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Jagbir - The spirit world you write of so often

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shriadishakti , alex arthur <dude11976>



> Jagbir- The spirit world you write of so often, why

> not share with us, in whatever limited way that words

> can express what the brief nirvikalpa samadhis were

> like?





My family and i have had only problems, opposition and ostracism from

SYs ever since the Great Goddess revealed Herself to my family in

1993, and have continued ever since. Even Shri Mataji's approval of

my 2,200 page SHRI ADI SHAKTI: THE KINGDOM OF GOD on separate

occasions before different leaders and SYs have not done much to

remove this pervasive negativity. They just are not interested about

what has been written or approved by Shri Mataji.


It is for this reason i try to limit exposure to what the Great

Goddess actually is in every Sahasrara. Perhaps that is why the jewel

in the www.adishakti.org crown remains missing. Once this is put in

place over the next two years or so it will provide irrefutable

evidence that the Great Goddess does exist within all. Not only that

but i will also prove 100% to all that She is the Highest of the

Highest - BRAHMAN!





PS: So to the new SY who wanted to give up on Shri Mataji and wrote

off-list, and decided to stay on due to clearing i have only this to

say: Just hang on this forum/websites and over time i will prove to

you that the Great Goddess is verily Brahman, and the reasons why

probably this will be your last birth on Earth! But right now it is

still too early and little has been accomplished to explain a subject

as difficult, infinite and eternal as Brahman. First the negativity

that keeps attacking the Truth that was witnessed will have to be


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shriadishakti , alex arthur <dude11976>



> As for this being the last birth on earth....i dont

> know who gave you that detail, but yes from what i

> understand and believe, quite a few advanced sahaj

> yogis should attain moksha. In patanjalis yoga sutras

> and also in the commentary given by some Kriya Yogis,

> it is said that upon death the soul can leave the body

> through any of eight orfices. i.e, the eyes, nose,

> ears etc. But if the soul leaves through the crown

> (sahastrar) then a person is freed from the cycle of

> life and death. Advanced sahaj yogis will obviously

> have attained this state. Thats my inference anyways.




What i know is quite different and is not about the soul leaving a

dead body. It is based on knowledge/devotion/merging with the Great

Goddess and achieving moksha while still on Earth. Never in my life

have i been more sure of SYs achieving this noble goal:


The soul performs diverse acts, the single cause of virtue and vice.

Thereby it attains birth in various wombs and experiences happiness

and sorrow.

Again, under their determining influence, ever intent on new actions

of various sorts, it attains new bodies of various kinds and

experiences further happiness and sorrow.

Like a water wheel, this cycling never ceases.

Ignorance alone is its root; from that springs desire, from that


Therefore a person should ever strive for the destruction of


For one's birth is fruitful when ignorance is destroyed.

One thereby attains the ends of human existence and the state of

being liberated while living.

Wisdom alone is competent for the destruction of ignorance.


The Song of the Goddess, 4.4-9



During ancient times the Great Goddess instructed Her devotees to

find a guru well-versed in the Vedas and absorbed in Brahman, in

order to realize Her identity and attain assured liberation. How can

anyone not achieve it when She Herself has incarnated on Earth in the

form of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, the Guru of all Gurus to destroy

ignorance and falsehood?



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shriadishakti , alex arthur <dude11976>



> Also, Mr. ZENYOGI, could you kindly tell us lesser

> informed sahaj yogis what happens if we do candle the

> right heart? :)



OK Alex, experiment on yourself. If you really have vibrational

awareness of your own subtle system, you'll soon realise why...



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shriadishakti , ashishcool tandon

<ashishcooltandon> wrote:

> Dear Jagbir,




> Experiencing the Loving Mother through innocent

> children has been a honour and a privilige. I have

> read every word with great reverence.


> I have often longed to read more but unfortunately you

> have not updated the visits to the Kingdom of God.


> I do not know what would your logic be for a wait of 2

> years, but i think you would have your reasons.


> As far as problems, opposition and ostracism are

> concerned, i think that both in the past and present,

> GOD has only chosen those HIS messangers, who have the

> courage to carry HIS burden in the face of all

> adversities. Please carry on.



Thank you Ashish for this great compliment that has touched me. It is

my conviction that anyone in my shoes would have done exactly that

without any hesitation. There is no heroism or special status to what

is obviously a duty given, and carried out to the letter. Even if one

hesitates Her Maya propels you ever onward to act accordingly ....

......... just like a helpless puppet on strings.


If any other SY had given such evidence regarding the Adi Shakti i

also would have revered the glorification of the Adi Shakti and

surrendered to the Truth. My faith would have been much strengthened

by the evidence presented, a conviction i have discussed privately

many times. i would have been very happy that someone gave such proof

which would allow my family and myself to continue this spiritual

journey with full faith and confidence till our last breath.


So a question arises: How can Shri Mataji assure others that She is

the Adi Shakti? She can make a thousand declarations but mere words

convince only fools. Anyone can declare themselves to be the Divine

Mother (and Sai Baba and Amma have the audacity to do just that). So

how do we make out a false guru from a genuine Divine Mother?


One can only claim to be the Divine Mother if, other than first and

foremost being entrenched in the holy scriptures, She can provide

witnesses who can give evidence that can be openly cross-examined.

Ever since 1993 my children have continued to bear witness and give

evidence to Her glory in the Sahasrara, evidence that will in FUTURE

destroy all false gurus. They also have performed their act in Her

Divine Play. All SYs need to do now is to just witness the remaining

few Acts.


Shri Mataji promised that Sahaja Yoga will be established before She

leaves. Those murmuring souls who put obstacles in Her path should

let Her complete this final task by remaining silent. Do not act out

of ignorance ..................... even if some of you have spent

22 years in Sahaja Yoga.


i also wish to reiterate that all of us are HIS messengers although

at the present moment few are of that caliber. But all will wake up

and perform their duties as Shri Mataji continues to withdraw

attention on outer Her physical being and begins to reveal Her inner

glory as the Great Goddess. She will complete this critical task so

that we SYs will have faith to seek and meditate with Her within long

after She has left Earth. And i assure you She is far more intimate

within than She was ever without.


Regarding the rest of the Kingdom of God visits, they will be

completed within two years or so. i may start in a few weeks/months

but i really don't know when. As a mere puppet i really cannot pull

any strings, try as i may. The puppet must know and humbly accept

that it has no life of its own, ....................... and that it

is Her Divine Play.



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shriadishakti , ashishcool tandon

<ashishcooltandon> wrote:

> Dear Jagbir,




> Experiencing the Loving Mother through innocent

> children has been a honour and a privilige. I have

> read every word with great reverence.


> I have often longed to read more but unfortunately you

> have not updated the visits to the Kingdom of God.


> I do not know what would your logic be for a wait of 2

> years, but i think you would have your reasons.


> As far as problems, opposition and ostracism are

> concerned, i think that both in the past and present,

> GOD has only chosen those HIS messangers, who have the

> courage to carry HIS burden in the face of all

> adversities. Please carry on.



" The the " children of the New Age, those born and those to be born,

are the privileged ones. They come to this world already touched and

blessed by the spirit of the New Millennium, closer to the universal

spirit and closer to their discovery of it.


For them, the door to the unconscious is already open. The drive to

dive deeper into their inner selves compels them to seek to know for

themselves. They no longer want to accept beliefs; they want to build

their own beliefs.


As their parents, we can learn from them, open ourselves to their

lessons instead of forcing our lessons on them; or we can complicate

their journey to discovery by imposing our beliefs on them, limiting

their vision with our perception of what is possible and impossible,

and closing the doors of their minds with the locks of our own

limited comprehension. . . .


The children born now under the dramatic and increasing influence of

Aquarius come to us with expanded powers, but if we do not listen to

and encourage them, their capacities will atrophy. As with the

muscles of our body, failure to exercise our powers limits the growth

of those powers. A child kept in a seat will never learn to walk, a

child hindered from running will never gain speed and endurance.

Similarly, a child constantly told that what he sees are just

meaningless dreams or daydreams, constantly told that such-and-such

is impossible, will never reach the limits of his vision or reach

beyond what is believed possible. . . .


The children arriving now have no conception of what is or is not

impossible. That makes them especially well suited to lead us beyond

the limits of what we believe to be possible, into whole new realms.


In this way, our children are our teachers as much as our students,

especially now. It is said that children choose their parents as they

come into this world from a state of unity with the universal spirit,

returning to this plane at exactly the place, at exactly the precise

moment, and with exactly the people they want or should be with. They

come to teach and to learn. Denying them the chance to do so limits

the chances of their completing the lesson they came for, as well as

limiting the chances of our learning ours.


The powers of the mind that until now seem accessible only to a few

are now within the reach of every child. Every child born now has the

ability to see deep into the future and the past. It is simply a

matter of letting ourselves see. The influence of the age is already

opening the door for the children to see what can be. They come at

this very moment because they are supposed to. They come because they

are supposed to help guide us into the New Millennium and guide us

beyond it.


If we reject their visions, condemn them for their dreams, we are

sealing them off from the universal spirit — and we are sealing

ourselves off, as well. "


Walter Mercado, Beyond The Horizon: Visions of a New Millennium,

A Time Warner Company, 1997 p. 173-77.

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