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The Universal Question: Why Are We Here On Earth?

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shriadishakti , ashishcool tandon

<ashishcooltandon> wrote:


> Dear Jagbir,

> >

> > I presented your book to Shri Mataji when I was in

> > India. She spent almost half an hour to go through the book.

> > Overall, She was very pleased with the book and especially with

> > your effort in compiling the information. She Mataji felt that it

> > needs some editing. She asked me to convey to you " Tell Jagbir

> > now to leave it to Her " .

> >

> > !jai Shri Mataji!

> >



> Dear Brother jagbir,




> On going through your mail and the host of impressive

> topics covered, there were a few that cought my

> immediate attention.


> I would very much appreciate if you could elaborate on

> them a bit.


> The Universal Question: Why Are We Here On Earth?



After a few years of my materialistic pursuits and delicious

indulgences in Canada the initial euphoria wore off — there was

no gold at the end of the rainbow. i had achieved his deepest desire

and burning lifelong ambition to take my family from Malaysia to a

safe haven on Earth where we could live in peace, harmony, equality

and, of course, wealth.


But the joy of life in Canada, one of the most blessed nation on

Earth, came in ever-diminishing returns. Then it began to dawn that

genuine happiness was missing in one of the wealthiest country on

Earth. Life began to lose its essence. There was an incomprehensible

feeling of emptiness, of nothingness, of uselessness. The realization

came that life, even if cherished and lived to its maximum fullest,

was futile if it all ended with the parting of loved ones. Existence

was useless if it ended and faded into nothingness. It just made no



In early 1993 myself knew that i had reached the end of life's

journey, and began a journey of self-introspection to search for the

meaning of life. " Why was myself on Earth? What was i born for?

Why is there death? Is it the end of all existence? Why are humans in

a constant state of struggle for power and possessions? Why is the

vast majority under constant subjugation? Why are billions striving

and suffering? Why so much hate, violence and unhappiness in the

lands of plenty? Why so many tears, anguish and sufferings in the

lands of less? Why all these ceaseless confusions, delusions and

illusions? Why all these religions of division, differences and hate?

Why all these different allahs, gods and prabhus? What is the Truth?

Who knows this Truth? Where is this Truth? How to reach this Truth?


Unknown to me, this was the first stirring of the human soul, trying

to break free from the bondage of the body. i was questioning, and

answering for, my own Self: " No! This is not Reality. "


This spiritual song imploring God Almighty to remove the veil of

ignorance was sung again, and again, and yet again:


O Ek suki yaha lakoh mein.                        

O Only one in a hundred thousand is in bliss.


Ansoo hai croroh ankhoh mein.    

There are tears in millions and millions of eyes.


Hum neh gin gin har takdir dekhi. 

I have counted and seen every fate for years,


Ek hasta hai dush rote hai                          

Only one soul laughs while ten are in tears.


Kuch bhol Prabhu yeh kya Maya

O! Speak Almighty GOD what is this Illusion,


Tera khel samaj meh nah aya                      

Your Divine Play is all confusion and delusion.



For weeks the Divine was asked, amid a profusion of tears, to reveal

the Truth. Repeatedly He was implored to answer the meaning of life,

creation, and this useless, empty human existence. Above all, He was

begged for the Truth that would destroy the falsehood that the

religious regimes had deluded him and the rest of humanity. What was

desired was the Absolute Truth of the All Mighty Creator, not the

conflicting gods of various organized religions. Any god that could

not explain and account for the other Messengers was not God. Any

yahweh that only cared for his kind was not Yahweh. Any allah that

had only one messenger was not Allah. Any prabhu that was found only

in a single scripture was not Prabhu. Any buddha that had no

Knowledge of His kingdom was not Buddha.


The Supreme Creator had to be the Lord of all Messengers that came on

Earth. His Truth had to be found in all Scriptures that humans

possessed. His Reality had to be Absolute, Irrefutable, and All

Compassing. Then, and only then, will He be acknowledged as God the



On the night of September 28, 1993, i was sitting all alone,

completely drunk, and somehow listening to the relaxing music of

Kitaro. My children were fast asleep and wife still at work. Nothing

stirred. i was peace with myself and Earth.


Suddenly, out of nowhere, a thunderous voice bellowed, " JOIN SHRI



Now after a decade of joining Shri Mataji i know for sure why i am on

Earth! And i have also found that Brahman is the Lord of all

Messengers that came on Earth. His Truth is found in all Scriptures

that humans possess. His Reality is Absolute, Irrefutable and All

Compassing. The most important and priceless of all knowledge, in my

opinion, is the Shakti's removal of Maya to reveal that Brahman is

within myself. She has taught me this Highest Tuth that has set me

free from decades of delusion and ignorance.


There is now no knowledge to seek anymore in any temple, mosque or

church since in my own Sahasrara is where Brahman lives, and is

meditated on daily.


Only the Silence can enlighten me now. All SYs will realize and

confirm this absolute truth one day.


Jai Shri Mataji,







" He to whom the enjoyment of worldly happiness appears tasteless,

he who takes no delight in anything of the world — money, name,

creature comforts, sense pleasure — becomes sincerely

grief-stricken for the vision of the Mother. And to him alone the

Mother comes running, leaving all Her other duties. "


Sri Ramakrishna, The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, Ramakrishna-

Vivekananda Center, 1958, p. 367.



" This world is afflicted by many accumulated layers of sin and

delusion, and most people are not in touch with their original, true

selves. God cannot easily be felt or experienced; the truth cannot

easily be understood or practiced. Without God and the guidance of

truth, the mind is rudderless, drifting aimlessly in a sea of vain

desires and false conceptions. In such a condition, even the best

efforts at spiritual growth may fail. Yet time and again God reveals

himself to those who seek him in faith. "


World Scripture, International Religious Foundation, Paragon House

Publishing, 1995, p. 535



Those, upon whom He casts His Glance of Grace come to meet the Guru.

Shedding the residues of their sinful mistakes . . .

This world is asleep in emotional attachment to Maya.

Forgetting Naam, the Name of the Lord, it ultimately comes to ruin.

The One who put it to sleep shall also awaken it.

Through the Guru's Teachings, understanding dawns.

One who drinks in this Nectar shall have his delusions dispelled.

By Guru's Grace, the state of liberation is attained.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib (Maajh, Third Mehl, p. 111-12.



" Our great whirling planet, our human individuality, were not

given to us merely that we might exist for a time and then vanish

into nothingness, but that we might question what is it all about. To

live without understanding the purpose of life is foolish, a waste of

time. The mystery of life surrounds us; we were given intelligence in

order to solve it. "


Paramahansa Yogananda, Undreamed-of Possibilities, Self-realization

Fellowship, 1982, p. 16.



" We are living undeniably in a period of the greatest

restlessness, nervous tension, confusion and disorientation of

outlook. Among my patients from many countries, all of them educated

persons, there is a considerable number who come to see me, not

because they were suffering from a neurosis, but because they could

find no meaning in life or were torturing themselves with questions

which neither present-day philosophy nor religion could answer . . .


Those of whom I am thinking are by no means sickly eccentrics, but

are most often exceptionally able, courageous and upright persons who

have repudiated our traditional truths for honest and decent reasons,

and not from wickedness of heart. Every one of them has the feeling

that our religious truths have somehow or other grown empty. . . .


We are now reaping the fruit of nineteenth-century education.

Throughout that period the Church preached to young people the merit

of blind faith, while the universities inculcated an intellectual

rationalism. With the result that today we plead in vain whether for

faith or reason. Tired of this warfare of opinions, the modern man

wishes to find out for himself how things are. And although this

desire opens bar and bolt to the most dangerous possibilities, we

cannot help seeing it as an courageous enterprise and giving it some

measure of sympathy. It is no reckless adventure, but an effort

inspired by deep spiritual distress to bring meaning once more into

life on the basis of fresh and unprejudiced experience. "


C.G. Jung, Modern Man in Search of a Soul, A Harvest/HBJ Book, 1933,

p. 231-39.



" Release (moksa) can become the main preoccupation of thought

only when what binds human beings to their secular normal existence

affords absolutely no hope — represents only duties, burdens, and

obligations, proposing no promising tasks or aims that stimulate and

justify mature ambition on the plane of Earth. "


Heinrich Zimmer, Philosophies of India, Princeton University Press,

1974, p. 82.



" Soul, in religion and philosophy, the immaterial aspect or

essence of a human being, that which confers individuality and

humanity, often considered to be synonymous with the mind or the

self. In theology, the soul is further defined as that part of the

individual which partakes of divinity and often is considered to

survive the death of the body.


Many cultures have recognized some incorporeal principle of human

life or existence corresponding to the soul, and many have attributed

souls to all living things. There is evidence even among prehistoric

peoples of a belief in an aspect distinct from the body and residing

in it. Despite widespread and longstanding belief in the existence of

a soul, however, different religions and philosophers have developed

a variety of theories as to its nature, its relationship to the body,

and its origin and mortality. "


Britannica Online (1994-1998 Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.)

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