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Thank You Jagbirji

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Dear Shri Jagbirji,


Thank you very much for the complete enlightenment provided by you.....may God Bless You.....





On Thu, 01 Apr 2004 jagbir singh wrote :

>shriadishakti , " Manoj " <map5166@r...> wrote:


>> Dear Shri Jagbirji,


>> In this context, could you kindly throw some light on foot-

>> soaking? Is it really necessary? Is meditation the only method

>> sufficient to attain thoughtless awareness?


>> Kindly enlighten.


>> Regards,

>> Manoj


>Dear Manoj,

>Foot-soak ONLY if are having serious subtle system problems or severe

>catches. Foot-soaking also aids the Mother Kundalini as it makes you

>focus your attention on the problem and its cause. The basis for foot-

>soaking must be to clear serious lingering problems. Do not foot-soak

>just for petty catches as just your attention during meditation will

>clear it - i assure you it will work!

>You may also foot-soak every few weeks/months just to keep your

>subtle system in good condition. This is recommended until you are

>able to use the thoughtless state to overcome ALL obstacles and


>Sahaja Yoga is a joy of living, not a daily conditioning to perform

>rituals for the sake of having a catch-free personality. This

>probable may never be achieved because even passing a negative person

>can cause catche(s) to manifest.

>i experience these petty catches nearly everyday when i visit the

>nearby supermarket and humans pass me by. But the Mother Kundalini

>immediately clears them after a few seconds, if not minutes. There

>has been absolutely no need to foot-soak because i leave it all to

>the Mother Kundalini within me. i have intentionally surrendered all

>to the Mother Kundalini because i dislike rituals which are nothing

>more than 'forced attention' to rectify a problem. It is far better

>and easier to heal by being thoughtlessly aware and leaving it to the

>Mother Kundalini.

>i believe that Shri Mataji's early 80's intentions have, like bhoots

>and badhas, just spun out of control. SYs have turned Her subtle

>system knowledge and brief notes on catches into elaborate patented

>cures that continue to defy common sense and logic. That probably is

>the reason why Shri Mataji, after Her initial advise in 1981, had to

>gently caution in 1983 that " if a chakra is catching, you should say,

>'Mother, I surrender this to you.' Instead of doing any of these

>things you can just say that. "

>Those with common sense will immediately understand that Her advise

>against " doing any of these things " has today become an fixation,

>especially with the Yuvashakti. The only way to stop " doing any of

>these things " - lemons, chillies, candle burning, matka, burning

>pieces of negativity written on paper, foot-soak, ajwan, stuffing

>ghee into nostrils etc., - is to become thoughtless aware. You Manoj

>should believe Shri Mataji when She says that we SYs will " find out

>most of your chakras will clear out in the meditation. " That means

>even giving up the ritual of foot-soaking .....................

>unless you are having serious problems. It is simple as that.

>Give up all these kindergarten toys that many SYs continue to play

>with and learn how to be thoughtless. Become your own master and

>start walking towards that mountain in the distance. Then you will

>know that only the mediocre foot-soak because they have yet to begin

>the real journey to attain moksa! When you climb to the top you will

>reach that Turiya state that extremely few SYs have attained.



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shriadishakti , " Manoj " <map5166@r...> wrote:


> Dear Shri Jagbirji,


> Thank you very much for the complete enlightenment provided by

you.....may God Bless You.....


> Regards,

> Manoj


IMHO in the previous mails about SY treatments , everyone has

been " right " in their own way in what they are saying.

The reason I believe Jagbir is so strong against the treatments is

that quite a number (or quite a number who are vocal) have made it a

daily routine almost to the point that they cannot step out of home

thinking that without doing it otherwise bhoots & badhas &

negativities will pounce on them.Even the doctors in SYIH, Belapur

mentioned about this unnecessary " fear " among SYogi/nis.


The other " problem " is focusing on so and so treatment for so and so

problem and having so many " self created treatments " – has Mother not

said that She is the greatest healer and have faith in Her.Ever

wondered why people have been in SY for so long but they still come

down with major problems(physical , mental financial etc) – I find it

difficult to believe that it should happen to a SYogi/ni who

meditates regularly with sharda(not mechanically) and lives according

to Mother's definition of a SYogi/ni.


Then there is the self created treatments and also self created

rules/instructions to Mother's original treatment methods.


I still remember an episode where I was accompanying my wife to the

new classes middle of last year – that day we had finished

footsoaking and there was long queue to throw the " footsoaked

saltwater " into the WC and I decided to throw it in the kitchen sink –

suddenly I saw a facilitator rushing towards me and saying No!No!No!

Not allowed to throw in the empty kitchen sink.I did not know why and

neither did she but obeyed her instructions – to all around me it

looked that I had done a big blunder.I got my chance to check this at

SYIH, Belapur and the doctor told me there is nothing wrong as long

as flushed with normal water after discarding the saltwater.


Another episode was the " tonguelashing " by a SYogi I got for wearing

Mother's pendant using a black thread – happened at the shores of

Ganapatipule in 1997.At the end of it I felt as if I had committed a

crime and so had my Malaysian collective(for not informing me – not

that I ever blamed for it) for wearing Mother's pendant using a black

thread.I never bothered to find out but I did change it to gold.

Many more episodes of different styles of holding the shoe when

shoebeating, bandhan for every small desire – some say only when

necessary, etc etc


" Now if a chakra is catching, you should say, " Mother, I surrender

this to you. " Instead of doing any of these things you can just say

that. . . . if there are any thoughts coming in to you or any chakra

catching, just surrender. And you see that the chakras are cleared

up. . . . You'll find out most of your chakras will clear out in the

meditation. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi (Nirmala Yoga Jan-Feb 1984)



We have to go back to Mother's teachings always for the truth and our

bearings when in doubt

I still footsoak – never twice daily since leaving Belapur and

sometimes not even daily but I still feel footsoaking is important to

me and helpful.If one day I can do without it and still keep growing

I will stop footsoaking.But right now I feel I need to footsoak and

at the same time I am consciously aware that I must not make it a

rigorous routine.Sahaja Yoga emphasises spontaneity.


None of us can stop some people from mastering the art of chilli &

lemon treatment, some ajwan , some shoebeating some all of it etc etc

but the most important thing is meditating daily consistently and

having total faith in Shree Mataji and your Kundalini.The rest come a

very distant second IMHO.


Since the original advise of Mother may be misinterpreted , the other

important thing is we must never lose is the ability to question and

criticize constructively. This we must always do when we feel

something which is said/written by someone which is not quite right

about Mother or Her advise and I leave you with this story.


Jai Shree Mataji




Put eight monkeys in a room. In the middle of the room is a ladder,

Leading to a bunch of bananas hanging from a hook on the ceiling.

Each time a monkey tries to climb the ladder, all the monkeys are

Sprayed with iced water, which makes them miserable. Soon enough,

whenever a monkey attempts to climb the ladder, all of the other

monkeys, not wanting to be sprayed, set upon him and beat him up.


Soon, none of the eight monkeys ever attempts to climb the ladder.

One Of the original monkeys is then removed, and a new monkey is put

in the room.Seeing the bananas and the ladder, he wonders why none of

the other monkeys are doing the obvious, but, undaunted, he

immediately begins to climb the ladder. All the other monkeys fall

upon him and beat him silly. He has no idea why. However, he no

longer attempts to climb the ladder.


A second original monkey is removed and replaced. The newcomer again

attempts to climb the ladder, but all the other monkeys hammer the

crap out of him. This includes the previous new monkey, who, grateful

that he's not on the receiving end this time, participates in the

beating because all the other monkeys are doing it. However, he has

no idea why he's attacking the new monkey.


One by one, all the original monkeys are replaced. Eight new monkeys

Are now in the room. None of them has ever been sprayed by iced water.

None of them attempts to climb the ladder. All of them will

enthusiastically beat up any new monkey who tries, without having any

idea why.

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shriadishakti , " dr_balwinder "

<dr_balwinder> wrote:

> shriadishakti , " Manoj " <map5166@r...> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Shri Jagbirji,

> >

> > Thank you very much for the complete enlightenment provided by

> you.....may God Bless You.....

> >

> > Regards,

> > Manoj


> IMHO in the previous mails about SY treatments , everyone has

> been " right " in their own way in what they are saying.

> The reason I believe Jagbir is so strong against the treatments is

> that quite a number (or quite a number who are vocal) have made it

> a daily routine almost to the point that they cannot step out of

> home thinking that without doing it otherwise bhoots & badhas &

> negativities will pounce on them. Even the doctors in SYIH, Belapur

> mentioned about this unnecessary " fear " among SYogi/nis.




Dear Balwinder,


You forgot to mention that i was the first monkey who left the room

prior to any of my kind climbing the ladder to get hold of the

bananas. Don't get me wrong. i was really hungry but just could not

stomach the rules and regulations set by senior primates on the

protocol to follow if anyone wanted to taste the divine fruit

dangling so temptingly above. Common sense told me that i would

become just like them if i lingered too long in their company.


Instead i looked around this vast jungle on my own and realized that

i could really become my own master. In the course of my solitary

journey as i happily swung from branch to vine to shoot, i discovered

so many exotic fruits. So instead of just subsisting on plain bananas

that many of my kind are now conditioned to enjoy, i gorged myself

with all that this wonderful world had to offer. (i know all about

the ugly rumors circulating among Youwannashaketree monkeys that they

are only supposed to eat bananas and never to touch any fruit offered

by those bogus baboons, fake silverbacks and false orangutans. But i

have to tell all that this is not the case as their mangoes and

papayas also grow on trees, just like bananas. It's alright because

one day all my fellow monkeys will find that i was telling the truth.)


But thanks for letting me know that all the new monkeys are now so

conditioned by senior primates that none dare climb. i also believe

that they do not even venture out into this bad world without tying a

string of chillies round their waist to ward off all those hordes of

invisible evil entities preying specifically on this special breed of

monkeys who claim to be so enlightened and empowered beyond belief.


i am glad that i had just enough brains in my small pre-homo sapiens

cranium to leave before it was too late. i still wonder why. At times

i suspect that i was actually a chimpanzee, and thus was endowed with

an extra intuitive gene. i hope my fellow monkeys will not be

offended by my unverified claim of superiority. i want them to be

assuaged before i brag about my determination to evolve into a human.

My quite selfish reason for attempting this unprecedented jump in

evolution, which most will again laugh at as usual, is that i heard

they get the best bananas that we monkeys and chimps can only dream

of. ...................... and they don't even have to climb trees!




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shriadishakti , " dr_balwinder "

<dr_balwinder> wrote:

> shriadishakti , " Manoj " <map5166@r...> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Shri Jagbirji,

> >

> > Thank you very much for the complete enlightenment provided by

> you.....may God Bless You.....

> >

> > Regards,

> > Manoj


> IMHO in the previous mails about SY treatments , everyone has

> been " right " in their own way in what they are saying.

> The reason I believe Jagbir is so strong against the treatments is

> that quite a number (or quite a number who are vocal) have made it

> a daily routine almost to the point that they cannot step out of

> home thinking that without doing it otherwise bhoots & badhas &

> negativities will pounce on them. Even the doctors in SYIH, Belapur

> mentioned about this unnecessary " fear " among SYogi/nis.


> The other " problem " is focusing on so and so treatment for so and

> so problem and having so many " self created treatments " – has

> Mother not said that She is the greatest healer and have faith in

> Her. Ever wondered why people have been in SY for so long but they

> still come down with major problems(physical , mental financial

> etc) – I find it difficult to believe that it should happen to


> SYogi/ni who meditates regularly with sharda(not mechanically) and

> lives according to Mother's definition of a SYogi/ni.


> Then there is the self created treatments and also self created

> rules/instructions to Mother's original treatment methods.


> I still remember an episode where I was accompanying my wife to the

> new classes middle of last year – that day we had finished

> footsoaking and there was long queue to throw the " footsoaked

> saltwater " into the WC and I decided to throw it in the kitchen

> sink – suddenly I saw a facilitator rushing towards me and

> saying No!No!No! Not allowed to throw in the empty kitchen sink.I

> did not know why and neither did she but obeyed her instructions –

> to all around me it looked that I had done a big blunder.I got my

> chance to check this at SYIH, Belapur and the doctor told me there

> is nothing wrong as long as flushed with normal water after

> discarding the saltwater.


> Another episode was the " tonguelashing " by a SYogi I got for

> wearing Mother's pendant using a black thread – happened at the

> shores of Ganapatipule in 1997.At the end of it I felt as if I had

> committed a crime and so had my Malaysian collective(for not

> informing me – not that I ever blamed for it) for wearing

> Mother's pendant using a black thread.I never bothered to find out

> but I did change it to gold. Many more episodes of different styles

> of holding the shoe when shoebeating, bandhan for every small desire

> – some say only when necessary, etc etc



Dear Balwinder,


i understand your concern with the confusing and contradictory rules

and regulations in Sahaja Yoga. During my early days i spent

considerable time and energy just trying to find out who was right

and wrong. Even then i had no confidence in the answers because what

may be regarded as right today turns out to be wrong tomorrow, and

vice versa.


The other concern is how SYs try to interpret Shri Mataji's plain

language. i will give you just one example.


i once had two SY visitors at my home, one of whom had spent

considerable time at the Rome ashram and had come over to Canada for

a visit.


i begun to notice that both meditated with their eyes open. Finding

that unusual i kept quiet as is my habit of treating guests with

great respect and making them feel at home.


But then they stayed on for two weeks and i began to feel very

uncomfortable at them continuously staring at Shri Mataji's photo and

claim they were meditating. Upon questioning about their strange

method of meditation they replied that it was recommended. Apparently

they came to understand that Shri Mataji had said that if you have

difficulty going into the thoughtless state just look at Her



i told them it was true She said so, but that it should be just prior

to going into meditation, and not staring at Her image in meditation.

They disagreed.


i then told them that meditation is attention focused within in the

Sahasrara and that open eyes just project the senses outwards. i even

told them that it was the first time i had come across any meditation

of that kind. i even explained about how Shri Krishna instructed

humans to meditate, i.e., with eyes closed and senses withdrawn

inward. They disagreed.


Instead i was advised to follow their style which they had learnt

from another leader in Rome ashram, and is the better method of

Sahaja Yoga meditation. (You can't disagree with such credentials and

authority, can you?)


So that in a nutshell is the inherent problems and weakness within

Sahaja Yoga - innovative SYs inventing their own improvements on

the 'faults' and 'flaws' of Shri Mataji, and lack of making it very

clear in very plain English what She really means ......... or does

not mean.


That is why i am hesitant to advise newcomers to go to the local

collectives. Today i told a seeker to visit a SY centre to get self-

realization because i have no choice. My only hope is that she will

not meet SYs who believe that this world is full of bhoots peculiarly

fond of savagely attacking SYs?


So who wants to be a SY and risk the wrath of these horrible evil






NOTE: If SYs do not radically change the way and method of presenting

Sahaja Yoga, Shri Mataji and themselves to seekers, they are bound to

fail again and again. Our Yuvashakti who are so afraid of mice today

should never attempt stroking Shri Durga's lion tomorrow! The same

goes for those SYs who have been dialing the Bhootbusters all these


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shriadishakti , " NAGY Adina " <adina.nagy@u...>


> At hundreds of public programs Shri Mataji asked newcomers or new

> realized souls to go in collectivity, that is to the established

> Sahaj centers.


> Recall this and who She is, and make your own deductions.




shriadishakti , " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:


>> So that in a nutshell is the inherent problems and weakness within

>> Sahaja Yoga - innovative SYs inventing their own improvements on

>> the 'faults' and 'flaws' of Shri Mataji, and lack of making it

>> very clear in very plain English what She really means .........

>> or does not mean.


>> That is why i am hesitant to advise newcomers to go to the local

>> collectives. Today i told a seeker to visit a SY centre to get

>> self-realization because i have no choice. My only hope is that

>> she will not meet SYs who believe that this world is full of

>> bhoots peculiarly fond of savagely attacking SYs?


> So who wants to be a SY and risk the wrath of these horrible evil

> entities?



Dear Adina,


As explained before we reap what we sow. Our harvest for the past

decade or so has been poor. There must be some darn good reason

because i see others successfully flourishing, and the planting field

is level.


We just have to stop frightening newcomers coming to collectives with

all these bhoots and negativity. People are intelligent and come to

Sahaja Yoga to have a better spiritual life, not introduced to

invisible pesky demons gnawing at their chakras. We have to really

improve the image of SYs who welcome these new seekers at our



i have spent years checking hundreds of websites and forums on Yoga

and spirituality. Till today i have never come across any of their

followers talking about bhoots, badddas and negativity. i wonder why

only we SYs have to be introduced to these pesky little creatures.


Even Shri Mataji has regretted bringing this topic because of the

fear and obsession SYs have succumbed to, and continue spreading to

others ............ especially newcomers. Why can't we just overhaul

the whole method of introducing Sahaja Yoga to beginners by first

completely eradicating bhoots and other undesirable entities from the

agenda? Why can't we just allow them to meditate and forgo reading

the heavy cleansing manual? Why can't we tell them that the Mother

Kundalini will take care of all their internal problems? Why can't we

just follow what Shri Mataji has enlightened us with, not what others

have added or interpreted on their own over the years?


And regarding the footsoaking which many do daily. i still stand by

my realization that if you are having serious problems, like lack of

vibrations, you should footsoak. SYs like Balwinder should continue

footsoaking because he just got his vibrations flowing after nine

years. This is a good case for footsoaking and should be encouraged,

but not for petty catches.


i clearly remember Shri Mataji a few years ago asking why are SYs

footsoaking daily. Even She was wondering what is the point of doing

Sahaja Yoga if you have to footsoak daily. Looks like i am the only

person who heard this tape and this is one huge mystery. But i am

100% sure because i waited a long time for my realization -- in

contradiction to what other SYs were telling me to follow about

footsoaking -- to be vindicated. That is why i am so sure!


But, as the monkey story illustrates, all newcomers are told not to

eat bananas. All i am saying is that let the monkeys, especially

newcomers, be free to eat bananas. Don't confuse and entangle them

with all these elaborate cleansing rituals. (Has anyone died or been

hospitalized for not following these rituals?) Don't put fear and

apprehension at that early stage ............... in fact, never at

all. Let them enjoy a simple method of meditation. Just make Sahaja

Yoga as easy as possible to follow - like just rasing the Kundalini

and meditating.


If not we are going to see most of them leaving for the vast jungle

out there. And they are not going to come back if they taste those

juicy mangoes of Bikram or ripe TM papayas. Can't we just learn from

so many years of failure, and change for the better?



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shriadishakti , " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:

> shriadishakti , " NAGY Adina "


> wrote:

> > At hundreds of public programs Shri Mataji asked newcomers or new

> > realized souls to go in collectivity, that is to the established

> > Sahaj centers.

> >

> > Recall this and who She is, and make your own deductions.


> shriadishakti , " jagbir singh "

> <adishakti_org> wrote:

> But, as the monkey story illustrates, all newcomers are told not to

> eat bananas. All i am saying is that let the monkeys, especially

> newcomers, be free to eat bananas. Don't confuse and entangle them

> with all these elaborate cleansing rituals. (Has anyone died or


> hospitalized for not following these rituals?) Don't put fear and

> apprehension at that early stage ............... in fact, never at

> all. Let them enjoy a simple method of meditation. Just make Sahaja

> Yoga as easy as possible to follow - like just rasing the Kundalini

> and meditating.


> If not we are going to see most of them leaving for the vast jungle

> out there. And they are not going to come back if they taste those

> juicy mangoes of Bikram or ripe TM papayas. Can't we just learn


> so many years of failure, and change for the better?


> jagbir


This reminds me of the good doctor friend and his wife in SY to whom

quite a number of people owe their introduction to SY. IMHO he and

his wife were very good examples of SYogi/nis– regular daily

meditation , regular collective , promoting SYoga and going for

overseas SY functions etc.They also tried to convince my wife to join



I joined in 1994 and they left somewhere in 97 if I remember well.

2 reasons were given – he felt he had become too sensitive and was

catching a lot of negativity .Secondly , Mother had bought some goods

in Malaysia and this doctor friend was in charge of bringing the

goods to India – he was really disappointed by the behavior of some

SYogis in Delhi who were supposed to help him.Ultimately a non-SYogi

stranger in Delhi airport helped him.


I still feel he and his wife left SY for the wrong reasons and it is

their loss more than that of SYoga's.We are still friends , he has

found a " new way of meditation " (it is neither Bikram or TM style)

and still meditates and does so in a 100yr old gurdwara in Malaysia

with like minded spiritual seekers.


Like I said before there are many good souls out there who are not in

SYoga who will more than make the cut as far as Mother's definition

of SYogi/ni is concerned. We are so few in number at the moment and

can ill afford to not attract and/or lose good souls due to the

inaccurate presentation of SYoga and/or emphasizing more on the minor

aspects of SYoga and last but not least being poor examples of SYoga



I have a cardiologist in USA whom I gave SR but have yet to ask to go

to the collective because I do not know someone " reliable " in USA who

will focus on the teachings of Shree Mataji and also give priority to

the appropriate teachings as Shree Mataji wants – now I am on the

verge of advising him to go to the nearest collective. Another doctor

in Adelaide is fortunate because someone put me through to a person

whom I was told can be relied upon. Some may not agree with this

cautious approach but I feel that I have a responsibility to the

person being introduced to SYoga and cannot just say " I leave it to

Mother " .I will only leave it to Mother once I am satisfied that I did

my part as to the best of my abilities because I believe in the

saying " God help those who help themselves " .We do our best using our

discretion and only then should we leave it to Mother.


Jai Shree Mataji



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shriadishakti , " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:

> >

> > What i am saying is that all this mechanical and obsessive

> > application of treatments and cures for petty catches and

> > physical problems are unnecessary. Just forget them! What is the

> > point of meditating on the Adi Shakti for years when you still

> > need a kilo of chillies every week? What progress is this? Are

> > your type of SYs going to pass on the same 'knowledge' to new

> > seekers like Sidin Ekaputra?


> > Please read Shri Mataji's advice on meditation and the utmost

> > importance of establishing your thoughtless awareness state. You

> > can buy all the chillies and lemons available at your local

> > market but you will NEVER grow in Sahaja Yoga until and unless

> > you establish your thoughtless state.

> >

> > " So first you become thoughtlessly aware. Then the growth of

> > spirituality starts after thoughtless awareness, not before - one

> > should know that.

> >

> > On a rational plane you cannot grow in Sahaja Yoga. So first thing

> > is to establish your thoughtless awareness. Still you might feel

> > little chakra blockages here and there - forget it. Just forget

> > it.

> >

> > Now start your surrendering. Now if a chakra is catching, you

> > should say, " Mother, I surrender this to you. " Instead of doing

> > any of these things you can just say that. . . . if there are any

> > thoughts coming in to you or any chakra catching, just surrender.

> > And you see that the chakras are cleared up. . . . You'll find

> > out most of your chakras will clear out in the meditation. "

> >

> > Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi (Nirmala Yoga Jan-Feb 1984)

> >

> >

shriadishakti , " Manoj " <map5166@r...> wrote:


> Dear Shri Jagbirji,


> I am totally contented and satisfied by your explanation ...

> ...... You somehow seem to clear all doubts and misunderstandings

> through your simple and easy-to-understand explanations. It's a

> privilege to have you as our moderator.


> Thank you once again.


> Regards,

> Manoj



Dear Manoj,


Thanks you for this compliment.


This was a poem recited in front of H.H.Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi on

the occassion of Her 81st Birthday Felicitation program. It was

written by Mr. Rajiv Kumar.








Ma kis vidhi karun stuti Tumahari

Tum palanhari, jag ki rakhwari,

Sab sankat tari,

dukh bhaya bhanjan kari,

Par mein kya janu yeh uunchi batein,

Meri to Tu hai bas Mayya Pyari

Ma kis vidhi karun stuti Tumahari


Devon ke uupar pahunchaya

Mahadev ka marm jataya,

Shakti-Shiv ka milan dihkaya,

Sadashiv ka marg jataya,

Antarman pratibimbit karvaya,

Ma maine yeh sab bas yuhin paya.


Mantramugdh mein alladh balak,

Mein kya janu yeh uunchi baten,

Mujhe to bhaye Teri chavi nyari

Teri bindiya pyari, Teri mahima bhari,

Meri to Tu hai bas mayya pyari

Ma kis vidhi karun stuti Tumahari




Saton Swargon ke bhi Uupar,

Barah adityon ko vash mein kar,

Samuhikta mein puure jam kar,

Bas mast huye chaitanya ko pikar.


Purn trupt hain yeh tere balak,

Teri mamta ke aabhari,

Tujh par balihari,

Tere Aanchal ki chaya nyari,

Tu raj dulari, Teri chavi pyari.

Meri to Tu hai bas mayya pyari

Ma kis vidhi karun stuti Tumahari.








(English translation)


Mother how do I sing your prayers

You are the nourisher, Protector of the world

Remover of all obstacles,

The One who does away with all sorrows and fears

But I am ignorant of all this high ideas and talks

For me, You are simply the Beloved Mother

Mother how do I sing Your prayers?


You have lifted us above the gods,

Revealed to the essence of Mahadev

Shown to us the conjunction of shiva with shakti

Led us on the path to sadashiv

Illuminated our inner self and world

Mother You have given all this to us just like that!


Me the mantra-bound and innocent child,

I know nothing of this high talk

I simply like your incomparable look

Your lovely bindi, Your unending compassion,

For me, You remain the beloved Mother

Mother how do I sing Your prayers?




Having risen above the seven heavens

We now control the fate of the twelve Adityas.

Rooted firmly in the enlightened sangha.

We are mast and enraptured with Chaitanya


Fully satiated are Your children,

Grateful eternally for your motherly love,

We wish our lives be added to Yours, because

Incomparably soothing is the shade of Your saree

You are the princess with adorable countenance

But you above all are my most Beloved Mother

Mother how do I sing Your prayers?






Again i remind you not to be influenced by any SY singing the merits

of shoebeating or the protocol of using only the finest Indian

chillies to destroy some invisible bhoots feasting on their favorite

chakra. Let these stagnant SYs continue fighting the demons of their

own imagination which only perpetuates the endless catches they keep

experiencing. The more attention that is paid to this stupid

pettiness or unfathomable theories the more the catches will

manifest. If you join their company and small talk about Manipur and

Anhat you will remain at their level and not advance. ......... i am

speaking from my own experience!



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shriadishakti , buket ak <buketak2000>


> >DearJagbir,

> >Treatments are our weapons...( shobeating,lemmon

> chillie, healling our left canal when we down left

> etc..)

> >They must not been argued...

> >But unless they apply with meditation situation, they

> are useless... While we apply them we must in

> meditation situation...How can you denial shobeating ,

> cause if shobeating done with heart in meditation

> situation we can see their results...

> < we must keep clean ourselves to be strong canal for

> mother...

> <jai Shri Mataji



Dear Buket,


You should realize that i am agreeable that those who enjoy these

treatments should not give them up. i also encourage those having or

recovering from serious subtle system problems to continue treatments.


What i am really emphasizing and very concerned are newcomers

becoming addicted, as you seem to be, to these pleasurable rituals.



ALL SUBTLE SYSTEM PROBLEMS. Let them become their own masters by

discovering the far deeper and successful healing done by the Mother

Kundalini. Don't stall and slow them down with all the treatments

which you obviously enjoy and find so necessary to be performed

daily. Do not engage them in this small talk of manipur and anahat as

penned by Rajiv Kumar in his poem to Shri Mataji. Free them from the

rituals of the chakras and make them rise above the seven heavens.

Allow them to control the fate of the twelve Adityas, rooted firmly

in the company of enlightened sangha. Show them the way to that Moksa

Mountain in the far distance.


Buket, if you have yet to climb it how can you keep harping about the

beauty of the flat plateau you obviously enjoy immensely ............

..................... and want others to enjoy collectively? Please

try to visualize the point of view from where i am standing and

encouraging other to aspire.


You definitely cannot climb much with all the heavy subtle system

baggage (of lemons, chillies, matkas, candles) you are carrying. And

even if you do it will be one slow, laborious and difficult journey.

Can you imagine having to do treaments every now and then up that

steep path? And what will you do if you run out of chillies and

lemons half-way up?






PS: So what will you do if you run out of chillies and lemons half-

way up? You will at last realize they were unnecessary in the first

place. Please take this advise my brother. I assure you will never

regret doing so. Just try asking your Kundalini in clearing your

catches during meditation. At least try for a month and, if it is not

working, you can always go back to what you have been doing in the


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