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I read Islam Enlightened - Tawheed (The oneness of Allah) Islamic Monotheism

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shriadishakti , " Isha " <shanti442> wrote:

> I read Islam Enlightened:

> And yet, as a Sahaja Yogini with a SY Moslim husband; we still find

> we have issues when it comes to how to meditate together. He feels

> under the rules of the Hadiths and the Quran that some of

> the " practices " in SY are Shirk.

> He already started reading the website for SY practicing Moslims


> qiyamah)and he says he has more understanding and really liked the

> web site and will continue studying. But what are the rules of

> etiquette when it comes to wearing her pendant and prasad during

> pujas when she isn't physically present, calling out the different

> deities names, meditating with her picture and so on.

> I don't have a problem with it of course because I've been in SY

> since I was 4, but in any event, I don't know how to assure him he

> is not going against what was written by Allah by doing any of


> things.... or are we? I'm not well read on the Quran or the Bible

> for that matter. I just don't know what to tell him. I was too

> young when SY was being established to really know from Her WHY we

> do these things. I simply say for vibrations and respect and


> usually good enough for anyone else. I'm trying to educate myself

> now more then ever because we have children that need to know these

> things too - not out of habit but for the REASON. Does anyone have

> any suggestions?



i think understanding Tawheed (The Oneness of Allah) is also necessary

a guidance to answer Isha's questions that will need to be addressed

if SYs ever want to spread Shri Mataji's message to Muslims. There is

no way we can evade what i regard as the right of Muslim seekers to

get honest answers that reflect their concern of religious purity.




PS: i request members not to ask how long others have been in Sahaja

Yoga, where they live etc. i do not see how seniority and nationality

has anything to do with providing answers.




Tawheed (The oneness of Allah) Islamic Monotheism


Tawheed is the most important Islamic belief. It implies that

everything in existence originates from the one and only Creator, who

is also the Sustainer and the sole Source of Guidance. This belief

should govern all aspects of human life. Recognition of this

fundamental truth results in a unified view of existence which

rejects any divisions of life into religious and secular. Allah is

sole source of Power and Authority, therefore entitled to worship and

obedience from mankind. There is no scope for any partnership with

the Creator. Tawhid tells man that Allah is not born, nor is anyone

born of Him. He has no son or daughter. Human beings are His



Linguistically Tawheed means: " To make something one, or to assert

the oneness of something. " [Lisaan ul-'Arab (3/450) of Ibn Mandhoor

and also al-Hujjah fee Bayaanil-Mahajjah (1/305) of Abul-Qaasim al-

Asbahaanee] However, what we are concerned with here is the Sharee'ah

or technical meaning of Tawheed, which is: " To single out Almighty

God alone for worship. " [Ad-Dururus-Sunniyyah (1/48) of Shaykh 'Abdur-

Rahmaan ibn Hasan]


Literally Tawheed means " unification " (making something one)

or " asserting oneness " , and it comes from the Arabic verb (wahhada)

which itself means to unite, unify or consolidate. However, when the

term Tawheed is used in reference to Allaah (i.e. Tawheedullaah), it

means the realizing and maintaining of Allaah's unity in all of man's

actions which directly or indirectly relate to Him. It is the belief

that Allaah is One, without partner in His dominion and His actions

(Ruboobeeyah), One without similitude in His essence and attributes

(Asmaa wa Sifaat), and One without rival in His divinity and in

worship (Ulooheeyah 'Ebaadah). These three aspects form the basis for

the categories into which the science of Tawheed has been

traditionally divided. The three overlap and are inseparable to such

a degree that whoever omits any one aspect has failed to complete the

requirements of Tawheed. The omission of any of the above mentioned

aspects of Tawheed is referred to as " Shirk " (lit. sharing); the

association of partners with Allaah, which, in Islamic terms, is in

fact idolatry.


Shaykh Al-Bayjowree - may God have mercy on him - said: " It is to

single-out al-Ma'bood (the One to be worshipped - i.e. Almighty God)

with worship, along with belief and affirmation in the oneness and

uniqueness of His Dhaat (Essence), Sifaat (Attributes) and Actions. "

[Jawharah at-Tawheed (p. 10)]


Shaykh al-Ghunaymaan - may God protect him - said: " It is to single

Him out with worship, with love, lowliness and submissiveness to Him,

by complying with His commands and submitting to them. [sharh

Kitaabut-Tawheed min Saheehil-Bukaaree (1/38)]


Shaykh 'Abdul-Qaadir al-Jeelaanee - may God protect him - said: " So

it is upon you to fear God - the Mighty and Majestic - and not to

fear anyone else except Him. Turn to God - the Mighty and Majestic -

for your every need, and rely upon Him alone - the Most High -

seeking that which you need from Him alone. Do not rely upon anyone

other than Almighty God. And Tawheed - all is contained in Tawheed. "

[Futoohul-Ghayb (p.176).]


Ibn Abil-'Izz - may God be pleased with him - said: " Knowledge of

Usool-ud-Deen (the fundamentals of the religion) is the most noble

branch of knowledge, since the excellence of a certain type of

knowledge depends upon what it is concerned with, and this is the

greater Fiqh (understanding) , which is why lmaam Abu Haneefah (died

150AH) - may God be pleased with him - called that which he compiled

concerning Usool-ud-Deen: " al-Fiqhul- Akbar " (The Greatest Fiqh). The

need of the servants for this knowledge is greater than every other

need; and it is the most necessary of all things for them, since

there is no life for the hearts, nor any delight, nor any

tranquility, except through knowing their Lord, the One to be

worshipped, their Creator - with His Names, His Attributes and His

Actions, and that He - along with all that - is more beloved to the

person than anything else. So man's striving is with regards to

everything that will draw him nearer to God, to the exclusion of the



And Tawheed - with the Salaf and the Scholars of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-

Jamaa'ah has three divisions. 'Allaamah as-Safaareenee - may God's

mercy be upon him - said: " Know that Tawheed has three divisions:

Tawheed ar-Ruboobiyyah (the Oneness of God in His Lordship), Tawheed

al- Uloohiyyah (to single-out Almighty God alone for worship) and

Tawheed al-Asmaa was-Sifaat (the uniqueness of God's Names and

Attributes). " [Lawaami' al-Anwaarul-Bahiyyah (1/128) of as-



" So Tawheed ar-Ruboobiyyah implies: A firm and definite belief that

Almighty God alone is the Creator, the Master and Owner, and the

Command is for none but Him. "


" And Tawheed al-Uloohiyyah is to single-out God alone for all worship

and not to worship anything along with Him, whether it be an angel, a

Messenger, a prophet, a pious person, a tree, a stone, the sun, the

moon, or other than these. "


" And Tawheed al-Asmaa was-Sifaat is the uniqueness of Almighty God -

the Most High - with regards to His Names and His Attributes, by

affirming that which God has affirmed for Himself - whether in His

Book (i.e. the Qur'an) or by the tongue of His Messenger - may the

peace and blessings of God be upon him - without Tahreef (distorting

the Names and Attributes), Ta'teel (denial of the Names and

Attributes), Takyeef (saying how they are), or Tamztheel (making any

resemblance with the creation). "



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