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Vibrations and difference between using them in heaven and on earth.

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shriadishakti , " anujg_iitd " <anujg_iitd>


> Jai ShriMataji Jagbirji


> Shri Mataji has enabled us to see the world beyond fanaticism and

> so called rationality . And the enabler for that was Param

> Chaitanya. With the help of the holy ghost, we are able to

> distinguish between what is good and what is bad and listen to and

> trust our hearts instead of mind which is limited. The moment I

> start interpreting things with my intellect and forget vibrations,

> I know that I might be mistaken (and always am!!)





Dear Anujji,


Despite my previous post questioning vibrations i have to admit that

there are SYs like you who are able to interpret them correctly. So i

am not trying to question your faith as past experiences have also

led me to believe vibrations do tell the truth .......... literally,

in the hands of the right people, so to speak. All i am trying to say

is that leaders like YM and certain SYs must not be allowed to use

the sword of vibrations to justify their inquisytion tendencies and

slay those they THINK are demonic and possessed.


As for me vibrations are a constant reminder that i feel the biblical

Wind of those born of the Spirit during the Last Judgment; that the

koranic Winds of the Resurrection are flowing amongst those taking

part in the Night of Power and Faith; that i correct myself when the

catches warn me; that the Devi within now guides me on towards final

liberation. In short vibrations are a 24/7 reminder that i am

experiencing that promised Blossom Time and that i check myself

before committing errors.


The most accurate vibrations are spontaneous i.e. without any time

for mental reaction. They are most valuable for enlightenment.


But are there vibrations, and is there is difference between those

using them, on Earth and the Spirit World. Those new to this forum

should judge for themselves on subjects that have been previously






There are three incidents that i remember. The first was a few months

after Self-realization when i went to a shopping mall with a friend

who had to meet someone there. While waiting for their meeting to

finish i decided to look around. While strolling around i suddenly

felt strong vibrations flowing from my hands. This was odd as i was

neither meditating, nor in the midst of a spiritual surrounding.


i looked all around but could find anything that could be responsible

for this sudden increase in vibrations; the entire place was filled

with humans engaged in material pursuits. i decided to find the

origin of these vibrations.


As i passed a Chinese shop selling all sorts of oriental household

decorations — from massive wall fans to elaborately decorated

vases to delicate wind chimes — the vibrations suddenly

increased. i stopped and stood in front of the entrance, looking

around for the source of this Paramchaitanya. i opened wide my palms

and checked for the source. Vibrations were coming from a figure of a

squatting, smiling fat man with a huge protruding stomach.


i was puzzled. Why were vibrations coming out of this funny-looking

statue? There were doubts in my mind about the accuracy of my

vibrations for they made no sense. i repeatedly checked them but the

vibrations from this figure were constant and strong, indicating that

there was divine essence in that statue.


Wondering whose image it was i summoned the Chinese lady who operated

the store and asked who that figure represented. She replied,

" This is the Laughing Buddha. " The vibrations were right.


The second incident took place when my family went over to Toronto in

1995. The Gulati family had invited us over to their home in

Hamilton, along with two other SYs Rina Rajan and Francois Gibeau.


Hardly had we entered the house when Rita Gulati, the mother of Steve

and Seema, suddenly had severe pains in her chest. She just collapsed

and could hardly breathe, as if having a heart attack.


The ambulance was summoned while Rina Rajan and Francois began to use

their vibrations to revive her, working on her chakras.


Then both made a strange simultaneous statement, " It is the right

heart. " Myself, who was standing right behind, felt a bit funny.

How could they say that it was the right heart area when the physical

heart is on the left? But the fact that both these Sahaja Yogis had

the same reading simultaneously puzzled me. (i was new to Sahaja Yoga

at that time.)


The ambulance arrived and Rita, still gasping for air, was given

oxygen and rushed to hospital.


Pratap Gulati, her spouse, then asked that every one should meditate

and seek Shri Mataji's help. Kash also joined in and asked Her in his

Sahasrara what had happened. She replied that there was nothing to

worry as she (Rita Gulati) would recover.


About an hour later the hospital confirmed that everything was okay

but they had detected some traces of pneumonia in her right lung! The

vibrations of Rina Rajan and Francois Gibeau were right.


The third notable incident took place on October 12, 1997. My family

were invited for the first time to visit Maggie, a Christian

Malaysian living in Montreal, for dinner. Maggie had on a few

occasions come over with Kash's auntie, Noor Azizah, a Muslim

Malaysian already meditating with Shri Mataji .


After conversing in the living room the women adjourned to the

kitchen and i decided to look at a large cluster of photographs

decorating the corridor wall. Many were small and well-worn, some

black and white. There was a lot of family history out there.

Suddenly i began to feel very strong vibrations flowing forth from my

fingertips, indicating something divine. This experience was similar

to the Laughing Buddha incident three years earlier. i then began

checking the photographs carefully, trying to find the sudden source

of this Spiritual Energy. There had to be someone in one of the

photos who was a highly realized soul.


As i scanned the wall with all ten fingers, they led me to the

adjacent wall. But there were no photographs. Then, as i lifted my

head higher, the statue of Lord Jesus Christ and Mother Mary loomed

above. They were the Divine Beings that were emitting Spiritual

Energy! The vibrations were right.





A year later, on May 25, 1995, Kash was told to send greetings to

Shri Buddha on occasion of His 2538th birthday. i had a few days

earlier read in the newspapers that the Buddhist community in

Montreal would be celebrating this most auspicious day. Since Kash

was meditating daily with Him, it was out of reverence and respect

that the Awakened One be greeted on this blessed day.


i have immense esteem for this Great Soul for the depth of

Consciousness He inspired humankind to achieve. A simple gesture to

show gratitude and adoration would be to send a simple birthday



Kash agreed and went within himself into the Sahasrara. The Kundalini

rose from his Mooladhara Chakra and rushed through the Sushumna Nadi,

bursting through the Celestial Clouds of the Great Lotus Forest. He

hovered above the semi-circle of the Primordial Beings already

assembled, and then slowly floated down towards his spiritual body

that was meditating beside the Great Adi Shakti. The Everlasting

Light shone ever so brightly from above the Golden Throne of the

Great MahaDevi as She sat in Bliss and Joy.


Kash's corporeal body merged into his spiritual Self, fitting into it

perfectly from head to toe. Kash, now in the ethereal form of the

spirit, got up to greet Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, the Mother of all



After bowing to Her and all the rest, he asked for permission to see

Shri Amitabha. Shri Mataji smiled and gave Her approval.


Kash looked around the gaps in the semi-circle. Some of the Divine

Beings for reasons unknown always remained invisible from the very

beginning itself of Kash's journeys. Shri Sita and Rama, Shri

Brahmadeva, Prophet Muhammad, and Guru Nanak were always invisible.

But for some motive Shri Amitabha was completely invisible today. The

Great Gods were checking Kash out!


Kash then opened his palms and began reading the vibrations of the

Invisible Ones one after another. Every human being on Earth and the

Immortal Beings in Heaven emit different vibrations. (We SYs must be

always conscious of Shri Mataji's assurance that " we are

saints and that God has given us a special awareness all the

time. " i.e. vibratory awareness.)


The gaps in the semi-circle of Divine Beings were checked one after

another. Kash's outstretched hands began decoding the distinctive

vibrations that was radiating from these Immortals. His fingertips

acted like a spiritual scanner, extracting readings from the All-

Pervading Paramchaitanya, and instantly converting it into infallible



At a certain gap Kash felt the distinguishing vibrations of Shri

Amitabha and walked to that particular vacant space in the

semicircle. Shri Hanuman and Shri Ganesha were sitting on either

side. He bowed down to the invisible Shri Buddha sitting in between

and extended the birthday greetings. The Enlightened One bowed back

and Kash could feel the Spiritual Energy moving down slowly once and

then up against his body. He knew that the Awakened One had just

bowed down and returned his greetings, even though there was empty

space before him!


Kash then walked back, sat down, and started singing a birthday song

known all over Mother Earth. It went like this:


" Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you,

Happy birthday Lord Buddha, Happy birthday to you. "


All the Immortal Beings extended their hands outwards to feel the

vibrations flowing profusely from Shri Buddha. Every one was feeling

the great Joy of Shri Buddha, and each other, without even a single

word being spoken! The whole atmosphere was filled with tremendous

Bliss and Happiness. This was the first time the Divine Unity was

seen using their vibratory awareness for such a purpose.


When the song ended the Divine Beings all started singing another

birthday song for Shri Amitabha, but this time in Sanskrit.


After it was over all of them bowed down to Shri Buddha, and He bowed

back in return. Shri Maha Rajni then told Kash that Shri Buddha was

having a very big smile, for He was very happy that everyone sang on

this special occasion.



It is obvious that we SYs are just scratching the surface of

vibrations, mere toddlers stumbling and falling all over. Vibrations

used by the innocent for good and enlightenment are a great boon. In

the hands of tyrants and their henchmen they can cause great harm and

lasting delusion.


Jai Shri Mataji,



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