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How many Kalki Avatars are there on Earth? ... without white stallions i mean.

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shriadishakti , " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:



> " Whenever there is decay of righteousness... and there is

> exaltation of unrighteousness, then I Myself come forth... for the

> destruction of evil-doers, for the sake of firmly establishing

> righteousness, I am born from age to age. " --- KRISHNA- Bhagavad

> Gita- fourth discourse


> Hindus are awaiting the coming of the Kalki Avatar at the end of

> this present age, Kalki Yuga (Dark or Iron Age). Baha'is believe

> that the Kalki Yuga age has already ended and, as promised in the

> Bhagavad Gita, the Lord has again manifested Himself to

> humanity.... this time with the name Baha'u'llah. Baha'u'llah is

> the Kalki Avatar.


> Baha'u'llah's name means the Glory of Bhagwan or the Splendor of

> Ishvara. The coming of Baha'u'llah is therefore the start of the

> Sat or Krta Yuga (Golden Age). It is the time when people will

> return to righteousness and the world will be at peace.




Present Day Kalki Movements


The belief in a Kalki avatar who will come to restore peace to the

world is alive in countries throughout the world. While many still

await his descent to earth, many other believers have faith that he

is already here on earth. Many people throughout the world claim to

be Kalki and movements around these people are growing everyday. The

following sites explore the teachings and doctrines of people

claiming to be Kalki, as well as other movements centered around the

belief of the Kalki avatar. (Kalki Avatar--The Prediction)



Sathya Sai Baba


In India today there are millions of followers who believe Sathya Sai

Baba to be a miracle man and the avatar of today. In 1953 at the age

of 27 Sai Baba began his public preaching and since than has

attracted many people to his system of beliefs. He himself states

that the belief in him as an avatar must be explored and answered by

each individual. . . .


Sai Baba states that he has incarnated as the Kalki avatar to bring

about peace and 'ananda', meaning bliss, to the chaotic and

destructive world. . . .



Anand Sundaram's Kalki Page


According to this site, Kalki has returned to earth with his consort

Sri Padmavathi Devi. It is believed that Kalki will help millions of

suffering people from diseases and family and relationship problems,

and other crises of the present age. Kalki has come to transform the

world in its present age and usher in the Golden age. He will bring

about peace and happiness, but unlike Christian scripture, he is not

here to destroy the world but to reform it:


" His work will be to transform this world into the Golden Age of

another ten thousand years....An age bereft of mental turmoil an age

full of perpetual bliss and happiness. He will not hesitate to

approach the problem the hard way,i.e,widespread destruction if the

situation causes Him to take such action ,but nevertheless,He will

NOT destroy the world (as believed by some people). "


The belief in this particular present-day Kalki has become a major

movement throughout the world, with Kalki Temples being built

everywhere from the US to Mexico to Sweden.



Foundation for World Awakening


This site explores one movement whose followers believe their Kalki

was born in South India. He has emerged today because of society's

evil and the loss of peace. " Kalki Avatar has come to give complete

Enlightenment to Mankind and make the transition to the golden Age.

His name means 'The annihilator of darkness'. He is the source and

the founder of this spiritual movement. "


As a child Kalki was very reflective and introspective rather than

accustomed " to play and mischief " and he declared early on that he

would change the world. Today there is a huge Kalki movement

surrounding the teachings and beliefs of this so-called Kalki avatar.

This movement has spread from India and has become the Foundation for

World Awakening.


Kalki and his six disciples, or 'Masters of the Movement' have

created schools and spread their beliefs throughout many countries

including, the US, Russia, Sweden, Sri Lanka, and Australia.



Kalki Bagwan--A Fraud of the Century


This site looks skeptically at a present day movement known as

the 'Kalki Cult' and the leader, Mr. Vijayakumar, who is this group's

so-called Kalki. Mr. Vijayakumar and his friend Mr. Sankar got a

notion to " play his gimmicks to make himself 'Kalki Bagwan' the tenth

avatar (incarnation) of Lord Vishnu in Kali Yug, the current era " .


Consequently, a school was started. Mr. Vijayakumar dressed in yellow

robes and called himself 'Kalki Bagwan' in an attempt to fool others.

As he started spreading his mystical message, many people

were " Bewildered by his babblings and bewitched by his hypnotizing

eyes behind a bushy moustache and beard, people began to throng round

him begging for boons and gratification of their multi-faceted

desires " .


Although in recent years it is said that this cult has gone

underground, the stories and rumors of Kalki Bagwan continue

today. " The cult caught fancy of the people like a wild-fire and

Bagwan's ashram grew rich by leaps and bounds. " The cult attracted

many young people who were to have the mission of catching " the

international market " . However, many parents complained to the police

about their missing sons and daughters. And although the police have

been investigating, " their efforts are being forestalled mainly

because it is a matter of religion which our Constitution guarantees

to the individuals and the youths claim they have attained majority

and there is no question of kidnapping or mesmerising them. "


This cult, like many other movements have spread to other countries

such as Japan, Argentina and the US.


In the same site, Kalki Bagwan--A Fraud of the Century, a list of

techniques used by self-proclaimed Kalki incarnates is provided:


1) They create an impressive look by donning colourful robes and

choosing a calm place with a sylvan background as their ashram.


2) They set afloat rumors about their miraculous healing powers

through their agents in the gnarl of devotees.


3) In the name of Dyana, Yoga, etc., they offer a psychological

relaxation to the stressful minds of the devotees and create an

illusion of seeing God, Atman, etc. in the form of light or a shock.


4) They seek the patronage of the politicians, bureaucrats,

businessmen, judges, etc., to add credibility to their stature.


5) They expand their clientele with the creation of a powerful band

of followers, and with fraud and trickery, if need be.

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