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All Gods meditate on Her but “Shri Mataji, on whom do You meditate?”

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> shriadishakti , " Jay Dayal " <dayals@c...>


> > Dear Jagbirji,

> >

> > Jai Mata Ji to you and all members of the group.

> >

> > I have heard about Sahaj Yoga only when I heard about Matashri

> > Nirmala Devi and tried to find out more about her on the

> > internet, unfortunately there are no centers operating in Fiji. I

> > am a very staunch devotee of Holy Chandi Mata and after reading

> > about Matashri, I had always wanted to know more. The website,

> > may not be the medium through which we can learn a whole lot

> > about Matashri hence this email. I would be glad to meet someone

> > who can tell his/hers experiences.

> >


shriadishakti , " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:


> i know little of the physical Adi Shakti Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

> but much about Her spiritual nature in the Sahasrara. It was my 13-

> year-old son who first meditated in 1993 and began meeting Her

> daily. Ever since then i was shown the awesome splendor and

> infinite power of the Shakti, and asked hundreds of questions over

> the years. Since 1993 i have surrendered and devoted my life to

> Her. My children continue to meet Her in meditation, and get

> answers to my questions when the need arises. All that has been

> witnessed is now the foundation of the www.adishakti.org website.




Dear Alex and Dayalji,


i regard the following verses of the Mundakopanisad to answer the

question of Shri Sita's incarnation issuing forth from the Adi



" As a thousand sparks from a fire well blazing spring forth, each one

like the rest, so from the Imperishable all kinds of beings come

forth, my dear, and to Her return.


Divine and formless is the Person; She is inside and outside, She is

not begotten, is not breath or mind; Utterly pure, farther than the

farthest Imperishable.


From Her springs forth the breath of life, the power of thought and

all the senses, space, wind, light, and water, and earth, the great

supporter of all.


Fire is Her head, the sun and moon Her eyes, the compass points Her

ears. The revealed Vedas are Her word. The wind is Her breath, Her

heart is the all. From Her feet proceeded the earth. In truth, She is

the inner atman of all beings.


From Her comes fire with its fuel, the sun; From the moon comes rain,

thence plants on the earth. The male pours seed into the female; Thus

from the Person creatures are born.


From Her come hymns, songs, and sacrificial formulas, Initiations,

sacrifices, rites, and all offerings. From Her come the year, the

sacrificer, and the worlds in which the moon shines forth, and the



From Her take their origin the numerous Gods, the heavenly beings,

men, beasts, and birds, the in-breath and the out-breath, rice and

barley, ascetic fervor, faith, truth, purity, and law.


From Her take their origin the seven breaths, the seven flames, their

fuel, the seven oblations; From Her these seven worlds in which the

breaths are moving each time seven and hidden in secret.


From Her come the oceans, from Her the mountains, from Her come all

plants together with their juices — With all beings She abides as

their inmost atman.


The Person is all this — Work, ascetic fervor, Brahman, supreme

immortality. Who knows that which is hidden in the secret cave, he

cuts here and now, my dear, the knot of ignorance. "


Mundakopanisad II, 1, 1-10




All Gods and heavenly beings prostrate and meditate on the Shakti in

the Spiritual World. This Truth has been witnessed hundreds of times

by Kash, Arwinder and Lalita ............... till today.


Back in 1993/4 Kash was daily meditating with all the messengers of

God Almighty, including those who came to Earth and gave rise to the

great religions of Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and

Sikhism. It had already been absolutely confirmed that this Divine

Unity was meditating daily on the Great Adi Shakti Shri Mataji

Nirmala Devi in the Kingdom of God — Shri Mary Jesus, Radha

Krishna, Shiva Parvati, Laxshmi Visnu, Sita Rama, Muhammad, Buddha,

Ganesha, Hanuman, Nanak and others.


The absolute reverence of these Divine Messengers of God Almighty to

His Holy Spirit Shri Samanadhika-Varjita Devi was self-evident by

these observations:


- She was the only One who sat on the Supreme Throne while the rest

always sat on the soft clouds.

- She was the only One who always gave orders to start and end

meditation and all others matters.

- She was the only One who wore a crown when SYs performed yagnas on


- She was the only One who always had the Light above Her, its

extremely brilliant rays extending into infinity. This Light

was never seen elsewhere in the Spirit World.

- She was the only One to whom all mantras were solely attributed and

all the Gods and heavenly beings recited them in Her honor, just as

SYs are doing so on Earth.

- She was the only One on whom all liberated souls in the Kingdom of

God were seen meditating. There was a special occasion when hundreds

of thousands were present, all sitting respectfully behind the Divine

semi-circle before the Adi Shakti on Her Throne.


i realized that all Sahaja Yogis on Earth were meditating on Her in

their Sahasraras. But on whom was Shri Panca-Brahmasana-sthita

meditating? Since She was also meditating -- just like the Sahaja

Yogis on Earth and the Gods, prophets and messengers before Her -- i

become suspicious that She may be meditating on a higher power.


At that time i was far from God-Realization and my mind busy trying

to fill the wide gaps and discrepancies between the dogmas of

religious institutions and the flawless Kingdom of God. Likewise, my

conditioned mind could not accept doubtlessly the concept of a

Feminine Power. God had to be a superior masculine force. Therefore,

the Great Adi Shakti had to be meditating on a masculine God. In

order to reach the Highest Power i wanted to know on whom She was



On June 27, 1994 Kash was told to verify the Truth from the Great Adi

Shakti. He meditated and reached Her in his Sahasrara, and posed this

priceless question to the Divine Mother: " Shri Mataji, on whom do

You meditate? "


Shri Dhyana-Dhyatr-Dhyeya-Rupa Devi answered: " I meditate on all

those who meditate on Me. "


And the Guru Granth Sahib declares and upholds this Truth on p. 518

verse 2:


" The followers of the Vedas, the Bible and the Koran, standing at

Your Door, meditate on You.

Uncounted are those who fall at Your Door.

Brahma meditates on You, as does Indra on his throne.

Shiva and Vishnu, and their incarnations chant the Lord's Praise with

their mouths,

As do the Pirs, the spiritual teachers, the prophets and the

Shaykhs, the silent sages and the seers. "




Jai Shri Mataji,







Panca-Brahmasana-sthita (58th): She is seated above the Panca

Brahmas, who are Brahma, Visnu, Rudra, Isana and Sadasiva. This shows

Her Ultimate status as Reality, being the Highest `Sadevasaumyedam

agra asit.' It also alludes to Her position in our body. The

Brahma Granthi is above the two Chakras — Muladhara and

Svadhisthana. The Vishnu-Granthi is above Manipura and Anahata. The

Rudra-Granthi is above the Visuddha and Ajna. From Ajna to the centre

of the skull is the Isvarasthana. Above that is the Dvadasanta the

abode of Sadashiva. Above that is seated Sri-Lalita as Chitkala. She

is thus seated above all the five Brahmas.


Samanadhika-Varjita (198th): None to equal or excel Her. She remains



Dhyana-Dhyatr-Dhyeya-Rupa (254th): Of the form of meditation,

meditator and meditated, i.e., Triputi.



Sri Lalita Sahasranama, C. Suryanarayana Murthy,

Associated Advertisers and Printers, 1989.

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