despite many years in SY and

despite feeling the vibrations well and on a regular basis – Anyone

knows why?



An example of the many offlist mails I receieved

" JaiShri mataji! Read your stirring narrative in Divine Sahaja Yoga!I

congratulate you on your perseverance in seeking your vibrations and

your undying faith in Shri Mataji!I am happy that you have benefited

from your trip to Belapur!Thoroughly convinced that you will be

experiencing the divine " Arctic Blast' very soon! "

The bulk (90%) of the mail related to my previous post were offlist

and the above is just one of them with a number of the others being

yogis with similar problems of much shorter duration and seeking

advise etc.


The only reason that I had total faith in Mother despite lack of

vibrations and stayed on for so long was because I believed what was

written on the website www.adishakti.org Some SYogis are

misintreperting the whole site as a site which shows off the

experience of 3 children but the core fact is that it is a site

informing non-SYogis and SYogis alike what SY can do for anyone who

practices it and reaches a certain level of thoughtless awareness and

that Shree Mataji is the Adishakti.It is a site where anyone of any

religion can find a connection with Adishakti's message and Sahaja

Yoga.It proclaims Shree Mataji as Adishakti and being the Comforter /

Ruh of Allah.It proclaims that Shree Mataji gave the 3 kids the

powers and that anyone who accepts Her as Adishakti and meditates on

Her can achieve the same and even surpass what the kids have

achieved.It propounds Shree Mataji's teaching in a way that anyone of

any religion can relate to and find a connection with Mother before

even experiencing Self Realization and Kundalini awakening.


The number of people in SY due to that website runs into double

digits and I personally know 11 of them(3 are within my family). This

are people whom I know – what about the people who are in whom I do

not know.Leaving alone that - what about the thousands and maybe

hundreds of thousands of people who have been exposed to the website

and thus know something great that SY can do with Adishakti's

blessings – they may not have come into SY but they certainly will

have a positive image of SY.Never underestimate the power of the

internet to spread a message. In fact I had my cardiologist friend

from USA(who was in New Delhi on my return from Belapur) asking to be

given Self Realization just on hearing me explain the experiences of




I was willing to wait forever for my vibrations since I had developed

the tremendous faith in Her due to someone else's experience. By the

mails I got(the great bulk 90% was offlist) I realize just as I

thought that I am not alone in this predicament.All I have got to say

is that if any Syogi/ni believes that www.adishakti.org or www.al-

qiyamah.org is bringing a bad name or spoiling the image of SY in any

way , he/she should get the proof and present the truth to Shree

Mataji and get it banned immediately.The only threat to SY that I can

see is from within and topping the list are the murmuring souls who

create stories using third party hearsay without verifying the facts.


Shree Mataji has been told about me and She knows my strong desire to

spread the message to The Muslim world.I plan to use www.al-

qiyamah.org as a tool to spread the message as well as using the

scientific studies done – this are tools to get them to listen and

experience SY but the ultimate pull IMO will be their experiencing

the Kundalini and also to them finding the direct connection of Shree

Mataji's message to the Koran.


Talking about miracles , I would like to narrate the miracle of a

young boy by the name of Gabriel (parents are Carmen Szabo and Mr

Chin) who came and saw me more than a year ago and he was found to

be deaf in one ear by audiometry testing (objective test).Early this

month he was tested again since he felt his hearing was normal and

the audiometry test showed normal hearing in both ears.


I guess that is all for now and I know that my journey in SY has just

started and it is journey I will enjoy.


Jai Shree Mataji



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shriadishakti , " dr_balwinder "

<dr_balwinder> wrote:


> The only reason that I had total faith in Mother despite lack of

> vibrations and stayed on for so long was because I believed what

> was written on the website www.adishakti.org Some SYogis are

> misintreperting the whole site as a site which shows off the

> experience of 3 children but the core fact is that it is a site

> informing non-SYogis and SYogis alike what SY can do for anyone who

> practices it and reaches a certain level of thoughtless awareness

> and that Shree Mataji is the Adishakti.It is a site where anyone of

> any religion can find a connection with Adishakti's message and

> Sahaja Yoga.It proclaims Shree Mataji as Adishakti and being the

> Comforter / Ruh of Allah.It proclaims that Shree Mataji gave the 3

> kids the powers and that anyone who accepts Her as Adishakti and

> meditates on Her can achieve the same and even surpass what the

> kids have achieved.It propounds Shree Mataji's teaching in a way

> that anyone of any religion can relate to and find a connection

> with Mother before even experiencing Self Realization and Kundalini

> awakening.



" Buddha said that our life is like a river. On this side of the river

is the ordinary life we live. It is a life of samsara, the cycle of

death and rebirth, empirical existence, social development, economic

growth, the march of history and civilization. On the other side of

the river is timeless reality, the kingdom of heaven in the

transcendental sense of the word.


Some people through their spiritual development cross the river,

experience transcendental reality and come back to tell their fellow

human beings about the other shore and to help them get there. Still

others cross the river, experience the treasures of transcendental

reality, and discover that both shores are interconnected and

interdependent. There is no dualism, no complete separation.


These people come back armed with the power of the divine and with a

clear understanding of the purpose of the ultimate reality. They

understand the ultimate purpose is to develop something on this

shore. They come back to inspire others to build a divine kingdom on

this shore, transforming human society into the perfect image of the

transcendental reality.


This becomes their purpose and is the true goal of the evolutionary

mysticism. It is the balanced spiritual ideal: attaining mystical

experience and also having an evolutionary perspective regarding

life. Through this we grow true to the kindred points of eternity and

time, of heaven and earth. "


Dr. Haridas Chaudhuri, The Essence of Spiritual Philosophy,

Thorsons Pub. Group (UK, 1990, p. 200).





" Some people say that the soul exists after death and some say it

does not. Who will give me the proper answer? Only one who has gone

beyond death, who is able to move beyond this shore and that shore,

who is able to maintain the same awareness in this life and in the

next life and also in between, only that man can give us an answer as

to whether the soul exists after death or not. "


Swami S. Saraswati, Early Teachings of Swami Satyananda Saraswati,

Bihar School of Yoga, 1988, p.249




" Eastern masters say our visionary power lies in our pineal gland,

that is our " third eye, " the source of spiritual and prophetic

energy. Now, in the New Millennium, comes the dramatic growth of this

body deep with our brains, of these receiving antennas connected to

the vast collective unconscious described by Jung. Tapping in to our

inner well opens the way to visions, to prophecies. Our antennas will

be turned on and tuned in as they never have been before. The

greatest mediums of all time are being born already; people will

connect with the past and help lead us into the New Age.


Humanity returns to the simple and natural on this plane, but our

spirits, as our bodies sleep, can come into contact with other

realities, can receive knowledge through our astral voyages. We can

develop our ability to reach out with this power and gain

revelations. Charged with the energy of the coming age and opening

ourselves to it, we increase our capacity to abandon our bodies, to

leave our bodies, to send our spirits through space to see and know

distant places through time to know the future and the past, and to

connect to other spirits, other consciousness. . . .


Mystics speak of powers of levitation, of raising the physical body

with the power of the mind. Researchers have confirmed the existence

of out-of-body experiences, of sending the spirit to explore outside

of the spiritual body. The spiritual awakening that comes with the

New Age brings not just the integration of science and spirituality,

but a balance of spiritual and physical energy.


We will see that our bodies are but the space suit our souls wear on

this terrestrial plane. Once our mission here is completed, we

discard it and move on as our true selves, our spirits and selves

intact, to the next plane.


Things that we call miracles will be understood in the Age of

Aquarius. We will know the law of nature that makes our miracles

happen, we will know why they happen, and we won't think of them

as miracles, but as blessings. "


Walter Mercado, Beyond The Horizon:Visions of a New Millennium





" Within the ancient world, the serpent (like its larger cousin,

the dragon) had long been representative of the adept, of his powers

of immortality and " divine " knowledge. Every culture of antiquity

with the exception of the Christian revered this symbol. Christianity

elected to forget the brazen serpent of Moses (Numbers 21:7-9), which

God instructed the patriarch to make so that those who had been

bitten by snakes might look upon the brass serpent and live. Jesus

himself implied the great wisdom and prudence symbolized by the

serpent when he said, " Be ye wise as serpents, and harmless as doves "

(Matthew 10:16.) In fact, throughout archaic literature, the usual

mythological association of the serpent is not with deceit and

corruption, as in Genesis, but with physical and spiritual well-being

and enlightenment. "    


Rosalyn L. Bruyere, Wheels of Light

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shriadishakti , " dr_balwinder "

<dr_balwinder> wrote:



> The only reason that I had total faith in Mother despite lack of

> vibrations and stayed on for so long was because I believed what

> was written on the website www.adishakti.org Some SYogis are

> misintreperting the whole site as a site which shows off the

> experience of 3 children but the core fact is that it is a site

> informing non-SYogis and SYogis alike what SY can do for anyone who

> practices it and reaches a certain level of thoughtless awareness

> and that Shree Mataji is the Adishakti.It is a site where anyone of

> any religion can find a connection with Adishakti's message and

> Sahaja Yoga.It proclaims Shree Mataji as Adishakti and being the

> Comforter / Ruh of Allah.It proclaims that Shree Mataji gave the 3

> kids the powers and that anyone who accepts Her as Adishakti and

> meditates on Her can achieve the same and even surpass what the

> kids have achieved.It propounds Shree Mataji's teaching in a way

> that anyone of any religion can relate to and find a connection

> with Mother before even experiencing Self Realization and Kundalini

> awakening.


> The number of people in SY due to that website runs into double

> digits and I personally know 11 of them(3 are within my family).

> This are people whom I know – what about the people who are in

> whom I do not know.Leaving alone that - what about the thousands

> and maybe hundreds of thousands of people who have been exposed to

> the website and thus know something great that SY can do with

> Adishakti's blessings – they may not have come into SY but they

> certainly will have a positive image of SY.Never underestimate the

> power of the internet to spread a message. In fact I had my

> cardiologist friend from USA(who was in New Delhi on my return from

> Belapur) asking to be given Self Realization just on hearing me

> explain the experiences of www.adishakti.org.



> I was willing to wait forever for my vibrations since I had

> developed the tremendous faith in Her due to someone else's

> experience. By the mails I got(the great bulk 90% was offlist) I

> realize just as I thought that I am not alone in this

> predicament.All I have got to say is that if any Syogi/ni believes

> that www.adishakti.org or www.al-qiyamah.org is bringing a bad name

> or spoiling the image of SY in any way , he/she should get the

> proof and present the truth to Shree Mataji and get it banned

> immediately.The only threat to SY that I can see is from within and

> topping the list are the murmuring souls who create stories using

> third party hearsay without verifying the facts.


> Shree Mataji has been told about me and She knows my strong desire

> to spread the message to The Muslim world.I plan to use www.al-

> qiyamah.org as a tool to spread the message as well as using the

> scientific studies done – this are tools to get them to listen

> and experience SY but the ultimate pull IMO will be their

> experiencing the Kundalini and also to them finding the direct

> connection of Shree Mataji's message to the Koran.




Dear Balwinder,


i would be obliged if you could explain about Shri Mataji and using

www.al-qiyamah.org in more detail. It will help me restrain/prevent

those few murmuring souls and their backers from continuing their

negative attacks on the websites. i can assure you that they will

never approach Shri Mataji to ban the sites because they have nothing

to back them except their own jealousies and ignorance. We will

always have these types of rumor mongers who only use gossip and

hearsay to undermine those whom they feel are not fit to spread

Sahaja Yoga, or getting too much ahead. It is as if i am undermining

their chances of winning some coveted prize that Shri Mataji is going

to award those most successful in spreading Sahaja Yoga.


And by their standard, unlike themselves, i am not fit or experienced

enough to talk about Sahaja Yoga and Shri Mataji. So if they can come

out of the woodwork and get the sites banned i will admire their

courage which, by my standard, leaves very much to be desired. i will

even throw those baying for a ban a real juicy bone - i will

leave Sahaja Yoga immediately if Shri Mataji is convinced that the

www.adishakti.org and www.al-qiyamah.org websites are damaging Her

reputation and need to be closed. Have i bent backwards enough to

satisfy these murmuring souls?



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shriadishakti , " dr_balwinder "

<dr_balwinder> wrote:



> The only reason that I had total faith in Mother despite lack of

> vibrations and stayed on for so long was because I believed what

> was written on the website www.adishakti.org Some SYogis are

> misintreperting the whole site as a site which shows off the

> experience of 3 children but the core fact is that it is a site

> informing non-SYogis and SYogis alike what SY can do for anyone who

> practices it and reaches a certain level of thoughtless awareness

> and that Shree Mataji is the Adishakti. It is a site where anyone

> of any religion can find a connection with Adishakti's message and

> Sahaja Yoga.It proclaims Shree Mataji as Adishakti and being the

> Comforter / Ruh of Allah.It proclaims that Shree Mataji gave the 3

> kids the powers and that anyone who accepts Her as Adishakti and

> meditates on Her can achieve the same and even surpass what the

> kids have achieved.





- Times of India


It wondered me immensely right from childhood as to how the entire

universe moves in such a perfect and orderly fashion. Who is that

Cosmic Mind behind all this? Knowing Him in elemental and

metaphysical form became the primary objective. This inquisitiveness

prompted me to read revered scriptures. Reading of holy books further

exhorted me to meet holy men and seek answers to my questions. Al

these holy men, if I may say so, kept repeating that man is

essentially divine. Repeated oral dose in these words- " religion is

manifestation of inherent divinity already in man " ; completely

stirred my being and made me more determined to search and meet

someone who is capable of revelation of my innate divinity in a

practical way.


Like they say, where there is a will, there is a way. Truly, God

affords ways and means provided there is strong urge in one's heart.

This write up is in honour of my preceptor Sh. Ashutosh Maharaj who

has practically made lakhs of people undergo supersensuous experience

of manifestation of inherent divinity. Holy books of all religions

testify the fact that realization of God is possible only with the

benediction of a Sadguru- a perfect spiritual master of the time.

Manifestation of inherent divinity is the crucial thing. It is

central to treading the path of spiritual quest. Spiritual blindness

can not be wiped out with theoretical narration of scriptural texts.

The need is to listen to the clarion call made by Mahapurushas and

the exhortation hidden in the revered scriptures. All have stressed

the revelation of inherent divinity. By implication, it means to know

our real Self to get over the pangs of mortal world and return to the

abode of eternal bliss.


Human birth is a rare opportunity to attain perfection. All revered

scriptures uniformally declare so. We have a whole lot of theologians

and ecclesiastical giants who too say this with great ease and

alacrity. Alas! mere verbal instructions in the form of sermons and

discourses do not do the need full. If scriptural reading, recitation

and verbal education could play the trick, there was no need for Lord

Krishna to bestow transcendental knowledge and bless Arjuna with

divine eye. Physical eyes can just see the outward form. Soul - the

inner of the inmost can be perceived by the eye of the spirit only.

The celestial vision is not a mental construction but the revelation

of the metaphysical truth that is beyond the finite mind and

intellect. It is only on seeing the cosmic vision through third eye

that our horizon widens and we go beyond the earthly tumults which

torment us daily.


Though, fundamentally divine but the divinity in man is veiled by the

incessant chain of thoughts and desires. The Upanishads envisage

removal of encrustation of maya - delusion by unraveling of inherent

divinity of man. It is only on practically perceiving the indwelling

spirit within that our compulsive habit of identifying ourselves with

gross body, mind and intellect stops. Simply telling people that the

supreme spirit dwells in all beings as Atman is not sufficient. It is

the vision in practical sense which would arouse unflinching faith.

Spiritual discourses followed by practical truly confirm, affirm and

solidify the abstract truth that is sought to be instructed. We,

thus, need someone who can give the abstract metaphysical truth a

visible reality. A sadguru who has himself known and seen the

metaphysical Truth by unraveling the profoundest mystery alone fits

the bill. The spirituality contained in Vedantic treatises is not

merely the delight and ecstasy of academicians and philosophers. The

domain of Vedanta is the metaphysical world of ultimate reality. A

sadguru imparts the aspirants the eternal technique of delving deep

into the inner world.


Our inner realm is beyond comprehensions of sense organs, gross body,

subtle mind and intellect. The ground on which a physical science

claims superiority over other streams of secular knowledge is that

its theories are based on and verifiable through laboratory tests. A

student of Chemistry cannot master his field of study without

experimenting and verifying in lab the theoretical narration of

chemical equations. Likewise, a genuine spiritual master possesses

the power of transmission, which becomes self - evident when he

reveals your inherent divinity. In Yoga- vashista we come across

example of King Shikhidwaja who retired to the forest leaving behind

all his possessions for God -realization in order to attain perfect

peace and poise. Despite intense austerities, he could not attain the

goal till his wife Chudala (she was an enlightened soul) disguised as

a saint appeared and blessed him with knowledge of spirit -



In Brahm-sutra, Adi Sankara exhorts the spiritual aspirants to

inquire into the transcendental form of Supreme Brahman by taking

shelter of a perfect master. Krishna tells Arjuna in Gita (XI -

48/53) that my cosmic form can neither be seen by study of Vedas, nor

by rituals, acts of charity and austere penances. Saint Kabir

said " cosmic vision is not accessible by telling beads of a rosary,

recitation of mantras in ambrosial hours and rites and rituals. Only

a self - realized soul who has attained zenith of human perfection,

can help us see this Visions. " It is upon perceiving the cosmic

vision that one comprehends the quintessence of the cosmic process

and the duality goes off. All doubts are cut asunder and we enter the

realm of Oneness of all. Just as lions are not found in herds, swans

in queues and precious pearls in sacks, a Saint who can impart this

supra-mental experience is one in crores.



- Times of India



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shriadishakti , " dr_balwinder "

<dr_balwinder> wrote:



> The only reason that I had total faith in Mother despite lack of

> vibrations and stayed on for so long was because I believed what

> was written on the website www.adishakti.org Some SYogis are

> misintreperting the whole site as a site which shows off the

> experience of 3 children but the core fact is that it is a site

> informing non-SYogis and SYogis alike what SY can do for anyone who

> practices it and reaches a certain level of thoughtless awareness

> and that Shree Mataji is the Adishakti. It is a site where anyone

> of any religion can find a connection with Adishakti's message and

> Sahaja Yoga.It proclaims Shree Mataji as Adishakti and being the

> Comforter / Ruh of Allah.It proclaims that Shree Mataji gave the 3

> kids the powers and that anyone who accepts Her as Adishakti and

> meditates on Her can achieve the same and even surpass what the

> kids have achieved.




Times of India


A lot has been said and written by spiritual gurus and religiously

inclined persons on how to attain the ultimate goal of self-

realisation and holistic well-being. Despite advancement, both

technological and economic, we are still groping to achieve peace,

tranquility, universal brotherhood and tolerance.


The confused and wavering mind of Arjuna calmed down only after

having gained divine knowledge from Sri Krishna. Sri Krishna called

this divine knowledge the supreme secret of God. In the Bhagavad

Gita, chapter 4, Sri Krishna tells Arjuna how divine knowledge was

handed down from the dawn of creation. In the beginning of this

universe, He taught the immoral karmayoga to Vivasvan. Vivasan in

turn conveyed it to Manu and Manu imparted it to his son Iksvaku. Sri

Krishna told Arjuna that only the wise seers and perfect masters who

have known and seen God can impart this knowledge and not those who

possess just scriptural knowledge. A sadguru who can make us see that

divine light within us is an enlightened soul.


Mere bookish knowledge does not make one an enlightened soul. Kabir

and Mira were not scholars. Even their worst critic would acknowledge

that they were intiated into brahm gyan by their gurus namely Swami

Ramanand and Sant Raidass. Since inception, the world has witnessed

so many avatars and perfect masters. None of them advocated just

recitation of mantras and chanting of hymns as a means of self-

realisation. It is true that chanting of hymns in praise of God is a

sure way of stabilizing the mind. The perfect master imparts the

devotee with a methodology for knowing and seeing God. There is

immediate and instant realisation of God within us when he places his

holy palm on the fore-head. Brahm Gyan is energy transmitted by the

perfect master on to the seeker of God....


When a seeker of truth receives brahm gyan, he or she instantly

experience divine light within. Divine knowledge comprises instant

and immediate practical experience of divine light, the holy name,

inner music and holy nectar. God has been described as the divine

light by holy scriptures like the Vedas, Shastras, the Upanishads and

the puranas. As there is fire hidden in wood and it can be produced

only through a technique, there is divine light hidden in every

particle. A perfect master can show us that divine light within us.

Our scriptures profusely emphasise that our bhakti starts only after

we see and experience that divine light within us. The simran or

smaran or remembrance of that eternal name which is already present

in our inner-self can be done with neither tongue not with the lips.

That holy name is inexpressible and hence beyond any language. The

simran of this holy name makes us pure, take us on the path of true

bhakti and salvation. Divine music or the anhad vani echoes in our

inner-self and awakens feelings of forgiveness, morality,

satisfaction, compassion and truth within us and through constant

practice, we attain eternal peace and pleasure. Amrit or holy nectar

is present in plenty in the human body. Amrit keeps the child alive

in the womb of his mother. On taking birth, the child cries as he

gets detached from God.


The role of the perfect master is to link us with the inner world

which has been forgotten by us. Attainment of supreme knowledge is

the right of every human being, whosoever he or she may be. It is

only after we see divine light within our inner-self that self-

transformation and holistic well-being shall become reality.



Times of India

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shriadishakti , " dr_balwinder "

<dr_balwinder> wrote:



> The only reason that I had total faith in Mother despite lack of

> vibrations and stayed on for so long was because I believed what

> was written on the website www.adishakti.org Some SYogis are

> misintreperting the whole site as a site which shows off the

> experience of 3 children but the core fact is that it is a site

> informing non-SYogis and SYogis alike what SY can do for anyone who

> practices it and reaches a certain level of thoughtless awareness

> and that Shree Mataji is the Adishakti. It is a site where anyone

> of any religion can find a connection with Adishakti's message and

> Sahaja Yoga.It proclaims Shree Mataji as Adishakti and being the

> Comforter / Ruh of Allah.It proclaims that Shree Mataji gave the 3

> kids the powers and that anyone who accepts Her as Adishakti and

> meditates on Her can achieve the same and even surpass what the

> kids have achieved.




Times of India


Neither the body nor the senses are real- these are only instruments

of varied expressions and actions associated with the temporal world

of Atman, the Divine self. It is on realising the Atman that we

become aware that we are essentially a fragmented part of the

Universal Soul. The individual consciousness though infinite and one,

is manifested in finitude of body and mind. The goal of human life is

attaining oneness with the infinite.


The moot question is, how can we go about achieving this union of

individual soul with the Supreme, how shall this take place? First,

we have to get over the body-mind consciousness that makes our

journey into the metaphysical world of ultimate reality well nigh

impossible. Until we go beyond this body-mind consciousness level, we

will continue to search for meaning and fulfillment of life in the

fickle realm of sensory experience. The ideal state is that state

which is beyond sense-level perception, where all duality goes off.

The pairs of opposites do not trouble us anymore.


The attainment of this state calls for 'outside help' which comes

from a wise seer who has himself attained the pinnacle of human

perfection. He is one who has himself trodden this path with

universal consciousness. Such a helper or guru alone is capable of

putting us through the trans-sensuous experience of inherent

divinity. The attainment of the highest goal of human life is

possible only on being blessed with knowledge of the spirit, Brahma

Vidya. Lord Krishna in human form in Dwapar Yuga called Brahma Vidya

the " supreme secret " . Human beings alone are privileged to be

conferred with the capacity to be able to perceive this knowledge.

Realisation, however, is not something to be acquired; it comes as a

revelation of the supreme secret of God. It is essentially the

manifestation of the inherent divinity of man. It is the Saguna

Swarupa of the Supreme Brahman who alone is capable of unfolding it

to the seeker. He equips us with the worship of the spirit by the



The supreme knowledge consists of instant experience of divine light,

cosmic vision, holy nectar, which are all present in plenty in the

human body; as also the divine music which goes on incessantly in the

human body and the echoes of the holy name -the primordial vibration

or the divine engery chord within all. The venerated texts of Vedanta

have described God as divine light. As there is fire hidden in the

wood and it can be produced only through a technique, in the same

way, there is divine light- the energising force as Atman within all

which can be seen and known by all when blessed with the Divine Eye.

We also need to know that holy name which is beyond any language. We

should also learn the unique technique of listening to inner music

which brings forth our divine attributes. It is holy nectar, amrit,

skin to that which keeps a child alive in the womb of its mother.

The caterpillar gets entangled in its self-woven cocoon. Man too is

caught in the clutches of his desires. Just as the caterpillar

develops into a butterfly bursting the cocoon to enjoy freedom, man

too can get across the mesh of illusion by using the wings of Viveka

or power to discriminate and Vairagya or disenchantment. A spiritual

master imparts both viveka and vairagya without distinction of caste,

creed or colour, even transcending physical barriers. He will not

embroil you in oft-quoted different paths leading to the Supreme

Spirit. He would rather teach the synthesis of all spiritual paths in

a comprehensive spirituality as elucidated in the Bhagavad Gita and

the Upanishads. Equipped with this spirituality, a man lives

oblivious of body and mind consciousness and the associated vasanas.

His individual consciousness with name and form merges into the ocean

of universal consciousness.



Times of India

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shriadishakti , " dr_balwinder "

<dr_balwinder> wrote:



> The only reason that I had total faith in Mother despite lack of

> vibrations and stayed on for so long was because I believed what

> was written on the website www.adishakti.org Some SYogis are

> misintreperting the whole site as a site which shows off the

> experience of 3 children but the core fact is that it is a site

> informing non-SYogis and SYogis alike what SY can do for anyone who

> practices it and reaches a certain level of thoughtless awareness

> and that Shree Mataji is the Adishakti. It is a site where anyone

> of any religion can find a connection with Adishakti's message and

> Sahaja Yoga. It proclaims Shree Mataji as Adishakti and being the

> Comforter / Ruh of Allah.It proclaims that Shree Mataji gave the 3

> kids the powers and that anyone who accepts Her as Adishakti and

> meditates on Her can achieve the same and even surpass what the

> kids have achieved.





Times of India


SCRIPTURES the world over say that world peace shall become a reality

only if each individual is at peace with himself. We are a microcosm

with all the macrocosm within us. Little do we realize that rampant

evil deeds are mere manifestations of the inner realm of an

individual. A disturbed and violent inner core will generate only

destructive and hostile thoughts. Such negative thoughts are then

translated into multifarious vices-the base of a 'civilised' society.

The tragedy is that we are oblivious of our true nature. The

ignorance of our true divine self separates us from our creator who

is absolute truth, knowledge and bliss. God is within the body as

Atman or our real self. The present atmosphere of distrust and

disharmony defies any hope of revival. The goal of global peace

continues to be a mirage not because of lack of effort but due to

lackadaisical and wrong approach by those who matter. Perfect world

order can be ensured by establishing a harmonious relationship with

divinity. In man, divinity is inherent. The crucial thing is

manifestation of divinity in man so that he can become truly

religious. There upon, divine attributes automatically flow out of an



According to Swami Vivekananda , this requires 'outside help' which

comes from a spiritual master who has himself attained the pinnacle

of human perfection. At the behest of his spiritual master, he

stepped out of national boundaries and traveled to various parts of

the globe, spreading the message of oneness of the human race.

Speaking at various for a, he said, " It is the revelation of the

supreme secret that will enable one to understand the meaning and

essence of 'oneness' of humans " . Pursuit of a perfect world order has

to begin with an individual. It is not the global but individualistic

approach that is needed to attain the goal.


Here the subject matter of our study is not the physical body of an

individual but his mind which is the breeding ground for good or evil

thoughts. Many of us talk of value-orientation to education to

develop a positive mindset. This would have its deepest impact only

after divinity in man has been manisfested. This will have a two-fold

impact. One is the realization that the same divine force operates

through all, and the second, that our real self is above the body-

mind consciousness. It is only then that the value-oriented education

will prove beneficial for man. A negatively charged mindset has

propensity for carrying out demoniac deeds and can stoop down to any

level. A flustered and agitated mind is inimical to the interests of

the family, society and the world at large. It can only sow seeds of

discontent, hatred and animosity. A positively charged mindset is

thus a prerequisite for individual peace and global peace.


In case the forest is withered and is to be restored to life, we

would have to water each tree in that forest. Likewise. If we want

world peace, we should learn to be peaceful ourselves. A positive

mindset equips individuals with endowments of purity, self-control,

uprightness, non-violence, truth, calmness, compassion and shuns

covetousness. Such divine propensities are conducive to God-

realisation and the individual remains ever established in

remembrance of God. We talk profusely of conquering fear, getting rid

of self-centredness and mind-control. Words alone will not create

magic. Let us sincerely ask ourselves if this has changed the

obnoxious atmosphere all around. The situation has in fact gone from

bad to worse. Remember, theory is best understood through practical

example. On practically perceiving the self within, we would not only

welcome but become receptive to theory.


Upon realising one's divine self, credos like Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah

or all living beings should be happy and Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam or the

world family, are understood in letter and spirit, and no longer

remain confined to holy books. Sri Aurobindo once said, " India will

emerge as a spiritual teacher of the world " . The time has come for

India to spread the message of knowledge of self which is the only

way out of the present imbroglio. Spiritual revolution through the

goal of Atamgyan or self-knowledge, is the need of the hour. It is

only purusartha or an object of human pursuit of the present, which

would become destiny of the future. Let us make our tomorrow peaceful

by knowing ourselves.



Times of India

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shriadishakti , " dr_balwinder "

<dr_balwinder> wrote:



> The only reason that I had total faith in Mother despite lack of

> vibrations and stayed on for so long was because I believed what

> was written on the website www.adishakti.org Some SYogis are

> misintreperting the whole site as a site which shows off the

> experience of 3 children but the core fact is that it is a site

> informing non-SYogis and SYogis alike what SY can do for anyone who

> practices it and reaches a certain level of thoughtless awareness

> and that Shree Mataji is the Adishakti. It is a site where anyone

> of any religion can find a connection with Adishakti's message and

> Sahaja Yoga.It proclaims Shree Mataji as Adishakti and being the

> Comforter / Ruh of Allah.It proclaims that Shree Mataji gave the 3

> kids the powers and that anyone who accepts Her as Adishakti and

> meditates on Her can achieve the same and even surpass what the

> kids have achieved.




Hindustan Times


CAN GOD be seen and experienced? This is a question that has

confounded humanity since the beginning of time. In the face of

claims of miracles about people seeing and experiencing him and

rationalists arguing against it, we continue to debate and deliberate

whether God exists. If we took the trouble to learn from the lives of

saints, this argument could actually have been laid to rest long

back. In his younger days, Naren(Swami Vivekananda) used to say, " If

there is God, I must see him. " This strong urge and intense love for

the divine set him on his search for a person or guru who could show

him the true path to God. Before meeting Swami Ramakrishna Paramhansa

and accepting him as his spiritual guru, he met as many as forty-nine

charlatans and pseudo saints who obviously could not show him God and

quench his thirst And Naren insisted that if he did not see God, he

would not accept their claims about there even being a God.


Seeing is believing. God realisation is also no different. The first

step to realisation is opening of the divine eye. It is only after we

have celestial vision through the third eye that worship of the

Divine starts. Ordinary mortals become realised souls only in

meditating through the eye of the spirit. In the Brahadaranyaka

Upanishad, Yajnavalkya tells his wife Maitreyi, " It is the soul that

should be seen, heard of, reflected on and meditated upon. Verily, by

the seeing of, by the hearing of, by the thinking of, by the

understanding of the soul, all is known. " In the Paingala Upanishad,

Paingala, the pupil approaches Yajnavalkya. He was told to meditate

on the light form of Brahman for salvation through divya chakshu

(enlightened eye) given to him. It is this metaphysical form of the

Supreme Brahman that is the sole basis of meditation for an journey

of an aspirant starts on perceiving the light of the soul and the

continuous exploration of pure consciousness takes him closer to

ultimate union with God. Seeing God is experiencing the divine light

and meditating upon it.


God being omnipotent can take any shape or form. Lord Krishna was all

along with and beside Arjuna in a human garb. Even then, the Lord

advised Arjuna to know Him in his elemental and metaphysical form

after declaring that he is the light of lights. Thus, seeing the

light form of God is the first step towards the goal of realisation.

The melancholy of Arjuna did not go till the Lord blessed him with

the divine eye or insight. This acted as his preceptor and made him

undergo the super-sensuous experience of inherent divinity. As we

know, no amout of talking could take Arjuna out of his despair. This

affirms that theory has to be experienced before you can truly

believe in it. Arjuna had Lord Krishna to guide him. Who do we have?

The cosmic vision at the time of initiation varies from person to

person. Only a true guru or mentor can know what is enough. For

example, Swami Ramananda initiated Kabir, Ramdas, Nanak and two other

disciples around the same time. All four, except Nanak, had intense

cosmic experiences. But Nanak only saw a star. This did not deter

Nanak and complying with his guru's advice, he undertook intense

meditation. The result is that he rose to the level of god-incarnate

and is worshipped by all for his wisdom.


There are several high-profile philosophers and intellectuals who

have churned out many ready-reckoners and voluminous treatises on

ways and means to god-realisation. But intellectual argumentation and

philosophical regimen do not help. The goal is more subtle than that.

It is revelation of the sovereign secret. We also have a clan of

clerics prelates and pseudo saints who have played havoc with the

lives of many believers. These self-declared god-men virtually sell

religion and spirituality. They have devised queer ways of earning

faith and loyalty from their followers. Some of them unhesitatingly

declare from their podiums if they ever changed their guru they would

earn the wrath of God. Their interest lies in perpetuation of

ignorance of the masses for obvious reasons. Do they have any answer

as to why Naren went on changing gurus till he was shown God by Swami

Ramakrishna Paramhansa? Paramhansa was the 50th guru he went to and

then he piloted his life on this guru's teachings. The rest is



Citing the Bhagvad Gita, most gurus speak of different paths of god-

realisation. How fallacious is it? Did Lord Krishna, Rama and other

sages of yore impart different sets of jnana (knowledge) to their

disciples? Lord Krishna, while imparting eternal knowledge to Arjuna

said, " It is an ancient yoga. In the beginning He imparted this

imperishable yoga to Vivasvan who taught it to Manu and Manu imparted

to Iksvaku. Lord also declared that He was not stating any new

doctrine but only restoring the eternal verity handed down from

master to pupil. "


Remember, the Lord taught comprehensive spiritually through the

Bhagvad Gita and did not divide the eternal path into bhakti marg,

karma yoga or jnana marg. On initiation into eternal knowledge, one

truly understands the unity inherent in these different paths. Only

an ignorant teacher talks of different paths. The world today needs

enlightened gurus who can teach comprehensive spirituality. We don't

need gurus who embroil people in different paths and lose God in the

process. If you find a person who helps you realise God, stick to him.



Hindustan Times

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shriadishakti , " dr_balwinder "

<dr_balwinder> wrote:



> The only reason that I had total faith in Mother despite lack of

> vibrations and stayed on for so long was because I believed what

> was written on the website www.adishakti.org Some SYogis are

> misintreperting the whole site as a site which shows off the

> experience of 3 children but the core fact is that it is a site

> informing non-SYogis and SYogis alike what SY can do for anyone who

> practices it and reaches a certain level of thoughtless awareness

> and that Shree Mataji is the Adishakti. It is a site where anyone

> of any religion can find a connection with Adishakti's message and

> Sahaja Yoga. It proclaims Shree Mataji as Adishakti and being the

> Comforter / Ruh of Allah. It proclaims that Shree Mataji gave the 3

> kids the powers and that anyone who accepts Her as Adishakti and

> meditates on Her can achieve the same and even surpass what the

> kids have achieved.





Hindustan Times


ALL TALK of spirituality will go in vain until is taught as a science

of experience. Theory followed by a practical truly confirms, affirms

and solidifies the abstract truth that is sought to be instructed.

Simply knowing that the supreme spirit dwells in all beings as atman

is not sufficient. It is the vision in practical sense which would

arouse unflinching faith. We, thus, need someone who can give the

abstract metaphysical truth a visible reality. Only a perfect sage

can do so. He is one who has himself known and seen the metaphysical

form of God by unraveling the profoundest mystery.


The cosmic vision like the one experienced by Arjuna is not a myth or

a legend. We know of other such cosmic visions akin to the vision of

Arjuna. To quote a few of them from other lands- the vision of Saint

Joan of Arc, Constantine's Vision, Vision of St Saul and St Hildegard

and transfiguration of Jesus. The ground on which a physical science

claims superiority over other streams of secular knowledge is that

its theories are based on and verifiable through laboratory tests. A

student of Chemistry cannot master his field of study without

experimenting and verifying in lab the theoretical narration of

chemical equation.


The spirituality contained in the Vedantic treatises is not merely

the delight and ecstasy of academicians and philosophers. The domain

of Vedanta is the metaphysical world of ultimate reality. Ved Vyas

even after authoring 18 Puranas found himself seized by restlessness.

Narada, the peripatetic sage wanted to know if he had seen Him about

whom he had written so much. This stunned Ved Vyas and he urged

Narada to initiate him into brahmnvidya. Likewise, in Yogavashista we

come across an example of King Shikhidwaja who retired to the forest

leaving behind all his possessions for God-realisation in order to

attain perfect peace and poise. Despite intense austerities , he

could not attain the goal till his wide Chudala disguised as a saint

appeared and blessed him with Brahmjnana.


In Brahm-sutra, a vedantic treatise, Adi Sankara exhorts the

spiritual aspirant to inquire into the transcendental form of Supreme

Brahman by taking shelter of a perfect master. Krishna tells Arjuna

in the Gita that " my cosmic form can neither be seen by study of

Vedas, nor by rituals, acts of charity and austere penances. " The

cosmic process and destiny is best understood on seeing the celestial

vision within. The vision is the revelation of the inherent divinity

in man. This supersensuous experience is instant and spontaneous in

every aspirant at the time of diksha. Opportunity is knocking at your

door. Avail it.



Hindustan Times

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shriadishakti , " dr_balwinder "

<dr_balwinder> wrote:



> The only reason that I had total faith in Mother despite lack of

> vibrations and stayed on for so long was because I believed what

> was written on the website www.adishakti.org Some SYogis are

> misintreperting the whole site as a site which shows off the

> experience of 3 children but the core fact is that it is a site

> informing non-SYogis and SYogis alike what SY can do for anyone who

> practices it and reaches a certain level of thoughtless awareness

> and that Shree Mataji is the Adishakti. It is a site where anyone

> of any religion can find a connection with Adishakti's message and

> Sahaja Yoga. It proclaims Shree Mataji as Adishakti and being the

> Comforter / Ruh of Allah. It proclaims that Shree Mataji gave the 3

> kids the powers and that anyone who accepts Her as Adishakti and

> meditates on Her can achieve the same and even surpass what the

> kids have achieved.





Times of India


Revered scriptures and particularly the vedantic treatises discuss

and dwell upon two facets of religion - the ethnical and the

scientific. All popular religions in the world are varied expressions

of Eternal Religion - Sanatana Dharma and thus, have ethnical tag

attached to them. This is so because they represent ethnical

distinctions of religion. God is one but deities are many. Likewise,

religion is one but sects are many. The varied expressions in the

world represent the ethnical dimesion of Eternal Religion which is

Oneness. The ethnical religion bind us in the constraints of birth,

choicelessness and absense of spirit of inquiry. Each religion in the

world, no doubt professes freedom and spirit of inquiry in its own



Notwithstanding this, the fact remains that in ethical religion, we

impose restrictions and barriers of sorts. The so called custodians

of religious have to accept the blame for hampering the individual

growth aimed at entering the sphere of " Oneness " of all,

irrespective of caste, colour, creed, faith and nationality. The

ethnical dimension is often guilty of nurturing sectarian and

parochial feeling which is the greatest obstacle to achieving the

goal of " one global family " . This approach and dimensions is

responsible for numerous human maladies today.


Alas! we have shut ourselves in the narrow confines of man - made

religions. Due to this entanglement, our condition is like the

caterpillar who gets entangled in its self - woven cocoon. We too are

caught in the clutches of ethnical aspects of religion. Just as the

caterpillar develops into a butterfly bursting the cocoon to enjoy

freedom, we too can get across the meshes of ethnical dimensions of

man - made religions by imbibing eternal religion which is

essentially knowing and realising God within this human body.


Remember, if we remain confined to ethnical dimensions of religion,

we would start as ' believers' and end up as ' believers' only.

Contrary to " belief theory " of ethnical religion, the science of

religion prompts mankind to seek and enquire into the Absolute, the

Ultimate, the Supreme Brahman. One is transformed into an inquirer, a

seeker and a experimenter of the inner world of ultimate reality.

We have made rapid strides in the field of science and technology

including space exploration, we have left the scientific dimension of

religion unexplored. This dimensions of the inner world - the

hinterland of our own consciousness can alone unite us with our

origin - the fountainhead of eternal bliss - paramatman. Inner world

of conciousness is terra incognita (unexplored region) to mankind.

That is why the science of religion is need of the hour. It is high

time that religion is taught as a science of experience. Trans -

dichotomous experience of cosmic conciousness is a pre - requisite of

inquiry, exploration and journey into the metaphysical world of

ultimate reality.


The aforesaid discussion takes us to a very pertinent question. What

is God realisation? Is it merely oral doses of scriptures and moral,

ethical and spiritual values? If not, what constitutes eternal

religion and the science of introversion - spirituality. What is that

knowledge that could work as panacea for the suffering humankind. It

is spiritual realisation only. Herein below, we discuss the practical

aspect of religion that is badly needed today.


Modern philosophers, intellectuals, prelates, clerics. Theologians,

eschatologists and ecclesiastical giants have dwelt at length on core

issue of God - realization. Whatever they give by way of advancing

theories and treatises contain only verbal instruction. Alas! theory

is not capable of producing the desired results. Theory sans

practical experience of divinity inherent in man is like stuffing

people mind with prolific description of Atman and Paramatman only to

eventually confront with natural questions like where is He? How I

can see Him? Did verbal instruction and assurances by Lord Krishna in

Bhagavat Gita pacify Arjuna? No, they did not. From chapter one to

ten of Gita, Lord Krishna replied to a plethora of questions of

Arjuna. This constituted shiksha - verbal education. This, however,

did not quiten the agitated, confused and wavering mind of Arjuna.

Replies generated further questions. Though the answering authority

was Lord Himself, even then verbal knowledge could not satisfy,

convince and pacify the flustered mind of Arjuna. Till then Arjuna

identified Krishna as merely a physical body. All exhortations and

teachings of Lord did not yield any lasting effect. This was in

reality a divine sport of Supreme Brahman in human embodiment. He

wanted to show to the mankind that attainment of God is beyond verbal

knowledge. Lord thus showed to the limiting value of theory.


Eventually Lord blessed Arjuna with divine eye to make him see His

cosmic form Physical eyes can just see the outward form. The inner

soul can be practically perceived by the eye of spirit. The celestial

vision is not a work of imagination of cosmic consciousness, which

permeates horizon, widens and we comprehend the play of the cosmic

mind. Human being is fundamentally and essentially divine in nature.

However, the divinity in man is shrouded and veiled by the endless

chain of thoughts and desires. Vedanta envisages removal of

encrustation of incessant flow of thoughts and desires and unfolding

of inherent divinity of man. Atman - the real self of man constitute

the invisible energizing force within. It is only on knowing and

realizing the indwelling spirit within in practical sense that

shackles of our gross body, mind and intellect are broken.


Practical dose of spirituality can alone affirm and solidity the

abstract truth that is sought to be taught and revealed. Simply

knowing that the supreme spirit dwells in all beings as Atman is not

sufficient. It is the vision in practical sense which would arouse

unshakable faith. Thus, we need to cultivate the science of religion.

This is the clarion call we wish to make from Divya Jyoti Jagrati

Sansthan. The ethnical dimension of religion should yield place to

practical and scientific dimension of religion as illustrated above.

This is the need of the hour to save humanity already sitting on the

brink of apocalypse from drawing closer to a holocaust.



Times of India

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shriadishakti , " dr_balwinder "

<dr_balwinder> wrote:



> The only reason that I had total faith in Mother despite lack of

> vibrations and stayed on for so long was because I believed what

> was written on the website www.adishakti.org Some SYogis are

> misintreperting the whole site as a site which shows off the

> experience of 3 children but the core fact is that it is a site

> informing non-SYogis and SYogis alike what SY can do for anyone who

> practices it and reaches a certain level of thoughtless awareness

> and that Shree Mataji is the Adishakti. It is a site where anyone

> of any religion can find a connection with Adishakti's message and

> Sahaja Yoga. It proclaims Shree Mataji as Adishakti and being the

> Comforter / Ruh of Allah. It proclaims that Shree Mataji gave the 3

> kids the powers and that anyone who accepts Her as Adishakti and

> meditates on Her can achieve the same and even surpass what the

> kids have achieved.





Times of India


On whose lips the question of realisation of god does not find place.

Human imagination will fail to think of a human being who is

untouched by this noble thought. Remember, realisation of God is not

the domain of those who have made it a profession and revel in the

vain glory of being religious. Description of glory and splendour of

God in pedantic and ornamental language and imparting some mantra

as " Diksha " is not in the least realisation of God.


True realisation starts with metaphysical experience of God. Despite

being physically with Arjuna, why did Lord Krishna say, " you do not

know Me, I am not this physical body " . Lord exhorted Arjuna to know

Him in His transcendental form from a wise seer. On being urged, Lord

Krishna showed His omni-present cosmic form. Thereupon, all

despodency of Arjuna was cleared. He was then ready to fight for

extirpation of evil-doers and establishment of dharma.


It is neither the abstruse philosophical theory nor subtle

intellectual treatises that can put human beings through God

realisation. Prahlada and Dhruva did not receive some mantra or hymn

as is usually shown in films and TV serials. Rather it was the same

ancient yoga which was handed down to posterity from master to pupil.

Mira and Dhanna, the Jat could impel God to manifest in human garb by

intense devotion and profound love for God. Yet, Lord advised them to

attain him in His transcendental form. Lord Krishna told he had taken

this physical body in Dwapur Yuga. He will always create means to

help humankind to rise above the transitory earthly existence. Mira

and Dhanna then received the eternal knowledge from saint Raidas and

Swami Ramananda respectively.


In Bhagavad Gita, Krishna called it a supreme secret which only an

illumined soul can unravel and bestow on an aspirant when approached

with devotion and surrender. Knowledge of spirit is different from

secular knowledge. With mundane knowledge, one can earn bread and

butter and all physical comforts of life. It only adds to the karmic

load of soul. Knowledge of Brahman leads to emancipation of soul. All

kinds of formal and informal worship are only kindergartens of true



For a man in whom there is a strong urge for merger with universal

consciousness, true bhakti starts with supersensuous experience of

inherent divinity. It is revelation of the cosmic spark within us.

Celestial vision seen through the inner eye is in reality the

individual soul - the divine spark on which one is required to

meditate to quicken the pace of spiritual advancement. People have

been made to believe that cosmic vision of God is not possible in the

Kali Yuga. It is possible even today as the knowledge of Brahman is

one which continues to be. A genuine spiritual master does so even

sitting miles away.



Times of India

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shriadishakti , " dr_balwinder "

<dr_balwinder> wrote:



> The only reason that I had total faith in Mother despite lack of

> vibrations and stayed on for so long was because I believed what

> was written on the website www.adishakti.org Some SYogis are

> misintreperting the whole site as a site which shows off the

> experience of 3 children but the core fact is that it is a site

> informing non-SYogis and SYogis alike what SY can do for anyone who

> practices it and reaches a certain level of thoughtless awareness

> and that Shree Mataji is the Adishakti. It is a site where anyone

> of any religion can find a connection with Adishakti's message and

> Sahaja Yoga. It proclaims Shree Mataji as Adishakti and being the

> Comforter / Ruh of Allah. It proclaims that Shree Mataji gave the 3

> kids the powers and that anyone who accepts Her as Adishakti and

> meditates on Her can achieve the same and even surpass what the

> kids have achieved.





Hindustan Times


What we seek as our highest goal depends upon what we think ourselves

to be. If you think you are physical creature subject to biological

laws, the highest goal you can aim at has to have physical limits,

says Ramanuja, a luminous figure of medieval India. One would just

end up seeking physical gratifications. Herein lies full diagnosis of

human suffering. The current conviction is that we are what our genes

are. This simple truth draws its strength from discoveries of

physical scientists. It may be true of physical body but certainly

not of your character and behaviour. The genetic code has no impact

on determination of these two vital traits of human beings. Capacity

to change is the most glorious asset we possess. Look at the great

men and women of yore who transformed themselves from being angry to

compassionate, from insecure to unshakeable and from human to divine.

None can deny you are essentially divine, your real self is spirit.

Irrespective of your past and the present, you can change it. Human

beings are privileged to have freedom of will. Animals do not have

this choice. They are bound to bear out the rigours of life. Life

affords man a unique blend of options to choose from. Though beings

take birth under the subordination of past karma, man differs from

other beings as he is conferred with the faculty of discrimination.

Enjoying the fruits of past karmas - bitter or sweet, he can also

improve upon and move up in the cosmic order of consciousness.


The broad spectrum of choices available to man may be categorised

into bhoga, roga and yoga. While the former two present a cause and

effect syndrome, the latter opens up higher possibilities at the

moral and spiritual levels. Propensity to and practice of yoga helps

us to tide over the evil effects of indulgence and save us from roga.

Those who opt for bhoga, live life at the animalistic level.

Satisfaction of organic needs is their sole concern. Remaining

stagnant at this level is the greatest folly one can think of. Living

at this level results in pathetic and perilous conditions all around.

No one advocates to forgo consumption of material objects. Rather, do

it in a spirit of detachment. The art of renunciation becomes natural

and spontaneous once a perfect sage blesses the seeker with knowledge

of metaphysical form of Supreme Brahman. Excessive obsession with

`bhoga' leads to roga - physical and mental maladies. Medically too,

over-indulgence affects both the digestive and nervous system

resulting in a wide range of diseases. Moral degradation, ethical

decline, aesthetic impoverishment and spiritual blindness are natural



Ancient Yoga - A Perfect Antidote To Bhoga - Yoga is a perfect

antidote to bhoga - over indulgence in biological needs. Lest it is

mistaken, yoga here means the ancient yoga - divine knowledge as

illustrated in the Bhagavad Gita by Lord Krishna. One which has been

handed down to posterity from master to pupil. This sanskrit word

when translated means union with God. The Upanishads declare in

unequivocal terms that this eternal knowledge alone puts the seeker

on the path of merger of individual consciousness into the ocean of

universal consciousness. Armed with ancient yoga the great sages

plumbed the far reaches of the world within. These 'Atmanauts'

studied the infinity of inner space and made dazzling discoveries.

This is possible for any ordinary mortal under the patronage of a

perfect sage. Such a sage unfolds to the ardent seeker supreme

science of Brahm Gyan. This is the power of true yoga. You too will

testify like saint Teresa of Avila who exclaimed on initiation, " It

is a world of perpetual light; even the sun and stars borrow light

from the light of consciousness " . Such is the glory of the human

being which one realises upon this super sensuous experience of

divinity. You are not only transformed but transfigured. Choice is

yours - bhoga or yoga.


While people of divine disposition, choose yoga, but those of

demoniac temperaments show propensity to bhoga. The later category of

people work for sense gratification, the former ones take to eternal

path of yoga which takes them to realisation of the ultimate truth.

The path of yoga - union with lord of the universe takes them to the

blissful state of liberation. A liberated soul - jivan mukta has no

more vicious cycles of birth and death. There is no fear of reduction

to lower levels of consciousness. Those who adopt the path of bhoga

may feel joyous for some time assuming sensual pleasures to be real

happiness. The end product of their karmas and pursuits is roga - a

disease-ridden life. They squander the prime of their life in running

after objects of sense satisfaction. In their case, the process of

decay sets in very soon. They are bound to take birth in lower order

of species. By their wrong priorities they are dragging themselves to



The sooner the better, we realise the importance of human birth. This

human birth is for realising the divine in us. We have to strive hard

to attain the goal of merger with the universal consciousness. For

attaining this goal, the path is not bhoga but the path of yoga for

ultimate union with our creator and sustainer.



Hindustan Times

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shriadishakti , " dr_balwinder "

<dr_balwinder> wrote:



> The only reason that I had total faith in Mother despite lack of

> vibrations and stayed on for so long was because I believed what

> was written on the website www.adishakti.org Some SYogis are

> misintreperting the whole site as a site which shows off the

> experience of 3 children but the core fact is that it is a site

> informing non-SYogis and SYogis alike what SY can do for anyone who

> practices it and reaches a certain level of thoughtless awareness

> and that Shree Mataji is the Adishakti. It is a site where anyone

> of any religion can find a connection with Adishakti's message and

> Sahaja Yoga.It proclaims Shree Mataji as Adishakti and being the

> Comforter / Ruh of Allah.It proclaims that Shree Mataji gave the 3

> kids the powers and that anyone who accepts Her as Adishakti and

> meditates on Her can achieve the same and even surpass what the

> kids have achieved.




Prophet Muhammad was the original Sufi!


" O God, break with thy blows this shell of self, until thy light is

reflected in glory from the hidden mirror at the foundation of my

soul. - A Sufi Prayer


These things we tell can never be found by seeking, yet only seekers

find it. - Bayazid al-Bistami, a Persian Sufi


My servant does not cease to approach me with acts of devotion until

I become the foot with which he walks, the hand which he grasps, and

the eye with which he sees. - A hadith


No religion is complete without an ecstatic dimension. Something in

human beings wants to keep religion from being simply ritual, purely

rational, solely ethical, and only theology. So a corrective

eventually expresses itself in the form of mysticism (tasawwuf).

Mysticism is not the religion; it is an inescapable element in all

authentic religions. As Paul Tillich used to say, ecstasy and

mysticism prevent religion from becoming " moralized love and

intellectual faith. "


Most religious founders combine these dimensions in their love and

thought. They emphasize that our relationship to the divine includes

both thinking and acting correctly and experiencing God directly.

This was certainly true of Muhammad. Sufis base their devotional

expression and spiritual direction on the example of the Prophet.

Muhammad was the original Sufi! They immediately point to his prayer

life; his direct encounter with Allah on Mount Noor; his spiritual

pilgrimage in his late thirties, which led to his " Night of Power " ,

and finally to his " Night Journey, " a classical mystical experience

which took him to heaven to talk with previous prophets and into the

presence of Allah Himself. The hadith is replete with spiritual

wisdom and meditational guides which were as much a part of

Muhammad's legacy to his followers as his political and ethical



Annemarie Schimmel, in her comprehensive book on Sufism, Mystical

Dimensions of Islam, relates how surprised westerners are to discover

the mystical qualities in Muhammad. She states that the western image

of Islam " emerged during hundreds of years of hatred and enmity in

the Christian world. " From this tradition has come a picture of

Muhammad as, at worst, a sword-wielding religious zealot and, at

best, a shrewd and sensuous politician. Yet from the beginning Sufis

knew him to be a deeply pious and spiritually earnest man, a man who

not only desired to bring Allah's salaam to earth, but also

experience direct access to Allah.


Sufis provide the " inner dimension " of Islam, the personal esoteric,

inward path (tariqa) as compared with exoteric, public, outward

Shariah. The former, " God and the person, " is the inner essence; the

later, " God and society, " is the exterior clothing. The former if

the " fire " ; the later is the " fireplace. " Obviously both are needed

for a valuable religious tradition. One without the other would be

spiritually self-destructive.


Sufism is not, as often stated by westerners, a sect of Islam. It is,

rather, a dimension found in and compatible with all manifestations

of Islam, whether Sunni or Shiite, no matter what the Muslims are,

intelligentsia or peasant, urban or rural. "


Ira G. Zepp Jr., A Muslim Primer,  

University of Arkansas Press, 2000, p. 115-6

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