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Mataji's declaration confirms the final stage of prophetic tradition

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shriadishakti , " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:


> What i am trying to say is that SYs are so conditioned by the

> official subtle system policy that they become immune to common

> sense, even failing to realize what made them believe in Shri

> Mataji in the first place. Many of us have become devotees of Shri

> Mataji because She is the Adi Shakti, the promised Messiah to usher

> the Gold Age of the Last Judgment and Resurrection. This is the

> paramount, and perhaps for people like me, the only reason to learn

> about Sahaja Yoga. (i give two hoots to the subtle system because i

> want to know about God Almighty, Adi Shakti, Last Judgment,

> Qiyamah, spirit, eternal life, Bible, Koran, Vedas etc. There are

> 1001 gurus who can teach me about chakras and subtle system. Only

> the Adi Shakti can teach me about enlightenment leading to moksa!)


> Yet when it comes to new people SYs expect them to stay. And when

> they leave we find all kinds of excuses and scapegoats. This is

> just pathetic. Can't we recall why we joined years ago? When will

> all this decades-old subtle system leading to waste of time,

> energy, money and seekers end? When will our leaders realize that

> there is no danger in communicating Shri Mataji's advent, that

> seekers must be enlighten about the purpose, meaning of life and

> the chance of salvation through the promised Last Judgment and

> Qiyamah. For how long will they resist telling humankind the truth

> of Shri Mataji's sole purpose on Earth? (The 30 world leaders

> handed the task of spreading Sahaja Yoga are gathering for the

> first time this Guru Puja before Shri Mataji. We will wait to see

> the outcome.)


> Just a small thought before i end. All of you must have heard this

> proverb: You can lead a camel to the water but you cannot make it

> drink. i have actually solved the problem: Just wait patiently for

> the camel to become thirsty. So just wait patiently until

> this chakra charade advertising " Reduce stress through Sahaja Yoga "

> becomes untenable. The camel WILL eventually drink the water ......

> ...... or die of thirst.



SYs are induced not to talk about Shri Mataji, the Last Judgment and

Al-Qiyamah to newcomers. Those SYs who brainstorm for the rest of us

and insist their policy is right should come down from their ivory

towers and walk on earth. Maybe they will come across Christians,

Jews, Muslims and Hindus who are having similar eschatological

expectations, and waiting for that collective deliverance ........

............... that the Adi Shakti fulfilled over the last three

decades. Perhaps this MahdiUnite post will convince them that Shri

Mataji's declaration confirms the final stage of prophetic tradition:


" So accordingly, additional emphasis must be placed on more recent

advancements in spiritual understanding and refinements of the path

that was undoubtedly treaded by the prophets who came before

Muhammad. Such is the case with the Din of Islam itself. It

transcended and included the paths that came before it, just as the

followers of Jesus transcended and included the ancient Hebrew faith -

not abrogating the Torah. Similarly, there are countless references

in the Qur'an to the message of the Torah and canonical Gospels. All

of the prophets referenced therein were regarded as Muslims (Sura



Islam is the final " Shariah " - or law of an exoteric religious path -

to emerge before the actualization of the Messianic Era spoken of in

Judaism, Christianity and Islam alike; the " Satya-yuga " to be

initiated by the " Kalki Avatar " of the Vedic texts (the exact

parallel of " Imam Al-Mahdi " in the Islamic tradition, and the return

of " Eliyahu " in Judaism). Each of such religious paths (that are

authentic and valid), are a refinement and perfection of that which

led to their own emergence. In Truth, these are not multiple paths,

only one continuous Straight Path. When one thing in the Universe is

refined or evolves in such a way, they always do so " Transcending "

AND " including " what led to their emergence. Thus, molecules

transcend AND include atoms, quarks transcend and include molecules,

cells transcend and include quarks and on it goes.


Thus, as human religious understandings and conceptualizations of the

Divine Messianic Truth unfold and further actuate themselves, they do

so in a similar manner; transcending and including what directly led

to their emergence. Islam is the final stage in the Prophetic

tradition. It is the perfection of the Din and the completion of

God's favor upon humanity. "





The camel WILL eventually drink the water,



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