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Shri Durga! You have manifested Thyself in this land of India!

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Shri Devi Durga Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.

Durga Devi is the Symbol of Cosmic Harmony. The warrior goddess, riding upon a lion and wielding a weapon in each of her 10 arms. She is depicted calm-faced and smiling as She defeats the buffalo demon. The latter symbolizes that egoistic force of maya (the everyday world) which deludes individuals and keeps them from knowing their innate nature as god. Durga, the fierce and creative shakti aspect of Godhead, incarnates to restore order in the world and peace in the heart of suffering devotees in any time of crisis.

> > Previously Arwinder had mentioned that sometimes Shri Mataji's > tiger is seen lying beside Her Throne, but not every time he visits > Her. > > i never recorded it as there was nothing unusual about it.> > Then on July 13, 1998, at 11.25 a.m. 8-year-old Arwinder told me > that he actually sat on Shri Mataji's tiger. i was a bit taken aback> and wrote down what he told me:> Arwinder may very well have mistaken a lion for a tiger and i have yet to clarify this with him. .......................... or it may yet be a tiger after all. i forgot to mention that he has even seen Shri Durga Devi Herself mounting Her steed, and has seen Her multi-armed form:

Question: "Was Shri Mataji sitting on the tiger or not?"

Arwinder: "Yeah, sometimes. Not all the time."

Question: "How many hands does Shri Mataji have?"

Arwinder: "She can have two, four, six, eight."

Question: "You mean She got different hands at different times?"

Arwinder: "Yeah, She can have two, four. You jump like two, four, six, eight. Not like three, five, like that."


















Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi






“So today I’ve decided to have Mahamaya Puja. I have never talked about Mahamaya, as it is not to be talked or told it’s a secret, as they say. Is the basic of Sahaja Yoga, I should say because is described when the Goddess comes in the Sahasrara, the Shakti, She is Mahamaya. ‘Sahasrara hai Mahamaya,’ already described. She has to be the Mahamaya means She should camouflage Herself fully. Nobody should be able to know Her as the Goddess, to begin with, and even if they get realization they should not reach to the end of it. There are many reasons for that.The first thing, the job. The job of Mahamaya was to give Realization. . . . Now this work, difficult work of giving Realization to others is very intricate. It

has to work out in such a manner that nobody feels that it is done by some great personality or with a great awe or fear. So the Mahamaya Incarnation has to come, that people can come closer.Also, it has one advantage, very great advantage is that when a simple person who’s just a housewife starts giving Realization, people are flabbergasted. Also they think, "If she can do it, why not we do it? After all, she’s just an ordinary housewife. So, it’s all right. If she can do something, we can also do it."So they have self-confidence and, being a Mother, She does Her loving part, Her compassion, but the greatest is the patience. You see, none of them had so much patience, all these Incarnations who came. You see how they disappeared from this Mother Earth quickly, I’d say, by some excuse or other but I had to stay. I don’t know how long, but it has to be done up to a point this work of giving Realization. . . .But now, what is the purpose? As I told you, is

that I could come close to you and I need not, sort of, fill you with fear or oddness, or even a feeling that I am not a human being. I behave exactly like human being, I react exactly like human beings and all these Powers are hidden within Myself. Unless and until you are a Realized soul, you won’t understand. Whatever you may do, you won’t understand.Or maybe in the previous life you had your Realization or maybe also you have done such tremendous punyas that you can recognize. There are people like that who have done it.But to make it more, sort of, congenial to you is to become absolutely a human being. So I married. I have children. I have grandchildren and I do shopping, as you see. People are surprised how I take Coca-Cola. I’m not supposed to take Coca-Cola? Or I eat popcorn. They’re surprised. But I have to be just like you. But inside I am not. Outside I am."


Shri Pustih Devi (Pustih [444th]: Nourishment. It is She who nourishes the Jiva — annam Brahmeti vyajanat (Tai-Up. 3.2). ‘Know food as Brahman.’)



“The main problem we have is how to imbibe this within our personality that we are facing this kind of an Incarnation, that we are born in such an era which is very important. It is a very special Time."

Shri Durgama DeviDurgama (189th): Hard to approach


The problems plaguing SYs today are far more serious than what She told us years ago. When an incarnation like the Adi Shakti tells us there is a problem it goes without saying that for humans that there is a crisis. And when She says we have an enormous responsibility to humanity it goes without saying that She is not talking about the subtle system. This very special Time is the Last Judgment and Resurrection.One severe handicap is that we have leaders, coordinators and senior SYs who do not have the conviction and character to instill valor and fearlessness in us. (Except for a few, including those who have written books, the rest have miserably failed to perform their Dharma.)i do not blame the rank and file because, fearing a public backlash and mass media attack on Shri Mataji and Sahaja Yoga, they even prevent others from doing their duty. All these decades we have been led by cowards who

fear telling the Truth. When our leaders are so afraid why shouldn't Her foot soldiers imbibe their lack of courage?Thus Amma continues to make inroads in her bid to be the Divine Mother. Her brave devotees continue to take giant strides in announcing her advent to the outside world while SYs continue to cower by feebly shoebeating Amma in our collective caves.

Maybe some of you may think i am over-reacting. Let me give your an example of their conviction that she is the Divine Mother:"Ammachi is always describing the universe as existing as a bubble within Her. So when I read the line .... vyoma samaana madhyamayutaaM...(whose abdomen is comparable to thesky) I understood it to mean that the universe (the sky) exists within Her belly, in other words, all of existence resides within Her. The walls of the stomach would appear like the sky as the furthest boundries of the universe that we could see.This may be an incorrect translation of the sanskrit, as there is probably a different word for universe than sky (my ignorance.)However, when I am in a state of very clear connection with Devi, I often feel as if I am inside Her, I see my house, myself driving to work, my relationships with other people,

all as a little drama playing out inside of Her Unfathomable body. The abdomen is the center of the body, so when the universe is in Her abdomen it resides in the center of the Divine Mother."Yes, the universe now resides in Amma's abdomen and there is nothing SYs can do about it .......................... except, of course, harness the awe-inspiring powers of a sturdy shoe!SY leaders have had their heads in the sand for a long time now. They seem to have lost touch with the pace false gurus have utilized this technologically-advanced world to their advantage, especially the awesome power of the Internet. Instead of using the exclusive knowledge about the Sahasrara, Adi Shakti, Last Judgment and Resurrection (Al-Qiyamah) to attract seekers, official Sahaja Yoga sites are now hopelessly lost amongst thousands of subtle system websites.Sai Baba became Bhagwan because his devotees

advertised him to be just that. Amma is now the Divine Mother of choice because her devotees are beginning to proclaim so. Many of Amma's devotees are well-financed, intelligent and convinced professionals compared to SYs. They know that for their guru to succeed Amma must be projected as the Divine Mother, as Shri Lalita, the Devi, the Shakti of All. And they have vigorously pursued this end since 1999, and it is beginning to pay handsome dividends.The longer they continue the much harder will it become in future for SYs to convince others that Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is indeed the Divine Mother, as Shri Lalita, the Devi, the Shakti of All. Once seekers are won over it becomes a very difficult task to sway them back. (And i have no idea how more harder that will become if Shri Mataji ever leaves Earth soon.)It is time for senior SYs, leaders and coordinator to venture out of their collective caves and assess the dire straits they are steering the Sahaja Yoga ship

into by their lack of vision and foresight. i am telling so because there is an abyss not far from today. They should know that it takes considerable time to turn a ship around. Do it while the physical Adi Shakti is still around because the prevailing belief amongst the majority of SYs if She is also within our Sahasraras remains highly controversial at best. So don't be surprised if Amma also occupies the Thousand-petaled Lotus ....................... and ride tigers as well!jagbir














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shriadishakti , jagbir singh

<adishakti_org> wrote:


> Thus Amma continues to make inroads in her bid to be the Divine

> Mother. Her brave devotees continue to take giant strides in

> announcing her advent to the outside world while SYs continue to

> cower by feebly shoebeating Amma in our collective caves.


> Maybe some of you may think i am over-reacting. Let me give your an

> example of their conviction that she is the Divine Mother:


> " Ammachi is always describing the universe as existing as a bubble

> within Her. So when I read the line .... vyoma samaana

> madhyamayutaaM...(whose abdomen is comparable to the

> sky) I understood it to mean that the universe (the sky) exists

> within Her belly, in other words, all of existence resides within

> Her. The walls of the stomach would appear like the sky as the

> furthest boundries of the universe that we could see.


> This may be an incorrect translation of the sanskrit, as there is

> probably a different word for universe than sky (my ignorance.)


> However, when I am in a state of very clear connection with Devi, I

> often feel as if I am inside Her, I see my house, myself driving to

> work, my relationships with other people, all as a little drama

> playing out inside of Her Unfathomable body. The abdomen is the

> center of the body, so when the universe is in Her abdomen it

> resides in the center of the Divine Mother. "



> Yes, the universe now resides in Amma's abdomen and there is

> nothing SYs can do about it .......................... except, of

> course, harness the awe-inspiring powers of a sturdy shoe!


> SY leaders have had their heads in the sand for a long time now.

> They seem to have lost touch with the pace false gurus have

> utilized this technologically-advanced world to their advantage,

> especially the awesome power of the Internet. Instead of using the

> exclusive knowledge about the Sahasrara, Adi Shakti, Last Judgment

> and Resurrection (Al-Qiyamah) to attract seekers, official Sahaja

> Yoga sites are now hopelessly lost amongst thousands of subtle

> system websites.


> Sai Baba became Bhagwan because his devotees advertised him to be

> just that. Amma is now the Divine Mother of choice because her

> devotees are beginning to proclaim so. Many of Amma's devotees are

> well-financed, intelligent and convinced professionals compared to

> SYs. They know that for their guru to succeed Amma must be

> projected as the Divine Mother, as Shri Lalita, the Devi, the

> Shakti of All. And they have vigorously pursued this end since

> 1999, and it is beginning to pay handsome dividends.


> The longer they continue the much harder will it become in future

> for SYs to convince others that Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is indeed

> the Divine Mother, as Shri Lalita, the Devi, the Shakti of All.

> Once seekers are won over it becomes a very difficult task to sway

> them back. (And i have no idea how more harder that will become if

> Shri Mataji ever leaves Earth soon.)


> It is time for senior SYs, leaders and coordinator to venture out

> of their collective caves and assess the dire straits they are

> steering the Sahaja Yoga ship into by their lack of vision and

> foresight. i am telling so because there is an abyss not far from

> today. They should know that it takes considerable time to turn a

> ship around. Do it while the physical Adi Shakti is still around

> because the prevailing belief amongst the majority of SYs if She is

> also within our Sahasraras remains highly controversial at best. So

> don't be surprised if Amma also occupies the Thousand-petaled

> Lotus ....................... and ride tigers as well!




An interview with Mata Amritanandamayi

by Amy Edelstein (What Is Enlightenment Magazine)


Young and old, married and single, male and female, wealthy,

impoverished, beautiful, crippled, suspicious, crazy and

sincere—all are welcomed without exception. And as she embraces

each one, chanting softly " Ma, Ma, Ma, Ma " in each person's ear, the

transmission of compassion coming from her is one steady stream that

never ebbs, never wavers, and her shining face never registers even

the slightest trace of preference or fear regardless of who kneels

before her.


They say that Ammachi is an avatar, an incarnation of the Divine on

earth. They say that her ego has been completely destroyed, that all

vestiges of identification with a separate sense of self have been

annihilated. They say when she looks out, she sees only one Self in

everyone. ......


She also fulfills a world travel and teaching schedule that keeps all

of her closest devotees on the brink of exhaustion and has inspired

numerous charitable works—ambitious projects that have tangibly

uplifted thousands of people's lives, including a brand-new, state-of-

the-art $55 million, 800-bed heart transplant hospital, an orphanage

for 600 children, 5,000 free houses for the poor and one of the

finest computer colleges in her native state of Kerala.



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shriadishakti , jagbir singh

<adishakti_org> wrote:


> Sai Baba became Bhagwan because his devotees advertised him to be

> just that. Amma is now the Divine Mother of choice because her

> devotees are beginning to proclaim so. Many of Amma's devotees are

> well-financed, intelligent and convinced professionals compared to

> SYs. They know that for their guru to succeed Amma must be

> projected as the Divine Mother, as Shri Lalita, the Devi, the

> Shakti of All. And they have vigorously pursued this end since

> 1999, and it is beginning to pay handsome dividends.


> The longer they continue the much harder will it become in future

> for SYs to convince others that Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is indeed

> the Divine Mother, as Shri Lalita, the Devi, the Shakti of All.

> Once seekers are won over it becomes a very difficult task to sway

> them back. (And i have no idea how more harder that will become if

> Shri Mataji ever leaves Earth soon.)


> It is time for senior SYs, leaders and coordinator to venture out

> of their collective caves and assess the dire straits they are

> steering the Sahaja Yoga ship into by their lack of vision and

> foresight. i am telling so because there is an abyss not far from

> today. They should know that it takes considerable time to turn a

> ship around. Do it while the physical Adi Shakti is still around

> because the prevailing belief amongst the majority of SYs if She is

> also within our Sahasraras remains highly controversial at best. So

> don't be surprised if Amma also occupies the Thousand-petaled

> Lotus ....................... and ride tigers as well!




" One way to circumvent this problem of saying sahasranaama (for

Satish's friend) is to meet saint or teacher and get the

sahasranaama book blessed by them. There is a teacher, who is

pure as Gold, brahma jnAni, embodiment of compassion, who is

accessible to all irrespective of the caste, creed, race, and

anything, She can help you. I am talking about Mata

Amritanandamayii. Words are inadequate to describe Her greatness,

one could say She is God in visible form. BTW I am not Her

disciple in the strictest sense of the word, but I am indeed as

She is my mother. You can probably meet Her and get a

sahasranaama book blessed by Her. I did that in 1996. After I got

the book blessed, (with enormous help from my wife Saraswathy), I

could not only learn and pronounce correctly, I even memorized it

to a great extent. I dont think yogini-s will curse Her for

blessing a non shriividya initiate. If they do they will be

contradicting the sahasranaama maahachatushshashhTiko

Diyoginiiganasevitaa. This is my faith.


One advantage you have is She travels all over the world and She

accessible to all. She says no to none and receives all with the

love of God. But one thing I should warn you :-) She is very

addictive, after knowing Her, seeing Her, you will be helplessly

in love with Her. But that love has a benefit. The moment the

thought " I love Her " crosses my mind, waves of joy roll in my

Heart and I feel instantly purified. "


Amma's devotee

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shriadishakti , jagbir singh

<adishakti_org> wrote:


> Sai Baba became Bhagwan because his devotees advertised him

> to be just that. Amma is now the Divine Mother of choice

> because her devotees are beginning to proclaim so. Many of

> Amma's devotees are well-financed, intelligent and convinced

> professionals compared to SYs. They know that for their guru to

> succeed Amma must be projected as the Divine Mother, as Shri

> Lalita, the Devi, the Shakti of All. And they have vigorously

> pursued this end since 1999, and it is beginning to pay handsome

> dividends.


> The longer they continue the much harder will it become in future

> for SYs to convince others that Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is

> indeed the Divine Mother, as Shri Lalita, the Devi, the Shakti of

> All. Once seekers are won over it becomes a very difficult task to

> sway them back. (And i have no idea how more harder that will

> become if Shri Mataji ever leaves Earth soon.)


> It is time for senior SYs, leaders and coordinator to venture out

> of their collective caves and assess the dire straits they are

> steering the Sahaja Yoga ship into by their lack of vision and

> foresight. i am telling so because there is an abyss not far from

> today. They should know that it takes considerable time to turn a

> ship around. Do it while the physical Adi Shakti is still around

> because the prevailing belief amongst the majority of SYs if She

> is also within our Sahasraras remains highly controversial at

> best. So don't be surprised if Amma also occupies the Thousand-

> petaled Lotus ....................... and ride tigers as well!




Amma's devotees are now claiming that their guru once saw a vision of

the Divine Mother when she was young, and that is the reason she is

also Her incarnation. They are now using this single unverified claim

of a 'vision' to stake their claim that Amma is the Shakti.


A vision is nothing compared to going into the Sahasrara to meet the

Devi in person. Yet Amma's devotees are using just a single vision to

claim she is divine, and Shri Lalita Devi as well.


So how are SYs going to stop increasing number of seekers joining

Amma and claiming her to be the Divine Mother, as Shri Lalita? i mean

do they have strategy to prevent Amma from claiming the title of

Divine Mother, the Adi Shakti, Shri Lalita, the Maha-Devi, the Shakti

of All? (Maybe i should ask if, in the first place, should we SYs

even admit we have a problem that needs serious attention?)


Well, there is nothing SYs can do because they started losing those

opportunities 30 years ago when Shri Mataji was the only Divine

Mother and trying to establish Herself. ............ and the rut

continues. The situation is getting from bad to worse as Amma's

devotees add more titles, divinity and 'evidence' that she is truly

the Devi. .......... exactly the modus operandi of Sai Baba when he

set up shop.


Unlike Amma's devotees, those early SYs time and again squandered

numerous chances of laying the groundwork and foundation for the

future. Unlike Amma's devotees, they did not have the courage to

publicly repeat those loud, bravado proclamations and pledges during

private meeting, seminars and pujas.


So now Amma is already established and will continue to consolidate

her ever-growing popularity. Just check the press reports:


" It's good that we have someone in the world who expresses what true

religion is all about, which is true love. " Asked what motivates her,

Amma replied " What is the motivation of a river? It just flows. "


- Seattle Times, 2003



" Those receiving Amma's blessing refused to fit any one group. The

elderly, the handicapped, mothers, babies, and in some cases whole

families knelt before her. Amma does not preach but hopes that people

find renewed faith in their own path. Amma encourages women to take a

more defining role in society and men should try to awaken the

compassionate feelings in themselves. "


- The Hawk Eye Newspaper, 2003



" It was a magnificent experience, and I'm not a believer, " said Geane

Thompson, who had just embraced Amma for the first time. " I can't put

this feeling into words. It's like when you meditate. You have to

experience it yourself. "


- MSNBC News, 2002



" In France Catholic nuns come to her, in Japan Zen Buddhist monks

come, Amma is universal " . She says " " I seek to give and give and

give, to personally wipe away tears through selfless love, compassion

and service. I seek to fill the people with ... love " . In her travels

she has sucked poison from a leper's lesions in India, cradled AIDS

patients in San Francisco, hugged tough New York cops and embraced

movie stars with equal energy and concern. "


- Reuters, 2001



" She greeted each with a warm smile and outstretched arms. Each

darshan resembled an embrace between two old friends who hadn't seen

each other in years. She began her spiritual endeavors as a young

woman, encouraging others to social service and to express love for

others. Later she started a program in which people could go to her

and receive her blessing -- a hug, or darshan. " I can't

explain....It's an uplifting feeling.'' said Zack Kurland, 28, of New

York. "


- NY Times, 2001



" Known worldwide simply as Amma or Ammachi, the spiritual leader and

humanitarian from southern India hugs for hours and hours, cradling

adults like babies, whispering comforting words and showering them

with rose petals and, as a sweet offering, Hershey's Kisses. For 25

years, Amma's spiritual hugs and charitable works, including

orphanages, women's shelters, hospices and vocational education

programs for the poor, have helped her to become what many Hindus and

non-Hindus consider a living saint. "


- Los Angeles Times, 2000



" After a long wait, the devotees were finally granted a 'darshan'

with 'Mata', who benevolently embraced them. The long wait made the

meeting seem so momentous that the devotees felt as if they had had a

revelation. Some were reduced to tears. "


- The Times of India, 1998



i know some SYs are going to protest this advertisement of Amma and

feel disgusted. In their helplessness and dislike of global reality

they prefer to remain in the bliss of ignorance. They should know

this forum is not to hype and high-five mediocre achievements but to

establish a groundwork of conscientious, convinced and fearless ganas

who will in future be the numerous arms of the Shakti within. But

first She has to separate the useless priestly chaff from the

wholesome mystical wheat.


So those who understand this ever growing negativity which will prove

a formidable force in future (read: Sai Baba) should be concerned and

question the steps taken to counter it. Already it is so difficult to

sell the subtle system of Sahaja Yoga because of cut-throat

competition from burgeoning number of teachers and professionals

cashing in on the yoga craze (all the more reason and evidence that

SYs have failed to convince seekers and will continue to fail).


With Amma a zestful spiritual force at 53 years that has just begun

her stride, and Shri Mataji aging and unable to continue at 81 years,

nothing has been done by our leaders/coordinators to check this

redoubtable force that will one day give immense problems. i just

cannot believe that our leaders in particular, and SYs in general,

are so unconcerned and laid back as they have been in the past. If

they have failed and refused for 30 years to project Shri Mataji as

the Maha-Devi what will ever give them the confidence and faith once

Shri Mataji is gone?


What is truly unfathomable is why certain SYs have ever since 1993

actively colluded to destroy the only evidence that Shri Mataji is

the Adi Shakti, the Maha-Devi, Shri Lalita, the Shakti of All in the

Sahasrara. These elements continue to suppress the only proof they

will ever have that Shri Mataji is the Divine Mother, but cannot and

do not lift a finger to stop Amma from staking her claim.


But for how long can they sustain their campaign? Just like Yogi

Mahajan, sooner or later She will overcome all obstacles. As Shri

Mahamaya has said:


" The Truth which is Absolute has to express itself in these


times. And even if it is not accepted it will never die. On the

contrary, if it is not accepted, it will expose all falsehood and

destroy it! "




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shriadishakti , " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:


> They should know this forum is not to hype and high-five mediocre

> achievements but to establish a groundwork of conscientious,

> convinced and fearless ganas who will in future be the numerous

> arms of the Shakti within. But first She has to separate the

> useless priestly chaff from the wholesome mystical wheat....


> What is truly unfathomable is why certain SYs have ever since 1993

> actively colluded to destroy the only evidence that Shri Mataji is

> the Adi Shakti, the Maha-Devi, Shri Lalita, the Shakti of All in

> the Sahasrara. These elements continue to suppress the only proof

> they will ever have that Shri Mataji is the Divine Mother, but

> cannot and do not lift a finger to stop Amma from staking her

> claim.


> But for how long can they sustain their campaign? Just like Yogi

> Mahajan, sooner or later She will overcome all obstacles.




" Only those who go deep in the source discover the Golden Goddess

that resides within. Her touch enlightens and enthralls the total

being. It is indeed the miracle of miracles. This miracle resides in

every being. The wise pursue it, the scriptures speak of it, and the

saints glory in its praise. "


Ex-world leader Yogi Mahajan,

The Ascent, Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, Delhi, 1997 p. 4.




" They say that at Sahasrara when the Goddess will appear, She

will be Mahamaya. Is it possible to be anything else in the world of

today to come on this Earth? Any type of Incarnation could have been

in great trouble because human beings in their ego are highest in

Kali Yuga. So they are quite stupid and they are capable of doing any

kind of harm or violence to a Divine personality. It is not at all

possible to exist in this world as anything else than Mahamaya . . .

It has no power or any intention of giving you wrong ideas or

something that is false. It is there whatever, it is Truth.


So in a way to say that Mahamaya is the one which deludes is

wrong . . . I need not be before you; I can be just here in Nirakar,

in Formless, but how to communicate; how to have a rapport. For that,

one has to come in the form of Mahamaya so that there is no fear,

there is no distance — one can come close and understand, because

if this Knowledge has to be given, if Realization has to be given,

people have to at least sit before the Mahamaya. Otherwise, if they

all run away, what's the use? To create that extremely human

personality in Sahasrara She comes as Mahamaya. "


Shri Turya Devi

Mahamaya's Doings, Sahasrara Puja, Cabella, Italy — May 8, 1994


Turya (262nd): The Fourth. This state is beyond the three states

mentioned above (259. Taijasatmika; 260. Supta; and 261 Prajnatmika).

This has to be gone into by conscious efforts only, from wakeful

state. Here the mind has no ideation, neither sees, nor hears nor

knows anything and is called Bhuma.




" Now one must learn how to improve Sahasrara itself. You must

know the presiding Deity of the Sahasrara very well . . . But this

Deity has to be established first into the heart. Now you are very

lucky people that you have the Deity in person with you. The people

who got Realization before I came on this Earth had to imagine the

Deities. And in that imagination they were never perfect. But as they

say that at Sahasrara She is Mahamaya; that is how it is described.

So if you see that Person you may not be knowing fully that Person,

or in a perfect way, or a complete way. Because Mahamaya Shakti is

much greater than your imagination. That is why one has to surrender.

With your limited imagination, or brain, you can not see the

Deity. "


Shri Sadgati-Prada Devi

The New Era, Mahasahasrara Puja, Rouen, France — May 5, 1984


Sadgati-Prada (201st): Here `Sat' means Truth, a good path.

She leads devotees to the highest status or Reality, which is Herself.

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shriadishakti , " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:


> They should know this forum is not to hype and high-five mediocre

> achievements but to establish a groundwork of conscientious,

> convinced and fearless ganas who will in future be the numerous

> arms of the Shakti within. But first She has to separate the

> useless priestly chaff from the wholesome mystical wheat.




" This grand vision (that She is subject to no male consort and,

subject to none, She is the Shakti of all) is proclaimed in the

spiritual counsel of the Great Goddess to her special devotee, the

Mountain King Himalaya, in the midst of an assembly of gods. While

the gods, having just lost their celestial kingdoms to the demon

Taraka, take refuge in the Goddess to regain their worldly fortunes,

Himalaya, the model of supreme devotion, seeks spiritual insight for

its own sake. He queries the Devi about her true nature and her

relation to the world, as well as the means to attain the final goal

of human existence, union with the Goddess herself. Since the World

Mother is anxious to satisfy the desires of all her children, she

heeds the self-interested pleas of the gods, as well as the more

mystical yearnings of the Mountain King. She provides both mundane

pleasures and final liberation, or bhukti and mukti in the

traditional Hindu terms. She turns aside no one who comes to her with

a devoted heart.


Her revelations to Himalaya and the gods include not only instruction

in cosmology and the several disciplines of yoga, but also the

gracious disclosure (darshan) of her own divine forms. She first

appears to the gods and Himalaya in a blinding flash of light that

represents the absolute or Brahman, whose nature is infinite being,

pure consciousness and everlasting bliss. As this brilliant

manifestation of the infinite spirit is beyond the comprehension of

mortal beings, including the gods, the Goddess soon emerges from the

lustrous orb of light in the form of the beautiful and beneficent

four-armed and feminine Bhuvansehvari, Ruler of the Universe. Her

four hands, holding a noose and goad and gesturing her beneficence

and assurance of safety, symbolize her eagerness to protect and

bestow worldly and spiritual gifts upon her devotees. Her third eye

points to her wisdom and constant vigilance for the welfare of her

children. The appearance of Bhuvaneshvari fully fits the expectations

of what the compassionate World Mother should look like, and her

sudden emergence soothes the disturbed minds of her devotees.


Later in the Devi Gita, while expounding on her essential unity with

the universe, the Goddess manifests her more terrifying, masculine

form as the world-devouring Cosmic Body known as Viraj

(the " Irradiant " ) composed of the diverse regions and elements of the

material realm. This horrific manifestation of the Goddess is harder

to reconcile with her more benign mode as nurturing World Mother,

thus causing the gods to swoon. Yet the Viraj emphasizes her total

sovereignty over the world cycle in all its phases: even the

destruction of the cosmos is at the pleasure of the Goddess. The

disclosures of these two divine forms, Bhuvaneshvari and Viraj,

suggestive of her androgynous nature, reinforce in dramatic fashion

the spiritual teachings of the Goddess.


Less well known than the Bhagavad Gita (The Song of Lord Krishna)

both in India and the West, the Devi Gita nonetheless serves, for

certain Hindus who see reality primarily in terms of a divine and

beneficent mother, as the supreme scripture, complementing and

completing others. Indeed, the Goddess herself in the Devi Gita

frequently quotes from the Bhagavad Gita, as well as from other Hindu

scriptures such as the Upanishads and Puranas, but with the

understanding that all such passages point to her as the absolute.

Thus the Goddess does not deny the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita,

but rather assimilates them into a new perspective. This is seen

clearly, for instance, in Devi's proclamation of her avataric

mission, set forth in words similar to those of Krishna in the

Bhgavad Gita (4.7). The Goddess declares, " Whenever there is a

decline in righteousness, O Mountain, And a rising up of

unrighteousness, then I assume various guises " (9.22cd-9.23ab). The

various guises are the diverse forms she adopts to descend into the

world to reestablish cosmic and social order. Implicit in her words

is the idea that Krishna himself is merely one of these guises.

Likewise, the image of the Viraj in the Devi Gita is a synthesis of

the cosmic form of Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita and of Vishnu in the

Bhagavata Purana. "


The Song of the Goddess

The Devi Gita: Spiritual Counsel Of The Great Goddess

(C. Mackenzie Brown, State University of N.Y. Press, 2002, pg. 1-4)

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shriadishakti , "jagbir singh"<adishakti_org> wrote:>> They should know this forum is not to hype and high-five mediocre> achievements but to establish a groundwork of conscientious,> convinced and fearless ganas who will in future be the numerous> arms of the Shakti within. But first She has to separate the> useless priestly chaff from the wholesome mystical wheat.>"This grand vision (that She is subject to no male consort and,subject to none, She is the Shakti of all) is proclaimed in thespiritual counsel of the Great

Goddess to her special devotee, theMountain King Himalaya, in the midst of an assembly of gods. Whilethe gods, having just lost their celestial kingdoms to the demonTaraka, take refuge in the Goddess to regain their worldly fortunes,Himalaya, the model of supreme devotion, seeks spiritual insight forits own sake. He queries the Devi about her true nature and herrelation to the world, as well as the means to attain the final goalof human existence, union with the Goddess herself. Since the WorldMother is anxious to satisfy the desires of all her children, sheheeds the self-interested pleas of the gods, as well as the moremystical yearnings of the Mountain King. She provides both mundanepleasures and final liberation, or bhukti and mukti in thetraditional Hindu terms. She turns aside no one who comes to her witha devoted heart.Her revelations to Himalaya and the gods include not only instructionin cosmology and the

several disciplines of yoga, but also thegracious disclosure (darshan) of her own divine forms. She firstappears to the gods and Himalaya in a blinding flash of light thatrepresents the absolute or Brahman, whose nature is infinite being,pure consciousness and everlasting bliss. As this brilliantmanifestation of the infinite spirit is beyond the comprehension ofmortal beings, including the gods, the Goddess soon emerges from thelustrous orb of light in the form of the beautiful and beneficentfour-armed and feminine Bhuvansehvari, Ruler of the Universe. Herfour hands, holding a noose and goad and gesturing her beneficenceand assurance of safety, symbolize her eagerness to protect andbestow worldly and spiritual gifts upon her devotees. Her third eyepoints to her wisdom and constant vigilance for the welfare of herchildren. The appearance of Bhuvaneshvari fully fits the expectationsof what the compassionate World Mother should

look like, and hersudden emergence soothes the disturbed minds of her devotees.Later in the Devi Gita, while expounding on her essential unity withthe universe, the Goddess manifests her more terrifying, masculineform as the world-devouring Cosmic Body known as Viraj(the "Irradiant") composed of the diverse regions and elements of thematerial realm. This horrific manifestation of the Goddess is harderto reconcile with her more benign mode as nurturing World Mother,thus causing the gods to swoon. Yet the Viraj emphasizes her totalsovereignty over the world cycle in all its phases: even thedestruction of the cosmos is at the pleasure of the Goddess. Thedisclosures of these two divine forms, Bhuvaneshvari and Viraj,suggestive of her androgynous nature, reinforce in dramatic fashionthe spiritual teachings of the Goddess.Less well known than the Bhagavad Gita (The Song of Lord Krishna)both in India and the West, the Devi

Gita nonetheless serves, forcertain Hindus who see reality primarily in terms of a divine andbeneficent mother, as the supreme scripture, complementing andcompleting others. Indeed, the Goddess herself in the Devi Gitafrequently quotes from the Bhagavad Gita, as well as from other Hinduscriptures such as the Upanishads and Puranas, but with theunderstanding that all such passages point to her as the absolute.Thus the Goddess does not deny the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita,but rather assimilates them into a new perspective. This is seenclearly, for instance, in Devi's proclamation of her avataricmission, set forth in words similar to those of Krishna in theBhgavad Gita (4.7). The Goddess declares, "Whenever there is adecline in righteousness, O Mountain, And a rising up ofunrighteousness, then I assume various guises" (9.22cd-9.23ab). Thevarious guises are the diverse forms she adopts to descend into theworld to reestablish

cosmic and social order. Implicit in her wordsis the idea that Krishna himself is merely one of these guises.Likewise, the image of the Viraj in the Devi Gita is a synthesis ofthe cosmic form of Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita and of Vishnu in theBhagavata Purana."The Song of the GoddessThe Devi Gita: Spiritual Counsel Of The Great Goddess(C. Mackenzie Brown, State University of N.Y. Press, 2002, pg. 1-4)














Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi






“Shri Krishna has said, "Give up all your Dharmas and surrender to Me — surrender to My Dharma only.". . . Shri Krishna is not there. It’s Me who is Shri Krishna." Sri Govindarupini Devi

(Govindarupini [276th]: Of the form of Govinda or Visnu. The second of the powers of Prakrti as woman is Visnu according to Narada in Harivamsa.)












Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi









“Krishna said, "Sarva Dharmanam parityajya mamekam sharanam vraja" — Forget all the religions of the world. Religion doesn’t mean, it does not mean the religions like Hindu, Christian, Muslim but He was meaning all the sustenance. "Forget all the sustenance and completely dedicate to Me." . . .Of course there is no difference between Him and Me. But today I am the One. I am the One who has given you Realization." Shri Kaivalya-pada-dayini DeviU.K. — July 31, 1982

(Kaivalya-pada-dayini (625th): She confers on the devotees the pure, undiffentiated state of Kaivalya. Yogasutra 4, chapter 33 describes ‘Kaivalya’ as the establishment in its own nature of the power of consciousness. The devotees of Kamakala who find no distinction between the object of worship — Devata, and the individual Self attain the state of ’Kaivalya-Pada’ or the state of Brahman.)











Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi









“Today is the nineteenth Sahasrara Day, if you count the day the Sahasrara was opened as the first. I have to tell you the story about the Sahasrara Day, about which it was decided long time back, before I incarnated. They had a big meeting in the heavens. All the thirty-five crores of gods, the Deities, were there present to decide what is to be done. This is the ultimate that we have to do to human beings — to open their Sahasrara, to open their awareness to the Spirit, to the real Knowledge of the Divine, to remove the darkness of ignorance. And it had to be spontaneously because it has to work the living force of God. Also it had

to be very quick.So all the Gods requested that I, the Adi Shakti, has to take the birth. They all tried their best. They did whatever was possible. The saints were made by them but very few. They incarnated and people made religions out of them which were perverted and brought them a bad name. No Reality in those religions. These religions were money oriented or power-oriented. There was no Divine Force working, actually it was all anti-divine. How to now turn human beings away from these superficial religions, these perverted paths of destruction? How to tell them about all these established organizations? For ages they have been ruling, making money, making power.It was a tremendous task; it had to be done with great patience and Love. It was very delicate work also because they believed in those religions — innocent people, simple people — to blast them that this is all nonsense, they are not religions, they are

against the Incarnations, against all the prophets, against all the saints. That's why all the real saints had to suffer. It's a powerful work that was to be done, and that's why the Adi Shakti had to take birth on this Earth." Shri Tamopaha DeviFregene, Italy — May 8, 1988

(Tamopaha (361st): Remover of Ignorance.)






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shriadishakti , " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:


> i know some SYs are going to protest this advertisement of Amma and

> feel disgusted. In their helplessness and dislike of global reality

> they prefer to remain in the bliss of ignorance. They should know

> this forum is not to hype and high-five mediocre achievements but

> to establish a groundwork of conscientious, convinced and fearless

> ganas who will in future be the numerous arms of the Shakti within.

> But first She has to separate the useless priestly chaff from the

> wholesome mystical wheat.




by Rita Smith


" By you this universe is borne, By you this world is created, O Devi,

by you it is protected. " (Devi-Mahatmya).


Throughout India, devotees honour Devi in their temples and at

wayside shrines. Flowers garland her image with brightness, the light

of countless lamps illuminate her presence and the blood of thousands

of animals stains the stones of her altars crimson.


The Goddess is older than time, yet time itself. She is formless, yet

to be found in all forms. Her presence is in all things, yet she

transcends all things. She is ever-changing, yet eternally

changeless. She is both the womb from which all life flows forth and

the tomb to which all life returns. Devi the Shining One source of

the life-giving powers of the universe, who is experienced by her

ecstatic worshippers as the Primal Cause and Mother of the World.





Pre-dating the patriarchal Male Trinity by thousands of years, the

Goddess was once worshipped throughout the ancient world. Now, only

in India does her cult remain widespread and part of a vibrant,

living tradition in which her presence empowers and stirs the hearts

of her devotees with adoration and devotion.


The veneration of Devi can be traced as far back as 20,000 BC. A bone

image of the Great Mother was discovered at Mirzapur in Uttar Pradesh

dating back to that period. She was also revered at Harappa and

Mohenjo-Daro in the Indus Valley from 2,500 BC.


Closely associated with the land itself, villagers in rural India

paid tribute to the Earth Goddess, adorning branches of trees and

placing shrines within them which carried her image. Smooth, oval-

shaped stones also marked her sacred sites.


Women were her channels and it was through them her rituals were

performed, rites for the dead and ceremonies to promote fertility and

fruitfulness of the land.


The Goddess reigned supreme until the patriarchal Aryans invaded the

country in 1500 BC. The Harappan culture declined as these nomadic

herding people initiated a new age in which their male Gods became

predominent. But the worship of Devi could not be entirely

suppressed. It was absorbed and transformed to accommodate the new



The Goddess became united in a Divine Marriage with the Gods of the

Male Trinity: Sarasvati with Brahma, Lakshmi with Vishnu, and

Parvati, Kali and Durga with Siva. Once given a priestly blessing,

veneration of the Goddess as the God's consort was incorporated in

the regular rituals. As Sakti, she became the powerful spiritual

energy without which the God was unable to act.





The Goddess is multi-faceted, known by myriad names and personified

in many forms. As well as responding to the names of Parvati,

Lakshmi, Sarasvati and Sakti, she also manifests under the titles of

Gauri, Uma, Sati, Aditi, Maya, Ganga, Prakriti, Gayatri, Tara,

Minaksi, Mahadevi, Kundalini, Durga, Kali, Chamunda and in many other



The great mountain peaks of the Himalayas Annapurna, Nanda Devi and

Chomo-Lung-Ma (known to Westerners as the world's highest mountain,

Everest) all testify to her divine presence.

Like the facets of a diamond, these varying forms of the Great

Universal Energy that is Devi are merely reflections of the countless

aspects that make the whole, the Absolute.



Creator and Preserver


As Virgin and Mother, the Goddess is considered to be the very spring

from which every kind of love flows into the world. From the vast

ocean of her being the morphogenetic field that produces all forms

the Goddess gives birth to all living things. The pouring forth of

this love-energy from her timeless, formless source into the field of

time constitutes a sacred mystery.


Representations of the Goddess as a crouching woman giving birth to

the manifold forms of her creation can be found in Indian art. As the

Sky-Goddess Aditi, she pervades all space and is mother to the Gods

so revered by the Indo-Aryans.


Maya the Sanskrit word for " magic " and " illusion " describes her role

as the originator of all material things, all that is perceptible to

the senses.


Displaying the protective and maternal side of her nature, she revels

in her multitudinous manifestations and joyfully embraces the bounty

of her gifts. Sculptures adorning Hindu temples frequently depict the

Virgin Goddess as a young, beautiful and voluptuous woman. Sometimes

she stands on her own, at others she is paired with her God-consort.


As Earth Mother, she is also a deity closely associated with Nature

and fertility. Images of her priestesses, the Yoginis and Saktas,

often incorporate organic forms such as branches or vines,

symbolising Nature in its most instinctive form, proliferous and

fruitful. Plants, leaves and flowers are commonly used in Indian

medicine and, when they appear in portrayals of the Earth Mother they

are considered to reflect the magical powers with which she is



Although on one level, her naked body signifies the physical beauty

and attraction of the Eternal Feminine, it also symbolises the

discarding of illusion and, therefore, freedom from attachment.


Adorned with jewels and ornaments, she represents all that is

precious. She alone is the eternal jewel whose brilliance encompasses

and illuminates the universe.


Carved images of the Goddess and her Yoginis formulate the visual

language which conveys the essence of the philosophy lying at the

core of her worship, which is so little understood by most

Westerners. Gazing at sculptures depicting the joyous physical

expression of love, they tend to miss the symbolism of the divine

ecstasy associated with the union of male and female energies that

transcend, transform and liberate the soul from the wheel of karma.


One of the most ancient cults of the Goddess is that of Sarasvati,

who is both worshipped as a sacred river of the same name and as the

instigator and protectress of the spoken word, as well as all

intellectual and artistic pursuits.


One of the most recent forms of her manifestation is that of Bharat

Mata, Mother India, a militant aspect of the Goddess that is much

concerned with the cause of Hindu nationalism.


Another manifestation is that of the beneficent Lakshmi, bringer of

prosperity and abundance. During the autumn festival of Diwali,

people all over the country light lamps in her honour to guide her

into their homes.


The Goddess is also revered as Sati the pre-Vedic Virgin Bride who

epitomises the loyal and virtuous wife who is faithful to her husband

even unto death. This idea of wifely perfection is dear to the Indian

way of thinking. Although in a metaphysical sense it means Sati is

totally at one with her own true being, it is also an ethical

concept. Sadly, the idea of the " perfect wife " who is faithful unto

death developed into the practice of suttee, in which a dutiful

spouse was expected to accompany her husband to the world beyond

through self-immolation voluntarily or otherwise in the flames of his

funeral pyre.


In her aspect of the Great Mother, Devi's devotees believe the

presence of the Goddess exists within all her creations. She is their

Mother. She gives them life. She nurtures them through her physical

manifestations and she is present in their times of need. Through her

worship, too, her devotees can transcend the world of illusion and

reach out to her true being.


To know the Goddess is to experience Being-Consciousness and bliss

itself. But Devi demands total surrender on the part of her followers

before she condescends to reveal herself in her divine state. Her

fervent devotees must learn to see her presence in all things. She

must become the bedrock and the meaning of their life. Then, and only

then, can they aspire to experience her blessings in their totality.



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