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Can SYs compete with hundreds of professionals like Dr. Susan Shumsky?

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shriadishakti , jagbir singh <adishakti_org> wrote:> > SYs, instead of capitalizing on the unique exclusivity of Shri Mataji message and knowledge of the> Last Judgment and Al-Qiyamah, have instead overwhelmingly emphasized on the common subtle > system. Thus, instead of having a clear monopoly and assured envious profits they choose for > some unfathomable reason to compete head-on with thousands of slick subtle system salesmen > employed by organizations with deep pockets.>





Your Subtle Energy Systemby Susan Shumsky

You are a multidimensional being of light, living in a multidimensional universe. Although this statement sounds fantastic, it entirely concurs with the latest findings of modern physics—-this universe and all abiding therein consists of vibration and light in multiple dimensions.

Similarly, your own body is made of light and sound. And this physical shell is not the only form you inhabit. In fact, your body is multilayered and multidimensional. According to yogis of ancient India, several sheaths (called "koshas" in Sanskrit language) surround and permeate your body. These sheaths are invisible to ordinary human sight but visible to clairvoyant sight. These radiant, brilliant, multicolored sheaths of pure crystalline light make up your "aura" or “auric field.” Your fivefold sheath consists of:


1. Your "annamaya kosha" (physical body or food sheath), so-named because it is a product of food, requires food, dies without food, and, after death, becomes food for plants and animals. 2. Your "pranamaya kosha" (vital sheath), through which your vital life energy (“prana”) flows. 3. Your "manomaya kosha" (mental sheath), a mental body that stores your thought-forms, habits, conditioning, beliefs and experiences. 4. Your "vijnanamaya kosha" (intellect sheath), which consists of higher mind, your intellect, as well as your ego, or sense of your “I”-ness. 5. Your "ananadamaya kosha" (blissful sheath), a mere reflection of the true radiance of your real “atman” (higher self).

Each subsequent sheath is larger than and permeates the former sheaths. In addition to these five sheaths, you also have three higher bodies of immeasurable beauty, bliss, truth and glory: your “I AM body,” your “God body,” and your “Absolute body.” The fundamental component of your being is consciousness, and the life force called "prana" is the medium through which consciousness expresses in this universe and in your individual life. The life energy in prana flows through your subtle bodies, sustaining all levels of your being. Without prana, you would cease to live.

Pranic energy flows through your pranic sheath (pranamaya kosha) in fixed pathways called "nadis" (conduits or channels). In your pranic body, are hundreds of centers of concentrated vital energy where many nadis intersect, called "chakras" (literally "wheels"). However, the nadis and chakras are by no means physical. If you dissected a corpse, you would detect no nadi or chakra anywhere.

The three most important nadis through which prana flows are “sushumna,” “ida,” and “pingala.” Sushumna is the median channel reaching from the base of your spine, near the tailbone, all the way up to the top of your skull. Ida and pingala coil around this central canal. These two nadis govern your sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. Sushumna nadi is the conduit of “kundalini,” often called “serpent power” or “mystic coil,” a special spiritual cosmic pranic energy that remains dormant until it is awakened, usually through spiritual practices.

The term “kundalini” derives from the Sanskrit root “kundal” (curled up), because, in ordinary humans, it remains dormant, coiled at the base of your spine. As kundalini wakes up and rises up your spine, it opens specific chakras while traveling to its destination at the top of your skull. Opening your chakras brings greater health, well being, energy, and ultimately, spiritual enlightenment.

The fourteen main chakras through which kundalini energy flows are as follows:


1. Muladhara, the root chakra located at the base of your spine near the tailbone, is responsible for excretion, sense of smell and the element of earth.2. Svadhishthana, the sacral chakra in the coccyx region, governs sexuality, procreation, sense of taste and the element of water.3. Manipura, the navel chakra in the lumbar region, oversees digestion, sense of sight and the element of fire.4. Anahata, the heart chakra in the thoracic region, is the seat of consciousness and your soul. It is the gateway to higher consciousness. This chakra manages the sense of touch and the element of air.5. Hrit chakra, right below the anahata chakra, is the seat of devotion to God and fulfillment of all desires.6. Vishuddha, the throat chakra in the cervical region, deals with sense of hearing and the element of ether and creative expression.7. Talu, the

nectar chakra in medulla oblongata, is related to the uvula, the current of pranic energy and the flow of “soma” (nectar of immortality).8. Ajna, the third eye chakra, in the pineal gland, seat of the self (atman), is responsible for higher wisdom and clairvoyant sight.9. Manas chakra, in the upper part of ajna chakra, is the center of your lower mental vehicle: instincts, impressions and habits.10. Indu chakra, in the front part of the brain, is the seat of your intellect and higher mind.11. Nirvana chakra, at the top of your brain, is associated with the annihilation of your ego.12. Guru chakra, above your head in the lower part of sahasrara chakra, is the center in which divine light dispels the darkness of ignorance.13. Sahasrara chakra, the thousand-petaled lotus above your head, is the center of divine union, integration and illumination.14. The Bindu point, in the upper sahasrara chakra, is a center

of infinitely concentrated energy, the fountainhead from which your entire subtle energy system springs.

You can learn much more about your subtle energy system in Dr. Susan G. Shumsky’s new book, EXPLORING CHAKRAS (New Page Books; 2003). Dr. Shumsky is also author of Divine Revelation (Simon & Schuster) and Exploring Meditation (New Page Books). For more information about her books, products, seminars, retreats and tours to sacred places, visit her web site at www.doctorsusan.org, email: divinerev, or phone her at 1-800-DIVINE-8.





















































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This person in America is calling himself Messaiah. He is claiming

he opened the seventh seal. He wrote a book called THOTH by

integrating all major religious texts. There is some great material

in that book though! It is available online free at:




He also got a voice conference room in PalTalk online which runs 24

hours a day his desciples reading the book and declaring him as



It may be good idea we Sahaja Yogis should open a room in PalTalk

and talk about great Adishakti and give realisation to people that

visit the room. There are thousands of people visiting PalTalk

everyday from all over the world.



Jai Shri Mataji

Dr Ajay Komandur




shriadishakti , jagbir singh

<adishakti_org> wrote:



> shriadishakti , jagbir singh

<adishakti_org> wrote:

> >

> > SYs, instead of capitalizing on the unique exclusivity of Shri

Mataji message and knowledge of the

> > Last Judgment and Al-Qiyamah, have instead overwhelmingly

emphasized on the common subtle

> > system. Thus, instead of having a clear monopoly and assured

envious profits they choose for

> > some unfathomable reason to compete head-on with thousands of

slick subtle system salesmen

> > employed by organizations with deep pockets.

> >


Your Subtle Energy System

> by Susan Shumsky


> You are a multidimensional being of light, living in a

multidimensional universe. Although this statement sounds fantastic,

it entirely concurs with the latest findings of modern physicsEthis

universe and all abiding therein consists of vibration and light in

multiple dimensions.


> Similarly, your own body is made of light and sound. And this

physical shell is not the only form you inhabit. In fact, your body

is multilayered and multidimensional. According to yogis of ancient

India, several sheaths (called " koshas " in Sanskrit language)

surround and permeate your body. These sheaths are invisible to

ordinary human sight but visible to clairvoyant sight. These

radiant, brilliant, multicolored sheaths of pure crystalline light

make up your " aura " or " auric field.EYour fivefold sheath consists




> 1. Your " annamaya kosha " (physical body or food sheath), so-named

because it is a product of food, requires food, dies without food,

and, after death, becomes food for plants and animals.

> 2. Your " pranamaya kosha " (vital sheath), through which your vital

life energy ( " pranaE flows.

> 3. Your " manomaya kosha " (mental sheath), a mental body that

stores your thought-forms, habits, conditioning, beliefs and


> 4. Your " vijnanamaya kosha " (intellect sheath), which consists of

higher mind, your intellect, as well as your ego, or sense of your

" IEness.

> 5. Your " ananadamaya kosha " (blissful sheath), a mere reflection

of the true radiance of your real " atmanE(higher self).


> Each subsequent sheath is larger than and permeates the former

sheaths. In addition to these five sheaths, you also have three

higher bodies of immeasurable beauty, bliss, truth and glory: your

" I AM body,Eyour " God body,Eand your " Absolute body.EThe

fundamental component of your being is consciousness, and the life

force called " prana " is the medium through which consciousness

expresses in this universe and in your individual life. The life

energy in prana flows through your subtle bodies, sustaining all

levels of your being. Without prana, you would cease to live.


> Pranic energy flows through your pranic sheath (pranamaya kosha)

in fixed pathways called " nadis " (conduits or channels). In your

pranic body, are hundreds of centers of concentrated vital energy

where many nadis intersect, called " chakras " (literally " wheels " ).

However, the nadis and chakras are by no means physical. If you

dissected a corpse, you would detect no nadi or chakra anywhere.


> The three most important nadis through which prana flows are " s

ushumna,E " ida,Eand " pingala.ESushumna is the median channel

reaching from the base of your spine, near the tailbone, all the way

up to the top of your skull. Ida and pingala coil around this

central canal. These two nadis govern your sympathetic and

parasympathetic nervous systems. Sushumna nadi is the conduit of " k

undalini,Eoften called " serpent powerEor " mystic coil,Ea special

spiritual cosmic pranic energy that remains dormant until it is

awakened, usually through spiritual practices.


> The term " kundaliniEderives from the Sanskrit root " kundalE

(curled up), because, in ordinary humans, it remains dormant, coiled

at the base of your spine. As kundalini wakes up and rises up your

spine, it opens specific chakras while traveling to its destination

at the top of your skull. Opening your chakras brings greater

health, well being, energy, and ultimately, spiritual enlightenment.


> The fourteen main chakras through which kundalini energy flows are

as follows:



> 1. Muladhara, the root chakra located at the base of your spine

near the tailbone, is responsible for excretion, sense of smell and

the element of earth.

> 2. Svadhishthana, the sacral chakra in the coccyx region, governs

sexuality, procreation, sense of taste and the element of water.

> 3. Manipura, the navel chakra in the lumbar region, oversees

digestion, sense of sight and the element of fire.

> 4. Anahata, the heart chakra in the thoracic region, is the seat

of consciousness and your soul. It is the gateway to higher

consciousness. This chakra manages the sense of touch and the

element of air.

> 5. Hrit chakra, right below the anahata chakra, is the seat of

devotion to God and fulfillment of all desires.

> 6. Vishuddha, the throat chakra in the cervical region, deals with

sense of hearing and the element of ether and creative expression.

> 7. Talu, the nectar chakra in medulla oblongata, is related to the

uvula, the current of pranic energy and the flow of " somaE(nectar

of immortality).

> 8. Ajna, the third eye chakra, in the pineal gland, seat of the

self (atman), is responsible for higher wisdom and clairvoyant sight.

> 9. Manas chakra, in the upper part of ajna chakra, is the center

of your lower mental vehicle: instincts, impressions and habits.

> 10. Indu chakra, in the front part of the brain, is the seat of

your intellect and higher mind.

> 11. Nirvana chakra, at the top of your brain, is associated with

the annihilation of your ego.

> 12. Guru chakra, above your head in the lower part of sahasrara

chakra, is the center in which divine light dispels the darkness of


> 13. Sahasrara chakra, the thousand-petaled lotus above your head,

is the center of divine union, integration and illumination.

> 14. The Bindu point, in the upper sahasrara chakra, is a center of

infinitely concentrated energy, the fountainhead from which your

entire subtle energy system springs.


> You can learn much more about your subtle energy system in Dr.

Susan G. Shumsky's new book, EXPLORING CHAKRAS (New Page Books;

2003). Dr. Shumsky is also author of Divine Revelation (Simon &

Schuster) and Exploring Meditation (New Page Books). For more

information about her books, products, seminars, retreats and tours

to sacred places, visit her web site at www.doctorsusan.org, email:

divinerev@a..., or phone her at 1-800-DIVINE-8.


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shriadishakti , " drkomandur " <drkomandur>


> Messiah?


> This person in America is calling himself Messaiah. He is claiming

> he opened the seventh seal. He wrote a book called THOTH by

> integrating all major religious texts. There is some great

> material in that book though! It is available online free at:


> www.maitreya.org


> He also got a voice conference room in PalTalk online which runs 24

> hours a day his desciples reading the book and declaring him as

> Messaiah.


> It may be good idea we Sahaja Yogis should open a room in PalTalk

> and talk about great Adishakti and give realisation to people that

> visit the room. There are thousands of people visiting PalTalk

> everyday from all over the world.



> Jai Shri Mataji

> Dr Ajay Komandur




Dear Ajay,


i missed this one. It seems that the 'Maitreya' you found is

competing for the crown with a number of other pseudo-'Maitreyas'.

But we SYs have to give grudging applause that their faithful

followers are doing a great job in announcing the advent of their



In the meantime we are still waiting for the much delayed storm

to take place in some elected brains to officially confirm that there

is no danger from making the announcement that Ma Treya Shri Mataji

Nirmala Devi has been actually on Earth since 1923.


But do not hold your breath in anticipation because the SY

bureaucracy is one cumbersome machinery that does not respond to mere

SY nuts and SYogini bolts. We will have to patiently wait till co-

ordinators running this antiquated piece of equipment are given the

go-ahead from those CEOs at head-office.


But a low ranking janitor like me (pardon my temerity to even think

that i should be alarmed) think matters have seriously got out of

hand since increasing number of crooks are now blatantly masquerading

as Maitreya (and Divine Mother, Bhagwan or Adi Shakti or what not)

and getting away with thousands of seekers. They are having a field

day because we SYs do not have the conviction, even less the courage,

to admit officially that Ma Treya is actually on Earth! This

admission for some reason embarrasses the majority and puts fear in

their hearts. Why?


The reason is simple: If our leaders are so cautious how can the rank

and file think they have better brains? And for the sake of

collective harmony we must rally to their wisdom by reason of them

being the chosen ones .......................... and not become loose

canons that disturb the silent meditating majority. And don't forget

that those like me, who dissent, are negative people out to harm

Sahaja Yoga, and Shri Mataji will throw them out.


Just in case the less intelligent do not understand my rather

complicated English it means: We seniors and the well-connected have

brains that are more conducive to storms. ..??!!!.......... Actually

i just wanted to simply remind all that leaders are just there to co-

ordinate, and co-coordinators just to lead ...?!!!.......... (am i

making sense or just complicating matters?)


So Ajay you should get SYs to visit PalTalk so that the Advent of

Shri Mataji can be spread. We all need to be more aggressive in

getting the word out there that the Adi Shakti has come. Each SY

should have the confidence that they are capable of getting Her

Message through and be weaned of the dependence on 'senior' SYs to

guide them. They must learn to be their own masters and seek guidance

and confidence to make an individual difference from within.


You can do much better Dr. Ajay by getting in touch with Dr.

Balwinder who is compiling a network of physicians who can in future

vouch for the Cool Breeze, and get thousands of SYs to back their

claim. Since you are a physician Sahaja Yoga needs the collective

strength of professionals who can present a formidable front to

skeptics, and a comforting confidence boosting welcome to new seekers.


Right now the www.al-qiyamah.org website is getting increasing

attention of Muslims, and their silence speaks volumes. The day will

come when we need people like you to vouch for the Winds of Qiyamah,

a sure sign upheld by the Qur'an to commence the Resurrection. If

professionals like you can form the tip we SYs are ready to be the

spearhead! i assure you of resounding success to convince Muslims

that it indeed is the beginning of the promised Resurrection, not the

doomsday End.



Jai Shri Mataji,



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Dear brother Jagbir,


You don't sound to me like a low ranking janitor, for all the great

work you have been doing with Adishakti and Al-qiyamah websites and

would like to sincerely applaude you and say thank you for all the

great work.


i am one of those who certainly enjoy and learn a lot from your

websites. Truely believe we all Sahaja Yogis should utilise all

your experties and knowledge in taking forward the Divine work of

Shri Mataji.



Jai Shri Mataji




shriadishakti , " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:

> shriadishakti , " drkomandur "


> wrote:

> > Messiah?

> >

> > This person in America is calling himself Messaiah. He is


> > he opened the seventh seal. He wrote a book called THOTH by

> > integrating all major religious texts. There is some great

> > material in that book though! It is available online free at:

> >

> > www.maitreya.org

> >

> > He also got a voice conference room in PalTalk online which runs


> > hours a day his desciples reading the book and declaring him as

> > Messaiah.

> >

> > It may be good idea we Sahaja Yogis should open a room in


> > and talk about great Adishakti and give realisation to people


> > visit the room. There are thousands of people visiting PalTalk

> > everyday from all over the world.

> >

> >

> > Jai Shri Mataji

> > Dr Ajay Komandur

> >

> >


> Dear Ajay,


> i missed this one. It seems that the 'Maitreya' you found is

> competing for the crown with a number of other pseudo-'Maitreyas'.

> But we SYs have to give grudging applause that their faithful

> followers are doing a great job in announcing the advent of their

> guru.


> In the meantime we are still waiting for the much delayed storm

> to take place in some elected brains to officially confirm that


> is no danger from making the announcement that Ma Treya Shri


> Nirmala Devi has been actually on Earth since 1923.


> But do not hold your breath in anticipation because the SY

> bureaucracy is one cumbersome machinery that does not respond to


> SY nuts and SYogini bolts. We will have to patiently wait till co-

> ordinators running this antiquated piece of equipment are given


> go-ahead from those CEOs at head-office.


> But a low ranking janitor like me (pardon my temerity to even


> that i should be alarmed) think matters have seriously got out of

> hand since increasing number of crooks are now blatantly


> as Maitreya (and Divine Mother, Bhagwan or Adi Shakti or what not)

> and getting away with thousands of seekers. They are having a


> day because we SYs do not have the conviction, even less the


> to admit officially that Ma Treya is actually on Earth! This

> admission for some reason embarrasses the majority and puts fear


> their hearts. Why?


> The reason is simple: If our leaders are so cautious how can the


> and file think they have better brains? And for the sake of

> collective harmony we must rally to their wisdom by reason of them

> being the chosen ones .......................... and not become


> canons that disturb the silent meditating majority. And don't


> that those like me, who dissent, are negative people out to harm

> Sahaja Yoga, and Shri Mataji will throw them out.


> Just in case the less intelligent do not understand my rather

> complicated English it means: We seniors and the well-connected


> brains that are more conducive to storms. ..??!!!..........


> i just wanted to simply remind all that leaders are just there to


> ordinate, and co-coordinators just to lead ...?!!!.......... (am


> making sense or just complicating matters?)


> So Ajay you should get SYs to visit PalTalk so that the Advent of

> Shri Mataji can be spread. We all need to be more aggressive in

> getting the word out there that the Adi Shakti has come. Each SY

> should have the confidence that they are capable of getting Her

> Message through and be weaned of the dependence on 'senior' SYs to

> guide them. They must learn to be their own masters and seek


> and confidence to make an individual difference from within.


> You can do much better Dr. Ajay by getting in touch with Dr.

> Balwinder who is compiling a network of physicians who can in


> vouch for the Cool Breeze, and get thousands of SYs to back their

> claim. Since you are a physician Sahaja Yoga needs the collective

> strength of professionals who can present a formidable front to

> skeptics, and a comforting confidence boosting welcome to new



> Right now the www.al-qiyamah.org website is getting increasing

> attention of Muslims, and their silence speaks volumes. The day


> come when we need people like you to vouch for the Winds of


> a sure sign upheld by the Qur'an to commence the Resurrection. If

> professionals like you can form the tip we SYs are ready to be the

> spearhead! i assure you of resounding success to convince Muslims

> that it indeed is the beginning of the promised Resurrection, not


> doomsday End.



> Jai Shri Mataji,


> jagbir

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