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Attn. Jagbir, One more debate on muslim site. Pls attend.

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Dear Jagbir


f-r-i-e-n-d-z/ This is a site with many muslims. All sys Pls join immediately.


Here a debate started amongst themselves about Hinduism and many silly questions like how many gods do we have and etc.


I posted the following reply with a subtle way of introducing Sahaj and I have recd 1 reply which is after the message. I need you to reply in a suitable way after joining the group.

It seems a herculian task.


My Message:


mahesh khatri <maheshkhatri wrote:




Why do Hindus have so many deities?

Hinduism is generally associated with a multiplicity of Gods, and it does not advocate the worship of one particular deity. The Gods and Goddesses of Hinduism amount to thousands, all representing the many aspects of only one supreme Absolute called “Brahman”. However, people who don’t know this, misinterprets the fact that Hinduism has a multitude of Gods! What one should understand is that although there are many manifestations of Brahman in the forms of deities each deity is really an aspect of the Brahman or, ultimately Brahman itself.

Ignorance Is Bliss! What we don’t know is that all religions integrated is spiritualism. Hinduism is no better than islam or Christanity is no better than Sikhism. All are our own. We need to embrace all but who has the time or the inclination? We all are conditioned and brought up to believe one deity or a set of deities or a single religion. What is in name? People call me by different names but I am only one. Same is with God. There is only one God , call him by any name.

So Mohammed paigamber, Guru Nanak, Lao tse, Moses, etc all are incarnation of one Guru who came on this earth to guide to the kingdom of God . Because Muslims would not believe what I say because I am a hindu, if I change my appearance to that of a muslim and also aquire a knowledge of Koran Sharif and talk the same thing, they may relate to me and listen to me. I hope you understand why Gurus came in different forms. The only one Guru came in different forms in different times and said the same thing in a different way so that people who have divided themselves on the basis of caste, creed, religion, dharma come on a common platform and say only the truth.

This is a herculian task, but it has been prophesised that the day will come when people will get amass realization and know the truth and the self. The day has already come and a messiah in the form of the mother has revealed the truth by declaring that she is the one. Visit www.sahajayoga.org

Here you get to know that all the seats of knowledge are put within us waiting to be tapped. It is just that we have diamonds in our cupboards and we don’t know and we are begging for small change.

We all are victims of circumstances, insecured in the modern world full of dangers lurking around us in the form of Viruses, bacteria, riots, bombs, natural calamities and what not. Doctors , commandos, Govt. No one can give us the security which could give us a peace of mind and a good nights sleep. Escapism to drugs, Sex, Alchohol, Power cannot help us. It will only Aggravate the problem.

Running away from the problem is not the solution . It has to be dealt head on. Activating the Power within, which is our birthright and our own is the only way. Doing Sahajayoga meditation which integrates all religion and is above all religions and which is now being done in over 110 countries is the only solution. Sahajayoga has answers to unsolved questions in medicine, religions, countries and our society. It is a light which is much needed to remove the darkness in our lives. Moreover it is free just like sunlight and oxygen in the air.

We need to look after ourselves. See where you can know more about it from the center nearest to you


To know how Islam is related to Sahaj http://adishakti.org/declaration/sahaja_yoga_last_judgment_ & _qiyamah.htm

Jesus Loves You, Ganesha Doesn't! ?

"Wouldn't you rather have just one God who loves you a bunch than a bunch of gods that don't love you at all?"


Back to basic… let’s delve deeper into the issue of multiplicity of Gods in Hinduism.

What is Brahma? In Hinduism, the impersonal Absolute is called “Brahma”. According to this pantheistic belief, everything in existence, living or non-living comes from it. Therefore, Hindus regard all things as sacred. We cannot equate Brahma with God, because God is male and is describable, and this takes away from the concept of the Absolute. Brahma is formless or “nirakara”, and beyond anything that we can conceive of. However, it can manifest itself in myriad forms, including Gods and Goddesses, the “sakara” form of the Brahma.

According to Prof. Chandrashekhar Ambadas Kherodkar of the Board of Radiation & Isotope Technology: “The relationship between the many manifest deities and the unmanifest Brahma is rather like that between the sun and its rays. We cannot experience the sun itself but we can experience its rays and the qualities, which those rays have. And, although the sun’s rays are many, ultimately, there is only one source, one sun. So the Gods and Goddesses of Hinduism amount to thousands, all representing the many aspects of Brahma” Know how all religions are integrated ( http://adishakti.org/ )

What do you have to say of acts by fundamentalist propagandists? …! Join the discussion at the enlightened group.


The reply I got



Hi Mahesh and all,


It was nice reading your ideas about religion and God or gods. just want to clear something regarding ISLAM and Muslims.


1st of all I know the concepts of God in Hinduism and I know that It is often believed that Hindus worship many gods, but in fact, many Hindus would claim to believe in one eternal god (Brahman) which is indefinable, whilst revering other deities.They recognise the other gods as different aspects of the Brahman (BBC religion section).



I would like to mention that Islam, Christianity, Judaism are all heavenly (Semitic)(Abrahamic) religion derived from 1 true source. On the contrary Hinduism, Sikhism and other are man made religions. I am not making fun of your religions but that is the FACT. There are basically 2 kinds of religions Semetic and Non Semitic. According to Bible Prophet Noh (alhay salam) had a son Shem and his descendents are knows as Semites. The Semitic religions originated among the Jews, Arabs, Assyrians etc. All these religions are prophetic religions that believe in Divine Guidance sent through prophets by 1 GOD. (Dr. Zakir Naik read more in his book Concept of GOD in different religions).


We Muslims believe that the religions or Shria given to Musa/ Moses (pbuh ) was true and he taught the same lesson which Prophet Jesue/ Issa told or Prophet Muhammad (SAW) preached. The core of that message was to worship God and only God who has NO FORMS, NO PARTNERS. Judaism and Chrisitianity have been changed. There were several changes in their books Bible and Torah. Today u wont find any common authentic Bible in the whole world. But Islam will remain forever till the day of judgement and Quran wont be changed as ALLAH has taken care of it. Quran is still in its same true form in Arabic as was revealed to our Prophet SAW.


Islam is not just the religion which Muhammad SAW started some 1400 years ago. It was the religion of Adam, Noh, Abraham, Issaq, Jacob, Yousuf, Moses, Jesus (peace be upon them).


We believe (together with jews and christians) that all these prophets were Humans. Exceptions are that Christians believe that Jesus was the son of GOD (NA AAZO BILLAH) and Jews and Christians dont believe in the Prophethood of Muhammad SAW.




So Mohammed paigamber, Guru Nanak, Lao tse, Moses, etc all are incarnation of one Guru who came on this earth to guide to the kingdom of God


is a WRONG statement. First of all we Muslims dont belive in the prophet hood of Guru Nanak or Lao tse. Quran has given account of 28 prophets (plz any muslim bros corrrect me if i m wrong) and the famous prophets are all those mentioned in Quran and Bible like Adam, Noh, Abraham, Jacob, Issac, Josef, Moses, Jesus and Prophet Muhammad (Seal of Prophets). Prophet Muhammad, is the last prophet and no prophet can come after him including Guru Nanak. (this is Muslims belief no hard feelings for any hindu or sikh here).


Secondly since u also mention Moses and Muhammad SAW so I want to clear this that they were prophets and Humans NOT THE INCARNATION OF ONE GURU. And all the prophets were sent to guide people and to show them the right path which is to believe in ONE and ONLY GOD.


Because Muslims would not believe what I say because I am a hindu, if I change my appearance to that of a muslim and also aquire a knowledge of Koran Sharif and talk the same thing, they may relate to me and listen to me. I hope you understand why Gurus came in different forms.


NO even if some Muslim would have said this then still it is not correct as per the teaching of Quran. it doesnt matter that u as Hindu is saying this. my reply or the belief of any Muslim on this earth is that GOD (ALLAH) is ONE and ONLY and we worship HIM. The only one Guru came in different forms in different times



Prophets came as individual Humans sent by 1 and only GOD.



This is a herculian task, but it has been prophesised that the day will come when people will get amass realization and know the truth and the self. The day has already come and a messiah in the form of the mother has revealed the truth by declaring that she is the one. Visit www.sahajayoga.org

The task of a universal religion has long been accomplished by ONE and ONLY GOD through Prophet Muhammad who was sent for the entire humanity. As ALLAH has declared : "This day have I perfected your religion for you, completed My favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion" (QURAN, AL-Maeda Chapter 3).

So mahesh thanks for your suggestion about sahajayoga or whatever we MUSLIMS dont need anything except Quran for our solutions. and if you also need the real solution to your problems then just read the translation of Quran in ur language.

No one can give us the security which could give us a peace of mind and a good nights sleep. Sahajayoga has answers to unsolved questions in medicine, religions, countries and our society. It is a light which is much needed to remove the darkness in our lives


Security and peace of mind can only be achieved by moulding your life like Prophet Muhammad SAW and practising what he said and the teachings of Holy Quran. The eternal peace lies in Islam. All the answers to unsolved Qs have already been answered by Quran 1400 yrs ago. It is the only and TRUE light.


What is Brahma? In Hinduism, the impersonal Absolute is called “Brahma”. According to this pantheistic belief, everything in existence, living or non-living comes from it. Therefore, Hindus regard all things as sacred. We cannot equate Brahma with God, because God is male and is describable, and this takes away from the concept of the Absolute. Brahma is formless or “nirakara”, and beyond anything that we can conceive of. However, it can manifest itself in myriad forms, including Gods and Goddesses, the “sakara” form of the Brahma.

GOD (ALLAH) is neither male nor female. He has no sons no parents. Say: He is Allah, the One and Only; {1} Allah, the Eternal, Absolute; {2} He begetteth not, nor is He begotten; {3} And there is none like unto Him. {4} (Quran , Surah Ikhlas).

As you have invited and suggested all the group members to surf this website www.sahajayoga.org so being a Muslim I also invite all the members Muslims or Non Muslims to check these websites about the teachings of Islam.

http://www.islamtomorrow.com/default.asp (a site managed by a convert Yusuf Estes who was a chiristian priest just read his story; this site also gives u basic principles of Islam)

http://www.harunyahya.com (an amazing work by a turkish scholar harun yahya. here u can read the scientific refute of Atheism and Darwinism and other important topics).

http://www.irf.net/irf/drzakirnaik/ (a site maintained by Dr. Zakir Naik, an Indian Muslim scholar. some books r downloadable. plz read one of his book The concept of GOD in different religions.)

again no hard feelings for anyone. as mahesh has written his beliefs and what he thinks the above were my beliefs and hopefully every Muslim bro/sis here will agree with me.

take care

M. Noman SattarInternational University in Germany Campus 15.13.29D-76646 Bruchsal, GermanyPh #: 0049-7251-700593




Regards,Mahesh Khatri



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