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Knowledge of Devi that Liberates

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shriadishakti , " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:



> i always have believed that the best and bravest of Her devotees

> are yet to be awakened. For many years i have been unable to

> overcome this awareness despite some senior SYs continue saying

> that those who are supposed to come into Sahaja Yoga are already

> Her devotees. But i know that is not the case and am convinced by

> this inner awareness that the best days of the Blossom Times are

> yet to come.


> Shri Mataji promised that Sahaja Yoga will be established before

> She leaves. i believe that She has begun the shift from Her

> temporary, external being to that of Her eternal, inner Self. As

> She ages we SYs should not only learn to meditate on Her in our

> Sahasraras but also seek guidance from within. This will take time

> and effort but sooner or later we will overcome any conditioning.


> Over the next two years or so i will post proof of what the Adi

> Shakti is within, how Shri Lalita operates and why the Maha-Devi is

> Omnipresent, Omniscient and Omnipotent - the Shakti. Future

> generations, free from all the present-day problems and subtle

> system pettiness, will advance to great heights. That is why i am

> sure that the best of the Blossom Time is yet to come. . . .


> However, there is one paramount and overriding fact that all must

> always remember in times of doubt. All of you only know from your

> collectives about the physical Shri Mataji who lives in Cabella,

> Italy. i am now telling you about the eternal Adi Shakti, the Maha-

> Devi, Shri Lalita, the Shakti of All who resides in the Sahasraras

> of all beings. The difference between the two is that of heaven and

> earth, even if they are One and the Same. New seekers and SYs may

> express doubts about Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi because of

> incompetence on the part of those chosen to uphold Her divinity and

> message.


> But under no circumstances will the same ineptitude be allowed to

> happen to the Shakti within. She will triumph with the help of

> those willing to stand up for Truth, as they had done over

> countless births. This forum awakens them again to rise to the Call

> of the Conch whose sound they have always responded faithfully time

> and again over countless births!




Knowledge of Devi that Liberates


" Both gitas (Devi Gita and Kapila Gita of the Bhagvata Purana)

also describe four grades of devotion according to the qualities

(gunas) of nature, a classification scheme derived from the Bhagavad

Gita. According to the Devi Gita, the first two grades, rooted in

ignorance (tamas) and passion (rajas), are practiced by those

intending harm to others and seeking their own well-being,

respectively. The third grade, arising from virtue (sattva), the

highest of the three qualities, is performed by those who surrender

the fruits of their actions to the Goddess out of a sense of duty and

in spirit of loving service. Such devotion is not supreme for it

still clings to false distinctions, but it does lead to the highest

devotion beyond all the qualities.


The supreme devotion is described in quite paradoxical terms. On the

one hand, it is characterized by total detachment, an absence of any

sense of difference between oneself and others including the Goddess,

and realization of the universality of pure consciousness. On the

other hand, it is typified by a sense of oneself as a servant and the

Devi as master, an eagerness to participate in pilgrimages to her

sacred sites, and a zeal to perform her ritual worship without regard

to cost. Especially paradoxical is the tension between the detached

devotion associated with the knowledge of the unity of all being, and

the ecstatic passion, accompanied by tears of joy and faltering

voice, manifest in worshipping the Goddess while singing her names

and dancing in enraptured self-abandonment. Again, while the supreme

devotion is characterized by indifference to all forms of liberation,

including mergence into the Devi, nonetheless, so the Goddess

declares, the fruit of such devotion is dissolution into her

essential nature. Such paradoxes reflect in many ways the long-

standing tension in the Hindu tradition between the ideal of

devotion, with its goal of loving service, and the ideal of

knowledge, with its goal of realizing absolute oneness.


Formally, the Devi Gita resolves the tension by insisting that

knowledge of the Goddess is the final goal of devotion, as well as of

dispassion. Devotion without knowledge will lead to the heavenly

paradise of the Goddess, the Jeweled Island, but no further. Dwelling

in the Jeweled Island, however, inevitably leads to liberating

knowledge of the pure consciousness that is the Goddess. Dispassion

without knowledge, incidentally, leads only to a virtuous birth. The

Devi insists that liberating knowledge can be attained here in this

world, while still living. Seeking such knowledge alone makes life

worthwhile, and the attainment of knowledge completely fulfils the

ultimate purpose of existence. "


The Song of the Goddess

The Devi Gita: Spiritual Counsel Of The Great Goddess

(C. Mackenzie Brown, State University of N.Y. Press, 2002, pg. 23-5)

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