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I read Islam Enlightened

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I read Islam Enlightened:

And yet, as a Sahaja Yogini with a SY Moslim husband; we still find

we have issues when it comes to how to meditate together. He feels

under the rules of the Hadiths and the Quran that some of

the " practices " in SY are Shirk.

He already started reading the website for SY practicing Moslims (al-

qiyamah)and he says he has more understanding and really liked the

web site and will continue studying. But what are the rules of

etiquette when it comes to wearing her pendant and prasad during

pujas when she isn't physically present, calling out the different

deities names, meditating with her picture and so on.

I don't have a problem with it of course because I've been in SY

since I was 4, but in any event, I don't know how to assure him he

is not going against what was written by Allah by doing any of these

things.... or are we? I'm not well read on the Quran or the Bible

for that matter. I just don't know what to tell him. I was too

young when SY was being established to really know from Her WHY we

do these things. I simply say for vibrations and respect and that's

usually good enough for anyone else. I'm trying to educate myself

now more then ever because we have children that need to know these

things too - not out of habit but for the REASON. Does anyone have

any suggestions?

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shriadishakti , " Isha " <shanti442> wrote:

> I read Islam Enlightened:

> And yet, as a Sahaja Yogini with a SY Moslim husband; we still find

> we have issues when it comes to how to meditate together. He feels

> under the rules of the Hadiths and the Quran that some of

> the " practices " in SY are Shirk.

> He already started reading the website for SY practicing Moslims


> qiyamah)and he says he has more understanding and really liked the

> web site and will continue studying. But what are the rules of

> etiquette when it comes to wearing her pendant and prasad during

> pujas when she isn't physically present, calling out the different

> deities names, meditating with her picture and so on.

> I don't have a problem with it of course because I've been in SY

> since I was 4, but in any event, I don't know how to assure him he

> is not going against what was written by Allah by doing any of


> things.... or are we? I'm not well read on the Quran or the Bible

> for that matter. I just don't know what to tell him. I was too

> young when SY was being established to really know from Her WHY we

> do these things. I simply say for vibrations and respect and that's

> usually good enough for anyone else. I'm trying to educate myself

> now more then ever because we have children that need to know these

> things too - not out of habit but for the REASON. Does anyone have

> any suggestions?


Dear Isha,


Only after reading the entire www.al-qiyamah.org will Muslims

understand the depth of centuries-old deception, falsehood and

conditioning the Ummah has been led regarding the Resurrection. So my

question off the bat: When the ulema are so erroneous about Al-

Qiyamah, the heart and soul of Islam explicitly entrenched in

numerous surahs, what makes them think there are correct in even more

difficult issues? Why talk about purifying Islam when the unsurpassed

beauty of His Holy Qur'an regarding the Resurrection has been

mutilated beyond recognition by the same people?


We have to understand that His Ruh (Adi Shakti) Shri Mataji was thus

sent to announce and explain the Last Judgment and Al-Qiyamah in

detail to all, and the technique to attain Self-realization. That is

why we humans are now able to comprehend for the first time in

history the relationship between the Islamic Resurrection, Christian

Last Judgment and Vedic Sanatana Dharma. It applies to all traditions

and none are accorded special status, regardless of what religion

they follow. Those who have surrendered and submitted to Allah's

(SWT) Will to commence the Resurrection are the true Muslims.


The opening lines of Surah 75 Al-Qiyamah declare:




I do call to witness the Resurrection Day

And I do call to witness the self-reproaching Spirit.


i do not see any shirk in meditating on His self-reproaching Spirit

(Shakti). That is what we SYs are learning to do, i.e. going directly

to the source Brahman by meditating on His Shakti. It must be

emphasized that the " Shakti that is described here is not independent

of Brahman but an aspect of Him. "


" Brahman is the central theme of almost all the Upanishads. Brahman

is the indescribable, inexhaustible, omniscient, omnipresent,

original, first, eternal and absolute principle who is without a

beginning, without an end , who is hidden in all and who is the

cause, source, material and effect of all creation known, unknown and

yet to happen in the entire universe.


He is the incomprehensible, unapproachable radiant being whom the

ordinary senses and ordinary intellect cannot fathom grasp or able to

describe even with partial success. He is the mysterious Being

totally out of the reach of all sensory activity, rationale effort

and mere intellectual, decorative and pompous endeavor.


The Upanishads describe Him as the One and indivisible, eternal

universal self, who is present in all and in whom all are present.

Generally unknown and mysterious to the ordinary masses, Brahman of

the Upanishads remained mostly confined to the meditative minds of

the ancient seers who considered Him to be too sacred and esoteric to

be brought out and dissected amidst public glare.


Though impassioned and above the ordinary feelings of the mind, the

masters of the Upanishads some times could not suppress the glory,

the emotion, the passion and the poetry that accompanied the vast and

utterly delightful , inner experience of His vast vision. In the

Mundaka Upanishad the mind explodes to reverberate with this verse, "

Imperishable is the Lord of love, as from a blazing fire thousands of

sparks leap forth, so millions of beings arise from Him and return to

Him. " Again in the Katha Upanishad we come across a very poetic and

emphatic expression, " In His robe are woven heaven and earth, mind

and body...He is the bridge from death to deathless life. "


The Brahman of the Upanishads is not meant for the ordinary or the

ignorant souls, who are accustomed to seek spiritual solace through

ritualistic practices and rationalization of knowledge. Discipline,

determination, guidance form a self-realized soul, purity of mind,

mastery of the senses, self-control and desireless actions are some

of the pre-requisites needed to achieve even a semblance of success

on this path. Only the strong of the heart and pure of the mind can

think of dislodging layer after layer of illusion and ignorance that

surrounds him and see the golden light of Truth beckoning from beyond.

He is not like the other gods either. He is incomprehensible even to

almost all the gods. And He chooses not to be worshipped in the

temples and other places of worship but in one's heart and mind as

the indweller of the material body and master of the senses, the

charioteer. He is too remote and incomprehensible to be revered and

approached with personal supplications although He is the deepest and

the highest vision mankind could ever conceive of or attain.


The weak and the timid stand no chance to approach Him even remotely,

except through some circuitous route. For the materialistic and the

otherworldly who excel in the art of converting everything and

anything into a source of personal gain, He does not offer any

attraction, solace or security as a personal God.


That is why we do not see any temples or forms of ritualistic worship

existing for Brahman either at present or in the past. "


So, Isha, if there are no temples or forms of ritualistic worship

existing for Brahman either at present or in the past, haven't we

reached the purest form of monotheism that Islam demands? When He is

incomprehensible even to almost all the gods what do mere humans know

about Him?


i do not consider saying mantas as shirk because they are words

uttered to aid spiritual ascend. According to Shri Mataji:


" What is a mantra? It is that power of the word that expresses

Spirit. A mantra is nothing but a thought which is vibrated. Any

thought that is vibrated is a mantra. " (Vienna, 4. September 1983)


" Your mantras are to be seen. Mantras are to be such that they should

not be mechanical, just saying something mechanically. You should say

it from your heart. Again, if you do not say mantras through your

heart, the mantra is not siddha. Means you may go on saying one

hundred times, it will have no effect. Siddha mantra is that, that

you say, that it has an effect, it works. If it does not work, then

your mantra has no meaning. " (Diwali Puja, London, 6. November 1983)


We must always remember that all SY mantras begin and end with " Om

Twameva Sakshat ....... Shri Adi Shakti Mataji Nirmala Devi Namoh

Namah. " There is absolutely no shirk in supplicating the Shakti for

help, no matter who the ........ are. Without mentioning Her the

mantra just don't work. It is simple as that! Then how can we regard

Her mantras as shirk?


Now regarding meditating on Her images when She is not physically

present. But even angels have come down to pay homage to Her:





According to Muslim theologians " Angels are invisible beings created

from light. On the authority of `A'ishah : The Messenger of Allah

sallallahu alayhe wa sallam said, " Angels were created from light,

jinn were created from smokeless fire, and Adam was created from that

which has been described to you [in the Qur'an]. " (Related by Muslim)


They do not have desires of their own, nor do they eat or drink. They

are honored servants of Allah, and never disobey Him. They are

perpetually in His service, in prostration, in a standing posture, or

through various other forms of worship. " And those who are before Him

are not scornful of worshipping Him, nor  do they tire or get



They glorify [Him] night and day; they do not halt. " [21 (Al-

Anbiya'), 19-20] " They are honored servants, who do not precede Him

in speech, and they act according to His command. He knows what is

ahead of them and what is behind them, and they do not intercede,

except for those whom He approves. [21 (Al-Anbiya'), 26-27] "


So if angels themselves are paying homage to the image of His Ruh

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, who are mere humans to regard this as

shirk? Moreover the Holy Qur'an tells us that during the Resurrection

humans will be able to see the face of their Lord:


Some faces, that Day, [5822] will beam (in brightness and beauty)

— Looking towards their Lord;

And some faces, that Day, will be sad and dismal,

In the thought that some backbreaking calamity, 

Was about to be inflicted on them;


surah 75:22-25 Al Qiyamah




Thus i do not find anything wrong with wearing a pendant. i am

sure " some faces, that Day, will beam (in brightness and beauty)

— looking towards their Lord. " i have a beautiful pendant of Shri

Mataji glued to the my monitor of the computer i work. Every time i

look at Her i feel joyous and peaceful. So if the Holy Qur'an upholds

this image of His Ruh, including His angels sent forth, how can it be



The Holy Qur'an is flawless in its message of the Resurrection.

Innovations have plagued all religions. It is no different now. If

there are minor issues like lemons, matkas, foot-soaking, shoe-

beating etc., feel free to regard them as shirk, and discard them

completely. Depend on the Source for all cures. The same self-

reproaching Spirit that informs you whenever there is transgression

will also heal you in mind and body. If you depend only on His Ruh

within for guidance and meditation the question of shirk can never




jai Shri Mataji,




NOTE: Prophet Muhammad was meditating (doing Yoga) in a cave when he

was approached by Angel Gabriel. How was he able to learn such secret

rites when the rest of his tribe were still worshipping rocks and

trees? i think this is worth investigating.


To take part in Al-Qiyamah humans have to again learn how to

meditate. The question of shirk cannot arise as in meditation all

forms are obliterated. It is the highest form of Tawheed ever

revealed to humans. Rare are those humans who can attain this

perfection, the Turiya state that no words can describe. Allah (God

Almighty, Brahman) is the deepest and the highest vision mankind

could ever conceive of or attain in sustained, daily meditation.

Sahaja Yoga is second to none to attain Brahman during the Last

Judgment and Resurrection.

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