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hot n cold - Question 6

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shriadishakti , alex arthur <dude11976>



> 6.As is our tradition, we respect other religions

> right. There is a certain guru/spiritual leader called

> amma...now she is the 'hugging saint' she hugs every

> single person at each of her gatherings...my guess is

> that, that is the way she initiates her disciples..she

> cannot be wrong can she? I mean her disciples are

> sticking to her because they get some kind of

> relief/satisfaction/growth??? leads me on to say that

> the paths are many, the destination is one????



We should respect all religions, which is not the case of Christians,

Jews and Muslims. The Middle-east brings the worst of these People of

the Book who share the same God and prophets. Only Christian

Gnostics, Jew Cabbalists and Muslim Sufis amongst them respect all

religions -just like ordinary Hindus, Buddhists and Sikhs - and that

is the difference between self-realized Gnostics, Cabbalists and

Sufis and their general religious brethren.


i know Amma likes to hug just as Sai Baba enjoys impersonating David

Copperfield. It is their distinctive style of attracting seekers and

endorsing their trademark. Yes, their disciples are sticking to her

because, unlike SYs, they are honest in the belief she is the Adi

Shakti and forthright about her mission to save humanity. Even Sai

Baba devotees can beat SYs hands down when it comes to proclaiming

their guru. In the global race for seekers SYs are way, way behind

choking and desperately trying to 'catch' their breath in the thick

dust left behind by the stampeding devotees of false gurus, and just

have no hope of 'catching' up at the present pace of progress.


Yes, the paths are many but there is only one destination of final

liberation through the Divine Mother. If Amma can hug you all the way

to moksha i am getting envious of this ridiculous easy short-cut. If

Satya Sai can trick you with his Rolex watches and diamonds then i

may seriously consider joining the other sheepish devotees who follow

this BaaBaa. But i would rather take the very difficult and life-long

path of participating in the Last Judgment and cleansing myself in

mind, body and soul that is said to be as impossible as passing a

camel through the eye of a needle. How about you?



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