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Can the Power of His Love cause mass hysteria and collective delusions?

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> shriadishakti , " jagbir singh "

> <adishakti_org> wrote:

> >

> > Reality and Knowledge According to an Indian Perspective

> >

> > " The Indian approach to reality is to seek reality in one's self.

> > Reality is encountered in one's own consciousness. Consciousness

> > means awareness of the self. In the Indian tradition, the word

> > atman or " self " can mean the individual self and the divine self.

> > Reality is encountered through the consciousness of the

> > individual self and of the eternal self in the individual self.

> > The understanding, experiencing and interpreting of the self is

> > called exteriorization.

> >

> > The individual self (jivatman) which is centered in consciousness

> > is in a body which again exists in the world. The individual self

> > together with its body is called a microcosm (miniature

> > universe). In contrast, the Divine Self (paramatman) together

> > with its body is called macrocosm. The center of this macrocosm

> > is the paramatman who is Brahman (the highest reality, the

> > eternal), whereas the center of the microcosm is the jivatman.

> > Since jivatman contains in itself the reflection of paramatman,

> > in the last analysis Brahman is the ultimate center of the macro-

> > and microcosm.

> >

> >






> I do call to witness the Resurrection Day;

> And I do call to witness the self-reproaching Spirit.



These are the opening lines of Surah 75:1-2 Al-Qiyamah (The

Resurrection) which proclaims that during the Resurrection the Spirit

of God Almighty will rebuke and guide the individual self. This

guidance is in the form of 'catches' to correct the individual from

straying, a reality SYs can attest to.


" Even Muhammad Sahib has said that at the Time of Resurrection your

hands will speak. Exactly this happens, that when you get your

Realization, when the Kundalini comes up, and She touches the seat of

God here. Immediately in your heart the reflection of God starts

emitting cool vibrations from your hands also. When it starts

happening you are amazed that all around you feel the subtle Power of

God, the Power of His Love, what we call the All-Pervading Brahma,

what we call the Chaitanya. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Cardiff, U.K. — August 8, 1984



It is indeed sad to see so many SYs constantly 'sick' and 'diseased'

by " the subtle Power of God, the Power of His Love, what we call the

All-Pervading Brahma, what we call the Chaitanya. " How can this be

when the Mother Kundalini and Chaitanya are supposed to guide with

love and gentleness?


i have no idea what is causing them all these catches that require so

much shoe-beating, footsoaking, candling, chilli, lemon and matka

treatments, to name the major treatments. It is just like an outbreak

mass hysteria and i think explaining this condition may help:


" Mass hysteria is characterized by the rapid spread of conversion

disorder, a condition involving the appearance of bodily complaints

for which there is no organic basis. In such episodes, psychological

distress is converted or channeled into physical symptoms. There are

two common types: anxiety hysteria and motor hysteria. The former is

of shorter duration, usually lasting a day, and is triggered by the

sudden perception of a threatening agent, most commonly a strange

odor. Symptoms typically include headache, dizziness, nausea,

breathlessness, and general weakness. Motor hysteria is prevalent in

intolerable social situations such as strict school and religious

settings where discipline is excessive. Symptoms include trance-like

states, melodramatic acts of rebellion known as histrionics, and what

physicians term " psychomotor agitation " (whereby pent-up anxiety

built up over a long period results in disruptions to the nerves or

neurons that send messages to the muscles, triggering temporary bouts

of twitching, spasms, and shaking). Motor hysteria appears gradually

over time and usually takes weeks or months to subside (Wessely 1987;

Bartholomew and Sirois 1996). The term mass hysteria is often used

inappropriately to describe collective delusions, as the overwhelming

majority of participants are not exhibiting hysteria, except in

extremely rare cases. In short, all mass hysterias are collective

delusions as they involve false or exaggerated beliefs, but only

rarely do collective delusions involve mass hysteria as to do so,

they must report illness symptoms.


Many factors contribute to the formation and spread of collective

delusions and hysterical illness: the mass media; rumors;

extraordinary anxiety or excitement; cultural beliefs and

stereotypes; the social and political context; and reinforcing

actions by authorities such as politicians, or institutions of social

control such as the police or military. Episodes are also

distinguishable by the redefinition of mundane objects, events, and

circumstances and reflect a rapidly spreading folk belief which

contributes to an emerging definition of the situation. "


All mass hysterias are collective delusions as they involve false or

exaggerated beliefs,



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shriadishakti , " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:

> >



> >

> > I do call to witness the Resurrection Day;

> > And I do call to witness the self-reproaching Spirit.

> >



> These are the opening lines of Surah 75:1-2 Al-Qiyamah (The

> Resurrection) which proclaims that during the Resurrection the

> Spirit of God Almighty will rebuke and guide the individual self.

> This guidance is in the form of 'catches' to correct the individual

> from straying, a reality SYs can attest to.


> " Even Muhammad Sahib has said that at the Time of Resurrection your

> hands will speak. Exactly this happens, that when you get your

> Realization, when the Kundalini comes up, and She touches the seat

> of God here. Immediately in your heart the reflection of God starts

> emitting cool vibrations from your hands also. When it starts

> happening you are amazed that all around you feel the subtle Power

> of God, the Power of His Love, what we call the All-Pervading

> Brahma, what we call the Chaitanya. "


> Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

> Cardiff, U.K. — August 8, 1984



> It is indeed sad to see so many SYs constantly 'sick' and

> 'diseased' by " the subtle Power of God, the Power of His Love, what

> we call the All-Pervading Brahma, what we call the Chaitanya. " How

> can this be when the Mother Kundalini and Chaitanya are supposed to

> guide with love and gentleness?


> i have no idea what is causing them all these catches that require

> so much shoe-beating, footsoaking, candling, chilli, lemon and

> matka treatments, to name the major treatments. It is just like an

> outbreak (of) mass hysteria and i think explaining this condition

> may help:


> " Mass hysteria is characterized by the rapid spread of conversion

> disorder, a condition involving the appearance of bodily complaints

> for which there is no organic basis. In such episodes,

> psychological distress is converted or channeled into physical

> symptoms. There are two common types: anxiety hysteria and motor

> hysteria. The former is of shorter duration, usually lasting a day,

> and is triggered by the sudden perception of a threatening agent,

> most commonly a strange odor. Symptoms typically include headache,

> dizziness, nausea, breathlessness, and general weakness. Motor

> hysteria is prevalent in intolerable social situations such as

> strict school and religious settings where discipline is excessive.

> Symptoms include trance-like states, melodramatic acts of rebellion

> known as histrionics, and what physicians term " psychomotor

> agitation " (whereby pent-up anxiety built up over a long period

> results in disruptions to the nerves or neurons that send messages

> to the muscles, triggering temporary bouts of twitching, spasms,

> and shaking). Motor hysteria appears gradually over time and

> usually takes weeks or months to subside (Wessely 1987;

> Bartholomew and Sirois 1996). The term mass hysteria is often used

> inappropriately to describe collective delusions, as the

> overwhelming majority of participants are not exhibiting hysteria,

> except in extremely rare cases. In short, all mass hysterias are

> collective delusions as they involve false or exaggerated beliefs,

> but only rarely do collective delusions involve mass hysteria as to

> do so, they must report illness symptoms.


> Many factors contribute to the formation and spread of collective

> delusions and hysterical illness: the mass media; rumors;

> extraordinary anxiety or excitement; cultural beliefs and

> stereotypes; the social and political context; and reinforcing

> actions by authorities such as politicians, or institutions of

> social control such as the police or military. Episodes are also

> distinguishable by the redefinition of mundane objects, events, and

> circumstances and reflect a rapidly spreading folk belief which

> contributes to an emerging definition of the situation. "


> All mass hysterias are collective delusions as they involve false or

> exaggerated beliefs,


> jagbir



i remember my early SY days where the local leader 'enlightened' me

on the merits of a regimented life of daily cleansing. Whenever we

went for collective meditation/puja it was always involved a ritual

of cleansing. At that time i did not mind because i was made to feel

that my subtle system is daily attacked by all sorts of negativity

and bhoots - people, pets, TV, pubs, priests, books, false gurus etc.


The whole collective was under this hysteria and no amount of

cleansing was sufficient. The faces of SYs used to gleam whenever a

new cure was discovered at the world-renown ISYLCCCC (International

Sahaja Yoga Laboratory of Contagious Catches and Collective Cures),

and instructions followed with religious devotion.


i still remember the sheer excitement amongst the collective on

receiving the seven-knotted-catches-on-a-thread cure where one had to

burn the string to cleanse all seven chakras. We all read the

diagrams repeatedly, like those Ikea assemble-it-yourself-instruction

kits, so that no unfortunate subtle system malfunction happens.

(After a decade the SY who introduced this instant classic still

devotionally ice-packs his liver and his wife religiously shoe-beats

at their front-door daily.)


One day i just happen to tell the 'leader' that i do not feel catches

(read: i think my Mother Kundalini has cured me and i do not need

treatments and rituals anymore.) In a loud clear voice he proclaimed

in front of the collective that there was no way this was possible,

and that i would have catches everyday for the rest of my life (or

something to this effect). He even explained why i could not feel my

own catches and till today it reminds me of how such SYs keep others

in this state of collective delusion: " You are not feeling your

catches because of your catches! "


Maybe some members of this forum may think i am just over-reacting

and flogging the horse to death. But i know that these deep-seated

problems of collective hysteria of bodily complaints has it roots in

collective delusion. There just seems no way out of this collective

hysteria because fellow SYs keep enforcing the belief that catches

keep manifesting. The mentality is that we will always be besieged by

catches and there is no way out or escape. We SYs are condemned to a

life of clearing catches and fighting negativity.


i was lucky because i refused to follow senior SYs and perpetuate

this collective belief of the All-Pervading Catchtainya. But i really

started progressing when i left the collective (not that i am

encouraging others to follow suit) and began learning to be my own

master. It was in this freedom that my mind really flourished and i

began to understand the enormous responsibility of announcing the

Last Judgment, as well as the almost insurmountable problems facing

SYs if they continue in the present state of mind.


i know that all catch hysterias are collective delusions as they

involve false or exaggerated beliefs. When so many SYs are stuck at

this elementary level how can we progress? And when the Yuvashakti

exhibits all the telltale signs of chronic catches then know for sure

that the formation and spread of collective delusions and hysterical

illnesses will only get worse. Are they going to be the future

fearless ganas who will shoulder the enormous responsibility to

humanity and spread Shri Mataji message of the Last Judgment and Al-

Qiyamah? Other than boasting of cures and showing-off the thick

leather-bound ISYLCCCC manual what other knowledge do they possess to

attract Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists and Sikhs?



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shriadishakti , " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:



> Maybe some members of this forum may think i am just over-reacting

> and flogging the horse to death. But i know that these deep-seated

> problems of collective hysteria of bodily complaints has it roots

> in collective delusion. There just seems no way out of this

> collective hysteria because fellow SYs keep enforcing the belief

> that catches keep manifesting. The mentality is that we will always

> be besieged by catches and there is no way out or escape. We SYs

> are condemned to a life of clearing catches and fighting negativity.



Raising Kundalini With Sahaj Yog, N B SALUNKE

[TIMES OF INDIA, FRIDAY, MARCH 01, 2002 12:14:12 AM ]


" Shri Markandeya Purana has prophesied the incarnation of the Adi

Shakti for the salvation of human beings. In Devi Bhagvatam we find

the description of Kundalini. Indian Jyotisha Acharya Kaka Bhujandar

Tatvacharya noted in his renowned Nadi Grantha, some 2,000 years ago,

that a great yogi will appear on the earth and this yogi will have

all the powers (shaktis) of the Adi Shakti.


Shri Mataji rechristened awakening of Kundalini Yog as `Sahaj

Yog' and one can very easily practise it without renouncing

one's family life. It does not require any special knowledge (of

scriptures). Kundalini — is the shakti of Jagat Guru, Jagat Pitha

Sadashiv. She is in the form of a serpent with 3-1/2 coils

surrounding the Shiv linga and is in the dormant posture.


After its awakening it traverses through the body (Spinal cord) —

cleansing the six chakras and uniting with Shiv in the 7th chakra,

Sahasrar. She is situated in the sacrum bone of the spinal cord.

Sacrum — a Latin word, means sacred. It is the last bone of the

spinal cord.


It is a known fact that there are seven chakras in the spinal cord.

Every chakra has its field of action. The modern-day medical science

has proved that there are seven plexuses which control the whole

body. Kundalini while traversing to sahasrar cleanses the chakras

which are polluted by the Shadripus.


The Paramchaitanya is flowing incessantly throughout the universe in

the form of vibrations — waves — very similar to various

other waves we receive viz sound waves, light waves etc. Kundalini

facilitates our union with the Paramchaitanya by cleansing our

chakras. "


Raising Kundalini With Sahaj Yog, N B SALUNKE

[TIMES OF INDIA, FRIDAY, MARCH 01, 2002 12:14:12 AM ]



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shriadishakti , " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:


> One day i just happen to tell the 'leader' that i do not feel

> catches (read: i think my Mother Kundalini has cured me and i do

> not need treatments and rituals anymore.) In a loud clear voice he

> proclaimed in front of the collective that there was no way this

> was possible, and that i would have catches everyday for the rest

> of my life (or something to this effect). He even explained why i

> could not feel my own catches and till today it reminds me of how

> such SYs keep others in this state of collective delusion: " You are

> not feeling your catches because of your catches! "


> Maybe some members of this forum may think i am just over-reacting

> and flogging the horse to death. But i know that these deep-seated

> problems of collective hysteria of bodily complaints has it roots

> in collective delusion. There just seems no way out of this

> collective hysteria because fellow SYs keep enforcing the belief

> that catches keep manifesting. The mentality is that we will always

> be besieged by catches and there is no way out or escape. We SYs

> are condemned to a life of clearing catches and fighting negativity.



According to " Devi Gita: Spiritual Counsel of the Great Goddess " , the

Mother Kundalini is:


" COILED SERPENT (kundalini): the manifestation of the Goddess within

one's own body, according to the Serpentine Yoga. The Coiled Serpent

normally lies sleeping in the lowest psycho energetic center at the

base of the spine. In the practice of the Serpentine Yoga, the Coiled

Serpent is aroused through breath control and concentration, and

caused to ascend through the central mystic channel to the crown of

the head, where she unites with Shiva. She is then led back down to

her resting place in the base center, infusing the body of the yoga

practioner with her spiritual, mental, and material energies, thereby

transforming the physical body into a fully divine being identical

with the Goddess herself. "


Today i feel vindicated that nearly a decade ago i told the senior

SY 'leader' that " i think my Mother Kundalini has cured me and i do

not need treatments and rituals anymore. " ........... and refused to

listen to him or the collective anymore. (This 18-year veteran and

his wife still shoebeats regularly and footsoaks DAILY to clear

catches and negativity!)


It was a difficult decision to undertake. It was even harder to

believe that the Mother Kundalini healed my subtle system so fast,

when all around SYs were constantly catching, subtly sick and prone

to negativity despite all types of cutting-edge clearing techniques

.............. week after week, month after month (and now year after

year, decade after decade).


The point i want to make is why so many SYs remain catch prone for so

many years when they are supposed to be empowered by Shri Mataji.

Surely they have heard about these powers given by the Adi Shakti to

all Her devotees many times over. This is similar to the Mother

Kundalini " infusing the body of the yoga practioner with her

spiritual, mental, and material energies, thereby transforming the

physical body into a fully divine being identical with the Goddess

herself. "


And when they are so sickly, constantly caught-up, chased by bhoots

and tormented by negativity why should anyone join Sahaja Yoga? When

so many are spending so many years just getting rid of mere catches

why should any fool of a seeker become similarly sickly? When catches

are so contagious and common among SYs why should anyone share their



How many SYs can confirm the Mother Kundalini " infusing the body of

the yoga practioner with her spiritual, mental, and material

energies, thereby transforming the physical body into a fully divine

being identical with the Goddess herself " ? Those newcomers still

catching after a few months in Sahaja Yoga should know that they are

still in Standard One and have along way to go. Those SYs still shoe-

beating, candling and matkaing after years in Sahaja Yoga should

register themselves in an adult school for seniors.


i hope the present SYs, unlike those who ridiculed my early

conviction about the healing powers of the Mother Kundalini, deeply

introspect and understand the task ahead. Sahaja Yoga just cannot

spread in this present atmosphere of contagious catches and endless

negativity. We must dramatically advance in our spiritual ascent to

prepare for the enormous task, among others, of being identical with

the Goddess herself. The rising tide of collective change will

eventually lift all boats.



Jai Shri Mataji,



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shriadishakti , " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:


> i hope the present SYs, unlike those who ridiculed my early

> conviction about the healing powers of the Mother Kundalini, deeply

> introspect and understand the task ahead. Sahaja Yoga just cannot

> spread in this present atmosphere of contagious catches and endless

> negativity. We must dramatically advance in our spiritual ascent to

> prepare for the enormous task, among others, of being identical

> with the Goddess herself. The rising tide of collective change will

> eventually lift all boats.





" Enlightenment is the sublime state of living in higher consciousness.


At first you mystically awaken to your higher consciousness and visit

it regularly. After experiencing many levels of higher consciousness

you become able to live in it continuously for days at a time while

functioning optimally in your home and career. Then, with further

practice and development, you become permanently awakened and live in

uninterrupted higher consciousness.


This is what mystics mean by enlightenment not only visiting

mystical states of awareness but living in them "






" The experience of light phenomena, other than physical, is quite

common. Unfortunately, our present civilized world does not pay

attention it. People who have had such experiences are often

disbelieved, shunned or ridiculed. It is time to restore the sacred,

because it is as necessary to the survival of man as is food to the

physical body. Life on this planet came into being by the light of

the sun. Take the sun away, and Earth is a dead planet in no time.

Man equally needs the light from the subtle realms. Many experiences

of light phenomena present themselves to his mind. This is well known

and well documented in regard to kundalini experiences. According to

the Indian tradition kundalini is a type of energy that is held at

rest in a dormant, potential state in the human body. When this

energy is awakened, it rushes up along the central axis of the spine

to the crown of the head, where it gives rise to a mystical state of

consciousness. Awakening kundalini causes a psychospiritual

transformation during which many psychic and psychological phenomena

happen. Light, in its many forms, is an important aspect of the

kundalini awakening, and has also been reported by mystics of all

religious traditions. In alchemical texts, light is often mentioned

as an important experience of the spiritual alchemist. The alchemists

often distinguish between the " natural light " which is a created

light omnipresent in the created world, and the " supernatural light "

which is uncreated and spiritual, and is present in the spiritual or

divine realms. They warned not to go into the different kinds of

colored lights but to continue the " distillation " or " purification "

until one experiences the brilliant white light, the uncreated Light.

The same advice is given by yogis. "


Light Consciousness (www.soul-guidance.com)




" Sahasrara: The seventh center at the top of the head is called

the crown chakra. According to the ancient mystics, it governs 1,008

aspects or attributes of the soul body. These personae are

transparent, a crystal-clear white light, ever present, shining

through the circumference of the golden soul body. Here the soul

dissolves even blissful visions of light and is immersed in pure

space, pure awareness, pure being. Within the sahasrara is the

brahmarandhra, or " door of God, " an aperture in the sushumna nadi

through which the kundalini exits the body, catapulting the mind

beyond and into nirvikalpa samadhi. "


Hinduism Today, July 1998




" As Jesus talks with his three chosen disciples, Matthew asks him

to show him the " place of life, " which is, he says, the " pure light. "

Jesus answers, " Every one [of you] who has known himself has seen

it. " Here again, he deflects the question, pointing the disciple

instead toward his own self-discovery. "


Elaine Pagels, The Gnostic Gospels, Random House, New York, 1989, p.


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