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Ask About Mantra - but do not ask ask about lemon and chillies!

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shriadishakti , " Sidin Ekaputra " <nshi@d...>


> Dear Jagbir,


> Thanks you very much..this list of mantra very help me.


> regards,




Dear Sidin Ekaputra,


Since you are new to Sahaja Yoga i really want to caution you against

paying attention to the so-called cures invented by SYs over the

years. This precautionary measure comes from my concern that one day

you may start attending the collective and be overwhelmed by the

unnecessary attention and detail paid to so-called diseases of the

subtle system.


i have just come across an email from a confused SY, whom i believe

has spent many years in Sahaja Yoga, trying to give advise to others:


" My understanding is that the chillis are for the left side and the

lemons are for the right side. Is this correct? "


i really appreciate SY Hania's response:


" Thank you Joshua and Amar for enligthing this question. It was

really a big confusion about lemon and chili workings - since the

time of Mother's speech new mental ideas came about this topic.

Really misleading. "



So Sidin Ekaputra, just keep on meditating and become your own master

by seeking guidance from the Adi Shakti within. i assure that you

will learn far more from within than from following any SY. It has

been my sad experience that new SYs are treated with a battery of

cures for various catches. It is as if newcomers are diseased and

need to be cured before they can actually begin meditation proper.


It is not that i have anything against these cures but the problem is

that most of them are innovations i.e. invented by humans. If you ask

ten SYs how to cure a problem you will get almost the same number of

different cures, some even contradicting each other. That is why i

stopped all these treatments years ago ................ and am very

happy to get out of this conditioning. i now depend entirely on the

Mother Kundalini to cure my health/subtle system problems and the

results are excellent - 100% sucess!


So just meditate and learn to ascend to the higher states of

consciousness, a lesson that few SYs have learnt. The majority are

just walking and wondering around on the flat plateau, so far from

the barely visible mountain in the far distance ......... the

mountain of the Last Judgment and Resurrection they will have to face

one day.


So do not follow those who do not have the courage and confidence to

talk about this Golden Age. If you do all you will hear is the

constant chatter of catches and cures for every petty problem. Just

be your own master and seek guidance from the Divine Mother in your

Sahasrara. i wish you all success on your Inner Journey.


warmest regards,




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shriadishakti , " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:

> shriadishakti , " Sidin Ekaputra " <nshi@d...>

> wrote:

> > Dear Jagbir,

> >

> > Thanks you very much..this list of mantra very help me.

> >

> > regards,

> >



> Dear Sidin Ekaputra,


> Since you are new to Sahaja Yoga i really want to caution you

> against paying attention to the so-called cures invented by SYs

> over the years. This precautionary measure comes from my concern

> that one day you may start attending the collective and be

> overwhelmed by the unnecessary attention and detail paid to so-

> called diseases of the subtle system.


> i have just come across an email from a confused SY, whom i believe

> has spent many years in Sahaja Yoga, trying to give advise to

> others:


> " My understanding is that the chillis are for the left side and the

> lemons are for the right side. Is this correct? "


> i really appreciate SY Hania's response:


> " Thank you Joshua and Amar for enligthing this question. It was

> really a big confusion about lemon and chili workings - since the

> time of Mother's speech new mental ideas came about this topic.

> Really misleading. "




i forgot to add that the date of Shri Mataji's speech refered above

is 24.05.1981 made at Chelsham Road, London, UK.


So we have more than two decades of misleading innovations and

inventions by SYs. With so much energy and time spent in concocting

novel cures for all sorts of subtle diseases, probably more petty

than serious, who has the energy left to learn about the knowledge

necessary to present the Last Judgment and Resurrection to humanity?



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shriadishakti , buket ak <buketak2000>


> <Dear Jagbir,

> <Ý can't believe that how can you say Sahaja

> Treatment's unnecessery...

> <but what i learn that if Adi Shakti doesn^t give

> permissison you never could apply treatments...

> <As you said you never clean your substle sytstem

> mechanic treatments it is true but delivering

> everything Adi Shakti and you can apply that

> treatments easily cause that time i make treatments

> but not for i want only she makes me apply that

> treatments...

> <our friends and friends say make this ,that butmy

> progress generaly i couldn't apply that time cause i

> am not enough ready .( but good thing i learnt whole

> treatments from them )

> <after deep meditation and delivering everything Adi

> Shakti ( Shri MAataji Nirmala Devi) i apply treatments

> spoýntonously and i feel me better and better...

> <WHOLE MY PRAY ÝS NOWADAYS " Pls Mother give

> permission Whole people in the world understand you..)





> <JSM





Hi Buket,


What i am saying is that all this mechanical and obsessive

application of treatments and cures for petty catches and physical

problems are unnecessary. Just forget them! What is the point of

meditating on the Adi Shakti for years when you still need a kilo of

chillies every week? What progress is this? Are your type of SYs

going to pass on the same 'knowledge' to new seekers like Sidin



Please read Shri Mataji's advice on meditation and the utmost

importance of establishing your thoughtless awareness state. You can

buy all the chillies and lemons available at your local market but

you will NEVER grow in Sahaja Yoga until and unless you establish

your thoughtless state.



" So first you become thoughtlessly aware. Then the growth of

spirituality starts after thoughtless awareness, not before - one

should know that.


On a rational plane you cannot grow in Sahaja Yoga. So first thing

is to establish your thoughtless awareness. Still you might feel

little chakra blockages here and there - forget it. Just forget it.


Now start your surrendering. Now if a chakra is catching, you should

say, " Mother, I surrender this to you. " Instead of doing any of

these things you can just say that. . . . if there are any thoughts

coming in to you or any chakra catching, just surrender. And you see

that the chakras are cleared up. . . . You'll find out most of your

chakras will clear out in the meditation. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi (Nirmala Yoga Jan-Feb 1984)



i do not know which foolish SY(s) have been teaching you that " if Adi

Shakti doesn't give permissison you never could apply treatments. " If

that is what you have been led to believe i wonder what fertile

nonsense other SYs are capable of inventing. Is this what your

collective believes: " that if Adi Shakti doesn't give permissison

you never could apply treatments " ? No wonder some SYs are stuck at a

mental level of confusion, fear and falsehood.


And what do you mean by " Mother give permission Whole people in the

world understand you " ? Shri Mataji has tirelessly spent the last

three decades trying to put sense into the minds of humans. She has

attended hundreds of public programs all over the world just to

emancipate society, even at an advanced age. And you still want Her

to give permission???!!!!


i rest my case,



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shriadishakti , " Manoj " <map5166@r...> wrote:


> Dear Shri Jagbirji,


> In this context, could you kindly throw some light on foot-

> soaking? Is it really necessary? Is meditation the only method

> sufficient to attain thoughtless awareness?


> Kindly enlighten.


> Regards,

> Manoj



Dear Manoj,


Foot-soak ONLY if are having serious subtle system problems or severe

catches. Foot-soaking also aids the Mother Kundalini as it makes you

focus your attention on the problem and its cause. The basis for foot-

soaking must be to clear serious lingering problems. Do not foot-soak

just for petty catches as just your attention during meditation will

clear it - i assure you it will work!


You may also foot-soak every few weeks/months just to keep your

subtle system in good condition. This is recommended until you are

able to use the thoughtless state to overcome ALL obstacles and



Sahaja Yoga is a joy of living, not a daily conditioning to perform

rituals for the sake of having a catch-free personality. This

probable may never be achieved because even passing a negative person

can cause catche(s) to manifest.


i experience these petty catches nearly everyday when i visit the

nearby supermarket and humans pass me by. But the Mother Kundalini

immediately clears them after a few seconds, if not minutes. There

has been absolutely no need to foot-soak because i leave it all to

the Mother Kundalini within me. i have intentionally surrendered all

to the Mother Kundalini because i dislike rituals which are nothing

more than 'forced attention' to rectify a problem. It is far better

and easier to heal by being thoughtlessly aware and leaving it to the

Mother Kundalini.


i believe that Shri Mataji's early 80's intentions have, like bhoots

and badhas, just spun out of control. SYs have turned Her subtle

system knowledge and brief notes on catches into elaborate patented

cures that continue to defy common sense and logic. That probably is

the reason why Shri Mataji, after Her initial advise in 1981, had to

gently caution in 1983 that " if a chakra is catching, you should say,

'Mother, I surrender this to you.' Instead of doing any of these

things you can just say that. "


Those with common sense will immediately understand that Her advise

against " doing any of these things " has today become an fixation,

especially with the Yuvashakti. The only way to stop " doing any of

these things " - lemons, chillies, candle burning, matka, burning

pieces of negativity written on paper, foot-soak, ajwan, stuffing

ghee into nostrils etc., - is to become thoughtless aware. You Manoj

should believe Shri Mataji when She says that we SYs will " find out

most of your chakras will clear out in the meditation. " That means

even giving up the ritual of foot-soaking .....................

unless you are having serious problems. It is simple as that.


Give up all these kindergarten toys that many SYs continue to play

with and learn how to be thoughtless. Become your own master and

start walking towards that mountain in the distance. Then you will

know that only the mediocre foot-soak because they have yet to begin

the real journey to attain moksa! When you climb to the top you will

reach that Turiya state that extremely few SYs have attained.




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