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Only the bravest of souls dare attempt what will become a struggle to keep the lamp of Truth alight until the fresh flowering of faith at the end of the century.

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shriadishakti , jagbir singh <adishakti_org> wrote:> > “But there will be many who will resist the truth of the new era. > They may try at first by playing upon the sense of self-doubt that > lies within each of us. Self-doubt exists only because we have > allowed others to define our reality for so long that we no longer > know what is real anymore. When we look inside and catch the first > sight of what is real and it does not concur with what those around > us have said and are saying at the moment, we discard it. We doubt > ourselves because we have allowed others to tell us what truth is. > But as we reach deeper into the New Age, we will reach deeper > inside ourselves for the truth. And as we learn the truth, we will > no longer need

or want others to interpret it for us. This will > cause friction with those who defend the institutions they feel > comfortable with, the institutions they cling to like a security > blanket in a world they really aren’t comfortable with at all. > Those who cannot, or do not dare, to look inside themselves for the > truth will be the ones who will resist the rest of us the most. > They will be the ones who challenge the rest of us the most. They > will be the ones who try to make the rest of us think that we are > wrong because they want desperately to believe that they are right, > and they know that once their faith is shaken, they have nothing > left to cling to. But be wary of anyone who demands that you have > blind faith in what they are saying. If they will not allow > scrutiny, it is possibly because their beliefs cannot stand up to > scrutiny. And when those who hide within the

institutions because > they do not dare to look inside themselves feel that they are > losing their grip on the rest of us, they will fight.” > > Walter Mercado, Beyond The Horizon, > A Time Warner Company, 1997, p. 251.> And Jesus went out, and departed from the temple: And his disciples came to him for to shew him the buildings of the temple.And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? Verily I say unto you, there shall not be left here one stone upon another that shall not be thrown down.And as he sat upon the mount of Olives the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? And what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: For all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.For nation shall rise against nation, and

kingdom against kingdom: And there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.All these are the beginning of sorrows.Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: And ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake.And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world, for a witness unto all nations; And then shall the end come.

Matthew 24:1-14
















Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi






“What you find in the West is the great influence of these churches on the minds of the people. Otherwise they are supposed to be intellectuals, otherwise they are supposed to be analytical, otherwise they are supposed to be something very brainy. But when it comes to temples and churches, when it comes to religion, when it comes to Christianity, I think their brains are blocked — completely blocked by some sort of a mesmerism. They just can't think that there could be something very wrong with these people. When living in Italy I found out, I was shocked how this Catholic Church was working out and what the priest were doing and all kinds of scandals. Much more than we have in

our country — money laundering and molesting women and having children. I mean every sort of dirty habit they had, supposed to be priests. They were called fathers. They were called mothers. They were called sisters. They were called brothers. And to Me it was really a shock. I didn't know such things were happening in the name of Christ . . . . Money was made artificially, counterfeited in billions by the Church itself. Such atrocities, such controls, such authority they had that whatever they did the pope was infallible. Whatever they did was alright. No idea of sinning. No idea of hell. No idea of Christ.”

Shri Avyakta Shri Nirmala Devi Give Up Your Antichrist Behavior, Christmas Puja, Ganapatipule, India — December 25, 1996
















Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi






“That integrating force which is still there and it's quite dim. That's the Last Chance I would say. Now that has to be, the way the negative forces have set in motion of which you may be not aware at all. You may not be aware. You don't know what Darkness is there. And to fight it what one has to do is to bring in that Light of the Spirit which integrates.”

Shri Jayatsena DeviLondon, U.K. — May 11, 1983



Jayatsena (788th): Having victorious armies of Divine Forces.



In the 1930s, the Master Koot-Hoomi made the following prediction regarding the coming change in consciousness, or what is popularly known as the “New Age.”“Any great initiate who comes in the near future will need to be a very powerful person indeed if he is to contend with the spiritual vacuum which is making itself everywhere perceptible. Only the bravest of souls dare attempt what will become a struggle to keep the lamp of Truth alight until the fresh flowering of faith at the end of the century. We who watch the struggles of humanity with compassion realize the suffering with which the present is fraught, and yet we would not end it, even if it lay in our power. Where you see merely the wastage of frustrated effort, uncertainty, chaos, petty jealousies and bewilderments, the broken fragments of an uncompleted pattern we see that pattern a little more in

perspective … We know the suffering may be likened to a spiritual ‘growing pain’ … This time the great influx of power to be poured forth at the end of the century must not, will not, fail in its object. It will be a mighty tide bearing mankind forward towards a greater comprehension, a greater enlightenment, towards the ineffable blessings of that peace which passes all understanding.”

Paul Roland, Revelation: Wisdom of the Ages, Ulysses Press, 1995, p. 111.

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shriadishakti , jagbir singh

<adishakti_org> wrote:





> In the 1930s, the Master Koot-Hoomi made the following prediction

regarding the coming change in consciousness, or what is popularly

known as the " New Age. "


> " Any great initiate who comes in the near future will need to

> be a very powerful person indeed if he is to contend with the

> spiritual vacuum which is making itself everywhere perceptible.

> Only the bravest of souls dare attempt what will become a struggle

> to keep the lamp of Truth alight until the fresh flowering of faith

> at the end of the century. We who watch the struggles of humanity

> with compassion realize the suffering with which the present is

> fraught, and yet we would not end it, even if it lay in our power.

> Where you see merely the wastage of frustrated effort, uncertainty,

> chaos, petty jealousies and bewilderments, the broken fragments of

> an uncompleted pattern we see that pattern a little more in

> perspective … We know the suffering may be likened to a

> spiritual `growing pain' … This time the great influx

> of power to be poured forth at the end of the century must not,

> will not, fail in its object. It will be a mighty tide bearing

> mankind forward towards a greater comprehension, a greater

> enlightenment, towards the ineffable blessings of that peace which

> passes all understanding. "


> Paul Roland, Revelation: Wisdom of the Ages,

> Ulysses Press, 1995, p. 111.




Dear all,


i have extracted this quote from divinesahajayoga which seem to be

the essence of Shri Mataji's speech at Her recent birthday Puja on

21st March 2004:



" Then there was a pause the and the silence with the hearts opened

and eyes all focused to the stage or the screen…But all

collective attention almost made the long pause unbearable until

Mother spoke the first Amrut Vaani (the Divine nectar). The Talk

started at Twenty past Ten. The talk lasted for three to four

minutes. Each and every word spelt subtly spoke thousands of senses

to understand and absorb. Personally it was felt that it directed all

of us to introspect ourself and the delegation of the greatest

responsibility from none other than Adishakti on the Sahaja Yogis

across the globe on this day. "



i hope SYs will not pretend that they have understood what Shri

Mataji means by " greatest responsibility. " For years they have been

examining and interpreting each and every speech of the Adi Shakti

with loud pledges and chest-thumping bravado to bravely bear the

torch of Truth. This embarrassing show of Dutch courage is now

reaching unbearable levels (to me at least) and i do not believe that

this latest show of soul searching will bring any change. All i can

speculate is that it will further fine-tune the subtle system to such

an extend that Reiki masters will at last feel the heat of

competition. However, this will as usual lead to another round of cut-

throat competition that will see SYs again left in the dust .......

as has been for decades. But as usual we will be gracious in defeat

and find convenient scapegoats to blame.



" I recall sometimes in yesteryears Mother had once said I wish that I

speak less…. and now suddenly I felt the time has come for us to

accept one word from Mother and transform it into thesis of our

introspections and actions. That's the message. "



i also recall the yesteryears when Mother was at Her element,

announcing the Last Judgment and valiantly rallying SYs to declare

Her Advent and Message to humanity. Time and again, year and year,

She tried to instill faith and valor in the early SYs with deep talks

about God Almighty and His Last Judgment. I remember seeing Her

standing alone and destroying the falsehood of organized religions

that made me realize the dharma. Never did She flinch in Her duty to

uphold the Truth. She is truly the bravest of souls who dared attempt

what continues to be a struggle to keep the lamp of Truth alight.


Unfortunately those early followers never could respond and rise to

the challenge before them. Except for a handful there was never any

SY who imbibed Her courage, strength and confidence.


Over the years Her speeches reflected the demise of dharma and lack

of confidence amongst SYs to uphold the Last Judgment. She watered

down Her speeches accordingly and stopped exhorting SYs to declare

that She is the Holy Ghost, the Adi Shakti empowered by God Almighty

to bring the message of the Last Judgment to humanity. It was clear

that Her message of urgency and utter importance of declaring the

truth was falling on deaf ears, a trend that seems deeply entrenched

in SY psyche today. Her foot-soldiers just cannot bear the burden of

the Last Judgment though they steadfastly claim that " each and

every word (of that great responsibility) subtly spoke thousands of

senses to understand and absorb. " That is indeed rich and gives

the sense and hope of great souls with enviable introspecting powers.


Nothing can be further from the Truth. The rank and file unashamedly

continue to convince each other that they have understood what the

Adi Shakti means, and how to spread Sahaja Yoga. What truly amazes

me is their utter inability to think that maybe Sahaja Yoga is indeed

about the Last Judgment. It is indeed mind boggling to imagine that

all that brainstorming by leaders has still not brought forth the

common sense that maybe telling the truth to the public that it is so

may just begin to turn the tide. It is as if the elite and privileged

policymakers have exhausted all options and ideas, and we are now

hopelessly at the mercy of shoe-beats and matkas to just maintain our

utter insignificance.


Even as SYs continue digging the subtle system hole deeper and deeper

we find no one questioning: " Have we not dug deep enough? "

And if that is the question someone with common sense may have asked

how about, " How are we going to get out? " or " How are we

going to explain why we have continued digging non-stop for the last

thirty? " It is as if any introspection and realization to stop

this utter waste of time, talent and energy will be just too much of

an embarrassment and acknowledgement of failure, a collective pride

too difficult to swallow lest admitted in the first place.


So SYs will learn nothing of the " greatest responsibility " to

be shouldered, except another round of collective pledges to dig with

renewed vigor deeper down the subtle system hole. Thank God Shri

Mataji spoke for only three to four minutes and SYs realized so

little. If thirty years cannot bring forth the simple comprehension

of the greatest responsibility towards humanity, no amount of lengthy

speeches will. Maybe short speeches are easier to understand,

especially if they are only 3-4 minutes.


But, honestly, what does Shri Mataji mean by the greatest

responsibility of SYs - declaring to a strive-torn world that it is

the Last Judgment or continue competing with subtle system peddlers?



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