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Like clarified butter hidden in milk, knowledge dwells in every being; 7.44

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> Despite all Her efforts and selfless devotion to complete the task,

> a most difficult duty which She accomplished years ago, we SYs

> continue to wonder why Sahaja Yoga is not spreading. We are still

> looking for answers and watch helplessly as modern gurus continue

> gathering hordes of swooning devotees and expand their bases. No

> one seems to know why despite years of brainstorming sessions and

> workshops.


> But, honestly, how many seekers will believe in a World Savior

> whose 'official' websites and devotees discuss nothing related to

> it. Thousands of gurus and yoga teachers advertise the same subtle

> system that is Sahaja Yoga, and their numbers are growing. Surely

> they do not need a subtle system Savior when mere humans can

> provide professional services? And isn't it just disgusting and

> cheap for SYs to bring a World Savior to that mundane level?


> i for one feel ashamed that the Shakti, the Maha-Devi, has been

> reduced to a subtle system teacher. Hope there are others who share

> my humiliation, and give me hope to plod on.




The knowledge that Shri Mataji has given us has little to do with the

confusing innovations that continue to plague Sahaja Yoga. Despite

all Shri Mataji has enlightened us since 5 May 1970 we come across

SYs in 2004 brainstorming wrong decade-old rituals, protocol and

procedures in an effort to purify them. (Didn't the vibrations and

catches that seem to plague hundreds of SYs inform that it was all

wrong? Is it possible that so many failed for so many years to detect

that man-made innovations, especially doing havan with candles, are

against the Divine?)


That all these emails came yesterday just underpins the perplexity of

subtle system pettiness that keeps SYs mired in doubt, guilt and

wasted attention, and there seems to be just no end in sight:



Jay Shri Mataji!

Thank you very much dear Raj brother:)

Here this candle-havan was started by yogis. At that time we didn`t

have the acces to any fire place and also it didn`t sound bad so we

didn`t check. Now this question has to be resolved completely :) We

will try to do this from our side and if someone can help would be

great. I feel this is important because now we have many new yogis.

So we heve to teach them the right things.


Best wishes







Jai Shrimataji,


From Moderator


Hi Group Members,


As per Roberto he says eyes should be closed while doing foot soaking

and the document enclosed says eyes should be open during foot

soaking. I also feel eyes should be open and one should look at

Shrimataji Bindu duing foot soaking. But can someone clarify this










Dear Sister Latika,


Jai Shri Mataji. You are absulutely correct reg " Mothers locket, even

one should not sleep with the chain on.


What happens when you go out to work and you wear Mother's locket,

you go to the toilet, what does one do? it is very difficult to

remember and take the chain out and wwear it again, because you so

uncounciously go to the toilet when at work. Please do reply on this

protocol. Regards Neelam





All these trivial facts, problems and concerns were discussed when i

first joined Sahaja Yoga a decade ago. Nothing has changed much as

far as the confusion about catches, treatments and protocol. For some

reason most are still trying to understand the basics of their

kindergarten classes, and stuck at that mundane level.


i can imagine mature, intelligent seekers coming to join Sahaja Yoga

after reading about Shri Mataji to learn about the Kingdom of God

within, the Blossom Time of Last Judgment and Resurrection.

(www.adishakti.org provides links and substantial traffic to Sahaja

Yoga sites worldwide.) Surely they must be expecting to meet SYs who

will provide them with this original, exclusive, pure knowledge of

Shri Mataji and Shri Jesus' Kingdom of God within.


But what do they find? ........... SYs still engaged in petty

discussions/criticism; about the innovative candle substitution for

havans which disgusted me when it was first exported to Montreal in

the mid-90's and accepted by senior SYs; whether eyes to be open or

closed during foot-soaking when mere common sense says that both are

alright; lockets of Shri Mataji not taken to toilets and bedrooms, a

stupid concern and guilty-consciousness which i thought Shri Mataji

had objected to in the 80s.


But these hair-splitting discussions are just the tip of the subtle

system iceberg. Combined with the decades-old deliberate withholding

of Shri Mataji's core messages to humanity from the public, we have

an organization that is bankrupt of vision and bereft of principle.


As i have said before, i would have left Sahaja Yoga many times over

years ago. But the duty to uphold Her at all times under the most

difficult of circumstances compels me to plod on, even if none lend a

helping hand. This is the only reason i am in Sahaja Yoga and will

remain till the end of my life, daily enjoying the bliss of splendid

isolation that rids me of all the pettiness that plagues the

collectives and remains a drag on ascent.


And the Shakti within continues to provide evidence and inner

Knowledge that She is the Maha-Devi, the Shakti of All in contrast to

the subtle system teacher that SYs have made out of Her incarnation

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. Thus those who want to rid themselves of

external ignorance that infects collectives and advance towards the

Turiya state, it is necessary to attain internal Knowledge of Her

which few SYs ever talk. Even if you become a subtle system expert,

an aspiration that seems to inspire many, all your efforts will be in

vain. These petty facts of chakras and chillies will not liberate. On

the contrary, they will only continue confusing as the three emails

above amply illustrate.


In The Song of the Goddess 7.28-45 the Shakti is clear in Her

spiritual counsel:


Knowledge is proclaimed as the final goal of devotion, and of

dispassion as well, for both devotion and dispassion are fulfilled

when knowledge arises.

Even when devotion is fully accomplished, O Mountain, if one's past

karmic influences are not favorable, a person may fail to realize

knowledge of me and so will depart to the Jeweled Island.

Going there, that person encounters enjoyments of all kinds, though

remaining indifferent, and in the end attains complete knowledge of

my essence that is pure consciousness, O Mountain.

Thereby the person is forever liberated; liberation arises from

knowledge and from nothing else. One who attains knowledge here in

this world, realizing the inner Self abiding in the heart,

Who is absorbed in my pure consciousness, loses not the vital

breaths. Being Brahman, the person who knows Brahman attains Brahman.

An object may vanish through ignorance, like gold forgotten on one's

neck; through knowledge that destroys the ignorance, one may recover

the desired object.

My essence is different from the known and unknown, O Highest

Mountain. As in a mirror, so is that essence reflected clearly within

the embodied Self; as in water, so is it reflected indistinctly in

the world of ancestors.

Just as the distinction between shadow and light is clear, just so is

the knowledge, dispersing any sense of duality, that arise in my


One who is dispassionate at death but who lacks knowledge will ever

dwell in the world of the creator god Brahma for an entire eon.

That person will be reborn in a virtuous and dignified family, and

after practicing spiritual discipline, will thereby attain knowledge.

In the course of many births does knowledge arise, O King, not in

one; therefore with total commitment seek to acquire knowledge.

Otherwise, it is a great loss, as this human birth is hard to attain.

Even if one is born a Brahmin, access to the Vedas is hard to gain.

Realizing the six virtues beginning with tranquility, achieving

success in yoga as well, and finding an excellent teacher, all these

are hard to attain in life,

As are keen senses and sanctification of the body. By the merit

gained in several births, one comes to desire liberation.

Even after attaining the fruits of spiritual discipline, the person

who does not strive after knowledge squanders the opportunity

provided by birth.

Therefore, O King, one should strive for knowledge with all one's

strength; Then one surely obtains the fruits of the horse sacrifice

at every moment.

Like clarified butter hidden in milk, knowledge dwells in every

being; One should stir continuously, using the mind as the churning


Attaining knowledge, one is wholly fulfilled - this is the purport of

the Veda.


The Song of the Goddess 7.28-45



So why waste years doing unnecessary external rituals when the Great

Goddess assures that one can attain the Knowledge that guarantees

moksa on Earth itself?



Jai Shri Mataji!




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shriadishakti , " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:

> >

> > Despite all Her efforts and selfless devotion to complete the

> > task, a most difficult duty which She accomplished years ago, we

> > SYs continue to wonder why Sahaja Yoga is not spreading. We are

> > still looking for answers and watch helplessly as modern gurus

> > continue gathering hordes of swooning devotees and expand their

> > bases. No one seems to know why despite years of brainstorming

> > sessions and workshops.

> >

> > But, honestly, how many seekers will believe in a World Savior

> > whose 'official' websites and devotees discuss nothing related to

> > it. Thousands of gurus and yoga teachers advertise the same

> > subtle system that is Sahaja Yoga, and their numbers are growing.

> > Surely they do not need a subtle system Savior when mere humans

> > can provide professional services? And isn't it just disgusting

> > and cheap for SYs to bring a World Savior to that mundane level?

> >

> > i for one feel ashamed that the Shakti, the Maha-Devi, has been

> > reduced to a subtle system teacher. Hope there are others who

> > share my humiliation, and give me hope to plod on.

> >




> The knowledge that Shri Mataji has given us has little to do with

> the confusing innovations that continue to plague Sahaja Yoga.

> Despite all Shri Mataji has enlightened us since 5 May 1970 we come

> across SYs in 2004 brainstorming wrong decade-old rituals, protocol

> and procedures in an effort to purify them. (Didn't the vibrations

> and catches that seem to plague hundreds of SYs inform that it was

> all wrong? Is it possible that so many failed for so many years to

> detect that man-made innovations, especially doing havan with

> candles, are against the Divine?)


> That all these emails came yesterday just underpins the perplexity

> of subtle system pettiness that keeps SYs mired in doubt, guilt and

> wasted attention, and there seems to be just no end in sight:


> ---------------

> Jay Shri Mataji!

> Thank you very much dear Raj brother:)

> Here this candle-havan was started by yogis. At that time we didn`t

> have the acces to any fire place and also it didn`t sound bad so we

> didn`t check. Now this question has to be resolved completely :) We

> will try to do this from our side and if someone can help would be

> great. I feel this is important because now we have many new yogis.

> So we heve to teach them the right things.


> Best wishes

> Hania


> divinesahajayoga/message/1681



> ------------

> Jai Shrimataji,


> From Moderator


> Hi Group Members,


> As per Roberto he says eyes should be closed while doing foot

> soaking and the document enclosed says eyes should be open during

> foot soaking. I also feel eyes should be open and one should look

> at Shrimataji Bindu duing foot soaking. But can someone clarify

> this process.


> Regards



> divinesahajayoga/message/1680



> ---------------

> Dear Sister Latika,


> Jai Shri Mataji. You are absulutely correct reg " Mothers locket,

> even one should not sleep with the chain on.


> What happens when you go out to work and you wear Mother's locket,

> you go to the toilet, what does one do? it is very difficult to

> remember and take the chain out and wwear it again, because you so

> uncounciously go to the toilet when at work. Please do reply on

> this protocol. Regards Neelam


> divinesahajayoga/message/1679




Wed, 26 May 2004 19:47:53 +0100 (BST)

ambar shrivastava

Looking for remedy related with eye blinking.




Jai Sri Mataji


Dear family,


Hows everyone ? I have some problem related with right eye blinking.

Its a problem which my mother is facing since few days.


I wanted to know if there is any remedy for the problem. Why this

problem has occured and with what chakra it is related. What is the

consequence of it and how to clear the related chakra.


Jai Sri Mataji


Ambar Srivastava

Shahdol, MP - INDIA



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shriadishakti , " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:


> >

> > That all these emails came yesterday just underpins the

> > perplexity of subtle system pettiness that keeps SYs mired in

> > doubt, guilt and wasted attention, and there seems to be just no

> > end in sight:

> >


> Jai Sri Mataji


> Dear family,


> Hows everyone ? I have some problem related with right eye

> blinking. Its a problem which my mother is facing since few days.


> I wanted to know if there is any remedy for the problem. Why this

> problem has occured and with what chakra it is related. What is the

> consequence of it and how to clear the related chakra.


> Jai Sri Mataji



" I want you all to enjoy. Drink that nectar of your spirit. And

forget about the artificial problems that you have. Do not stop your

progress by loading heavy things around your neck. Let the Kundalini

take it. Everything which is heavy with you, she will burn it. But do

not make yourself heavier with additional weight. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

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shriadishakti , Suyog D <ssd11381> wrote:


> who r u ?




Captain Nathan Algren (TOM CRUISE) is a man adrift. The battles he

once fought now seem distant and futile. Once he risked his life for

honor and country, but, in the years since the Civil War, the world

has changed. Pragmatism has replaced courage, self-interest has taken

the place of sacrifice and honor is nowhere to be found - especially

out West where his role in the Indian Campaigns ended in

disillusionment and sorrow.


Somewhere on the unforgiving plains near the banks of the Washita

River, Algren lost his soul.


A universe away, another soldier sees his way of life about to

disintegrate. He is Katsumoto (KEN WATANABE), the last leader of an

ancient line of warriors, the venerated Samurai, who dedicated their

lives to serving emperor and country. Just as the modern way

encroached upon the American West, cornering and condemning the

Native American, it also engulfed traditional Japan. The telegraph

lines and railroads that brought progress now threaten those values

and codes by which the Samurai have lived and died for centuries.


But Katsumoto will not go without a fight.


The paths of these two warriors converge when the young Emperor of

Japan, wooed by American interests who covet the growing Japanese

market, hires Algren to train Japan's first modern, conscript army.

But as the Emperor's advisors attempt to eradicate the Samurai in

preparation for a more Westernized and trade-friendly government,

Algren finds himself unexpectedly impressed and influenced by his

encounters with the Samurai. Their powerful convictions remind him of

the man he once was.


Thrust now into harsh and unfamiliar territory, with his life and

perhaps more important, his soul, in the balance, the troubled

American soldier finds himself at the center of a violent and epic

struggle between two eras and two worlds, with only his sense of

honor to guide him.



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shriadishakti , Suyog D <ssd11381> wrote:


> who r u ?




Japan is shaking off thousands of years of deeply ingrained

traditions and cultural isolationism. The emperor is determined to

modernize his nation and needs a updated army to achieve that goal.


Standing in his way is the ancient culture of the samurai and those

warriors' strict dedication to protecting their emperor -- and their

way of life -- with traditional weapons of arrows and spears.


Economic trade with the West is about to open, so the old ways are

doomed. Katsumoto (played with great skill by veteran Japanese actor

Ken Watanabe), the leader of the last of the samurai, decides to take

a final stand before the end of this chapter in Japan's history.


At this point Capt. Algren, a borderline alcoholic, arrives as part

of a group of former American soldiers hired to transform Japan's

army into a modern-day fighting force, complete with cannons, Gatling

guns, rifles and pistols.


Algren is a grim, angry man with no illusions. After a horrifying

ordeal in the Civil War, and being forced to take part in hideous

Indian massacres, honor and country are meaningless words to him. He

goes about training the Japanese soldiers on automatic pilot. Never

again will his emotions become involved in any kind of cause -- noble

or otherwise.


Then his unprepared troops are suddenly called to duty. Algren knows

his men are not ready, but he's overruled. Reluctantly he leads his

green soldiers into battle against the renegade samurai. The result

is a slaughter, and Algren -- much to his surprise -- is captured

alive and taken prisoner.


Katsumoto, it seems, saw him in battle and was impressed enough to

spare his life, while at the same time using Algren to practice his

English skills and learn whatever he can about the enemy Algren



Slowly, Algren begins to heal from his wounds and starts to observe

the life around him. He's living in a traditional samurai village

where every man, woman, and child devotes every moment to the

spiritual and physical demands of honoring and learning the art of a



To Algren's dismay, he discovers that the woman caring for him, Taka

(played by one of Japan's best actresses, Koyuki) is Katsumoto's

sister -- and was made a widow when Algren killed her husband in



The awakening of Algren's heart and soul and his renewed belief in

honor and courage is beautifully realized by Cruise's performance.

The samurai way of life restores his faith in the human spirit and

reminds him that sacrifice in the service of a noble moral code is

still worth fighting for.



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