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Islam, Dark Ages and the Paradox of Religion by Anil Chawla

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Author - Anil Chawla


After 11th September there has been a renewed interest in Islam. On

the one extreme are groups who tend to equate Islam with barbarism

quoting extensively from scriptures and life of Prophet and on the

other extreme are people who regard terrorists as persons who are

maligning the name of a great religion that stands for peace and

development. Both sides have their arguments, historical facts and

quotations from scriptures. It is not unlikely that both the sides

are correct inspite of holding contradictory views. The reasons for

this difference in opinion are not difficult to understand.


Every religion which has been around for more than a thousand years

becomes like a big river which has a good amount of water, all types

of fishes, some crocodiles and various other creatures. One can go to

the river and have water to quench one's thirst. This will make one

love and possibly worship the river. But one's emotions will not be

the same if while drinking water, one is caught by a crocodile. Every

religion of the world has its share of crocodiles.


Let us go down the history lane. Lord Jesus Christ died on the cross

and talked of love. Lord Jesus never set up a church, did not acquire

property, ruled no kingdom, did not write a Bible, refused to incite

his followers to violence against his crucification, did not even

curse his tormentors. Yet, the very people who claimed to have faith

in Jesus Christ did everything that He did not do. The issue today

when we talk of religions is whether the life, sayings and principle

of Lord Jesus Christ are Christianity or on the other hand does

Christianity include all that has been said or done in the name of

Jesus for centuries.


Asia and Africa have seen Christianity used as a cover for

imperialist march of the white man. Asia and Africa were won over by

a gun in one hand and a book in the other. Both were instruments used

for fulfilling the greed of some. It has never occurred to the

missionaries that the Lord talked of love and never used either of

the instruments. Is Christianity ready to apologize to the conquered

people of Asia, Africa and America? Not to be left behind will be the

people of Europe who may ask uncomfortable questions about their pre-

Christianity religions.


It is a history that Christianity does not want to be reminded of.

But when it quotes VS Naipaul and says that Islam has destroyed the

original culture of every land where it went, let Christians remember

their own history of inquisitions. Concise Oxford Dictionary

defines " the Inquisition " as " an ecclesiastical tribune established

c.1232 for the suppression of heresy, notorious for its use of

torture " . The spread of Christianity across the world has been

possible because of the extensive use of torture on all non-

believers. At a time the systematic killing and torture by Christians

of women accused of pagan practices and witchcraft had reached such

proportions that more than two third of the women of some regions of

Europe had been raped and killed in the most brutal manner possible.


This painful history of Christianity is often brushed under the

carpet by terming it as a product of the dark ages. However, the

Roman Catholic Church has never condemned or apologized for these

practices. Conversion by all means fair or foul, by deceit or force

continues to be the practice followed by various Church groups across

the world. Wherever, the process of conversion or in other words

destruction of the native or pagan religion and culture is not

complete (as in Europe and America), Church is seen as an instrument

of power used by some against some others. It is no surprise that the

religion of love is hated by large populations across the world.


The paradox of Christianity is that it began as a religion of

selfless love and was transformed into an instrument of power. This

paradox affects almost every organized religion of the world in some

way or the other. Islam has this paradox from the days of the Prophet

who was a worldly man. Unlike Jesus Christ, Prophet did not die on

the cross. He fought wars, led armies, entered into treaties and

acted as a ruler. Prophet was as much a person who yielded power as

he was a preacher. Koran, as revealed to the Prophet, is a reflection

of both the aspects of Prophet's personality. On the one hand, Koran

is a religious book that deals with Allah and the sacred issues. On

the other hand Koran tends to lay down laws for believers and

punishments for all those who disobey the laws. This has provided the

essential basis of use of Islam as an instrument of power. It should

come as no surprise that immediately after the passing away of the

Prophet, there was a struggle for control of the Islamic world. The

persons who fought to become the Caliph had no spiritual aspirations;

their aims were worldly. Islam for them was just a tool for getting

personal power. To this day that is the way Islam has been used by

rulers of Islamic nations and by Islamic leaders.


Using religion for power is not confined to just Islam and

Christianity, though it has affected them most severely. Hinduism and

its co-religions like Buddhism and Jainism have also had their own

share of this affliction. It is not unlikely that Buddhism vanished

from India due to the power that the monasteries had started yielding

much to the discomfort of kings. Jains are a very small religious

community but that has not prevented them from developing a knack of

getting into a cozy relationship with ruling powers to enjoy the

benefits of power.


Hinduism is one of the most non-organized religions of the world.

Yet, it created a structure of 'varna' which is identical to the

vocations of protestant Christianity. This structure degenerated over

a few thousand years into a caste system. Untouchability and caste

system were unknown in ancient India. There can be no greater proof

of this than the fact that the both the greatest epics of Hinduism

(Ramayana and Mahabharata) are not written by brahmins but are

written by men who were born from either a 'shudra' mother or father.

It may also be pointed out that Hanuman, the God with an ape like

body, who is most widely worshipped across India is also a 'shudra'.

Inspite of such traditions, the functional division of varna was

converted into caste based on one's birth. The class of powerful

people who misused well intentioned social systems for satisfying

their own desire for power were just acting on the normal human

weakness to acquire power by any means, fair or foul.


The same story has been repeated with some modifications in every

major religion across the world. Religion ought to be the link

between the sacred and the worldly. The act of linking the two

extremes creates the basic paradox. Ideally the sacred should

influence the worldly, but in practice the opposite happens a bit too

often. Worldly considerations force a distortion in man's view of the

sacred to an extent that the original conception of sacred gets lost.

This phenomenon is more pronounced in organized religions where the

vested interests of the clergy take predominance over everything

else. The clergy are like bureaucrats whose primary interest is not

anything spiritual or Godly or even sacred. Their primary interest

lies in self sustenance, in rituals that strengthen their powers, in

systems that work to their advantage. Their self-interest becomes the

interest of the religion.


The other problem faced by a clergy or bureaucracy is that it cannot

act creatively in terms of looking at the basic assumptions or

questioning the paradigm that is propounded by the founder. A clergy

acts on the assumption that the fundamental issues have been solved

by the founder and their job is just to implement. Any member of the

clergy who tends to take an innovative view or adopts a creative

approach is perceived to be a danger to the system and is thrown out

almost immediately and unceremoniously. Over a period the killing of

descent and innovation leads to the clergy becoming intellectually

bankrupt. This combines with the insecurity that each member of the

clergy has. Any individual who joins the clergy very soon becomes

useless for everything else. This forces him to toe the line of the

organization at the cost of his own intellect and conscience under

all circumstances for his own survival.


In such a situation, the primary purpose of religion gets lost and

secondary purposes imposed by the clergy become all important. This

is the foundation of the paradox that afflicts all organized

religions. It can almost be made into a law " The level of paradox

between the ideals and practice in any religious community is

directly proportional to the importance of the clergy in the

community " . In other words, " The extent of use of any particular

religion as cover for power play is directly proportional to the

degree of churchification of the religion " . The above law is a

universal law that seems to hold true across the world.


Understanding of Islam and Muslims will be much better if the above

law is understood well. Christians grew out of the clutches of its

clergy about two centuries ago. The growth of knowledge in Europe and

America over the past two centuries has been possible due to the

liberty from the tentacles of clergy. The problem with Muslims is

that as a community they have yet to grow out of the clergy. It is

not that there are no progressive Muslims. It is just that such

progressives are a small minority who are currently walking a lonely

path. The western world faced with the fanatic fundamentalist side of

Islam forgets its own history of dark ages. It does not understand

that the true problem of Islam is not individuals like Osama bin

Laden. The real problem of the Muslim world is the absence or

weakness of authors like Voltaire.



Author - Anil Chawla


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