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To Jagbirji and others

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Jai Shri Mataji


In order to create awareness about Sahaja yoga amongst muslims I joined the group mahdiunite. Link below.



I sent the message with related clippings from adishakti.org to the group about the arrival of mahdi which they all are awaiting. There was no response. I send the same mail again.


The Mail I sent them and the reply I got from them is pasted below. Could you draft the appropriate reply to them and alternatively join the group and send the reply and start the debate to search the seekers amongs them.


My Mail



Sub: arrival of the Mahdi (Ma Adi or Primordial Mother)


Hello Dear brothers and Sisters


I would like you all to know that Mahdi has arrived. I know it is difficult to believe. but the day has come for those who truly desire to be showered with the blessings.


“The Qiyamat or ResurrectionThe Quran and the Hadith often mention the Qiyamah or Resurrection. Like so many of the Prophet’s preachings and prophecies, Muslims also have misunderstood this.The Prophet speaks of the coming of the Qiyamah (Doomsday or Resurrection) at around 1400 Hijri (Moslem calendar); this is the current time, the 21st century. He has prophesied how the state of the world will be at that time. This totally corresponds to what is happening to the world right now. This period is called the "GHOR KALIYUG" in the Hindu scriptures. It is said that during this period the Qiyamah would come. The Prophet has also said that in some places "WHAT WILL

HAPPEN AFTER 1400 HIJRI EVEN I DO NOT KNOW." He has also said that at this time human beings will degenerate both morally and spiritually.The Islamic scriptures also mention the return of Jesus Christ, who will come to save the earth and all the true believers. They also mention that Jesus Christ will lead the true believers to victory in the battle against untruth and evil and that he will destroy all the negative forces on earth and that all who misguide people in God’s name will be destroyed (false gurus & prophets). That time has come..”


Mahdi has come in the form of Ma adi, i.e the primordial mother, mother of all mothers. Believe it and you must if you await the arrival of Mahdi, you all seekers of truth, this is the truth












Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi





“You cannot force on the organization of God anything. He is on His own, His organization is on His own. Only thing you can do is to enter into His Kingdom and become a part and parcel of that blissful domain.You would never like to change it either. It is so wonderful. It is so protective, it's so loving, is so gentle, so kind, so

compassionate, that you would hate to change that organization, but we do! We try to organize God. For people who think that is the ultimate you have to seek, it's all arranged to enter into the Kingdom of God. The time has come. This is the Day of Resurrection. These are the days of Resurrection.” Shri Pasahantri DeviHampstead, UK — July 22, 1982(Pasahantri [811th]: One who destroys Pasas or bonds and gives liberation or Moksa.)

Believers will be bitterly divided over the Good News;

Concerning what are they disputing? Concerning the Great News about which they cannot agree. Verily, they shall soon (come to) know! Verily, verily they shall soon (come to)

know! Qur'an 78.1-5


There will be a Caller from a place quite near who will declare and commence the Resurrection;


Verily in this is a Message for any that has a heart and understanding, or who gives ear and earnestly witnesses (the Truth). . . And listen for the Day when the Caller will call out from a place quite near. The Day when they will hear a (mighty) Blast in Truth: That will be the Day of Resurrection. Qur'an 50.37-42


Faces of those who believe that Al-Qiyamah has commenced will be nadirah (shining and radiant), while those of disbelievers basirah (dark, gloomy, sad and frowning);

Some faces, that Day, will beam (in brightness and beauty) — Looking towards their Lord; And some faces, that Day, will be sad and dismal.

Qur'an 75.22-24

Then there is expectation that "the Mahdi, (the name of the last of the twelve imams, the first being Ali, son-in-law of Mohammed) according to Islam, and in particular its Shiite branch, is the Savior to come at the time of the Last Judgment to save the world. It is interesting to recall that Mahdi, in Sanskrit, is the contraction of Ma Adi (Primordial Mother) in the same way that the returning Savior according to Buddha, Maitreya, is a contraction of Ma Treya (Mother Threefold or Trigunatmika). The function of the Mahdi is similar to those attributed to the Kalki of the Hindus, the Maitreya of the Buddhists or the Christ King of the Christians."

Muslims should understand that the Christian Last Judgment and the Islamic Al-Qiyamah or Resurrection are one and the same, and run parallel to each other. The Qur'an declares that Jesus (PBUH) is the Sign of the Hour of the Resurrection when He fulfils His promise to send the Comforter Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi to explain about the Last Judgment. The central theme of the non-Muslim www.adishakti.org/ site is Shri Adi Shakti (Hindus, Buddhists, Jain, Sikhs) and Kingdom of God (Jews,


Thus in order to collect, promulgate and explain Surah 75 Al-Qiyamah (The Resurrection) to the Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs and Muslims Allah (SWT) has sent His Rûh (Spirit) Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, a Sure Sign backed by surah 97:1-5 Al Qadr (The Night of Power and Honour). His Rûh was born a Christian and later became a Hindu in order that all traditions are represented. A Muslim without question can never accomplish this task. The upholding of the Qur'an by a non-Muslim is absolutely indispensable for the success of a universal surrender to the Call of Al-Qiyamah. Only the Believers will not question the Wisdom of Jaami' un Naas, the Gatherer of Humankind, and will submit to His Will irrespective of their practiced religion.Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

is the Adi Shakti of Hinduism, Imam Mahdi of Islam, Comforter of Christianity, Maitreya of Buddhism and Aykaa Mayee (One Mother) of Sikhism. The Mahdi, in Sanskrit, is the contraction of Ma Adi (Primordial Mother) in the same way that the Maitreya is a contraction of Ma Treya (Mother Threefold, Trigunatmika). The Mahdi, according to Islam, is the Savior to come at the time of the Last Judgment to save the world. The function of the Mahdi is similar to those attributed to the Buddhist Maitreya or Christian Comforter. The Adi Shakti, Ma Adi, Ma Treya, Aykaa Mayee and Comforter is the one and same Divine Feminine.She has come as a Teacher and Guide for people of every religion and those of no religion. The Comforter also enlightens humanity to the teachings of Jesus and prepares them for the eternal Afterlife during this Golden Age of the Last Judgment and Resurrection.14 centuries

have passed the Holy Qur'an was revealed. Surely Allah (SWT) has a Plan for all humankind which lies hidden deep in the parables of the Holy Qur'an, camouflaged and safeguarded until the Sure Signs of Al-Qiyamah blasts them into submission!

"The importance of the ummah comes from the Koran, the collected writings that Muslim tradition says were revealed by Allah — God — to the Prophet Muhammad in seventh-century Arabia. For believing Muslims, the Koran is far more than a book written by divinely inspired humans, as orthodox Christians and Jews claim for the Bible. Rather, it is the literal word of God in God’s own voice. There is no room for error or academic historical revisionism. You either accept the Koran on its face or you don’t. If you do, all it says becomes religious obligation. Chapter two, verse 143 of the Koran makes clear that the ummah is God’s holy plan so “that ye might be witnesses over the nations..” "

May none deny in the Hereafter that they were not aware of messengers on Earth setting forth Allah's (SWT) Signs of Al-Qiyamah and warning all to surrender to His Call that the Resurrection has begun! Wa maa alainaa illa al-balaagh — there is nothing upon us except to convey (the truth).

Visit www.adishakti.org, www.sahajayoga.org to get the blessings of Mahdi



Mahesh Khatri


The Moderator's reply


hmmmmm well u know wat mr. mahesh khatri, i would say that u should justleave this group if u gonna continue writing wat u just have done in theprevious article....... You dont need to mix up ISLAM with otherreligions....... we muslims are told how every single thing is in our livesand how do we have to take it..... just by reffering to some verses in THEGLORIOUS QURAN u cant prove that imam mehdi is the same as u have mentionedin all the other religions.....and one thing that although its being seenthat the prophecies regarding dooms day or resurection are being seen quiteoften now a days but yet, it still has not gone beyond all those sign, thereis still some good deeds found on the earth, it hasn't reached the extent ofthe brutality, imorality where we can say that now its the end of theuniverse..... and there is alot more about ! non believers in QURAN, & nbsp;before

referring to those i would like to say some thing to u thatplzzzz dont mess the spellings of QURAN....."SAY: shell i seek for judge other than Allah, when He it is who has sent toyou the book, explained in detail? They know full well to whom we havegiven the book, that it has been sent down from your lord in truth. Neverbe then of those who doubt. (AL-AN'AM, 114)."in another ayah, allah (tabarak wat'alah) asks his messenger MUHAMMAD (PBUH)to remind ppl of wat they r not suppose to do:"SAY: COME I WILL REHEARSE WHAT ALLAH HAS REALLY PROHIBITED YOU FROM. JOINNOT ANYTHING AS EQUAL WITH HIM." (AL-AN'AM, part of 151)."NOW THEN HAS COME TO YOU A CLEAR SIGN FROM YOUR LORD, AND A GUIDE AND AMERCY, THEN WHO COULD DO MORE WRONG THAN ONE WHO REJECTS ALLAH'S SIGNS, ANDTURNS AWAY THERFROM? IN GOOD TIME SHALL WE REQUITE THOSE WHO TURN AWAY FROMOUR SIGNS, WITH A DREADFUL PENATLY,

FOR THEIR TURNING AWAY." (AL-AN'AM, partof 157)"DEAD, DUMB, AND BLIND, THEY WILL NOT RETURN (TO THE RIGHTPATH)."(AL-BAQARA, 18)there are many many many more ayahs(verses) in the GLORIOUS QURAN revealingthe fact how people use to behave in olden time, when messengers of allah(jesus, mosses and many more) showed them the right path. as well they talkabout the punishmensts and rewards that are given to those who chose to ornot to follow the path of ALLAH (the most merciful)....... in many placesin QURAN its being stated that "those who dont walk on ALLAH'S path will bethe in the fire of hell and those who obey his orders will be happy inheavens, where they will rest in peace and luxury by the consent of ALLAHALMIGHTY". so its just that everything is in there for us, and i dont thinkthat a muslim needs to go for anyother religion to find the truth but justread the QURAN in

depth, thats all........ and the reason y i just gavesome selected verses is that i just read that surah this morning and i cameacross th! em so i thought i should write the ones that i can give therefference to, but the whole QURAN is just teaching about all theperspective of a believer and non-bliever's life......... Also in differentsurah's ALLAH (the most gracious) have said that those are the worst amongstu who make stuff on their own and say that ALLAH has commanded us to dothat.... again i just cant find the exact reference right now but it isalso said in surah AL-AN'AM aswell as many other surahs in the QURAN.one more thing that i wanted to add here is that i gave u those verses inspecific becoz each of them reveales something about the religion that ureffered to regarding IMAM MEHDI.. that how islam is different from each,just pay a close attention to them n u will

find it there...... I m not a scholar nor am i a big religious personality, but i m a muslim andi would not at all tolerate any false statement about islam, any aspect ofislam or muslims..... if some one wants to talk about it, say that its uropenion and i wanna discuss and wanna know hwo does islam takes it, but dontlie about islam. plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz........... n i know many peoplewouldn't really like my words, but i dont care becoz i know i m doingsomething right.... May ALLAH shower his blessings on all of u.....regardsMubeen




I request all the sahajayogis to join this group

MahdiUnite/ &


sindhyana/ This is the group of sindhi muslims mostly from pakistan. They also did not allow the message of sahajayoga to go through to the members.



Regards,Mahesh Khatri




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shriadishakti , mahesh khatri

<maheshkhatri> wrote:


> Jai Shri Mataji


> In order to create awareness about Sahaja yoga amongst muslims I

> joined the group mahdiunite. Link below.


> MahdiUnite/


> I sent the message with related clippings from adishakti.org to the

> group about the arrival of mahdi which they all are awaiting. There

> was no response. I send the same mail again.


> The Mail I sent them and the reply I got from them is pasted

> below. Could you draft the appropriate reply to them and

> alternatively join the group and send the reply and start the

> debate to search the seekers amongs them.



Dear Mahesh,


First and foremost the Shia are in agreement that many documents

about this subject of Mahdi contains a lot of false Hadeeths, some

bordering on absurdity. What may be good for the goose not

necessarily is good for the gander. So it is difficult to come to a

common consensus of the Mahdi.


However, Sunnis regard believe in the Mahdi as blasphemy. In Pakistan

they take special pride in eradicating the Shias, even murdering in

cold blood those prostrating in prayer towards Mecca. Dialogue is

impossible among fanatics who kill in the name of Allah. If they can

massacre fellow Muslims, what can the remaining kafirs do to bring

sense and self-realization?


By the response it looks like Mubeen never bothered to check

www.adishakti.org. Few Muslims will ever visit non-Muslim sites which

they paint with a broad brush as those of non-believers destined for

hell. Any non-Muslim site concerning Islam just triggers a rejection



It is for this reason the www.al-qiyamah.org website has been set up

specifically for Muslims, one they are comfortable to browse. So next

time just direct Muslims to the www.al-qiyanah.org site. Let them

read at their own pace and privacy, cross-examining every page with a

fine comb for defects. They will find none, but that does not mean

they are agreeable. They will reject the Truth that the Resurrection

has begun, as promised in the Qur'an:


But on the contrary, he rejected Truth and turned away!

Then did he stalk to his family in full conceit!

Woe to thee, (O man!), yea, woe! 

Again, woe to thee, (O man!), yea, woe!


Surah 75 (Al-Qiyamah)





In the first place most Muslims will not even know that the

Resurrection is taking place! This frightening delusion is entrenched

in the Qur'an, one that is being played out in the profound Night of

Peace and Power (Al-Qadr) prior to the dreaded end of the Day of

Noise and Clamour (Al-Qariah):





Muslims believe Al-Qiyamah will be filled with terror, death and

destruction i.e., Doomsday. But they have no answer to the Qur'an's

warning that humans will not even know that the Resurrection is

taking place. This is exactly what we SYs are looking around -

ignorant humanity who are oblivious to the Great News of the Last

Judgment and Resurrection. Like the Muslims, the majority of humans

are unaware that this Great Event is taking place:





So do not get into any dialogue with Muslims (or Christians, Hindus,

Buddhists, Sikhs, Jews etc. for that matter.) They will just insist

that what they know is the truth and you are just trying to damage

Islam. Debate is useless with the ignorant, especially those

bristling with pride and egoistic superiority.


Not only that. It will also be a waste of time trying to convince

with words. How can we SYs change in a week or month what has been

standard indoctrination for centuries? The Qur'an tells that during

the Resurrection the Blasts of Truth will stun the believers, and

many will reject the promulgation, proclamation and recitation of

Surah 75 Al-Qiyamah. If the majority of humans are already

predestined to reject the Great News of the Resurrection, how can

anyone prove the Qur'an and Allah false? The prophecies are being

fulfilled to the letter that humans are entering the Last Days. And

who but the Mahdi is empowered to deliver these warnings to all

humanity, not just Muslims?


All we SYs need to do is ask Muslims to either accept or deny what is

written about the Mahdi and Resurrection at www.al-qiyamah.org. The

Qur'an commands the messengers of the Resurrection to warn them in

particular, and non-Muslims in general, that Al-Qiyamah has begun.

Any Mubeen, Ali or Yahya who reads the www.al-qiyamah.org will just

keep quiet because it is beyond their power to reject or deny the

truth of their own holy scripture. In fact Allah directs the

messengers of the Resurrection not to use force but the Qur'an itself

to warn those who disbelieve:




A simple invitation requesting Muslims to visit the www.al-

qiyamah.org site is more than sufficient. That's all there is to it

and you would have done your job declaring the advent of the Mahdi to

deliver the Great News of Resurrection. (The same goes for Christians

regarding the Comforter sent to deliver the message of the Last

Judgment - just ask them to deny this truth at www.adishakti.org).

There is no need to waste so much energy and time trying to convince.


These websites contain hundreds of pages. The moment anyone reads

that the Resurrection and Last Judgment has begun we SYs have done

our job. First and foremost humans must know that this promised

eschatological age has begun. After that the obligation of

getting Self-realization rests entirely on them. That is where SYs

come in to sustain their conviction.




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