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Dear Alex


You have taken all in a wrong way. I absolutely agree with all your points.

I meant to say that we need to be deserving sys to get the blessings of cure etc.

If someone takes sahaj as a free doctor and then leaves without a thankyou any sahajyogi will feel offended.

Also in the memoirs of Baba Mama he has written that initial stages of Sahaja Shri mataji cured lots of patients and there would be a line outside her house for receiving the miracle cure,, not the blessings of realisation.

Tell me is curing sick patients our purpose of being in sahaj?


As for that balooney remedy of yours, where on earthdid you come with salt water soaking 10 times aday????!!! Do you know what that the salt water doesand how it works??? Even mataji has said dont overdoit and here you are concocting your own remedies!


As for 10 times a day footsoaking - this was the treatment given by the doctors at the health center to one of my friend's friend who came to sahaj for treatment of incurable retina disease. He was cured ultimately. But presently he is not in sahaj.


My ethics are very clear. I myself feel that one should have gratitude for the slightest favour he or she receives. Why, we even say thankyou to a stranger who just shows the way. Then why should we not despise those who dessert sahaj after taking the advantage of the love they get from Shri Mataji.


But because we dont know who will turn the backs on us we ....... I dont get the words, but I hope you understand my feelings


May we will have wise people who will understand mothers love and have gratitude in their hearts.


Jai Shri Mataji

alex arthur <dude11976 wrote:

Mahesh Ji,.JSMThere was philosophy prevalent once upon a time to begood to all people irrespective of color caste andcreed. The spiritualists further extended this tothose that did us harm as well. Apparently, you'vepoured a bucket of ice water on such lines of thinkingand action. As for your 'missing the plane' funda, take it fromme, with an attitude like that it wont take off therunway. The world is full of different kinds ofpeople, if they dont take to a particular line ofthinking, prayer or religion you have no right toreprimand them, even if it is with mere words. Inormally would have no objection to what you do withyour mind and words, but if you are going to enterthis group and spread your message in a toneinsinuating that all SY's agree with you....!!I have spent the better part of 6 months in

almostabsolute isolation and i do think that in thoseendless hours on front of the computer screen on thesahaj vidya site, i never came across Matahi gripingand groaning that 'oh im so tired' that fellow tookhealing, oh that fellow put his feet in salt water andnow there i lesser salt water for SY's to use. Oh thisoh that!As for that balooney remedy of yours, where on earthdid you come with salt water soaking 10 times aday????!!! Do you know what that the salt water doesand how it works??? Even mataji has said dont overdoit and here you are concocting your own remedies!If you notice that content of this group is distinctlydifferent from that of any cult. Jagbir posts messagesfrom a lot of different spirtual texts and gurus. Hisconcept of the Devi is very clear and al other peopleon this site are very happy with what he does. If theyarent happy about it then they arent here anymore. I'mtruly surprised

that your agnya does not catch whenyou log on here, or for that the zillion ther chakrasthat could potentially go haywire!Bottomline, take a chill pill. This world is transient- 'maya' if you please. If you say that someone isattached and that it is wrong, then the opposite isalso true. If you despise anyone, even if it SY's whoturned away, you are still attached!! Hatred, love,like, dislike, wants and aversions are all equal tothe 'rejected' stamp on your visa, when it comes totaking the flight to never-never land.Thoughtlessly yours,Alex--- mahesh khatri wrote:> > Usha Nair wrote:> > jsm> > dear yogis & yoginis,> > I am a juvenile diabetic with some of the diabetic> complications.Can someone tell me how to control the> complications.Specially the problem with the> nerves.I have no

sensation on my feet touching upto> the vishudi area and slightly beyond.Also my> eyesight has been effected badly.I have been in> sahaj for 3yrs.> > Jai Shree Mataji> > > > Reply..> > > > Jai Shri Mataji> > > > All the problems can be cured in Sahajayoga. But> that is possible only when the curing is not our> goal and reason for our being in sahaj. Curing is a> by product of Sahaj.I will continue this topic after> explaining the treatment.> > > > Treatment.> > > > 1. Footsoaking 10 times a day.> > 2. Ice pack on liver and back agnya.> > 3. Ganesh Atharvashish 4 times a day> > 4. Devi Stutam once a day.> > 5. Shoe beating every day.> > 6. Most important Early morning meditation between> 4 to 5 am

everyday.> > > > This should solve the problem completely within> around a week or so.> > We have a case study of a rare disease in a retina.> One in a million disease with no cure throughout the> world. this problem was solved with footsoaking 8> to 10 times a day for a week. The result - The> person is not in Sahaj.> > He came for cure. He went after cure. Goodbye to> Sahajayoga. It is a good and a free doctor.> > > > > > > > It has been noted that many persons suffering from> incurable diseases have been cured in Sahaj but now> that they are cured, they dont have time or the> inclination for sahaj. Such people are also cured> due to the desires of some sahajayogis who are> related to such patients and are still in the> attachment mode. > > Also Because if that could be the

case then instead> of conducting programmes for Sahaj in offices,> schools, societies, etc we might as well start with> hospitals curing all cancer patients, and others. > What would be the sceanerio? The name of sahaj> will be tarnished because not all of them will be> cured.> > Only those who accept Shri Mataji as Adishakti and> have her lotus feet in their heart will be cured and> also those who have with them foolish sahajayogis> with attachment mode will be cured. Sorry for the> pun but Such sahajayogis are wasting their time on> selfish persons who have no interest in sahaja> whatsoever and are just using us for their cure.> > After the cure they will say I dont believe Shri> Mataji cured me. It was the doctors that did so. Or> it was my own immune system that did the trick.> > I know many cases of such have me nots and it really>

is disturbing to see the effort of so many> sahajayogis going down the drain. Forget about not> coming to sahaj these ungrateful lot do not even> appreciate and acknowledge the power and the source.> > Lord forgive them for they do not know that they> have missed the plane.> > > > Those who are not cured will come after us with a> firing squad and blame us for false promises. It> will be very difficult to explain them that because> you don’t have Shri Mataji’s lotus feet in your> heart you will not be cured. Also you don’t have any> foolish sy behind you to back you. Maybe his> vibrations could do the trick> > > > > > If we desire to be one with Shri Mataji and have her> always in our heart and surrender ourselves, all the> problems physical, mental, emotional and financial> will be solved. Any doubts?>

> If yes you are not a sy.> > > > > > Regards,> > Mahesh Khatri>http://www.geocities.com/maheshkhatri/Maheshkhatri.html> www.shalstudios.com > > > > > > > > > > Mail - You care about security. So do we.

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